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Chapter 5: Six Legs Are Better Than Two


"Nothing here too!" shouted Paul, paladin of the "Shining Church".

He was one of the five paladins sent to pursuit doctor Blyme. At first they were happy of this, they thought it would have been an easy mission with huge rewards so when the bishop talked to them about it they accepted immediately but they were wrong. Its been over a year that the mission started and still they haven't been capable to catch him. He his always a step ahead of them, every time they find one of his laboratory they found it empty. They haven't even found enough proof to imprison him so, even if they catch him, they would been able to do him nothing.

"Dammit! Its not possible! This time I was sure we would have caught him red-handed but it is another failure, its as if he always know every plan we made" arrived at this point Leonard, the great paladin sent by the church to be the captain of the squad, began to eye with suspicious eyes the members of the squad. He couldn't believe that, even after over a year, they hadn't yet been capable of capturing an old man. For God sake they are an elite squad of the church while he his only a mad old man, its not possible. So another idea began to take place in his mind, the idea that there was a mole in their squad and, even if he didn't like it, it was the only possible explanations.

Leonard called all the squad members and began to talk to them "It is the sixth time that we find one of his laboratory and it is empty. Every time he run away before we arrive and, seeing that this ashes are still hot, I think that this time we haven't captured him for a breath. It's almost as if he know every move we make before we make them and the only explanations I have for this is that we have a mole in the squad".

When the other member heard Leonard words they become dumbfounded. They were all member of the same squad and friends so they couldn't believe that one of their friends was an allied of the enemy.

"Now, resume the search. We well talk about this later" Leonard words echoed through out all the cave. Before the squad members were talking and joking to try to not think about their failure but now that the possibility of a mole between them made sink in deep though so they resume their search without uttering a word when, suddenly, they heard a shout.

"Captain came here, I've found something" the person who had shouted was Ivan, another squad member.

"I'm here, what have you found?" when Leonard arrived what he saw was... a pit. A four meter large and two meter deep... empty pit. It was a normal pit devoid of anything... other than a small red ant.

"...It seems a normal pit. Maybe they wanted to throw something in hit but it seems they haven't had the time. it won't be useful to us. The others hadn't found anything but Paul say he had found some human traces that go toward north, toward the forest exit. We will follow them, let's go"

The squad departed from the cave without giving the pit even the smallest importance without knowing that in that pit was one of the most dangerous creature in the world.


Thirty minutes before.

"...It seems I can't move because almost all my stats are zero and, from what I can feel, I am in something like a pit. I need to find a way out"

While Main was pondering about all his options he felt something above him. He felt six tiny feet walking on top of him and, suddenly, he felt a pinch, the first of numerous one.

"Damn, it hurt! Who the fuck is pinching me. From what I feel it seems an ant but I'm not sure".

While Main was complaining about the small ant pinching him a sudden idea light up inside his mind "Maybe I can...absorb it? It's a living being so I will be affected by it but it is only an ant, a creature with a simple mind so I don't think its effect will be so huge and it shouldn't be stronger than me, I mean it's only an ant. The real question is... do I really want to become an ant?".

Main began to question himself about his desire and his possibilities only to arrive to an answer "I don't want to but it's my only options. I wish I could absorb a more powerful creature, one with an higher chance of survival but, for now, this ant is my only possibility. I don't think I will again be so lucky that a creature of a good level will touch me and, even if I will be enough lucky and I will encounter a stronger, it is not certain it will be of the same level as mine. For now this ant is my only possibility out but it doesn't mean I will have to be an ant forever"



While Main was struggling between himself on what to do he heard a loud sound similar to that of an explosions followed by numerous people screams. At first he was happy thinking that maybe he had found a different way out other than the ant, that maybe he could have talked with them only to remember that he couldn't talk and that he wasn't an human anymore. He wasn't an human and he didn't knew human stance in respect of others race in this world "I'm not a human anymore, I can't continue to think like one. If I don't do something they will find me and I don't know what they would do to me. Considering the previous explosions I don't think they are friends of the doctor who has created my body so I don't think they will help me rather they will probably kill me. I'm sorry little ant but your sacrifice won't be in vain. But... how can I activate the skill?".

When he thought so a scree appeared in his mind *You only need to think about it strongly*.

"Thanks for the advice err... how should I call you?"

*You can call me how you want. The other people call me [System]"

"Okay, thank you [System]"

*Your welcome*

"Sigh" thinking about what I was going to do Main sighed "Now or never, [Body Absorption] skill activate"

Screaming this on his mind Main activated the [Body Absorption] skill and slowly the struggling little ant sank into him and numerous screen appeared.

*Body absorption initializing*

*Body scanning*

*Body scanning completed*

*Body absorption started*

*Body absorption 1%..20%...50%...90%...100%*

*Body absorption completed*

When the ant ended up entering Main body he felt a strange sensations, one like that you feel after making a good meal.

"What strange sensation, but now I don't have time to think about it. [Shift] skill activate" when Main screamed that inside his mind another row of screen appeared on his mind and his body began compressing.

*Body transformation started*

*Body transformation 1%...20%...50%...90%...100%*

*Body transformation completed*

Main body slowly compressed and until it was only 50 mm long and 5 mm tall and it slowly took the form of an ant. In the end the transformations ended and where Main previously stand now there was only a small ant identical to the absorbed one.

Sulfur_Gob Sulfur_Gob

What do you think about Main first absorption?

Ps: in the next chapters I will introduce how the evolutions works.

Pps: I'm not sure if the church name will remain the same in the future because I don't like it much. Let me know what you think and if you have a better name in mind.

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