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Chapter 13: Cold King Arthur

This is going to be a rather unique story.

This is a story about King Vladimir, The Beautiful Sun, and some of his knights.

The knights I will be focusing on in this story;

Sir Rurik.

Sir Nevsky.

Sir Koschei.

Sir-Lady Baba Yaga.

Sir Ivan.

Sir Basil.

Sir Radurants.

Sir Dalldaf.

Sir Calcas.

Sir-Lady Olga.

Sir Quarcos.

Sir Kailet.

I hope that you have all put on some warm clothes, for I am about to tell the tale of Cold King Arthur.

The Creature that Takes


Parents would tell their children about being eaten, or taken away by monsters; if they did not behave.

These scary stories were always meant to scare the children into obedience… but, what if the monsters were actually real?

Sir Ivan has gone forth to check up on the reports about parents missing their children.

The children have not been seen for days, and all the parents are worried.

So, King Vladimir has put Sir Ivan on the task of finding the missing children.

The knight asked each worried family some questions. And there was one recurring answer;

" I said that Bauk would come; if they did not behave "

Sir Ivan felt a cold dread down his spine.

The knight now continued onward - to the places where the children were last seen.

Sir Ivan noticed things in the snow, which the people forgot to tell him. Or; it might be because they missed it.

The knight found blood in the snow.

Sir Ivan made its way through the snow. He had a hunch; where he might find the beast.

Sadly, the knight's hunch proved correct.

Sir Ivan found a cave. And the entrance to the cave was covered in blood and snow.

The knight also noticed torn pieces of clothes near the cave.

Sir Ivan knew that all the children were gone… but at least; he could avenge them all.

The knight shot a fire arrow into the dark cave. A second later, a horrific roar could be heard; as the ground under Sir Ivan shook violently.

The knight now ran deep into the forest, as Bauk was chasing him.

The fearsome creature was surprisingly fast; when one considers its massive size.

Sir Ivan ran and ran, till he reached a wall.

The knight was now trapped. That was till he had an idea, as he noticed the large ice crystal hangings.

The Bauk walked closer to the trapped Sir Ivan. But the knight was simply smiling; for he knew that he just had to wait.

Sir Ivan now covered his ears, as the beast let out another deafening roar.

The knight looked on, as a large ice crystal now crushed the Bauk, killing it immediately.

Sir Ivan had won, but he also knew that he had lost.

The knight returned to all the parents.

Sir Ivan simply told each parent; that their child; no longer suffered.

The White Werewolf

Sir Dalldaf was walking among the wounded and dead.

The white snow painted a crimson red.

The knight noticed the large scratch-marks on all the bodies.

" May they no longer suffer… " said Sir Dalldaf, quietly.

The knight went to a tavern. He really needed a drink.

" Long day? " said a woman next to the knight.

The knight finished his second drink.

" Yeah… I lost a lot of dear friends today "

The woman took a sip of her drink.

" Was it the werewolf? "

The knight nodded.

" Are you going to take revenge? "

The knight nodded.

" That is not very knightley " said the woman with a smile.

Sir Dalldaf finished his fourth drink, he then said;

" I don't give a fuck "

The knight was walking through the quiet forest, with his sword in hand.

The only sound which could be heard; was the sound of the knight's footsteps disturbing the snow.

Sir Dalldaf now saw them; the glowing eyes of the Werewolf.

" Rougarou, " said the knight with a grim smile.

The snow was being crushed, as the beast slowly made its way towards the knight.

The creature was fierce in appearance, but Sir Dalldaf stood his ground.

The knight's rage got the better of him, as he noticed the bloodstained claws.

Sir Dalldaf charged at the beast in a mad fury.

The battle looked like a fight between two wild beasts.

The Rougarou managed to get in two good hits, before the knight beheaded the beast.

" May my friends kill you in the afterlife… " uttered the knight, who now walked back home.

