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Chapter 2: Ch:2- The commotion caused by birth.

Note. Yeah my naruto knowledge is really sketchy... So i ain't gonna try and do some deep shit like i understand naruto. Tbh most series i drop halfway through or skip alot.


'Hmm, I feel as if I'm floating. but it doesn't seem to be from a physical sense...'

After getting sent out i found myself feeling yet not feeling.

[Host it is because you have already experienced out of body experiences thereby unlocking host's talent at sensing even if the body isn't involved]

'Awfully unclear... From what i understood it is like me being able to 'sense' with something akin to a 6th sense not relying on any physical means?'

I asked confusedly.

[Indeed host.]

Mentally nodding in thanks i decide to ask.

'Display my stats and time left till birth as well as open the package soon after.


Name:Undecided Uchiha (Yasha)

Bloodline:Uchiha, Quincy, Hollow, Shinigami

'Wait, Where are my stats?' I asked.

[The concept of stats is unable to be used with Host]

Declared the system.

'Tell my why' I asked even if i had an arrogant guess.

[It is as you guessed. A King isn't bound by rules even more so a sovereign!]

Arrogantly declaring so the system confirmed my guess.

Being excited because this is what i wanted i said.

'open the package and brief me on the way to measure stats.'

[Opening 'Fledgling Sovereign Starter Pack']

1x choice clothes.

1x choice of equipment.

Red Dragon Emperor and White Dragon Emperor Sacred Gear

20x tickets if instant mastery

I blanked at the rewards just the free equipment is OP! nonetheless to boost my power and steal half the opponents power! And that instant mastery though not as OP since you need an OP skill.

[The way to identify stats is through comparison. Due to this being the first world of the host it is gonna be measured as.



Special Jounin



Tailed beast 1-9

Hagoromo otsutsuki

Jyuubi no Shinju

It is gonna be divided into Low, Mid, High.]

Not minding my blanked state the System continued.

'System call me Yasha instead and for your name set it as Miyuki.' I said because system is an annoying way to see or well, Hear such a beautiful voice and associate it with system.

'Now that i think about it you do sound like shiba miyuki' I said in realisation.

Unknown to me the now named miyuki is blushing in embarrassment because she picked shiba miyuki as a base knowing the unusual ammount of appreciation Yasha had for her.

'Wait is that?!' Suddenly feeling another 'signature' similar to his he yelled out in disbelief.

'Do i have a twin?!' I yelled out.

[Yes, Yasha has a twin named sasuke in the original series] Miyuki's soothing voice answered me.

'So i got a douche as a brother... WAIT DID HE GET SOME BENEFITS BECAUSE OF ME?!' i yelled in anger.

[Unfortunately yes, though diluted your twin has gotten the same bloodline and benefits]

Thinking in hyper drive of what i know about my bloodines.

Hollows is bruteforce or just raw power and growth potential. Quincy is basically like a control benefit. Shinigami is a mix of both and a chance to manifest a zanpakuto though an asauchi is needed.

'God damn if this continues sasuke is gonna be better than itachi! just the benefits of the bloodline is enough for him to be regarded as a better genius.'

I got angrier this prideful douche is gonna get benefits just because he is my twin.

Trying to calm down thinking to change his character i realise he can still change... change?! Change!

'I really don't want a tyrannical clan to form so Miyuki make my twin a female! i don't care about incest but i rather not have an OP clan resulting out of my rebirth after all i will live in this world and making friends will happen.'

[Affirmative Yasha] Replied miyuki.

Now then what to do...

<Time Skip>

At first i manipulated my reiryoku around me training my control and all. After i became a bit more formed i started trying to recreate Blut vene or the hierro or Iron skin of hollows.

After i grew enough to be able to use my chakra and all i started using the energy i believe to be basically energy of life and started to nourish my body even more so than passively like ninjas do. or atleast i believe they do.

My theory is that because they posses enough chakra it passively nourishes their body to be stronger.

1st requirement to be a ninja is chakra.

Lee is a bit of an exception despite possessing crippled chakra coils he has enough chakra to use a forbidden technique. Which literally overloads the body in chakra making it berserk thus increasing the strength boost. But that still consumes chakra because it leaks. Their aura and all... So he has chakra but he can't manifest it and control it like ninjas do. Yet it still nourishes his body. With a training regime as intense as his as well as persistence and proper diet he achieved superhuman fitness despite not being bulky at all!

With that out if the way i made another theory based off of a fanfiction.

Everybody has different chakra densities and ammounts. The Bijuu have Dense and 'evil' in the case of kurama. Chakra.

But humans have an average ammount of density yet why is it the lifeforce of Uzumaki's supercharged?

