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Chapter 3: Earth in 2130's and Yggdrasil

I wake up in a small bed in a tiny room. I look over myself and see that I'm back to being a teenager again. Before I can think too much about my situation, information begins pouring into my brain. I'm wracked with a headache that makes some of my nastier headaches look like child play in comparison. After a minute or two, the pain fades, as though it was never there to begin with.

My name is Keisai Nigae. I'm an orphan currently being 'taken care of' by my aunt who is having fun with my trust money. My father was the heir to the famous 'Nigae Group' before he died during a lung replacement surgery under suspicious circumstances. My mother died during childbirth, a rarity during this day and age, especially as the wife of a rich man.

My aunt married the Vice President of the Group who was running things because I was too young to and they now have a kid on the way. Once they have him, they will probably give me a huge sum of money and cut me loose, so I guess my wish was fulfilled.

I walked out of my little room and began to survey my surroundings. The whole apartment was cramped and tiny, only about 500 square feet. A bathroom, a simple kitchen, my room, and a dining space closer in size to a large walk-in closet. Perfect for a child, but for an adult, it was barely bigger than a shack.

'Doesn't matter to me much, though. I'm going to be spending the majority of my time in Yggdrasil when that comes out, so the real world won't matter much.' I think to myself before realizing just how much of a NEET I sound like.

Anyway... let's get started with my skills. 'Great Sage EX, you there?'

[Affirmative... establishing...]

[Using Thought Acceleration to establish faster...]

[Notice. Though Acceleration not sufficiently quick enough. Upgrading...]


'Did-did it just upgrade itself on its own?' I thought before brushing that aside.

'Heya there Great Sage EX. Imma call you Great Sage from now, but that isn't your name ok. Don't want you becoming a Manas on me now.'


'Alright. I need you to teach me how to use my skill creation ability.'

[Denied. Knowledge on how to use skills is instinctual. There is nothing that can be taught]

'Ah!' I thought to myself as I thought about creating a skill to help me breathe the air outside without a gas mask.

[Skill [Toxin Resistance] Aquired].

[Skill [Poison Resistance] Aquired].

'That was way too easy!' I thought to myself. 'Alright, time to make some new skills.' I thought as I began rubbing my hands together like a Saturday morning cartoon villain who's scheming to take over the world.




It's been a year since I woke up in my new, temporary body. I've already created a large number of resistance skills and even a few basic extra skills, such as [Universal Detect] by combining a ton of different sensory abilities and [All Tolerances] by combining hundreds of tolerance skills together whenever I thought one up.

Last month, my aunt and 'uncle' officially cut me off and announced that their new child would lead the Nigae Group when he grew up. Unfortunately for them, my father was already suspicious of my aunt and had his lawyers on standby to make sure I was left with tens of billions of yen (hundreds of millions of dollars) to live off of. While my aunt wasn't happy, she couldn't do anything about it.

I moved to an apartment in a better neighborhood and used my Father's Lawyer as my guarantor. All I had to do was make him the primary benefactor in my will and he bent over backward to help me whenever he could. He helped me out a ton and I wasn't going to use the super-majority of the money after I left anyway, so might as well say screw you to my aunt one more time.

Yggdrasil came out yesterday and I am eager to play, but not so eager as to inject myself with nanites in order to do so. Instead, I used one of my summoning powers to summon a NerveGear from the SAO universe and customized it to interface with the game.

I also used [Skill Sythesis], which is the official name of my skill, to create [Skill Editing] and fused the two skills together. After that, I edited [Great Sage EX] so that it could interface with electronics and hack computers without being able to be traced or counter hacked.

I planted several lines of Code into Yggdrasil that allow me to be, for lack of a better term, 'invisible' to the devs and GMs. It also gave me GM-like editing power, but if I do anything too fancy, they discover it, so I have to use it sparingly.

To be honest, I'm a little excited. No. I'm super excited. I'm shaking in my seat waiting to start and giggling like a little girl. Hey, don't judge! If you were about to go into your first DMMORPG and it was the one of your dreams, you would be excited too.

Anyways, after locking my door and telling Great Sage EX to notify me if anyone enters my home while I'm under, I lay down on my Nano-memory foam bed, the latest and most expensive model, and giggle a bit before shouting "Linku Start!" at the top of my lungs.

Darkness. Then, a character select screen appears. I can choose between three different types. Humanoid, Demi-Human, and Heteromoph. Normal weebs would go with Heteromorph since that's the Guild Ainz Ooal Gown reside in, but I'm not going to be in Ainz Ooal Gown. All of their NPCs and gear can be mine if I conquer the Tomb of Nazarick before the servers shut down, hell, I can even just copy-paste it and still gain the benefits, but that's for another day.

I pick Humanoid and Create my character. He looks like Enkidu with silver hair rather than green and Heterochromia. My Left Eye is golden and my right is crimson.

Yeah, I'm being chuuni, but there's no one here to stop me and if anyone asks, I'm still only 16 in this world, everyone cringes at their 16 years old self's sense of style and aesthetics.