The Kind Wolf

" Please sir… we don't know who else to turn to… " said the mother with tears in her eyes.

" We only want our child back… we are willing to pay handsomely " said the father.

With a smile, Sir Rurik said;

" I help out of duty, not out of pay "

The family had not heard from their lost child for two days.

The familie fears the worst. But Sir Rurik will do his best to provide them with hope.

The knight went to the last spot where the child had been seen last. Unfortunately, the snow had covered what would have been footprints.

" Damn… " uttered Sir Rurik.

" I can help you, " said a soft female voice.

The knight looked around, but he could not see where the voice came from.

" Make yourself known " said Sir Rurik with one hand on the hilt of his sword.

The knight now saw her. A wolf with fur as white as the snow.

The wolf's blue piercing eyes were like that of the blue crystal itself.

Sir Rurik now noticed something unique about this wolf.

" You are a werewolf, " said the knight.

The she-wolf giggled softly.

" I am " she said; " but I am also here to save the missing child "

The knight paused for a second.

" How can I trust you? "

" A fair question " said the wolf with a smile; " how about I show you my 'vulnerable side' "

The white fur vanished. The claws retracted, and the tail was gone.

Her milky skin was as clear as the moon; which she served. Her lips had the color of roses, and her eyes, oh her beautiful blue eyes! But, I am not done just yet.

Her chest was made of marble. Her butt was shaped like a heart, and her figure was just too perfect to be true.

" Divine… " was the only word; which the knight felt could justify the embodiment of beauty which stood in front of him.

" Do you trust me now? " said the woman, as she too was naked. But the cold did not seem to bother her.

Sir Rurik narrowed his eyes.

" Beauty does not equal trust, " said the knight.

The woman sighed. She then smiled, as she transformed back into a werewolf.

" Then, allow me to gain your trust through my actions. Even though the footprints are gone, I can still track the child's scent "

Sir Rurik felt no evil from the creature, which is why he said;

" Lead the way "

The knight and the wolf were both making their way through the snow.

" What is your name? " said the knight.

" I don't have one " said the wolf with a calm expression; " but, you are welcome to call me; Faoladh "

" Very well " said the knight; " so, Faoladh, why help me? "

" This missing child has always been good to me. I have cared for this child as if it was my own pup "

" How was the child good to you? "

" One day, I got into a fight with a fierce bear. The battle ended in a draw; for the two of us were both badly hurt. I collapsed in the forest, and that was where the child found me, and cared for me. Ever since then; I have always watched over the child "

" Then, how come the child is missing now? "

Faoladh fell silent.

" I was careless, and I neglected my duty. Which resulted in this dreadful outcome "

Faoladh's ears now showed signs of; that she just heard something nearby.

" What is it? " asked Sir Rurik.

" It can't be… " uttered Faoladh.

" What?! "

" It is the bear… "

A tree fell to the ground, and from behind the tree, walked out the bear which Faoladh had fought with.

The bear growled as it noticed Faoladh.

Faoladh took a single step back, and that was when Sir Rurik took a step forward.

" The last battle ended in a draw. But, with me, the two of us will be victorious " said the knight, as he drew forth his sword.

Faoladh was affected by the knight's courage and bravery.

The knight and the wolf, now both stood side-by-side, as the bear stood up on its back feet, letting out another deafening roar.

Faoladh went for the bear's throat, Sir Rurik went for the bear's legs.

The battle was epic. Each fighter giving it their all.

With a bit of luck, and a lot of strength. The knight and the wolf were victorious, as the bear laid on the ground; dead.

The child was found in the cave of the bear. The child was returned, and Sir Rurik would go on many more adventures with Faoladh.

The Rouge

Sir-Lady Baba Yaga has been told of the misfortunes of a nearby village.

The villagers have suffered from disease, hunger, and anger.

No one among the villagers knows where, or how all these misfortunes began. That was when a child said;

" I saw The Nain Rouge "

Sir-Lady Baba Yaga made her way to the village, she had some questions for the child.

