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Chapter 10: Chapter 10: The Attack (1)

More rounds of combat training continue with wins and loses traded between the both of us. Although I hate to admit it, John is a far better combatant than me; winning most of the battle. Having 7 under his belt while I only attain three. That isn't the worst part, what's worst is that most of my victory comes from luck.

Every time we finish two rounds, the location would be switch. Since at the end of two rounds the surrounding trees would either get blasted or have a huge hole on it. This factor gives John a massive advantage, because at some point there's tons of trees littered on the ground restricting my movement.

Additionally, without trees, there's no way for me to block his tracking attacks. Victory wouldn't be possible.

John also agreed with me on this, deciding that we would be relocating every two rounds.

Of course, the problem with changing location is that it's random. There's some spot with lots of cover, while some are the opposite. The one with large number of covers makes the challenge lessen for me, while one with few numbers of covers increases the challenge.

We know that this would be a massive problem we would be facing. At a certain point the training isn't about developing skill, but relying on luck. However, we still stick to it because of solid reason.

People grow faster when put into a disadvantageous situation. When the odds are against you. A person can decide to accept their fate and face defeat. Or adapt to it; overcome it. Build a strategy that would beat your challenge.

Not all tactics would work, that's the sad reality of the situation. Yet you must ask yourself the question. How do you know it'll end up in failure when you didn't even try? That's the main reason in picking location advantageous to one party. The training isn't about winning, it's about experimenting, learning, to reduce one flaws.

Our belief was true, because during the time I've fought against John in a terrain that was to my disadvantage. I am forced to create a plan. Although it doesn't work most of the time. It still allows me to briefly conquer my biggest flaw.

One of the strategies was simple distraction. Instead of trying to reduce his accuracy or redirect his shots. A simpler option is to just distract him.

My distraction is through two ways. The first distraction is rock and sticks being thrown randomly. Sound quite impractical at first. However, the main purpose of this action isn't to distract. The main point is to overflow information.

John is an analytical person; he would overthink the purpose of the rocks and sticks. Doesn't matter if the evidence show that the sticks and rocks do nothing, he would fixate one this factor. cautious that they would come in play, even though they wouldn't.

Adding to the doubt, I will also be feinting sprints. So that he would hesitant to shoot unless he's fully confident I would go that way. Else his shots would result in a miss.

Executing the plan, I weave between the trees, while throwing rocks and branches in both of my direction randomly, before stopping in my track completely.

Due to the Wulfrum Prosthesis projectile, there's a circular hole fully blast on the tree that I use to block. Many would think it's a bad idea to stand there when there's exposure like that. Nevertheless, this work in my favor. The hole gives John two options either attack me right now through that hole, or utilize it to read my movements.

If he chooses the first option, I can easily counter it by tilting my body a bit before he fires making the projectile miss. Since each time he attacks, he's required to say a set command. Anyone with ears could easily tell that's he firing at you.

As for the second option. That's the thing I am looking to him doing. Since when he can see my movement, he will also be seeing my feint, making susceptible to my feint because He would have an earlier anticipation for my action.

Of course, both strategy is only theory. The only way to find out if they would work is test them out.

John have chosen the first option shooting directly at the hole. As soon as I heard (Aim) I tiled my body, and low and behold the attack curve into attacking the tree remaining foundation bringing it down; blocking his view.

Using that window of opportunity, I sprinted toward another tree; taking cover. Once more stopping in my track, this time testing the feints.

When I know his focus is on me. I sprint rightward exposing my whole body, only changing direction when I heard (Aim). To which I responded by switching direction and going leftward. By the time he realizes, he already said (Fire). Never anticipating that I would just switch direction.

The strategy work greatly the first three time until it lost it effectiveness. Since at some point John adapted to it and read me like a book. Here I thought I could win through pure strategy, but it seems all that planning is just a learning experience.

Though I doubt I am learning as fast as John. Since he always has a strategy to counter my own really quickly.

One of his counters that's still amazed me is his tactic against my feint strategy. His counter idea was simple, but hard to executed. Instead of fixating on my movement. John analyzes the tree path, and predicted my next move. Making all distraction obsolete.

