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Chapter 2: An Unexpected Turn

The white space.

Or what the other divines say, Transcendence.

This space can be manipulated by will by its creator. Anything or anywhere can be created by a whim. Or so they say.

"Are you there Marco?" Said by a cute voice

"Yes mistress" He said, saluting his mistress by putting his hand to his left chest then bows.

"How goes the child I ordered you to send?" Said by the woman in the red dress

"Everything went perfectly in accordance to your will, Lady Aka" He said, going closer to pour tea at the tea cup on the black table.

The setting of the place changed after the events. The two chairs replaced by one large chair at the left, facing sideways, a round black wooden table filled with biscuits, a white tea cup and tea pot, and a lit fireplace a couple of inches from the table, with an iron fence to keep the fire. The red fan placed at the right side, next to the biscuits.

"So, the destined one finally reached safety" Aka said, lifting up the tea cup, gently blew it, and mildly took a sip and place it again at the plate holding it. She shifted her gaze towards her servant.

"You didn't forget to give the necklace to the boy I presume?" She asked.

"I placed it at the neck of the child, which will only be seen by mortal means at the age of 15"

"Excellent, continue to serve me well and I shall reward you handsomely"

"Yes, Mistress Aka" He bowed and left. He teleported again, white blocks indicating the slow disappearance of his mortal body.

"Marco" She thought to himself. After meeting the destined one not too long ago, she called him for a task. A task that only he can do, as failure means the end of the world and the success of the emperor.

"Thinking that a boy I adopted would look this handsome!" She thought to herself again. Orange hair. Orange eyes. A black Tuxedo, slacks and shoes. White gloves. A white long sleeve shirt. She sipped from her tea again. Keeping a composed look.

"How long has it been since I first saw him on the streets and raised him as my own?" She then looked at the ceiling, nothing but pure white. Only pure white was to be seen, except for the furniture and snacks that she summoned.

"I again fulfilled the promise for how many times, I hope this time, everything goes well."


"Evan!!!!" Someone called. A tall lady wearing simple clothing, what can only be seen a commoner always wear. A brown and black dress, with the brown covering the shoulders till the waist down while the black is seen at the chest and the sides of the dress. She also wears a white apron from her waist down and black boots. Her lustrous black hair falling at her shoulder, her well toned skin, along with her brown eyes and eye catching face, marked her as beautiful by commoners and nobles alike.

"Where are you Evan?" She called again. She has been roaming the forest for a couple of hours to pick berries and ingredients for dinner. With her was a boy no older than seven years old, wearing a small black tunic, brown shorts, and brown boots. The boy went ahead and the woman tried to follow to no success, as to why she is searching for him now.

"Hereeee!" a scream came from upfront.

"He must be at the mountain's edge again!" She said as she hurriedly gone towards the souce of the voice.

The ragged, steep ground that, if not careful, is able to make you trip, which she did trip, and fell, and stood up, and gone again to the source. A bit of small wounds forming up, but it didn't stop her. The warm breeze of the forest, the chirping noises of the birds in the bright sunlight, shoning down towards wherever where the leaves of the trees won't cover.

"Big sis, over here!!!" called by the voice again.

Slowly but surely, with some clumsiness, she finally reached the mountain's edge. Beyond the edge is overlooking the beautiful scenery of the village below. The townsfolk happily trading goods, a bit of gossip here in there, a man carrying logs to sell to the carpenters.

At the right was a big ocean, the sound of waves crashing beneath the rock was to be heard even miles away, while in the left was the stables and the barn for livestock.The town was also covered by a small wooden wall, with scouts armed with swords and bows incase of a sudden invasion of monsters and beasts alike. But, with the beautiful scenery and all, the boy was still not to be seen.

"You know what!" She stomped the ground. After tripping so much, she was ready to give up, irritated by her bad luck and all. She then sat at the nearest log to rest just for a bit.

"I'm going down ahead, if you want to..." Then, something poked her cheek. A truffle.

She then turned around to see a filthy boy carrying a variety of fruits and vegetables at his basket, carrying from his left arm, while a truffle is poking her right cheek.

"Look" He moved his face closer, doing a serious stare "A truffle".

The girl was speechless and suddenly bursts out of laughter, while hiding her wounds. Instead of getting surprised and scared, she just laughed and laughed while the boy is confused about the current situation, as he thought he scared her. After laughing, the girl then cried and hugged the boy.