" When did you see the rouge? " she asked.

" Two days ago " said the child; " I was making my way home, when I by chance noticed something red with horns. The creature noticed me. And it walked away with an impish-smile "

The knight made her way to the spot which the child spoke of.

She looked around, not expecting much.

" Looking for me? "

Without skipping a beat. Sir-Lady Baba Yaga grabbed hold of the creature, and slammed it to the ground.

" Woah! Woah! I am on your side! " yelled the Rouge, fearing for its life.

The knight was surprised and confused.

" Explain! " exclaimed the knight.

" First… could you remove your knee from my throat… " uttered the Rouge, as it had trouble breathing.

" Oh… apologize " said Sir-Lady Baba Yaga, as she released the creature.

When the Rouge got its breathing under control, it said;

" I am not the guy you are looking for "

" Were you the imp; which the child saw? "

" I was. But! I am not the one causing all this suffering "

" You sound as if you know the culprit? "

The Rouge paused for a moment.

" The culprit is a dear friend of mine… he has been through a lot… and he is now taking his anger out on others… I am trying to save him; from himself! "

The knight just looked at the imp.

" I will help find your friend. But… if he will not listen to reason, then I have no other choice "

The Rouge understood.

The knight and the imp now sat off; in search of the culprit-imp.

It took some time, but they found him at last.

When the culprit noticed the knight and his friend, he tried to run away.

Sir-Lady Baba Yaga gave chase, but that was when the Rouge tackled his friend to the ground.

" You won't stop me! " exclaimed the culprit.

" Please listen to reason! " exclaimed the Rouge with tears.

" Never! "

" Very well. "

The knight now heard it, a dagger piercing skin.

" I had to do it… he needed the rest… "

The knight placed her hand on the tiny shoulder of the Rouge.

" You did what you had to, " she said.

" He was born with a kind heart, " said the Rouge with damp eyes.

" He once took care of some baby-birds; who were abandoned by their mother… he cared for them as if they were his own "

The Rouge now took a deep breath.

" I will make amends on his behalf. The villagers shall from this day know good fortunes and prosperity. I will see to it myself. " said the Rouge.

Just as the Rouge had promised, the villagers knew peace and prosperity. And Sir-Lady Baba Yaga went back home; with one hell of a story to tell.

The Flesh-Devourer

Sir Koschei was standing over some tombs.

" The dead have all been desecrated… " said the knight, solemnly.

" I have failed… " said the gravekeeper with damp eyes.

" This is not your fault " said the knight, as he laid his hand on the gravekeeper's shoulder.

The gravekeeper now told the tale of how all this happened.

" For some time now, I have been hearing strange noises at night. Whenever I go out to investigate; I see nothing. - the gravekeeper paused for a moment - however, there have been rare occasions; where I have spotted a creature in the darkness. Its fierce glowing eyes… it was like they were staring into my very soul… I am terribly frightened… "

Sir Koschei assured the gravekeeper; that he would bring the souls to rest, and the one responsible to justice.

The knight now sat out; to kill this demon.

Sir Koschei walked over to the forest near the graveyard. It was in the forest that the knight found some queer footprints.

" These have not been made by any ordinary animal… " uttered the knight.

As Sir Koschei walked around the forest, he noticed something strange.

The footprints he found; indicated that the creature was of a massive size, which meant that the creature required a lot of nutrients.

" But… there are no skeletal remains of any animals "

It could be that the demon also ate the bones of its victims; thought the knight.


The creature only ate the dead.

Sir Koschei was near the graveyard, as night had arrived.

All was quiet, and the silence was only broken, when the knight heard the trees being pushed aside.

Sir Koschei was speechless, as he beheld the creature.

It was massive in size. It had black-blue skin, horns, and those glowing eyes; which the gravekeeper talked about.

