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Chapter 3: Again?


A ghost... no, a woman's shriek awakened Fang Zhi from his daze. He immediately used his hands to push against the ground and stood up, looking around him for the source of the shriek. Before this, Fang Zhi was so lost in thought about the darkness and the menacing voice which spoke to him that he ignored his surroundings. Now that he looked around, he realized he was in some jungle.

In a moment, he found the source of the shriek. Behind a tall and wide tree stood someone, seemingly a woman, with a hood over her head. Fang Zhi could only see her eyes under the hood. And as soon as Fang Zhi looked into her glowing sapphire-green eyes, he was dazed for a moment. Her eyes were no less bright and energetic when compared to his Little Ling'er's golden eyes that had a silvery sheen to them. At the moment though, her big round eyes were trembling with fear as they stared at him without daring to move.

Fang Zhi wondered how he could have scared someone without even doing anything, and immediately looked down on him to see if there was something wrong. And as soon as he looked down, he immediately realized what the issue was. He was naked with not a leaf to cover any part of his body. Worse still was his thing dangling between his legs. As soon as Fang Zhi realized he was naked, for some sick reason, his little soldier straightened up while taking aim at the woman hiding behind the tree.


His body's response immediately garnered another shriek from the woman. Even still, her eyes kept on staring Fang Zhi up and down while trembling. Fang Zhi was stunned as well, and finally realized that he was in his birthday suit. A wry smile appeared on his face as he slowly walked towards a shrub.

'Fucking hell, why are you still staring if all you are gonna do is scream like a ghost! Dammit!'

Using his foot to see the texture and realizing that it was quite soft to the touch, he squatted into the shrub to cover his lower half. He wasn't into flashing himself out in the public, after all. Turning to face the woman whose trembling sapphire-green eyes were still glued to him, he spoke, "Miss, do you have something I can use to..."

Before Fang Zhi could even finish his words, he felt something sharp poke him on his neck. Immediately, a cold shiver ran down his spine, and his words halted in his throat. He also saw that the trembling eyes of the person behind the tree also calmed down and started glowing brighter than before.

Fang Zhi wanted to see who was standing behind him, so he tried to slowly turn his head to have a look. But just when his head made a small movement, the sharp thing at his neck made a slightly bigger movement.

'Am I gonna die again?'

Fang Zhi could feel something warm flow down his neck while rapidly turning cold. If he wasn't wrong, that was blood. Whoever stood behind him drew his blood for just a minor movement. Fang Zhi was sure if he made any other movement, his head would roll on the green grass. It wasn't like he was afraid of death, but who could guarantee the menacing voice would return him to life again? Yes, he was afraid of death. And certainly, there was nothing wrong with it; he had tasted death once, so he didn't want to taste it again.

As various thoughts flowed through Fang Zhi's mind, the person behind him finally spoke up.

"Sapphire, come to my side. With me here, this human won't be able to hurt you."

It was a woman's voice, again. Fang Zhi had to say that the voice was very soothing and alluring. If he wasn't in a situation where he could lose his life at any moment, he would have loved to fall asleep while listening to a lullaby from such a melodious voice. Damn, he started to miss his mother's charming and calming voice; he remembered she used to sing him to sleep when he was young, or fell asleep in her embrace after their daily exercise.

He wondered when he would be able to meet his mother and sister again? The devil's voice had said it couldn't control where the three ended up. They could all be together, or might be far away from each other. And from his current situation, it appeared that they had been separated. That devil must be a jinx, yeah, there was no doubt. The only good thing was that it gave them something that could help each of them find the others.

As he was thinking about his mother and sister, he immediately realized a very troubling issue, 'Wait the fuck! Since I ended up here without a thread to cover me, wouldn't Yu'er and Ling'er also be in their birthday suit. No, wait, Ling'er was still in a better condition as she had her clothes on when that fucker Fang Zhang shot us. I hope they encounter some women just like me, kind woman. Ah, I hope they are safe and doing better than me.'

As Fang Zhi was thinking about his mother and younger sister, the hooded figure hiding behind the tree left her position and hurriedly rushed over to the person standing behind Fang Zhi. The hooded figure called "Sapphire" jumped into the embrace of the person holding a 'sword' to his neck, Fang Zhi figured from the low sound he heard behind him. Following the low sound of a person jumping into another's embrace, the hooded figure started to sob and speak.

"Wu... Wu... Nana, I thought I would never see you... Hic... I was so scared... Wu... Wu... I don't want to leave the village anymore... Wu..."

This Sapphire had a very sweet sounding voice as well — young, energetic, and cute. She must be a young girl. As the girl called "Sapphire" sobbed and spoke to this "Nana" standing behind him, Fang Zhi felt the 'sword' at his neck move further ever so slowly. It was apparent that he was going to experience the sweet taste of death once more.

"Don't worry, Sapphire; I will immediately deal with this human! No one can harm you with me here!"

As the woman named Nana spoke till here, Fang Zhi's entire person shivered with the fear of imminent death. Fang Zhi could no longer stay still and jumped forward to avoid the incoming stab from the sharp thing at his neck.

The sharp object that was supposed to have stabbed through Fang Zhi's neck missed and stabbed right through his right shoulder and came out of the front.


Pain; it was pain he had never felt before. The bitch didn't even hesitate and stabbed him when he hadn't even done anything against them. After a single yell, Fang Zhi clenched his teeth. The pain was making him writhe on the green grass that was being dyed red with his warm blood. While moving around on the grass, Fang Zhi got a clear look at the thing that stabbed through his shoulder.

