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Terrae Fabula Terrae Fabula original

Terrae Fabula

Author: Emilarrow_Viper1

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Aksel

THWACK! THWACK! In a dark alleyway hidden between a bar and a restaurant, a boy is trying his hardest to fend off a masked man to no avail. The punches and kicks keep on connecting against the boys toned body, bruising and breaking, slicing and splitting. The boy has no chance for reprieve as he is stuck to the floor by the brutal barrage of shearing knuckles.

…(Switch in POV)…

'It's time.. I will avenge you now..' I think as my fists connect with Adder's body.. This filthy bastard has been a stain in my life for so long..But no more. Gone is the day where I let this man get away with his crimes, the things he has done to me and surely others as well.

I needed to be precocious and cover up my face, in case someone stumbles upon what is happening. That is why I am using my old Halloween mask, a grey white skull covered with a hood, containing 2 holes around the eyes to see. The Reaper..

My plan started last Thursday, when I overheard Adder talking with his girlfriend about going to the bar on Sunday.. I scoped out every place that can make for the best ambush. A location nearby where the sounds of party and laughter overtook the natural ambience, lessening the chance that someone hears what would be Adder's screams of pain. After I had the perfect place in mind, I had to figure out how to lure him without having his constant congregation of surprisingly stalwart lackeys following him. So I came up with a thought..

(30 minutes before)

'This is my first time at a bar, the noise of drunk men and women are encompassing my ears preventing me from hearing anything.. I must keep my eyes peeled for Adder and his girlfriend' I mentally ruminate on while fiddling with my sugar filled bags within my jacket.

"There he is." I speak out loud to myself, not being heard by anyone but himself.

I careen through the mob of drunks, and position myself to Adder's side.

'Come on, this is my chance.. I must take it now..' I resolve. I then proceeded to bump into Adder and flashed the white bag from my jacket before continuing on my way out of the bar.

'That should have been it, he should be following me any second now..' and as I expected I saw him on my tail. I turn into the dark alleyway shadowed between the two lively spectacles of a thriving restaurant and bar.

"Give me the bag now and I will think about paying you.. and take your mask off when I'm speaking to you. Crazy fool, it isn't Halloween." Yup. There he is, the Adder I know. Always entitled and strong, surrounded by his cohorts of buff men.

"I have something newer, something that is just on the market. Tell your lackeys to leave or else I can't give this to you. I will be killed and you would be killed as well by my boss..." I lie to him with the words that I had cogitate knowing what his reaction would be already beforehand.

"Excuse me? My name is Adder Balcom. From THE Balcom family. Lackeys leave us. I need teach this fool a lesson. Now tell me, who is your boss? Do you think he holds more power than I?" Adder has always been demanding and prideful. It looks like my plan will come to fruition..!

His lackeys listened to him just as I expected. Now it is just me and him.. now time for the final play..!

"I am sorry for not recognizing your greatness" I speak with "respect" as I bow down and hit my head against the floor to show how 'sincere' I am.."Please sir take it, just don't hurt me I beg.."

"Hahaha, you understand your place and position now don't you? You dared to mess with me, Add-" Addler was speaking until he got suckered punched in his stomach by me..

"What is the meanin-" And this time he got kicked at his legs bringing him down!

"Stop talking fool." I reprimand him with more and more punches.

(Present moment)...

My fist's keep on connecting with his body, cutting him up everywhere, causing a smile to bloom onto my face. Hidden behind my mask is a evil expression of tears and laughter contrasting the pain that Adder has caused him with the joy of getting revenge!

'Wait what is he pulling out? No! I can't let him' I scream in my mind and rush to stop his arms.

"Oh.. I was too slow... my shoulder..I have been stabbed." I realize and speak while Adder gloriously takes off my mask.

"Let me see who this can be- Aksel?! Really? HAHA this poor fool thought he could kill me?" Adder speaks towards me while he starts kicking my body

The signature sirens of the ambulance started playing within 15 seconds. Though I'm not sure how they caught wind of what was happening.. I can't hold on any longe-.."