"Don't ever do that again! Or else I'm never gonna serve your favorite food ever again!" She pouted


"Yes, yes" She clapped, stood up, and grabbed the boy's hand and started to head down the mountain "Then, let's go down before the sun sets, as you know what they say"

"The monsters shows up at night" Said the boy in a frightened voice.

"And you know what they do to bad children?"


She stopped, lowered herself to the boy's height and made a slashing gesture using her hands as claws.

"They eat them" Said in a forced, scary voice.

The boy fainted.

"Well, serves you right!" She shouted


After coming down the mountain, they headed towards a secluded cabin not to far from the village. She opened the door and placed the ingredients they gathered for today and also ushered the boy to sit at a nearby chair to wait.

"Big sis" Called the boy

"Yes, Evan?"

"Why don't we live down at the village just like the rest of the villagers there?"

The woman still continued arranging the ingredients for tonight's dinner. The boy then stood up and pulled the woman's dress.

"Hey, big sis"

The woman, just finished preparing the ingredients, then stopped and turned around, lowered herself to a almost sitting position to match the boy's height. She then patted his head

"You've already asked me that so many times, but the answer is the same" She lightly kissed his right cheek then looked at him again "It's much more safe here than staying at the village."

"Buuutttttttt, since it's your birthday today" She then winked and smiled. An infectious smile that can make even the most cold hearted person smile as well.

"Why don't we go down to the village and buy ourselves some cheese?"

The boy then exploded in joy and suddenly stared, as if he was lost for words.

"Now, get your cloak, as it may be a little bit cold tonight" The boy went to his room and grabbed a plain brown cloak, while the woman grabbed her cloak at the cloak stand near the door. She grabbed the boy's hand, opened the door, and went towards the village.


"Clarisse!" Called by a nearby innkeeper

"Mr. Dirk!" She waved her hand "How's the inn?"

"Fine as usual" He then looked at the boy "So" He walked towards them and patted the boy's head "It's this brat's birthday today?"

"Ah yes, yes" Clarisse said "We were just here trying to buy cheese for him"

"I'm seven!" As he raised his hand out of pure delight and excitement as he looked around the village.

The village was simple by itself. Wooden houses stood here and there, shops selling a variety of items such as food, essentials, and anything alike. Housewives chatting here and there, while the sun slowly sets towards night.

The inn was to be seen in the middle of the town, there it was owned by a modest young man, stood outside the inn. He was wearing a black tunic and black bottoms, also wearing black boots. His blue hair waving at the cool breeze, while his eyes looked at the passing villagers, not until he has seen Clarisse and Evan not too long ago. The inn was also known for selling foods and drinks, while also offering rooms to stay for the night. It was made in wood, while stools and tables was seen outside. The sign saying "Dirk's inn" is hanging at the front door.

"Well, would you look at that! After summer is done, you're finally going to school!" He then removed his hand and looked at Clarisse "Why don't you just celebrate your birthday at my inn? My treat!"

"Ah, no, no" She then bowed and continuously waved her head "I cannot possibly accept such an offer, after all you have done for us after all....."

"Now, now, don't be shy now!" He then put his hands to her back and guided her towards the inn as he lightly pushed her. With her, came Evan.

The inside of the inn was still considered clean by people's standards. Roundtables and stools placed everywhere, with space as so it won't be cramped. People drinking booze while some people eat the inn's delicacies for dinner. At the right is the bar stand where usually the innkeeper stays. Dirk then placed the two in the center stools and went behind the counter at the side where Clarisse and Evan where placed to sit.

"Anything you want to eat?" Asked by Dirk

"Since you've already gotten us this far" Clarisse pouted and placed her head at her knuckle, while his elbow maintained balance

"I would take your offer and get myself a beef steak, while Evan gets...."

"Mac and cheese!" He said, raising up his right hand.

"Coming right up!" He then gone to the door to get the food and after a few minutes later, Dirk is carrying two plates of food and served it to Clarisse and Evan "Here's your beef steak, Ms. Clarisse" He placed the plate at the woman's front, with spoon and fork at the side "And for the birthday boy, Mac. And. Cheese" He then placed Evan's order. After, he looked down the counter and brought out a plate with a cake served.

"Well, since there's an extra plate, here's also a cheesecake" Then, Evan did an imaginary drool

"You know we can't accept that much" Clarisse whispered, worried about the sudden offer of cheesecake.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's still my treat, now, eat up!" Dirk said

Just before they were about to eat, three people came in the inn, a man, a woman, and their daughter. What filled with laughter and jest, now made the inn fell silent. Whispers filled the air as the people sat at the bar stand, nearby Evan, was the daughter of the strangers.

