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Chapter 2: Test run


A deep rumbling laughter echoed through the empty space in a barren planet of rocky terrains and unwelcoming atmosphere.

The sound of the laughter seemed to bounce off the surroundings as there was no wind. From the sound it appears that it was not going to stop soon.

What happens to a man when he hit rock bottom?

What did he find at the very bottom? Was it despair? Was it anger? Or was as it acceptance.

Maybe for other men.

But Thanos found humor.

"HAHAHAHAHA~ I can't believe this." Thanos said as his intimidating figure sat on the majestic throne.

Infront of him was a blue transparent screen which was showing all kinds of information written in a language he was not familiar with but could comprehend.

But most importantly, at the middle was a screen which showed his reflection - like a selfie. Thanos was observing it with great amusement.

"The internet would explode if they see this." He said while looking at his reflection, and then he did it.

He pushed forward his lower jaw to make his already sharp jawline sharper. He sucked in his cheeks and puckered his lips.

He also narrowed his eyes and heightened his non existent eyebrows. Now it was perfect.

The sigma face.

"Hahahahaha." Thanos laughed again while slapping his thighs. It was a wonder how he was so calm and carefree considering the situation he was in.

But that was exactly why he was like this. It was to distract his mind from his horrible situation and also to soothe his lonely heart which was aching for his family back home.

That did not mean he was deluding himself though. He accepted his situation with an open mind. He just did not whine.

On contrary, he was glad to be in a situation where he could fight to get back to his family. He reckoned the worse possibility would be if he just died off back then and not transmigrate at all.

Then he wouldn't have this golden opportunity to get back to his family.

He was grateful for whatever being transmigrate him. That is, of course, if they were not responsible for his death in the first place.

"What's with this grumpy face anyways. I look like I am constantly holding a fart." He said as he used his fingers to try and make a curve with his lips.

But try as he might, he couldn't smile. It was as if his face no longer had the ability to smile. The muscles which would've tugged his lips were tight and locked.

He could only show a cruel smirk whenever he tried to smile. Like a villain.

"I have great teeth though." He said and showed off his rows of white teeth which appeared extremely strong and big.

He reckoned he would do great in a colgate advertisement now. He couldn't do it in his past life as he had very bad teeth.

You really couldn't have great teeth with the life he had lived and all the punches he received,

Thanos then pressed the different buttons on the right armset. The blue transparent screen screen infront of him shifted rapidly.

"How the fuck does this work though?" He asked himself as he observed what every buttons do. Sometimes he pressed twice, sometimes he pressed for a long time or for a short time etc.

He was trying to get himself familiar with the alien technology,

He did not get the memories of Thanos like the books he have read in his past life. He was very disappointed about that as it made it harder to integrate himself into his new life and also made his goal further from his reach.

How the fuck was a brute like him going to conquer the universe? He didn't know shit.

"Where am I?" He asked commandingly. He was expecting an AI assistant to answer him.

An alien technology way more advanced than human technology must have an AI assistant like Siri or Alexa right? He recalled some billionaire saying AI was the future or something.

Or maybe since it was so advanced, it would be like Jarvis or Friday.

"AI, where am I?" He asked again and silence was his reply. He sighed and accepted that there was no assistant AI. 

He rubbed his forehead and then his hand trailed over his bald head. There was no hair.

He sighed again.

He could forget about learning alien technology, it would not happen for a while. That means he was totally in the dark, no information or anything else except for his knowledge of the movies.

Since he did not inherit the original Thanos' memories, it could lead to his greatest weapon - his followers and armies - turning against him.

Thanos reckoned they would know something was wrong instantly the moment he interact with them, there was no helping it. Then his armies and followers might question him and maybe fight him because of suspicion.

Or he could play it off and bullshit his way into tricking them like Momonga did in Overlord. This would depend on his luck, hopefully he didn't mess up too much.

So with that, Thanos realised that he only had himself to rely on. But that was nothing new to him. 

Even in his past life he had always relied on himself and his powerful body. Now he had an even more powerful body.

"Lets take this bad boy for a ride then." Thanos said while flexing his forearm. His muscles bulged out and he could feel the power coursing through them. 

But weirdly enough, he saw no veins in his forearm. Only purple skin which hid explosive muscles underneath.

