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Author: Daoistqas

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: sdl

Mo Yanyu suddenly stopped.

While panting, the four warriors from the Mo family appeared from the woods. They stood next to Mo Yanyu, with grave expressions on their faces.

On the ground, lied Master Karu's decapitated corpse that was not completely dried up yet. However, the corpse had already been deprived of all its Profound Qi and lay there shriveled as a mummy, as if all of its moisture was taken out.

Looking at the scene, all four warriors stood by Mo Yanyu's side with terror in their eyes. One of them came up to Mo Yanyu after some hesitation, and said "Miss Mo..."

Mo Yanyu was trembling. After a while, she finally replied with a frown, "Stop the chase."

"But Miss... " The warrior wanted to add something.

"Master Karu had already achieved the Second Sky of the Nascent Realm, the same level as me. Moreover, he had far more fighting experience than I do." Mo Yanyu shook her head in exhaustion, "It doesn't matter how he killed Master Karu, nevertheless this means that he is capable of killing any of us right now. If we keep chasing him, it's possible that none of us will be able to make it back to the Merchant Union alive."

"So we just let him go like this? Miss Mo, we have gone through a whole lot of trouble in order to get Master Karu to work for us!" That warrior murmured.

"So Li Tian, do you have any better idea other than giving up?"

That warrior suddenly went silent.

Mo Yanyu kneeled down beside the cold corpse of Master Karu and searched through his body. She clenched her teeth and cursed in a low voice, "Shit! That bastard took everything from Master Karu, all the medicine, and medical books. This time all our efforts were for nothing."

All the other four warriors went silent.

"Go back to Johnson! From now on, no one is allowed to split up!" Mo Yanyu took a deep breath. Then, she stood up and turned back to the way they came. From that moment on, she really hated Shi Yan's guts.


On the other side, Shi Yan was still running for his life in the Dark Forest.

The bloodthirst was still running wild inside his body. Like a beast, it was devouring his consciousness bit by bit. The negative energies of madness, brutality, and bloodthirst were invading his mind uncontrollably. Gradually, his sight blacked out and his body felt on the verge of losing control.

Even worse, he was extremely weak and tired. He couldn't gather any strength in his arms or legs. If he fought with anyone at this moment, he would be dead for sure.

Shi Yan wasn't sure how long he could hold on. He never expected his body to react in such a strange way, so he had made no contingency plans.


The wild bloodthirst inside his mind finally exploded. Shi Yan was panting heavily as he totally lost his sight. There was only one voice in his head, whispering, repeating the same word, "Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Shi Yan knew that before long, he will have lost all his sanity, and become a mindless bloodthirsty beast. He would be filled with the intent to kill.


From a distance, a beautiful music suddenly flew into Shi Yan's ears. The music was like water drops falling onto a jade plate, like the wind shuttling through a silk curtain. It was as soft as a bird flapping its wings, as light as a gentle stream flowing through a quiet forest. The music was so beautiful, so peaceful as if it flew down from Heaven.

The beautiful music was like a soft hand soothing his heart. It had taken away all his bloody and crazy desire. Slowly, it also helped Shi Yan regain his sanity that was on the brink of breakdown.

Thanks to that soft and soothing music, Shi Yan gradually regained his sanity as he was just about to turn to madness. He slowly walked in the direction of that music with an intoxicated expression. He felt like his whole body was soaking in the carefree world made by the beautiful music, and all the bloodlust inside his body had totally disappeared into nothing...

In a small valley full of unique flowers and special plants, Shi Yan saw a beautiful figure playing zither. She was just sitting cross-legged in the middle of the flowers. Unaware of Shi Yan's presence, she slightly lowered her head and was completely immersed in the music.

Shi Yan moved closer and closer and stopped around 100 meters away behind her back. He stood there and stared at the beautiful figure in front of him. He slowly closed his eyes, and tried to immerse himself in the beautiful sound of the zither.

After a while, the sound of the zither gradually slowed down, and finally stopped.