(One day after)

"Yes ma'am your son will be fine but the other boy might not be, they might press charges"


"It was clearly in self defense..the other boy has multiple broken bones.. He would have died"

He deserved it but no one can do anything about it. The things that he did to me. The things that were covered up with his family's money. He was one of the kids that harassed me. My family didn't know that I was getting harassed by students. I don't even understand why I am. It started in middle school. I was stupid and I talked to a girl. Her name was Jaiden, she was tall and smart, her radiant blue eyes shone lighting up her beautiful round face. I thought she was the nicest girl in the school. I didn't know that Adder was her boyfriend. DAMN IT I DIDN'T KNOW.. so why.. did they have to kill Scout. I came home from school and he was right there.. He was in the living room. They didn't even bother to hide that they shot him. My golden retriever.. Always full of joy.. Bleeding out with a bullet casing next to his body. I can still hear his whines as If I was still in the moment sitting next to him.

It's okay Scout.. It's okay. I love you, Aksel said with reluctant tears. He did not want his dog's final moments to be with him crying. "Scout… Scout, I will see you again. I will see you eventually. Please wait for me Scout. Please don't forget me. I will never forget the 13 years we had together." Scout, as if telling Aksel it will be okay, that he would wait forever until the day that they are together again, started to lick Aksel's tear soaked face. "Aw Scout.. Scout, why are you looking at me like this. No please.. Please..I love you..SCOUT. WHY! WHYYY!"And with one last lick, the dog died on Aksel's lap. Blood stained all over Aksel's black pants.

I wonder when I can leave this hospital..I hate being cooped up in here. They told me the court case will be held off until I'm able to leave. Until then I'm stuck with all the hate from the nurses and doctors. They all hate me for what I did to that boy. Just the other day my nurse came in with food and "tripped". She gave me the dirty food from the floor. It should be one week before I'm out though, I just got to hold out..


"Hey bud. Your time here is over. Get out." My doctor spoke to me harshly. Whatever though. I just want to go home.

"Hey son I know it might seem like everyone hates you, but we understand still, we love you. Your sister is going to come back from her job tomorrow. Me and mom are busy but this whole next week you can be with your sister." My sister has been my best friend since I can remember. I haven't seen her in two years since she is so busy working overseas. I am not sure how to feel about her coming back. I'm not the same anymore, I don't think I deserve to have fun with her.


"Hey Aksel!" My sister said the moment she got out the car.

"Hi Livia. how was business?"

"It was good but this isn't the time to speak of business! How are you? Are you okay now?" She asked me worriedly.

"Livia.. I don't want to speak about it, can we just pretend nothing happened?"

"Okay Aksel.."


"Haaaaaaa Aksel that was so fun" Olivia said to me with a starry smile.

"Yeah it was" I said. it really was, I completely forgot about my situation.. Court is in 3 days. I most definitely am going to be locked up for assault. How could I be so stupid? Why did I not think that he could have had a weapon.. I probably won't be able to get a job if I can even survive prison.

"Goodbye Olivia, see you tomorrow" I spoke.. what is that moving towards us?

"Bye Akse-"

"MOVE OLIVIA" I scream at the top of my lungs. What is a truck doing at a park? Why is it going SO FAST? I HAVE to get her out of the way.

I'm running the fastest I ever have, my legs feel like they are sandbags just following my commands. I think I can save her. She is shocked just standing there.. move. MOVE.

How did it come to this.. I think as I push her out of the way. I am surely going to get hit. Killed. Damn this driver. He has a filthy smile on his face. I should have known that Adder wasn't going to wait to see me in court. I'm sorry you have to see this Olivia. "I love you, I'm sorry..-" BANG.

It feels so cold, I can feel that my shoulders, my ribs, my arms.. they are all broken. Good thing the truck driver isn't going after my sister..He just drove off. If I survive this. I swear. I will never let this go. I will find you Adder.

Emilarrow_Viper1 Emilarrow_Viper1

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I am absolutely a noob when it comes to writing, as this is my first time. If anyone has tips and help regarding the format and style of dialougues and the such, they would be appreciated.

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