Honestly this ability of his alone is what makes it near impossible for me to win against him. Since no matter the plan. As long as he's able to predict my movements there's no escape.

Anyway, enough of recalling, time to start the last round. This time no one have the advantage.

I breath calmly observing the tree path intensely. Thinking of the best route I could take and the directional change I would make to confuse John.

My plan is simple; to move without hesitation, move in between the tree so smoothly that there's no time to think. Additionally, there will several route, each with different aim. Making my movement as unpredictable as possible.

With all the preparation done. I start sprinting according to route A. The purpose of this route is to close the distance as fast as possible. In this route it consists purely of trees close to each other. At this distance and with so much obstacle, the chance of getting hit is near zero.

Like a phantom, my silhouette appears and disappear as I alternate from trees to trees.

When I got to the 20 meters mark, I switched to route B. Consisting entirely of large gaps. The purpose of this route is to encourage John to shoot at me, as much as possible. There's a high chance of getting struck, but it will work in my favor. Since its true intention is to mess up with John timing.

The first three trees were easily gaped utilizing my feints strategy. Despite the success so far, I understand that eventually he's going to adapt. I can only hope that I didn't get struck before arriving at route C.

Hope doesn't exist. As I move closer and closer, there's many occasions where I could have gotten hit. Just this fact alone, make understand that, eventually I will be struck.

True to my belief, after the seventh tree. A laser landed directly at my chest; sending me flying.

I expected the usually hit and fall. Needless to say, expectation is different from reality.

It seems I wasn't the only creating new strategy. During my time in the air, I've noticed that many the tree leading up to my location had holes in them. It didn't take a genius that the boy was sneakily creating a plot.

My reward for discovering his devious plan was getting shot once more in the air. Sending me flying even further to the sky. His action gives me that feeling of déjà vu.

Just like a ragdoll I fly across the forest, finally landing onto the ground far away from the training location.

"That fall was no joke. It bloody hurts." I grumble.

I was about to get up and get back to John until I heard a rustling. Immediately I throw the Wooden Boomerang toward the direction. While simultaneously taking cover at the nearest tree.

A moment hasn't even gone by when I heard a gunshot screeching from the exact place, I throw my Wooden Boomerang.

"It seems the killer have arrived." I whispered, waiting for my Wooden Boomerang to come back.

Once the Wooden Boomerang return back, another gun shot goes off. This time the target of the bullet is directed at my tree.

Sweat begins to profusely dripped down my head, knowing full well that the moment I move away from the tree, getting shot would be guarantee.

Even though I'm confident in my ability to tank a bullet. Actually, taking one is a different story, all the movies and tv shows have cemented a deepen fear of guns into my head. The confliction is driving me insane. On one hand my brain isn't scared because I know I'll survive; on the other hand, my brain is afraid, afraid of getting shot.

My mind was in chaos; I tried desperately to calm myself. Yet nothing seems to work.

In the final moment my mind became blank. An inner crazy inside of me awakens. My mind screams crazily, "ATTACK!!! FIGHT!!!"

Just when I was about to do something crazy, something snapped me back to reality. The sound of footsteps rings in my ear, like a fly hovering near me. Instantly I realize that the man is approaching the tree.

Why would he give up his range advantage? The safe method is to just continue blasting the tree until it's obliterated.

Unless… His ammo, is limited. After all, this isn't a game; you can't reload infinitely. The killer probably only brought one clip; two at most.

An alternative possibility is that the killer is an assassin. His goal might be to kill me off with a swift slash to the neck. However, that doesn't make sense since he can clearly see I am fully equipped with armor.

The only possible sane reason for him get so close is to shoot me point blank range.

That's when something click. "I understand now," I muttered.

His action is a trap. He's closing the distance to prevent my escape route. Far away, his accuracy is decrease massively due to the trees. However, in a close range, there's no escaping for me. Moving closer would give him a perfect shot, one that will end my life immediately if I were a normal person.

Additionally, I think the man believe that my silver armor would have the same hardness as silver. Since in reality silver is quite weak, a bullet can easily penetrate silver armor. However, because this silver armor has the same stat as tungsten armor. Terraria silver is as strong as tungsten.