Shi Yan was suddenly knocked out of his daze. He found that his anger and bloodlust were completely gone as if they had never existed!

However, his body still felt heavy. The intense pain in his chest was especially intense. It seemed that he was still suffering severely from that blow by Master Karu. Shi Yan concentrated his attention and could feel the non-stop swirling of Profound Qi within his meridians. His body was still processing the Profound Qi that he had absorbed from Master Karu.

The beautiful figure in the distance slowly turned around with an ancient zither in her arms. She furrowed her brows slightly and looked straight at Shi Yan.

Shi Yan's body trembled. His eyes unblinkingly staring at her. "Beautiful!" He unconsciously blurted out.

The beautiful girl was around 18 or 19 years old, dressed in a white overskirt. Her eyes were sparkling, her teeth were gleaming, her skin was soft and smooth, and her figure was delicate and slim. Her serenity and cuteness were perfectly combined, making her beauty on the level of Mo Yanyu.

The lovely girl gave Shi Yan a single glance, then promptly turned away. With the zither in her arms, she and walked slowly in silence towards the little creek hundreds of meters away.

Shi Yan couldn't help admiring the beautiful women in this world. Overall, he had only met two, but they were both so breathtakingly stunning, with outstanding beauty.

"Miss! Thanks a lot for your beautiful music. Can I... " Seeing the girl was walking away from him, Shi Yan couldn't help but shout out.

"Boy, enough is enough."

Suddenly, a strong, large, figure jumped down from the giant ancient tree in front of Shi Yan. It was a middle-aged man with a hairy yellowish face. He was wearing a grey-brown warrior outfit. He looked very tall and strong with a huge sword on his shoulder. But he didn't look very serious, just standing in front of Shi Yan, he looked at him with a weird smile on his face.

No doubt, Shi Yan was caught off guard. He instantly became alerted. Just by looking at him, he could clearly sense a terrifying energy emanating from this yellow-faced man in front of him.

It didn't take him long to understand that this yellow-faced man was definitely a warrior way above his level. The yellow-faced man was just looking at him, without intentionally releasing any energy to pressure him at all, but Shi Yan already felt like he was as untouchable as a steady mountain.

Shi Yan took a step back, showing that he didn't come with any malicious thoughts. Then he faked a smile and said, "The music that the beautiful miss played was so enchanting. I just can't get enough. I only wanted to hear more of her music, that's all."

To Shi Yan, this girl had the most magical music skills. Her beautiful music could apparently help him control the bloody desire within his mind. Shi Yan was not sure when this craving for blood inside of him would come back again. Therefore, he was desperate to find something to help him control this ugly desire inside his body.

"I can tell that you are just a lustful guy, nothing else. Otherwise, I wouldn't have let you live until now." The yellow-faced man laughed, and said in a relaxed mood, "But, this is not the place for you to be lustful. I suggest you get the hell away from us. Otherwise, you will be in a lot of trouble."

"Okay, as you wish." Shi Yan lifted both hands to show cooperation. He didn't stay any longer. However, he took a glance at that beautiful figure in distance before turning around and leaving.


"Uncle Luo, I sensed a strong evil spirit in that man. Back then, his whole body was filled with a killing desire and he almost went berserk. However, after his bloodlust faded away, he dared to take such a... lustful stare at me. I guess he shouldn't be someone from the Dark World." Mu Yu Die said with mild discomfort when she recalled Shi Yan's piercing look at her.

That man... it seemed as if that guy never hides his desire from within.

Although there were other men who had the same intention towards her, they would at least do it in secret or cover up their desires when they laid eyes on her. They wouldn't expose their dirty thoughts to the world. However, that guy... he didn't even try to cover up his lust for her in his eyes. What she saw in his eyes was a simple and straight-forward possessive desire.