It was an arrow with a sharp and deadly tip. The tip of the arrow was dripping with blood, Fang Zhi's blood, 'Who the fuck uses an arrow as a spear, dammit!'

Fang Zhi could only curse in his mind. He didn't want to increase his non-existent sin. As he looked ahead, the person holding the arrow took a step forward so as to again attack Fang Zhi. But right at that moment, the girl named Sapphire spoke up with worry.

"Ah! Nana, why are you attacking that person? Stop!"

Nana, who was just about to go forward and attack again stopped in her tracks and looked back at Sapphire with a questioning gaze.

"Sapphire, isn't he the enemy? He's a human, and certainly had ulterior motives towards you. Grandfather said that human's are treacherous creatures who would do anything for profit. You can't show mercy to them."

"But he looks to be in pain," Sapphire replied in a weak voice, "He also looks so weak. Moreover, he didn't try to harm me."

"But look at his appearance; he was certainly planning to attack you! Who knows, he might be a beast in sheep skin, appearing weak to devour you in a single gulp."

'Fuck you! Who's a beast, bitch, you are the beast!'

As the two spoke to each other, Fang Zhi cursed in his mind and looked at the two who could decide his life and death at any time. Nana was the same as Sapphire, and donned a hood over her head. Unlike Sapphire's sapphire-green eyes, she had dark crimson eyes with viciousness apparent in them. The way she looked at Fang Zhi was the same as one would look at smelly trash, with unconcealed disgust.

The two wore dark-green cloaks that covered their figures, and if it wasn't for their voices, Fang Zhi wouldn't even be able to tell their genders. The hood of the cloak seemed to be magical as although the hoods didn't cover their face completely, and the surroundings weren't dark either, he could only see their glowing eyes, while the rest of their face was covered by a dark shadow.

The two could easily get a role as evil witches in some horror movie. Fang Zhi could say without doubt that if the surroundings were darker, and the two had deep and grating voices, they would make the perfect evil spirits that ate children without leaving a bone behind.

"Hah? What's happening to me? Why is the world..."

As Fang Zhi was looking at the two currently deciding his fate, he felt everything in front of him slowly blur. His mind started to hurt, and the world around him began to spin. In just a few minutes, his taut muscles relaxed, and Fang Zhi lost consciousness.

"Ah! Nana, look, you killed that person!"

Sapphire yelped in surprise when she saw Fang Zhi go completely quiet and still. She was sure that Fang Zhi had died due to Nana's attack. Pity and distress could clearly be seen in her pretty glowing eyes.

Nana also looked towards the still Fang Zhi with her crimson eyes, but because she had far more experience compared to Sapphire, she could immediately tell that he had only fainted. If they prevented him from losing more blood, and helped heal his injury, then his life won't be in danger, and he would be completely alright after a night's rest.

By now, she had also realized that the human in front of her was just a pathetic man without any ability. If he had tried to attack Sapphire, then he would just be courting humiliation and death. Since he wasn't an enemy attacking Sapphire, then the only logical assumption she could make was that he was a pervert who liked flaunting his body. And looking at his skin that was as tender as a newborn's, that idea just seemed more plausible.

"He's not dead, but he won't last long either. Sapphire, since he's not an enemy and we have nothing to do with him, let's leave. We can't waste time on a perverted sicko."

Nana turned around and started walking while speaking to Sapphire. She didn't have the patience to deal with a dead man. What they needed to do was return to the village as soon as possible and report their findings. But after she had walked a few dozen steps, she realized that Sapphire wasn't following after her like she expected. Nana immediately turned around to see what Sapphire was up to.

As soon as she turned around and saw the scene in front of her, Nana was stunned. Instead of following after her like she should have, Sapphire was squatting next to the sick pervert with her hands on his bloodied shoulder. At this moment, a golden light radiated from Sapphire's hands and covered the wound on Fang Zhi's shoulder. In just a few moments, at a speed visible to the naked eye, the wound on Fang Zhi's shoulder closed without leaving a trace, well, except for the blood he had lost.

"Sapphire, what are you doing?!"

Nana couldn't believe that this girl was actually healing someone they had nothing to do with, and to top it off, that someone was a perverted sicko who was also a human. Their grandfather had said that humans were treacherous creatures, and they should never get involved with one. If they ever felt threatened by a human, their grandfather had said to directly kill them without hesitation.

Yet, here she was, looking at Sapphire using healing magic to heal a wound she had inflicted on that human. Nana immediately felt her decision to bring Sapphire out for experience was a dumb one. This girl was too kind and stupid. With that behavior of hers, it would be a miracle if she was able to survive even a month outside the village.

"I... I am healing this person. Grandmother said that we should help those who are in need. Healing the injured and feeding the hungry is what we should do. Kindness begets kindness, and cruelty begets cruelty! We can't leave him like this after you injured him, right? That would be cruel, and one day come back to bite us!"

Sapphire replied while her hands moved from Fang Zhi's shoulder to the center of his chest. The golden light radiating from her hands started to spread all over Fang Zhi's body, rejuvenating and invigorating him.

"Sapphire, that's just plain dumb. Grandmother has never left the village, so she doesn't know how treacherous humans are. Only grandfather knows what the outside world is like, so whatever he says is the truth! Humans are enemies! Leave him, now!"

Nana spoke sternly as she walked towards Sapphire to stop her from her childish act.

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