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Chapter 33: My Subordinates Aren't So Nice

A/N: So a lot of people didn't like that Hinata could steal the MC's skills. She couldn't but the MC didn't know that. I'll explain it later, but it was INTENDED to humble the MC and have him learn to stop playing around with his enemies, but I guess after re-reading it, I could see how it would be misunderstood. Just because I know something as the author, doesn't mean the readers have the same information I do, so sorry about that.

Also, this chapter goes over just how dark some of the MC's subordinates are.


I walked into the common area of the residential wing of the castle and saw Shizue. She was lying lazily on the couch and playing a handheld DS game that was randomly generated from somewhere in the Omniverse by Akasha called Minimon. It was kind of like pokemon, but with moe monster girls (not lewded) and Shizue thought they were the cutest thing.

"Having fun?" I asked as I leaned over her.

"Yeah! Milim traded with me for my Ti-chan and now I have the full lizard-girl set!" She replied.

I smirked at how childish Shizue's personality was. Since it was now mostly permanent and wouldn't change unless a MAJOR event happened in her life, she became almost a mix of a bakadere, deredere, and clumsy onii-sama type. She loves video games and is excitable easily, though sometimes does silly things when she thinks no one is looking.

In other words, she is adorable. Fortunately, she can also be deadly serious and is more mature than she initially appears, as evidenced by her ruthless beating of Nigun after crushing his spirit and her more composed and mature aura when she isn't at home lazing about.

"I have to talk to you about one of your students," I say as Shizue closes the DS look-a-like and showed her serious side.

"Did Class S do something again? I told them not to cause too much trouble..." she muttered the last bit to herself.

"Oh? So causing trouble was fine then so long as it wasn't too much hu?" I say teasingly with an evil grin, forcing Shizue to stiffen and begin sweating profusely.

"N-no. W-where did you hear such things..." she said, not looking me in the eye.

"Anyway, jokes aside, Hinata ambushed me on my way back from Dwargon," I say as I spit out the still unconscious paladin.

"Hinata!" Shizue says as she jumps from the couch and bends down to pick up the Saint.

"Don't worry, she's fine. She even evolved into a True Hero like you when we fought, but she seems to be under the assumption that you were mind-controlled."

"How ridiculous is that! Mind Control immunity is intrinsic once you get to our level!" she says slightly upset at her student's folly.

'You don't know the half of it. Ultimate Skills are those that have dominion over the rules of the world. They can bypass immunities like that. Even I had to be careful not to lose skills to Hinata once her Unique Skill became an Ultimate Skill' I think to myself.

[Actually, you were in no danger. Since Skills are engraved into the soul and yours is stored in a different dimension, the only skills she could have stolen would be Intrinsic Skills which are possessed by your body.]

'Wait! Why didn't you tell me that before! I nearly killed her because I wanted to not lose skills, mostly lose you!'

[Well I would have if you were taking the fight seriously. What happens when you run into someone like Guy or Yuuki and start playing around. You'll be defeated instantly!]

'That's not your decision to make! I rely on you for all of my information, so not telling me this sort of thing borders on betraying me!'

[Master, I am your [Codex]. I exist to serve you and protect you to the best of my abilities, however, I cannot control you nor is it possible for me to betray you even if I wanted to. I will always do what I think is for your benefit even if you dislike it or grow to despise me]

'This is why I didn't want to evolve you into a [Manas]. This BS right here! It's like [Ciel] not letting Rimuru create male genitals despite him being a godlike being because she didn't want to share him!'

[Master! I am offended you would compare me to such garbage as that! I would never stop you from doing something you'd really want! I didn't stop you from creating your harem and if you'd order me to, I'd instantly kill everyone on this planet who would trouble you. If its women you'd want, I'd use my command over the world system to make them all fall in love with you!]

'Of course I don't want that! That's not the point anyway the poin-' I am interrupted by a worried Shizue.

"Rimuru-san, I know that you are upset and I apologize that Hinata angered you. I shall accept all responsibility in her place, but please spare her!" Shizue said as she bowed to me in dogeza.

I realized that getting heated with Akasha must have made my facial expression become extremely angry and I assume Shizue thought I was angry at Hinata and was planning to punish her.

'Akasha, we will talk about this at length later.'

[...Yes...] Akasha said somberly.

"There is no issue Shizue. I was angry at something else. To think that someone was spreading rumors about me mind-controlling women... what kind of scum do they take me for?" I say. I am actually upset about Yuuki telling that to Hinata, but I push it to the side for now.

I turn towards Hinata who is laying on the floor, pretending to sleep. I can tell she is pretending and had been since I spit her out because she activated [Universal Detect] to scan the surrounding area without opening her eyes. She also jumped slightly when Shizue prostrated herself before me, since that practically proved to her that she wasn't mind-controlled.

No mind-controlled person would prostrate themselves to the person controlling them for the sake of their controller's enemy.

"Hinata I know you're awake. Get up." I ordered and Hinata flinched again before opening her eyes and sitting up. She turned to me and looked nervously at me. She was someone who knows that the 'goddess' Luminas is actually a Demon Lord, so she has no qualms with negotiating with me now that her misunderstanding is cleared up but she is still on guard.