"He can't be from the Dark World. The assassins sent by the Dark World should at least be of the Nascent Realm, but that guy is still an Elementary Realm Warrior." Luo Hao laughed and said, "But interesting, though, that guy is not even a Nascent Realm Warrior yet, but dares to dream about our beautiful lady who has already achieved the Third Sky of Human Realm. This guy has some balls. Haha!"

"Ah, I am still not sure when I can recover. Currently, I am powerless." Mu Yu Die slightly sighed with her heart filled with sorrow, "Uncle Luo, if the assassins did come and you couldn't defeat them, please just leave me behind. I... can rely on me."

"What is this nonsense?!" Hearing this, Luo Hao apparently was not very happy. He spoke in a firm voice, "We are not far away from the Merchant Union right now. If we can survive the next few weeks, we can definitely get out of this Dark Forest. Once we reach the Merchant Union, the Dark World can't do anything to hurt us."

"Gu! Gu!"

With a strange whistle from the distance. Before long, two men and a woman who dressed like mercenaries came out of the forest with grim expressions on their faces. The leader came up to Luo Hao and said, "Sorry Uncle Luo, we couldn't keep up with the trackers from the 'Dark World'."

Luo Hao nodded, and said with a frown, "We must set out right now and choose a new location to rest. Otherwise, the assassins from the Dark World will soon find and surround us."

The five of them did not stay for long. They quickly packed their stuff and left in a hurry.


Right after Shi Yan left the girl, the bloodthirst slowly rose up in his mind again.

This unstoppable desire for blood may have something to do with the Profound Qi that Shi Yan got from Master Karu. Because Master Karu had the power of a Nascent Realm Warrior, his Profound Qi was mixed with too much negative energy. While his meridians were processing Master Karu's Profound Qi, these annoying negative emotions would spill over from time to time and ignite his crazy desire for blood from inside his body.

But back then, that girl's music helped him in controlling those wild desires, so he didn't lose his sanity and fall into an abyss of craziness and chaos. However, his meridians were still working on purifying Master Karu's Profound Qi. Until this process was completed, there was a pretty good chance that Shi Yan would fall into that bloody, crazy state again.

Before his body finished the purification of Master Karu's Profound Qi, that beautiful girl could definitely be his only cure to stay sane!

Feeling that another bloody urge was slowly creeping up on him, Shi Yan's heart sank. After some hesitation, he started walking towards that girl's direction again.

Only the girl's beautiful music could help him to calm down. And only by following her steps, could Shi Yan get the chance to hear that Heaven-like sound again.

The 'shock' inscription was only a single one of the 3600 kinds of foundation lines.

Lin Ming naturally knew the 'shock' foundation line. In fact, he knew that the foundations lines were not limited to 3600, but there were actually 6000 different types. It was almost double the foundation lines that the inscription masters of the Sky Spill Continent possessed.

However, just like the Sky Worm Silk, Lin Ming was not sure that the Sky Spill Continent's 'shock' line was the same as the one in the Realm of the Gods. He could only hope that there weren't too many differences. He stretched out his right hand and the true essence gathered on his fingertips. With his hand he drew a series of brilliant lines in the air. They glowed with a silent and gorgeous light and finally coalesced into a complex diagram that shone in front of Qin Xingxuan and the blankly staring Elder Senior Sister.

Lin Ming had been practicing these inscriptions every day, and the soul fragments memories and his finally began to harmonize. The results of this were in two words, quite handy.

Lin Ming asked, "Was this the 'shock' symbol?"

Qin Xingxuan stared dumbfounded, and the Elder Senior Sister looked at her and noticed her expression. She was instantly able to determine that this young hooligan was not just doodling with his fingertips, but had drawn the 'shock' line and there was no mistake about it! Sh*t! This young hick pervert actually unexpectedly understood inscription techniques?! Wasn't this just too preposterous?!

In Qin Xingxuan's heart she was truly surprised and was trying to not reveal her complex emotions. There were 3600 foundation lines, and it was absurdly difficult for an amateur to remember them completely. It wasn't too strange to say that Lin Ming knew this one foundation line, but what startled her was the 'shock' symbol he drew was completely correct; the energy was placed in the right spots and it was simply astounding. This could only the results of painstaking effort during practice!