Tungsten is a strong mental, one great enough to resist a bullet. Normally though it's brittle, but through game logic the armor can't be destroyed. It can break, but as I discover from my training with John is that my armor can regenerate itself to perfect shape after getting destroyed.

Enough of that, because as I predicted the man footstep stop at a certain distance from my tree. I guess that's where he's most confident in taking the shot.

I don't know how far, he is, but I will guess that he's around five meters away from me. That's close enough for me to gaped and finish him with one surprise attack.

"Let's hope my guess is right." I prayed, before taking action.

I throw my Wooden Boomerang at the direction I believe he would be at. The killer reacted swiftly evading the Wooden Boomerang and shooting at my direction. Luckily, I was still under the protection of the tree. Else those bullets would definitely hit me.

I counted, waiting for the Wooden Boomerang to hit him, "1, 2, 3!"

A grunted can be heard, the returning Wooden Boomerang have done it job. Now it's time to do the surprise attack. I lunged at the man with maximum speed, appearing in front of him instantly.

By the time he was about to pull the trigger, my right fist was already in front of his face. The man grunted upon taking my armored fist to his face.

However, his hand never left the trigger. Bang! A bullet landed directly at my abdomen, knocking the air our of my system, while administering a stinging pain to my body. A groan escapes my mouth as I felt pain similar to the Wulfrum Prosthesis, but concentrated.

During my time whimpering, the killer follows up his shot with another one. This time aiming directly at my heart.

In that instance my instinct goes into ultimate survival mode. Forcing my body to move faster than it could ever be.

Bang! The bullet strikes my right pec, pushing my body rightward. Utilizing this split opportunity, the man jumps backward, raising his gun straight at my head while midair.

"He's planning to end me with a headshot." I thought

Danger scream for my body to move. However, my body isn't in the state to dodge. To save my life, I throw the Wooden Boomerang in my hand straight at the gun.

The instant the Wooden Boomerang left my hand, the killer also shoots his gun. In a split second they made collision. Bomb! The bullet pierce through my Wooden Boomerang, shattering it right side. Even after the collision it continues with great momentum in a different destination, it seems the Wooden Boomerang destruction wasn't in vain.

Immediately after blocking the bullet, I charge at the man this time making sure to disable him. My left hand snapped at his hand like a snake, holding it down. While I use my other hand to punch him in the face.

The killer didn't block, instead he counters with his own. Sadly, for him my arm is longer making my fist hit him while he was around one inch short of hitting me.

When I was about to punch once more. The killer kneed my crown jewels, normally this would cause any man to suffer immense pain. Luckily, I have a suit of armor protecting me so his attack wasn't really effective.

The combination of his failed attacks and my fist already ready to strike. His face was once more struck, this time blood start running down his nose.

Victory was ahead I though after landing two clean punches to the face. How wrong I was?

The two successful attack causes the killer to attack differently, more deadly. He was easily able to escape from my grasp, by abandoning his gun and twisting his body in a weird manner.

After that he pull out a knife, and begins stabbing. His assault was fast and ruthless all aiming for my vitals.

I tried to defend but his arm speed is beyond my reaction speed.

Without no way to counter, I just started swinging wildly, praying that I would be able win through luck. My naïve thought was easily nullifying as he was still striking with attacks after attacks.

Every second I would experience a stinging pain, like a thousand ant biting on me. Frustration begins to build up inside me. I couldn't handle this irritating pain any longer. I want it to stop.

My mind and body following my desire summoning upon the Enchanted Sword. Magically it materialized in my hand.

Upon seeing a blade materialize out of nowhere the killer was obvious shock, but not for long. Still, that was enough for me to do a quick swinging motion.

A bright cyan sword beam with great sharpness flies in speed beyond the human eye. Slicing the killer in half without him even realizing that he's been cut.

Upon witness the heinous crime I just committed, I dropped down to my knee; muttering "What have I done?"

God_Of_Justice God_Of_Justice

From this chapter forward I will only publish bulk because I am writing my chapters too slowly and the story is moving at snail pace. If I upload one by one the story wouldn't hit right. So don't expected weekly post. Expect monthly post. I will also not be having extra chapters. If you want to support me go to my patreon. I don't care about making a profit anymore. Just want to write a story I have in my head.

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