"Isn't that the outcasts?"

"I heard they made deals, and that they were caught"

"They were a leader of a cult"

"Infighting amongst royals themselves, how much power do they have?"

"Corruption maybe?"

The whispers still continued to fill the air as Clarisse and Evan began to ate and now finished their meals.

"Hello!" Evan greeted the daughter of strangers, but no reply. He then got pinched in the waist.

"I'm sorry about that" Said Clarisse "Well, I guess this is goodbye Dirk" as they both bade their goodbyes. She then grabbed Evan's hand and headed towards the exit.

"Wait, let me come with you" Dirk said

"I think we're okay" As they are near the door

"I insist, Fiz!"

"What is it, sir?" A man of black eyes and black hair, wearing a brown tunic and green bottoms, came out of the door

"Take care of the place while I'm gone" Dirk ordered

"Yes, sir"

Then, Dirk followed


"You really are a stubborn one aren't you?" Clarisse said. They were followed merely seconds after they left.

"Well, can't leave you two all alone in the dark now" Dirk said, as they walked towards the steep pathway towards the mountain forest.

"What can I do anyways" Clarisse shrugged, feeling a bit embarrased by the fact that she was alone with a guy, as she doesn't count Evan as an individual yet

"By the way" She then started to whisper "Who are those three people that came to the inn?"

"Knew it" Dirk thought to himself, then began to speak.

"Royals from a far kingdom, they were rumoured to be exiles, but the reason as to why they are, no one knows"

"Then why did everyone talked about them?" Clarisse asked.

"Well, howls of wolves and screams of people were to be heard every midnight. People are scared of them, but they cannot do anything as they are also rumoured to be pawns of the emperor"

"Emperor!?" Clarisse said "Isn't he supposed to be dead? After all, he was defeated by the heroes a long time ago"

"Well, I don't really have info about that" He fixed his attire, wiped here in there, as he began to become self concious "I can only say that that's what people are scared about"

After that, it became silent, as they both become awkward of each other.

"Come on, think of a topic" Thought by Clarisse, looking at the right side

"Your a man aren't you? Pick up something to talk about!" Thought by Dirk, while looking at the left side.

As both looked at each other, as they already know what to talk about. Two wolves then showed up at front of them.

"Direwolves!" They both said "In this area!?"

"They are said to have silver fur as soft as a pillow, but fangs as long and sharp as dagger" Dirk said "Please stay back Clarisse, I will handle this"

Then, suddenly, two black gloves was suddenly summoned into his hands. Something that looked like a countdown suddenly formed near his hand. A long grey metal armband is now seen. A time in the middle, colored in red, suddenly showed.


// 50 : 06 : 12 : 30 //






"You've picked the wrong person to mess with, just as I was about to talk to a beautiful girl!" Dirk shouted in anger.

Clarisse, now blushed and confused, then looked around to see if Evan is okay. The boy, strongly gripping Clarisse hand, now paralyzed in fear. Just she was about to relax, a direwolf then showed up at the back.

Dirk, now fighting two direwolves using fighting gloves, looked behind to see a direwolf right behind them. He then started to ran towards them.

"Behind you!" He shouted, but the direwolf already sprang towards Clarisse and Evan "NO!"

Memories of them hanging out together, laughter at the inn, rejected confessions of Dirk. He never thought that this will be the last time he will ever see Clarisse again. He shouldn't have underestimated the direwolves.

He ran towards them as fast as he could, but the direwolves blocked his path. He tried to fight through, but it was no use.

Or so he thought.

At that moment, Clarisse smiled. A smile he had never seen before.

"FIRE!" She shouted.

Then, three fire bolts shotted forward separately towards the direwolves. A long green armband then revealed itself near her hand. Then, the timer in the middle, colored in light green, is now seen.


// 45 : 12 : 32 : 09 //


The direwolves that were attacking them has now turned to ash. The night breeze is felt by the three. Evan, now paralzyed in fear and has let go of her big sis hand, merely fainted now. Dirk, now confused more than ever, ran closer towards them, but was stopped by Clarisse.

She then laid Evan's head onto her lap, spreading her hands in his forehead, and chanted a spell. Afterwards, she then carried Evan behind her back then shifted her gaze towards Dirk, she spoke.

"We need to talk Marco.

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