The knight did not know it, but he was dealing with a Eurynomus.

The creature approached the tombs.

It ripped one of the caskets open, and now started to eat.

The knight smiled as he noticed the black liquid around the creature's mouth.

Sir Koschei had thought ahead. He knew that he could not deal with the Eurynomos head-on. So, he filled one of the corpses with oil.

Why oil? You ask. Well, let us find out.

An arrow now hit the creature at the back of its head.

The Eurynomos turned around, and saw Sir Koschei, at some distance away; holding the bow.

The demon roared.

The ground shook, as the Eurynomos charged straight towards the knight.

Sir Koschei readied a fire-arrow.

He was ready to shoot, but he waited till… the Eurynomos roared once more. That was when the knight fired his arrow.

The arrow landed in the creature's mouth; setting the oil aflame.

The Eurynomos was now burning from the inside out.

Some time passed, and the creature was now ash.

The dead could enjoy their rest, for Sir Koschei had dealt with the flesh-devourer.

The Fierce Queer Creature

Sir Basil was looking at some tracks.

" It went this way "

The knight was tracking a creature, which had attacked a group of people.

When the knight arrived at the scene, he noticed that many of the victims, and of the dead; all had wounds which were made by a lion and a snake.

This intrigued Sir Basil, so he asked the survivors.

" It was massive, and it had the face of a man! "

" It had wings, and a snake for a tail "

" I truly don't know how to describe it "

The knight now halted. In front of Sir Basil lay a dead animal; who had the wounds of both a snake and a lion.

" Curious, " said the knight.

Sir Basil now heard the sound of a growl.

The knight slowly turned his head. Sir Basil was now staring straight into the eyes of a Manticore.

The beast brought down its massive paw. The knight just managed to dodge.

Sir Basil climbed a tree, but the Manticore had wings.

" Oh shit " said the knight, as he jumped.

The Manticore now gave chase.

Sir Basil tried to think of something; anything!

That was when the knight got an idea.

The Manticore had power on earth and in air, but what about water?

The knight jumped straight into a lake, and that was when the Manticore halted.

The beast went back and forth, near the lake.

The water was not clear, so the Manticore could see nothing. Its nose was also useless.

The beast now noticed bubbles in the lake.

The Manticore lowered its head towards the bubbles; expecting the head of the knight. That was when a crocodile bit the Manticore's nose.

The beast cried out in pain, and that was when the knight ended its suffering; by running his sword into its side.

The Manticore fell, and from that day onward. Sir Basil could be seen walking around with a pretty sweet fur cloak.


A child awoke from his sleep.

The boy looked around, but his room was empty.

Only his window was open, for the night was strangely hot.

The boy walked over to the open window. He felt the cold breeze on his face; it felt nice.

The boy looked around the black night, that was when he noticed something strange.

The boy noticed two floating balls in the night. The balls were also glowing.

The boy kept on looking at these queer balls, for it seemed like the balls were getting closer and closer.

The boy's blood froze, as he realized that the balls were actually eyeballs.

Two sets of screeches could be heard; one from the boy, and the other from the creature.

The cold wind flew into the empty room, for the poor boy was gone - never to be seen again.

The parents of the boy both went to the court of King Vladimir.

The King listened to the strange and tragic tale.

The King then decided to give Sir Nevsky the task of avenging the missing boy.

The knight made haste.

Sir Nevsky was examining the room of the boy. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

The knight looked out the window.

At first, he saw nothing, but that was till he looked at the nearby tree. The tree had blood on it.

Sir Nevsky followed the blood-trail; which led to a nearby cave.

The sun was still up, so the knight felt no fear as he looked into the abyss.

But Sir Nevsky could swear that something was looking back at him.

It was faint, but the knight noticed two glowing eyes from in the darkness.

Sir Nevsky did not know it, but he was dealing with a Popobawa.

The knight smiled, for he always loved a good hunt.