He pushed himself off the floating throne and his feet planted firmly on the ground with a thud. Then he slowly rose up to his full staggering height of 9 foot. He was always big but he never felt bigger.

"Why am I so....heavy?" Thanos mumbled out loud as he put his weight on one leg to another. He could feel his weight clearly. He did not feel light on his feet at all like they mentioned in those novels where the MC gains superhuman strength.

He felt his full weight. And he was heavy.

"Is it the gravity?" He asked himself in wonder. It was a good guess, he was in a different planet afterall.

The planet he was currently on could have gravity 50 times more than earth's and maybe the original Thanos came here to train or something. he theorized in his mind. His days of watching dragon ball as a kid showing in his thoughts.

He then recollected all the information he had on Thanos. His origin, his powers, his weakness etc that he have read when he was young. He was always curious about what the character he was named after was like. So he knew some information about him.

Thanos, also known as The Mad Titan. In the comics, Thanos was born on Saturn's moon Titan as the son of Eternals A'lars and Sui-San, the grandson of Kronos, the nephew of Zuras, and the grandnephew of Oceanus and Uranos. His brother is Eros of Titan. Thanos carries the Deviants gene, and as such, shares the physical appearance of the Eternals' cousin race. Shocked by his appearance and the belief that he would destroy all life in the universe, Sui-San went insane and attempted to kill him, but she was stopped by A'lars. During his school years, Thanos was a pacifist and would only play with his brother Eros and pets. By adolescence, Thanos had become fascinated with nihilism and entropy, worshipping and eventually falling in love with the physical embodiment of Mistress Death. Then his conquest of killing half of life in the universe began in his attempt to impress Mistress Death.

He was not too sure on the rest of what happened in the comics. That was all he had read from the wikis when he was an adult, he had forgotten most of the things he read in the comics as a kid.

But he was more familiar with the MCU version of Thanos whose character they changed drastically. In the MCU, Thanos was born approximately 1,000 years ago on the planet Titan to A'Lars, along with his brother Eros. Thanos deems the growth of Titan's population to be unsustainable, so he proposes to arbitrarily kill half of Titan's population. However, his people reject the idea and Thanos is subsequently ostracized. Over time, Thanos' prediction comes to pass, with him and Eros being the only surviving members

Thanos, driven by his belief to balance the universe by eliminating half of its population, embarks on conquests involving the killing of half of the planets' populations, becoming feared and powerful while taking control of various armies. He forges alliances with the Other and Ronan the Acuser, and adopts orphan children from planets he invades, including Gamora and Nebula, considering the former to be his favorite. Eventually, he decides to obtain the Infinity Gauntlet after realizing he could use them to wipe out half of the life in the universe.

That was all he remembered of Thanos' background and origin.

"And his powers." He muttered to himself. The MCU version of Thanos was nerfed heavily like all characters compared to it's comic counterpart. But the abilities Thanos was most famous for are:

1. Superhuman Strength

2. Immortality (Age-wise)

3. Superhuman Speed

4. Invulnerability

5. Telekinesis

6. Flight

7. Healing factor

8. Absorb and project cosmic energy

9. Matter manipulation

10. Teleportation etc.

There were many different sets of powers that Thanos had in the comics, like mastery over mystic arts, genius intellect. But he didn't think that he was in the comic universe as he looked exactly like the MCU version of Thanos.

Which meant that his power might be limited to Superhuman strength, endurance and speed, invulnerability, Immortality, healing factor and maybe the ability to absorb cosmic energies considering how efficient Thanos could control the infinity stones. Though he didn't know how much the gauntlet play a part in that feat.

Sadly, since he did not receive the original Thanos' memories, genius intellect was completely lost. For all he knew he was still as dumb as he was in his past life. His inability to utilize the alien technology proved it.

"Welp, no use crying over things out of my control." He said while stretching. "Let's test super strength."

Thanos braced himself and flexed his knees before he pushed himself off the ground. He jumped a few feet above the ground before he fell with a thud.

It was the lamest show of superhuman strength fiction has ever seen but when Thanos' feet hit the ground, there was a profound yet peculiar feeling in his body.

He could do more.

He trust that feeling and took another jump. This time he jumped 10 feet off the ground and when he hit the ground, there was the same feeling.