After making my inner tyrant dragon proud, I continue to pick my class. I asked Great Sage EX already, but apparently, when we move over to the new mashup fantasy world, we will lose our job classes and they will become intrinsic skills. I pick Fighter as my first pick. Magic Samurai is the one I'm going for, but it's unlocked after maxing out the Fighter and Magic Caster job classes while wielding a katana.

Next is the name. I sit there for a few minutes wracking my brain for info, but I just can't come up with anything. Finally, I give up and just go with Rimuru. It's not like I can't change it later. Ainz changed his name after all.

Now is time for the most important part of the game to begin. The tutorial. Seriously, how the heck do I play this again?




Its been roughly five years since Yggdrasil has released. I've made a bit of a name for myself online, known as 'The Explorer'. I have completely mapped out the World of Asgard by myself and was even warder the Job-Class Realm Explorer. I can now move through any terrain without penalties or debuffs with the only exceptions being Dungeons.

I've already met Mamonga a few times. He comes to me a lot as the master of The Great Tomb of Nazarick to buy maps of Helheim and other worlds. In exchange, I ask for amounts of Celestial Uranium. Nazarick has a monopoly on the stuff right now, so it's about the time when they are at the height of their power. They have probably already gotten the Caloric Stone and probably made Rubedo using it as her core.

Speaking of World Items, I have found four of them. I found Atlas on some players who were using it to change the shape of dungeons so they could skip the boss fights and get the loot. They didn't last long when I attacked. I didn't even need to kill them, just defeat the one with Atlas and run away. The boss in the dungeon they were in did the rest.

My second World Item is World Savior. It's a club that gets stronger the more it's used, but the moment it gets unequipped, it disappears forever. I'm going to use this to conquer Nazzarick at the end of the game. I'll build up its stats to the point it can one-shot everything in there and breeze right through.

The third World Item is called Seeds of the World Tree. I got it after clearing one of the dungeons in Asgard solo. It wasn't a simultaneous attack dungeon, but it was one that normally required a party of at least six to accomplish. The amount of min-maxing I did in order to accomplish this nearly impossible feat was rewarded with a world Item.

The fourth World Item I have is something I did a spit-take after reading. Its Das Rheingold, the unending treasure from the World Enemy, the Dragon Fafnir, and a reference from the Fate universe. Its got only two effects. The first is to reduce the upkeep cost of a guild base to zero, and the second is to continuously generate rare materials and gold coins at a fixed rate. I got this one after destroying an inactive guild base and looting a ton of different items.

I'm just now starting my delve into a dungeon at the very edge of the map in Helheim. It's called the Waterfall Palace and it looks like the devs straight-up ripped off the Royal Palace of Nabu from Star Wars to make this since it's essentially a color-swapped version of it.

Regardless, I've scoped out this dungeon for months, and it's at least a few hours away from the nearest guild base, which is an inactive guild. It's also on the other side of the map from Nazzarick so it's nearly impossible for us to run into each other. Not to mention, this is a small dungeon, only three floors if you count the Palace as the first floor.

'Heya Great Sage, did you change the rules of Yggdrasil so that solo players can form Guilds yet?'

[Affrimative. Changes to game-code are estimated to last at least until the next patch, upon which, it will be discovered and thought of as an oversight or glitch. It is advised that you conquer this base beforehand.]

[Great Sage EX] has really evolved over these last few years. I know that Rimuru's [Great Sage] was on the verge of awakening true sentience when it evolved into [Raphael], and that was only around 2 years after getting it, but I know for a fact that if I name it, it will evolve to the same level as [Manas: Ciel] was.

I shake my thoughts out of my mind and begin to enter the Waterfall Palace Walls. Immediately, stone Golems burst through the floor and charge towards me.

'Pop Monsters' I think as I casually unsheath my pitch-black katana. The Tsuba, Tsuka, and Tsuka Ito are all red in color with a plain red Saya and a silver Sageo. This weapon is a Divine Class item with all of its Data being put into two functions. The first is Absorb-Magic, which absorbs the MP of monsters hit by it and channels it into me. The second is Magic Reflection, which, as the name suggests, allows me to reflect all spells below Tier 10 if blocked with the blade.

"Skill: Blackflash," I say aloud. My body immediately drops into a crouch before dashing forward through the dozen golems. They all freeze in place, while I sheath my Katana. The moment it clicks, BAM! Black cut marks explode over the Golems spraying black blood-like mist all over the courtyard.

'Golems don't even bleed...' I think to myself at the ridiculousness of this 'skill'. Yggdrasil warrior-type skills are obviously not the same as my Skills, but when I transfer over, they will become martial arts, and it's better to have practice now than be like Rimuru and have to waste hours per day training under Hakuro.

As I continue on my journey, one-shotting pop monsters and even two-shotting the mini-boss with my strongest 'skills', I make my way to the end of the small dungeon. I don't need a massive, sprawling fortress-like Nazzarick to be my base, I'm already rich, so I can just pay to have all of the additional room I need. If Nazarick can have an additional floor added via paying, so can I.