"Hinata," Shizue said her name to which Hinata looked at Shizue for a moment and nodded. She then looked back at me and bowed her head.

"I am sorry for attacking you."

"Well since your Shizue's student and I roughed you up a bit back there, I'll let it slide this once. Normally I'd use it as a Casus Beli against your nation, but I already have a good excuse to deal with Luminus" I say.

"You shall wage war against Ruberion?" Hinata asked cautiously

"My goal is global conquest, though I don't intend to be a despot. Take a look around Altair with Shizue-san. See for yourself if the benefits of my rule are not exactly what this world needs." I say walking away.

'Now then, Akasha. We hav-'

'*Rimuru-sama!*' A [Thought Communication] interrupts my scolding session once again.

'*Yes Albedo?*'

'*I have acquired the leader of Southern Estonia and the former Dark Elven Queen as your vassal. She was more than willing to bend the knee after she was betrayed.*' Albedo said, slightly too smug for my liking.

(about an hour earlier)

(Albedo POV)

As I floating high in the sky, far above the citadel of the leader of Southern Estonia, I felt only disgust for what I witnessed.

Starving children, sickly corrupted monsters, and worst of all, A human male, going by the name of Volt, organizing a coup against the people's rightful ruler. At first, these insects disgusted me with their lack of fielty and I half considered destroying them all with Ginnungagap but Rimuru-sama has ordered us all to keep unnecessary bloodshed to a minimum.

'Oh, Rimuru-sama! So magnanimous! Your generosity is wasted on trash like this!' I thought as I began to become hot between my legs and my loins once again called out for Rimuru-sama's touch.

I quickly snapped out of this when I heard shouting. It was an Orc. He was extremely strong when compared to these weaklings. Comparable to the previous Orc Lord that Rimuru-sama killed.

I didn't bother committing to memory these disgusting creatures' conversation, but what struck me was that he was seemingly resisting the effects of a Unique Skill used by the human's leader. If I remembered correctly, this Volt was sent here by Celestine Lacross to subdue Olga Discordia.

'Why is that human doing this? He and his party are strong enough to defeat all the monsters here with their blessing.' I thought before I finally heard what that worm was saying.

He wanted to create something called a 'cuntry' where the women are sex slaves to the men and that he will have Celestine and Olga for himself but was willing to share 'his women'.

I almost instantly erased this city from the map. 'RIMURU-SAMA IS THE ONLY ONE FIT FOR SUCH WOMEN!' I have seen the former dark elf queen and the leader of Northern Estonia multiple times from afar. They are beauties unlike any of the other trash I have found and are definitely fit to be in master's harem. They are only slightly less pretty than me, Yue-san, and Doraine-san.

'THAT THIS TRASH WOULD THINK OF TAKING RIMURU-SAMA'S WOMEN!!!!!' I raised Ginnungagap again and transformed it back into a wand. The only thing that stopped me from exacting my revenge was that that man's death needs to be far more brutal than what I intend to give him now.

I spent several minutes watching the Orc and human argue before the human mercenaries declared the Orc a heretic. That's when the interesting thing happened. The Orc's wife, a dark elf, snuck up behind him and stabbed him in the throat.

I looked into the Dark Elf's eyes and saw tears streaming down her face, though her expression was one of malice. I used a sixth tier spell {Reveal Mind} to read her deepest thoughts and found the cause.

Somehow, that human Volt can control other people with his mind. Probably some sort of Unique Skill, since I hadn't seen any magic circles or sensed any chantless magic spells being cast.

I watched as Volt marched his mob, mostly of extremely barbaric monsters and dingy and disgusting mercenaries to the castle. I watched Volt control the dark elven guards to open the gates and lead them to the throne room. I watched as they captured Olga by overwhelming her with physical power and locked her up along with her attendant, and I watched Volt sit upon the throne he stole as though he accomplished anything noteworthy.

I shook my head and cast {Perfect Unknowable} upon myself and flew into the cell with the prideful queen. I phased through the wall using {Ethereal Form} and began approaching the two.

"Have you come to mock us succubus?" Olga said, looking at me. I was mildly surprised she could tell I was there but I didn't let that stop me.

"Not in the slightest. I have come to offer you a choice."

"Olga-sama doesn't need anything that a daemon like you can offer her!" her assistant yelled. The assistant was also a looker, but not quite up to par with what belongs in Rimuru-sama's bed chambers.

"Enough Chloe. Well, succubus. What is your offer?"

"Fufufu. You are in a little bit of a bind here. You were both told what would happen to you if you didn't accept to become that humans 'thing' correct?"

Olga clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Enough talk. Tell us what your offer is or leave us to our humiliation!"

"It is quite simple really. Become my masters-"

"I refuse! I will not lower myself to become some lowly mans-'


"I don't know what happened. You were speaking badly about Rimuru-sama and my body moved on its own." I said, removing my fist from her stomach.

The dark elf queen doubled over in pain, holding her stomach and began vomiting.

"You! I'll kill you!" the one called 'Chloe' yelled as she ran up to punch me.