With a bit of depression in her heart, she startled, "It is…"

Lin Ming said, "The 'shock' pattern is a sign of the killing god, its use typically will have it placed on a weapon. When a martial artist uses a weapon he will generally concentrate his energy on the weapon, and the energy will be used in a battle to defeat the enemy, but the increased effectiveness is limited. If the 'shock' line is placed on the weapon, then when a martial artist concentrates his energy in the weapon, it will flow through the 'shock' pattern and create a high speed vibration which increases the penetrating power, effectively increasing the degree of weapon sharpness…"

Lin Ming easily explained the 'shock' pattern as Qin Xingxuan had expected. If he was able to draw the 'shock' pattern with such skill, then he of course had to know the principles behind it! It would only be strange if he did not!

Qin Xingxuan's competitive spirit was also aroused! She couldn't let this boy outdo her! She asked, "Then, this fellow student, do you also know the 'flag' symbol drawing technique and principle behind it? She had abandoned the relatively simple foundation lines and raised the stakes to some of the more complex foundation symbols. However, this naturally could not confuse Lin Ming! In fact, Lin Ming's understanding of foundation symbols was far more deep and profound than anything that could be offered in the Sky Spill Continent.

He calmly drew the 'flag' symbol in the air. Although the foundation symbols were somewhat complex, Lin Ming's finger did not have the slightest pause, and in the blink of an eye, the complex inscription symbol sparkled in the air.

Now, even Qin Xingxuan was completely awed. The foundation symbol was far more complex with double the lines and even more so difficult to trace the energy in the symbol, but Lin Ming had done so with ease. This had already far surpassed Qin Xingxuan!

My god, this was a genius! Unexpectedly this random kid turned out to be a genius among geniuses in inscription talent!

But who did he study with to learn this godly engraving inscription technique? His appearance indicated he was not from some big aristocratic family. Was it possible that he was apprenticed to some ancient sage or extraordinary hermit who liked to live in the remote and secluded mountains?

Qin Xingxuan found that Lin Ming was filled with riddles, and she continued to test him. The more they exchanged the more she was surprised! This Lin Ming was not like he seemed! There were 3600 lines and 4900 symbols which added to more than 8000 different kinds, and he casually listed them, as if he were familiar with each one!

Compared to Qin Xingxuan's surprise, the Elder Senior Sister was already floored by their conversation and remained confused on the sidelines as the two inscriptionists spoke to each other in what seemed to be a different and completely heavenly language; she could only look on at Xingxuan who showed increasing amazement and admiration.

The Elder Senior Sister understood Xingxuan very well. Do not be fooled by Qin Xingxuan's elegant and cool expression! She treated everyone with good manners and effortless grace, but the truth was that the natural sixth ranked talent and her immense strength had doomed her heart with the soul of arrogance. Before now, she had never given anyone of the same generation such a high appraisal.

Finally the Elder Senior Sister became numb. She only understood one thing; today it would be impossible to confiscate this boy's Pass Card!

Sh*t! To think she would make such a big mistake! She stomped her feet on the ground! To think that this random hick kind could actually be some sort of inscription talent!

This Elder Senior Sister was really going to go mad!

Gradually, Qin Xingxuan's expression grew increasingly respectful from the tone when the exchange started it became progressively humble. She found that by conversing with Lin Ming, her knowledge of symbols and energy structures insights had a broadened outlook due to his unique understanding and depth of knowledge. It was a great and rewarding feeling.

Qin Xingxuan was able to confirm her suspicions that Lin Ming was a rare talent that could only emerge once a century. But behind him was an even greater mystery! This shadow master who taught him could only be an Inscription Master of absolute knowledge and authority! Even if compared with her own teacher, it was like comparing a candle to the raging sun!

Exactly what kind of origin did this youth have?

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