Finally, after two hours of grinding, I arrive at the lowest level of the dungeon. Strangely enough, there seems to be more loot here than I originally thought. I know that you get 10% better loot overall when you are the first to raid a dungeon, but this is rediculous. I've alreadymade more here in one raid than in three raids of other dungeons.

I push open the final door and enter a large circular room. The walls are a deep red color with black pillars and a white circuitboard like grid overlaying it. The floor starts out in the same earthy marble color as the rest of the building, but about halfway into the room, becomes a silver metallic circle. In the center of the circle is a large dark colored sphere. It ripples and bounces around as though it was alive. The sphere itself is a dark purple, with what looks like grey mist and fog clinging to it and black murky material terminating from the inside. The whole shape has a dark red aura and is meniscing to look at.

"The Chaos Globe?" I read aloud its name. I approach the entity with curiosity. This is the first time I've encountered a boss who doesn't attack as soon as I enter the room. I begin casting multiple defensive buffs as I approach. Better safe than sorry.

As I come within arm's reach of the entity, it suddenly springs forth and consumes my avatar in full. To say I wasn't startled would be a massive understatement.

A second later, I open my virtual eyes to see I am floating in an empty void with a black background. Colorful aurora sparkels in the distance. Green, Red, Blue, Purple. Extremely faint white stars seem to glint and appear and disappear in the distance, like glitter.

I turn around to see a ghastly white figure. Snow White Skin, White Hair, White, Pupiless, Eyes with Black Sclera. She(?) is wearing a pure white long summer-dress like gown and isn't wearing any shoes. She is holding a pure white sword seemingly made of light, as the only thing visible from it is its outline, but nothing else. From its outline, I would say its like a western sword, similar to Artoria's Excalibur, but without a straight crossguard rather than a slightly curved one.

I notice that my health is rapidly decreasing, about 1% per second. I quickly swap out one of my increase spell-type damage rings for a ring of regeneration, which slows the drain down to a crawl of 1% every 10 seconds or so, but this only concerns me more. My ring regens 5% per second and is a divine class item, so this space seems to require some amount of HP drain for the fight to work.

I turn back to the figure only to arch my backas far back as I can, avoiding the swipe of her white blade.


Our blades meet and my arms vibrate with the force of the clash. This entity is stronger than Touch Me. He beat me during the Finals of the Alfheim World Tournement a few weeks back and he is undoubtibly one of the top 10 strongest players in all of Yggdrasil, 'so what is this monster!?'

We exchanged a few more swings with one another, but it was clear that my time was running out. It hadn't hit me cleanly yet, but with the constant HP decrease coupled with the gradual decrease in health I had from our clashes, it was clear I wouldn't even last another minute.

I quickly backed off and cast a few healing spells, but it wouldn't let me get away with it. Two dozen large magic circles appeared behind her. All of them looked like snowflakes if the center had been cut out and replaced with a white magic circle. They began charging energy for what seemed to be arranged magic barrge, but I smily stood still and got into a stance.


I nearly fell over when the intimidating magic circle barage began to fire white beams with, I sh*t you not, lasers that hent 'pew pew'. Somehow, I was able to reflect back over half of the shots towards the Chaos creature. It seems that I somehow found its weakness, since this seemed to stun it.

I quickly cast 'Hasten' on myself to increase my character's movement speed and charged directly at the creature. I swing my blade in a large recent moon shape and connect with its neck.


My blade goes right through and the creatures head is separated from its body for a brief instant before it disappears into particle effects. My character blacks out again and the scene transitions back to the orgonial room, though the Chaos Globe is now gone. In its place is a large white chest with gemstones and golden trim. A Divine-Class Reward box, usually reserved for players who clear difficult dungeons on their own, or for parties or guilds who clear similataious attack dungeons with fewer members than the recommended minimum. Supposedly, Ainz Ooal Gown got their Throne of Kings from this type of box.

I open the menu for loot and see the following items.

*1,000,000 G (Yggdrasil Gold Coins)

*X10 Celestial Uranium Ingots

*X5 Adamantite Ingots

*Chaos Forge (World Class Guild Base Item)

*X10 Data Crystals (Large)

*X15 Data Crystals (Medium)

*X40 Data Crystals (Small)

'Not bad. Not bad at all. I guess its time to claim this place as my home. There is still 7 years until my transfer to the New World. With this as my base, I guess its time to establish myself.'

I pull out the quest reward for completing the guild founding quest and press establish guild. There really isn't any need to think about a name. I simply call it 'Tempest', since that's the name I'll be using for the New World.

'Its time to make some NPCs.'


A/N: Heya guys, hows it going. I just wanted to let you know that next chapter we will be doing all the NPC stuff, and I will be using characters from other anime works as references. For example, I'm going to have Rory Mercury as one of the NPCs and Rem and Ram as the head maids for the palace, so if you have any suggestions, then let me know here or I the comments section.

Just about anyone is ok, but you should try to stay away from Fate servants, since the MC has a fate summoning ability anyways.

Golden_Slime Golden_Slime

Hey guys. Sorry if this chapter was a bit filler-ish, but I needed to get his time in Yggdrasil out of the way. Next time will be creating and naming NPCs, the raid on Nazarick, and we will end it with the transferring to a new world.

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