He could do more.

So he jumped again and again. His jump was always higher than the last one until he felt like he would jump off the planet.

He stopped and stood on a huge crater the size of a football field. It was caused by the huge amount of force he had exerted with his jumps.

But he still felt like he could do more.

He could jump even higher.

"This is amazing." He said while checking his body. He couldn't wait to find out what else his body was capable of.

So he jumped again and this time he moved to another place. A place where there were huge boulders laying around.

He walked to the smallest one and picked it up. He could feel how heavy it was and one part of his mind thought that it was the heaviest load could carry.

But there was that feeling again, the feeling that told him he could do more.

He could carry heavier boulders. So he did.

He did not stop lifting those giant boulders until he could play around with the biggest boulder which was around 30 feet in diameter.

Then Thanos could no longer be stopped. He ran around everywhere and tried out his new strength.

He did not only test the strength of his whole body but also every individual muscle. He test the strength of his shoulder, his core, his biceps etc.

After a long time, he was finally satisfied with his test. Multiple crater and broken rocky mountains could be found in his surrounding. It was a testement of his raw power.

But Thanos could still not figure out the limit to his strength. There was no boulder heavy enough nor mountains strong enough to show him his limit. And he also could not find any rock that could harm him to test his healing factor.

He could literally mold his surrounding terrain as he wants using his raw strength. Thanos felt a little bit at ease when he realised how strong he was.

Even if his followers find out that he was not the original Thanos, he ould not be powerless at all.

Speaking about strength, Thanos found out an interesting thing about having superhuman strength.

Things did not become lighter because of his superhuman strength. Everything felt the same, even the weight of one rock felt the same as it would when he was a human.

But the glaring difference was that there was no limit to it. He could infinitely exert strength. That was the difference.

Where a normal human would reach a limit on how much strength he could exert, he felt like he had no limit.

He felt like if he tried hard enough he could lift a whole planet. Or maybe spit the planet's core with his bare hands.

And he was glad his strength worked this way. It meant that he did not have to train his control over his newfoud strength and wouldn't break anything he didn't want to.

"Now where the hell am I." He asked aloud while looking around. He wonder which direction he came for and where his mighty throne was.

"Genius intellect my ass." He roast himself as he realised how stupid he was to just run off like that.

But it was not much of a problem for Thanos as he leaped off the ground. When he landed on the ground again he was at least a tens of kilometers away from his original position.

He was doing the Hulk leap and Thanos couldn't help the wide evil grin from splitting his face.

He was a strongman in his past life. He had reached the pinnacle of strength and the limit of humanity. No matter how hard he trained, he was always limited by his mortality.

Now look at him soaring through the air and exerting raw strength that completely eclipse his previous meager human strength.

Off all the horrible things that happened to him, this was a gift. The only silver lining.

But his joyous mood suddenly crashed as he stumbled upon a terrifying sight. He landed on the rocky ground with a loud crashing sound.

His eyes focused on the sky above as his eyes stared at the sight with unblinking focus.

On the dark sky that looked more like space, Thanos saw a blue planet. It was like how people saw the moon from earth, just many times larger.

The planet was blue and Thanos could see the clouds and atmosphere from where he stood. It looked extremely similiar to Earth but Thanos could tell that it wasn't.

But what was truly horrifying was the gigantic spaceships that surroundsled the planet. Thanos could see the spacehips firing at the planet.

He could see it all. The way explosions occurred in the planet. They were obviously huge and disastrous if he could see it from his position which he reckoned would be at least 300000 kilometers.

And he might not be the smartest person you would find around but he could deduce that his previous guess was wrong. He was not on a planet, instead he was currently on the moon of the planet.

He stared with shaky eyes and observed the invasion and destruction of a planet. For a previous human it must've been a traumatizing sight.

It was no secret that many lives were taken. It was a horrifying question, how many millions would be killed for each explosion he saw on the planet.

A massacre of such a scale was...frightening.

How many innocent lives have gone? How many families have been killed?

Thanos finally spoke. His voice rumbled in the eerie silence of the moon.

His words mirrored the storm of emotions brewing in his heart.



"Whoa. Those are real Spaceships~!"






Author : Powerstone would be greatly appreciated as this book is in the beginning stage.

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