Density. The Chakra of kurama can literally heal naruto from near death. HE HAD A FUCKING CHIDORI STRAIGHT THROUGH HIS CHEST AND HE LIVED!

So my guess is that Uzumaki's have dense chakra along with an innate Yang attribute to bolster their life force.

So with that guess when i discovered that my Chakra was 'thin' unlike my Reiryoku i got confused. Ichigo has a thick reiryoku with a suffocating feeling for weaker people. I got that because i basically became him since when i wished for the bloodlines i thought of him.

Yet my Chakra was thin feeling not having any actual physical altering effects like the suffocating effect of my reiryoku. The ammount of chakra was great because i had alot of spiritual power. but despite that it felt as if my chakra could be better.

i started to go back to my chakra density theory and found that mt after thought of Uzumaki's having Yang attributed chakra might be true. Explaining the chakra chains. but that Brought doubt. why wouldn't naruto inherit it. then it hit me. The Namikaze genes overpowered the Uzumaki genes for some reason causing the traits to be mostly Minato. Hair and Eyes check Affinity check. Atleast physical responsible genes were overwritten because naruto was a dumbass and brash loudmouth more so than his mother.

Enough of that. Thinking of a method to compress my chakra like those cultivation manuals.... COMPRESS!

I forcefully tried clumping together my chakra but that didn't work. Frowning i used my 6th sense to look at my chakra. Noticing the ambient color is a bit more on the red side with streaks of violet and blue. there were some black with reddish outlines but there were some straight up black spots. Frowning i tried cutting that off from my chakra and did so for every other similar spot. Now i tried to compress it yet again and achieved some success. but after a while i couldn't do so. Looking at it again the black spots returned. I cut it out and compressed. rinse and repeat.

My and Miyuki's theory is that those were impure or chakra that couldn't clump together and were mostly useless. Those were impurities in chakra form. everytime i compress i feel my physical body growing stronger. so i am body refining and chakra compressing at the same time. And with my physical strength growing my chakra ammount grows as well despite being compressed. After a while i balanced out the ratio of reiryoku aka spiritual power and physical power. since despite being a 'perfect soul being' according to aizen. I am still a fetus.

Another thing to note is my twin is now fully female and when my chakra was still too large everytime it became purer hers slowly became purer as well.

Unknown to me the women in konoha were wondering why Mikoto became healthier and her skin became supple and tender more so than before her hair and eyes seemed healthier and her overall aura was calming.

But back to the mc.

After reaching a balance i focused on ridding physical impurities and strengthening my physical body. since my spiritual power passively grows and I'm not sure how to increase it while still a fetus. Miyuki said meditating is the key to do so. But i am mostly cut off from the world here in my mom's womb.

purifying chakra reaching a balance then purifying and strengthening my body. I did that repeatedly until my time of birth.

'Miyuki is it time' I asked.

[Yes it starts... Now]

As Miyuki said that i felt the fluid i was floating in drain. Putting my twin into the the most ideal position i got ready to go first.

After a few agonising minutes i screamed to the world.

"I'M FREE!!!"

but it came off as


Another few minutes my twin was out. I observed the people with my 6th sense because despite my body i am still a newborn. I didn't get strength i got foundation and a vigorous life force mostly. And the fact my red eyes could cause panic.

After some hustling and declaring of they are healthy i sensed someone approach us three. Me, My twin and Mom.

"Fugaku, They are healthy twins" I sensed joy in the voice of the woman. My mother.

"Indeed, I'm glad it went well. The doctor said that despite the chance of success you might be weakened immensely." I heard joy concern in the voice of fugaku. I was shocked. I thought of him to be a black hearted bastard.

I suddenly sensed a presence quickly heading towards us.

"Itachi?" Mother called out. Albeit hesitantly.

"Mother, Your sensing abilities seemed to have improved" I heard a flat toned voice say. But curiosity leaked in.

"Mikoto... Would you like to do it? You know this is customary for clan children..." Despite sounding like he didn't wish for it. Fugaku or should i say Father sounded as if he had no choice.

"haa, Just be careful not to harm them..." said mother sadly.

I got passed to my father.

"Our daughter has your face and curiosity looking around constantly." Despite not seeing it i can envision a smile on father's face.

"And our son has your laziness always wanting to slack off" I heard mother's reply teasing father. yet that brought me confusion. A lazy clan head huh...

"Hmph! I isn't lazing around. It's called saving energy isn't that right itachi?" Said father calling out to my brother for support.

"That is why i eat sweets" Came the reply of itachi filled with mirth despite trying to maintain his cold facade.

after some silence they broke out into laughter. even my twin giggled despite not knowing what's going on.

"Let's check the chakra of our daughter mikoto." Said father.