" How about I smoke you out, " said Sir Nevsky with a smile.

The knight now collected some wood.

Sir Nevsky placed all his wood near the entrance of the cave. He then set fire to the wood.

Almost as if nature was on his side. The wind carried all the smoke and ash; and sent it straight into the cave.

Several sreeches could be heard, and that was when the Popobawa flew out of the cave.

The light of the sun seemed to burn the creature's skin.

In pain and angry, the bat attacked the knight.

Sir Nevsky was able to keep the Popobawa at a distance - thanks to his large axe.

The creature seemed to get weaker and weaker, till finally; Sir Nevsky was able to deal the killing blow.

The knight burned the wicked creature's body.

While looking at the raging flames, Sir Nevsky


" The boy has been avenged "

The Wicked from the Waters

Sir Radurants was walking near the edge of a lake.

As of late, strange rumors have been going around - about this certain lake.

Some say; that the lake is cursed. Others say; that a beast lurks within.

At first, no one took these rumors seriously. That was till the day, a child vanished near the lake. And then another, and then another.

The people all now fear this cursed lake.

Brave Sir Radurants has traveled to this lake - so that he may put the local people at ease.

The knight has walked around the lake for a while, and he has yet to vanish.

The water was clear. So clear that Sir Radurants could see the bottom.

The knight now narrowed his eyes, for he could swear that something was moving; something which had the same skin color as the clear-water.

Sir Radurants leaned closer, which was his first mistake.

Something now grabbed hold of the knight - dragging him into the water.

For those who care and wonder, Sir Radurants was dealing with an Adaro.

The knight struggled to get free, but the creature's grip was too strong.

Sir Radurants needed air, so in order to get free; the knight ran his fingers into Adaro's eyes.

In pain, the creature let go of the knight.

Sir Radurants gasped for air, as he had reached the surface.

The knight knew that he was at a disadvantage in the water, so he had to get on land.

Sir Radurants was almost fully back on land, but that was when Adaro grabbed hold of his foot.

The knight got free, by pulling his foot out from his shoe.

In pain and anger, Adaro was now the one to make a mistake. For the creature of the sea was now fully on land.

With skill and ease, Sir Radurants ran his sword through Adaro's heart.

The beast fell into the lake - back first.

The lake now turned a crimson red, as Adaro sunk to the bottom, dead.

The Water-Owl

Sir-Lady Olga was sailing through the calm sea.

There have been reports about ships never making it to the docks.

The missing ships simply sat sail, and then… they were never heard from again.

" Do you see anything? " said Sir-Lady Olga.

" Forgive me, Sir-Lady, but the sea is empty, " said a sailor, who was looking from atop the crow's nest.

" Damn… " uttered the knight.

The ship now shook under Olga's feet.

" Captain? "

" It must have been a whale passing by "

The ship shook again.

" Another whale? "

" Not likely… " said the captain, nervously.

The ship shook for a third time, and that was when the knight decided to look overboards.

" Wow… " uttered the knight with a smile, as she beheld the fierce and beautiful Ziphius.

Before Ziphius could hit the ship again. Sir-Lady Olga did something which made the captain exclaim;

" Are you mad, woman?! "

The knight jumped overboard. Olga drew forth her sword in mid-air. And with the force of the jump, she ran her sword straight into the Ziphius.

The water turned red, as the Water-Owl struggled to get Olga off its back. But the knight held on.

The captain and his men, now all looked on, as Olga and Ziphius both vanished in the red and blue water.

The captain and his men all held their breaths. They did not know what would happen, or when, so they heightened all their senses.

The men cheered, as Sir-Lady Olga's hand came bursting out from the sea; sword in hand.

" What shall we do with the queer beast? " asked the captain, as he helped the knight back onto the ship.

Ziphius' dead body was just floating at the surface of the sea.

" We shall bring it back. It will make a fine gift for the King " said the knight, as water and blood dripped from her body.