I simply waved my hand without looking at her. A number of black threads bound her to the ceiling, rapidly draining her magicules.

"You are not to speak, bitch!" I said before composing myself. "Now then. I don't think you have understood your situation 'Queen'. You will become my master's concubine or you shall be the plaything of every monster in your kingdom." I said allowing my aura to leak a bit.

Olga looked at me with pain and hatred in her eyes from the floor. She still hadn't recovered from the shock to her system I gave her earlier. I knelt down and grabbed her by the hair, raising her to face my level.

"It really is quite simple really. I promise that my master is much more gentle than I am." I say, giving this bit- Queen one last chance only for her to spit on my face.



I punched her again, this time in the face, knocking out several teeth.

I grew tired of this woman's uncooperative behavior. I was willing to let her refuse, since master himself doesn't much like forcing himself upon women, but this woman has spouted nothing but heresies since I to here. She wouldn't even allow me to talk about Rimuru-sama's glory.

"I shall show you the folly of your pride," I say, activating the [Blessing] effect of my Unique Skill [Zealot]. With it, I can choose one copy of Rimuru-sama's skills and receive it as a gift, though I can only choose one at a time. I chose one of my master's least useful skills to copy. He got it from Shizue-san when he evolved her.

"Your punishment shall be the loss of choice. You will fall in love with Rimuru-sama; so desperately and so completely that not being with him kills you inside, just like it does to me. [Eros]" I say as I completely erase all of her mind, her memories, her childhood, everything is washed away from her. All that I leave behind is a deep and burning desire, an unquenchable thirst for our new shared master Rimuru-sama.

The dark skin cow begins to moan and groan, writhing on the floor. After a moment, er amber-colored eyes become hollow before filling themselves back in. Heart-shaped pupils appear and she begins panting heavily like the dog in heat she is.

I hear a muffled yell coming from... Chloe was is? I turn back o look at her. She is almost decrepit looking now with all of her magicules ripped out. I think that I might just end her suffering but then an idea comes to mind.

Mare needs to have a wife too. Then, if his daughters are half as good at magic as he is, then they will serve as wonderful attendants to Rimuru-sama's bodyguards. Perhaps, if they are beautiful enough, they could be Rimuru-sama's wives as well.

I release the woman from the black string and catch her mid-fall. I once again activate [Eros] and begin contorting her mind. The minds of these lesser beings are so easy to manipulate using this skill! And this is only the degraded Ultimate Gift version. Of course! This is one of Rimuru-sama's skills after all!

When I finish, I take out Ginnungagap and being walking through the castle, my new sisters behind me. I instantly slaughter anyone who approaches and leave not even a single trace of blood behind.

'Of course, this is a world item given to me by Rimuru-sama after all. Of course, it's self-cleaning' I think of how useful it is that everything that my weapon touches is reduced to nothingness. Even their souls are not spared.

After a minute, I appear before Volt. He is sitting on that tiny throne looking at me with a lustful smile and undressing me with his eyes. I shall enjoy castrating him.

'Perhaps giving him [Ultraspeed Regeneration] and throwing him into a Bronze Bull to cook alive for hours is a good solution. I can always ask Akasha-sama to keep him from gaining [Heat Reistance]...'

"Well well! Looks like We've got ourselves a looker. What's the matter Olga? Summoned a succubus to take your place as my slave?"

Olga smirks "{Agony}" she casts a fifth-tier spell effortlessly and causes all the scum to within place. I am shocked and amazed. There was no spell like this in Rimuru-sama's magic library.

"Albedo-sama. It's a spell I created to punish my unfaithful nephew. It slowly cooks the soul alive and afflicts all manner of poisons, diseases, and other ailments. It was originally meant for eternal torture without death or relief as it is sustained on their own magicules." Olga said to me proudly.

"I see! Such a wonderful spell! Surely you are the right fit for Rimuru-sama's harem!" I say with delight. Someone who created a way to punish all of master's enemies and give them anguish! Such talent!

"Indeed! Thank you Albedo-sama. With this, Rimuru-sama will have control over Southern Estonia. I hope master rewards me!" She says as she begins to pant like a dog once again.

"Indeed. Perhaps he shall reward the both of us!"

"Isn't that great, Olga-sama! I hope to be rewarded with Mare-sama soon too." Chloe says.

"I'm sure you will, though you will have to wait a few years for him to mature a bit since he is still a child."

"Ara! But Albedo-sama, that's the best part!" Chloe says.

'I didn't realize she was a shota-con, but that's fine. For now, I must contact master!'



A/N2: So I was re-reading my old chapters while on break at work and I thought 'What would a fanatical yandere like Albedo actually be like if she pursued the MC's harem like she pursued Ainz in canon?'

Boom! A quite frankly horrifying monster to say the very least.

Tell me what you think about Albedo's psychopathic behavior. Was it too much? Not enough?

Should I kill myself for ruining your waifu?

Let me know in the comments.

Golden_Slime Golden_Slime

Here's the chapter. Mostly filler-ish, but it has a lot of character exploration going on with Albedo and Akasha.

The next chapter will be the resolution of the Hinata and Shizue stuff and the beginning of their adventuring in E-Rantel.

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