"Let's name her first." Said mother.

"How about Asami? Our little morning beauty." Said father softly.

"Asami, Asami, right i hope she'll always be a sunny beauty capable of bringing light to our lives" Said mother softly as well testing the name out first.

Hearing the reason they had for the name i almost choked! In the canon Sasuke was a brooding emo!

"Do it then fugaku." Said mother.

I felt a burst of chakra before i felt the unique chakra of Asami being released.

I heards gasps of shock from who i assume to be mother and father and knowing itachi he should be wide eyed.

"Low Chuunin!" Said father marveling at the ammount.

"No not exactly father the actual ammount should be high Genin but the purity makes it seem stronger or in this case makes it feel more." Said itachi.

"How could this be! even you itachi only haf mid genin reserves at birth!" Said mother still in shock.

"Most newborns need 4x the ammount to reach genin reserves." Said itachi in reply.

(AN: Don't care but for me itachi was a prodigy at birth he even did a chakra enchanced punch to save izumi during the 9 tails rampage.)

After a few moments a presence suddenly appeared.

'Wait not one there are 3 more thin presences'

i thought in surprise.

"Lord Hokage" I heard three voices say.

"Enough of that. i felt a burst of Low Chuunin chakra from here." I heard a fairly young voice say.

My father then explained.


"Unbelievable! Not meaning to offend you but it is remarkable that a non uzumaki has such reserves. even then newborn uzumaki's don't have that much. at most mid genin!" Exclaimed who i bet is minato.

"None taken lord hokage." Said father.

"Pleade fugaku don't be so formal call me minato." said Minato amiably.

I presume father physically acknowledged it because Minato then said.

"If i can be honored can i stay to see the ammount the other child will have?"

"Not at all Minato-san" replied father along with a burst of chakra.

'seems that they are eager. well i won't hide. might be stupid but fuck it.'

As the burst from father ended my chakra coils 'opened' and allowed it to be sensed.

even more gasps this time.


huh this time with a scream of denial.

"MID KAGE RESERVES?!" Along with that scream another presence appeared. well 2.

"MINATO ARE YOU OKAY?! WHAT WAS THAT CHAKRA?!" Someone screamed. A male voice that is fairly old i deduced.

another moment another presence.

"MINATO!" This time a female voice.

"Kushina it's fine... I think..."

"Kid what happened, There was a burst of kage level chakra. sensei should be arriving soon he is quite a distance away." Another woman.

"Uhmm, Fugaku's son has mid kage chakra..." said minato.

"Impossible!" exclaimed the woman.

"Minato are you sure?"

"Sensei I'm sure."

"Fugaku-sama may i confirm it?" said the woman from before.

"Go ahead tsunade-dono" said father and i was passed presumably to the tsunade.

"Kushina what's wrong?" i heard minato say.

I felt as if the everyone in the room looked at her.

"... It's the fox" At those words jiraiya the sensei of Minato shouted.

"Is there something wrong with the seal?!" yet minato remained silent.

"no not that..." before she could finish minato said. "became restless? the kyuubi did?" said minato.

"nn, it even talked... It said 'go closer to that uchiha spawn he is someone special!' as if he wanted to confirm something" said kushina.

" *gasp* kushina are you sure?!" My mom finally said.

"Mikoto were best friends i wouldn't joke about this." said kushina.

(AN:Just realized if the two of them are friends then their husbands should be more familiar with each other...)

"Hmm, I felt another burst enter me and made my chakra reveal itself."

"Mid kage indeed... but it isn't the quantity it is also purer." said tsunade.

"Where's sensei? he should be here by now" said jiraiya.

"He might have gotten lazy and felt us here so he must think i just punched you with my technique." Bluntly said tsunade.

"Kushina what did the kyuubi say now?" asked minato.

"It said that 'he is a more suitable container for me' after that it refused to talk..."

with those revelations everybody thought to their selves different things.

"Wait... my child hasn't opened his eyes since birth." Mikoto voiced in worry.

at those words the one holding me shook and pried my eyelids open.

My eylids now open i caught sight of a blond beauty with low twin tails and a blue diamond on her forehead looking down at me with concern.

'oh right my eyes were still closed' i said to myself.

[Yasha was to immersed in training] said Miyuki in a voice trying to contain laughter.

" He has red eyes..."

AsuraMonarch AsuraMonarch


Eagle eyed readers suggest to me what should i do with the Kyuubi.

And you saw the system miyuki act out with her own thing during the reincarnation process. so it means passive benefits with the eye. and should the hollow eye appearance combine with the sharingan? i mean envision dark sclera then the iris is black but is surrounded by a ring of gold and then the standard red eye and magatama.

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