Olga and the men all enjoyed good rum that night.

The captain changed his mind about bringing a woman onboard his ship.

" It might be good luck if there be a Sir-Lady aboard me ship, " said the captain with a smile.

Phantom Kangaroo

Sir Quarcos walked among the wounded.

Each man was bleeding, some with broken bones, and some with one foot in the grave.

" What happened? "

The question was given to a wounded man, who was still conscious.

" It was horrible, sir " said the man; " as you can see. We were a group of 20. But this creature from hell took us down like we were just one man "

The wounded man now coughed up some blood.

" Rest " said the knight, as he covered the man in more blankets; " and rest assured, that I will put an end to this wicked creature "

Sir Quarcos had now arrived at the spot where the battle had taken place. There was blood everywhere.

" Good lord… " uttered the knight in horror.

It was faint. But the knight noticed something in the distance.

The creature looked like a kangaroo. There were only some differences… This kangaroo was bigger, and bulkier!

The beast was charging straight for the knight.

Sir Quarcos managed to dodge the beast's attack.


Not only did this creature have strength, it also had speed.

The knight took some blows. The beast's punches were heavy upon the knight's body. But Sir Quarcos stood his ground.

" That all you got…? " said the knight with a bloody smile.

The muscles' of the beast all tensed up. Its blood veins were all visible, and about to pop!

The punch was made, and Sir Quarcos also made his move.

The knight kicked the Phantom Kangaroo in its pouch.

Hey, if you were fighting this beast, you too would fight dirty.

The pain stunned the creature for a second, but a second was all Sir Quarcos needed.

The knight ran his dagger through the beast's throat.

The Phantom Kangaroo fell, no more jumps or punches left to give.

The Bull-Horned Carnivore

A hunter was out hunting with his dog.

The air was thick, the forest was dripping, but the hunter held his crossbow high and mighty.

The dog stopped, its ears were sharp, and its nose was forward. It had caught the scent of something.

" Get it, boy, " said the hunter.

The dog ran like the wind, deeper into the green.

The hunter followed, but he was behind.

The hunter stopped, for he could no longer hear his boy.

The hunter whistled.

" Here boy! " he yelled.

The hunter now heard movements.

He was about to say; " Good boy "

But… the thing which had appeared… was anything but a good boy…

Sir Calcas was looking down at the mangled body.

" Rest and peace " said the knight.

Sir Calcas walked deeper still, and what he found… broke his heart.

" Poor boy… " uttered the knight, as he tried to hold back the tears.

Sir Calcas now heard movements.

The knight drew forth his sword, he turned around, he then said;

" So, you must be the bad boy "

Hodag growled at the knight.

Sir Calcas stood his ground, as the Hodag got closer.

The beast now jumped onto the knight.

Sir Calcas held back Hodag's jaw with his sword.

The knight got free, but he did not run.

" I will avenge the hunter and the good boy "

The Hodag howled and roared.

The beast jumped once more, but that was when Sir Calcas dodged; by ducking under the beast.

The knight now ran, with the beast at his heel.

Both Sir Calcas and Hodag jumped.

The knight grabbed hold of the hunter's crossbow, and that was when he fired an arrow straight into the beast's mouth.

Hodag landed onto the ground, dead.

The knight returned home, having avenged both the hunter and the dog.

The Elk-Man Monster

A child was missing, and Sir Kailet was out looking for the missing-child.

The knight was walking through the white forest.

Sir Kailet could see his own breath, he heard the snow being crushed under his feet.

The knight now stopped, for he heard something.

Someone else was crushing the snow.

The knight slowly drew forth his sword. But, that was when the sound stopped, as if the creature had heard the sound of the sword being drawn forth.

Sir Kailet now breathed through his nose, in an attempt to calm his fast-beating heart.

The knight stood still, he did not move; for the snow would make a sound.

After what must have felt like hours, Sir Kailet heard snow being crushed.

The sound was getting closer and closer. The knight's heart beat faster.

That was when he saw it - the head of an elk.

Sir Kailet giggled.

" You scared me… " said the knight with a smile, as he returned his sword to its sheath.

Sir Kailet's blood froze, as he saw the rest of the elk.

" Dear God… " uttered the knight, as he beheld the queer creature.

Sir Kailet was facing an Ijiraq.

The knight tried to draw his sword, but the creature was too fast.

The Ijiraq had the knight pinned up against a tree.

Sir Kailet could feel his ribs being crushed, he had to do something.

The knight broke a branch from the tree, and he then ran it into the Ijiraq's eye.

The beast cried out in pain, as it stepped back.

Sir Kailet had no time to think or to recover, as the Ijiraq charged once more.

The knight ducked out of the way, and the beast was now stuck to the tree.

The knight picked up his sword, and he then beheaded the Elk-Man.

Far off, within a cave, a child was shaking from the cold.

The child now felt a blanket being placed on their body.

The child looked up, and there was Sir Kailet; with a warm smile.

Cryodrakon Boreas Part 1

A queer and massive creature has been spotted flying over King Vladimir's kingdom.

The creature is massive, many call it; The Cold Dragon.

Whenever this dragon has been spotted, many people have gone missing, and many villages have been damaged.

The knights are all eager to set out and kill this strange creature.

But, King Vladimir, having heard all the rumors about the creature's fierce and dangerous appearance, has decided to take on the task himself.

Which is where our story picks-up, with the King walking atop the tall mountains, looking for the cold dragon.

If the rumors about the creature's size were true, then it needed a lot of space to rest. Or, the King could easily spot the massive dragon from atop the mountains. So in the end, it was a win-win.

King Vladimir now fell onto his stomach, as a strong gust of wind passed by.

When the King was able to look, he did not believe his own eyes.

The cold dragon was incredibly large. One of its wings could easily bridge the gap between two continents.

In modern times, this cold dragon was better known as; Cryodrakon Boreas.

The dragon landed on a mountain near the King.

The creature's body covered the whole side of the mountain.

King Vladimir smiled, for he had absolutely no idea, as to how he was going to defeat this cold dragon.

The dragon now tried to hit the King with its massive and long beak.

King Vladimir was able to dodge the attacks, but only barely.

The King hit the beak with his sword, but his attacks had little to no effect on the cold dragon.

King Vladimir was truly at a loss as to what to do.

That was when the King remembered the massive holes in Siberia.

King Vladimir was now surfing down the snowy mountain, like a badass. While the dragon was flying right above him.

The mountains were luckily right next to the holes of Siberia.

With great haste, King Vladimir made his way to the biggest hole of them all.

The cold dragon looked on, as the King jumped into the hole.

Being very stubborn and persistent, the dragon flew after the King.


King Vladimir was still on the surface, for he had merely attached his cloak to his sword, and threw it into the hole.

The King readied himself, for the Cryodrakon Boreas was flying back up to the surface. When the dragon was close, that was when the King jumped.

King Vladimir landed right onto the cold dragon's back.

Cryodrakon Boreas Part 2

King Vladimir was tightly holding onto the soft fur, as the cold wind was hitting him in the face.

The King was on the dragon, but he had no idea what to do next.

King Vladimir was dragging himself towards the cold dragon's head.

When the King finally reached the head, he crawled towards one of the eyes.

The King pulled out his dagger, he was ready to bring it down… but he did not.

As the King looked into the colossal eye, he saw hate, but he also saw love.

The cold dragon was from an old age, where survival of the fittest held true. But this Cryodrakon Boreas was born with a kind heart, which had unfortunately been turned to ice.

King Vladimir decided to melt the ice.

It was not easy, but somehow, the King managed to tame the cold dragon.

The dragon now serves the King. And together, they would watch over this winter wonderland of theirs.

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  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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