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The Alpha's Princess The Alpha's Princess original

The Alpha's Princess

Author: serenasprunk

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter- 1

Aro's POV

I was jolted awake when I heard my door being knocked on by my stepmother Rachel, and then she said "Aro your going to be late for school". I groaned and went to take a shower and soon realized that Ren was still sleeping on me, he's my dog. A very protective German Shepherd. I winced as I got up from the beating I got last night in the basement from Cain my older brother. Ren watched from the bed as I grabbed my favorite dark blue sweater and really faded out boot cut jeans. I walked to the bathroom with a limp. My legs was burning from the many cuts Cain placed on my legs last night. As I undressed and started the shower I looked in the full length mirror and had tears well up in my eyes. From my chest to my feet were these nasty jagged cuts and bruises. I held back the tears since I was so sick and tired of feeling weak and crying about my pain. As I looked at myself I noticed that the bathroom had gotten steamy. I jumped into the shower the hot scorching water help to relax my muscles and washed any all the dried up blood around my cuts. The water burned when it hit my wounds but I was used to that pain, and it did not bother anymore. I finished washing my body and hair. I got out and dried my body and towel dried my hair. After I was dressed I started to brush out my long mane of dark brown hair that was full of tangles. Once I had my hair brushed through I braided it and tied a blue ribbon at the end. My grandma used to do my hair and would tie a ribbon at the bottom. Now that she is gone I do it for her memory and miss her everyday. I returned to my room and put on my black cowboy boots, my back pack, and hugged Ren good-bye kissing him on the head. I also grabbed my wireless headphones before leaving my room.

I went downstairs and grabbed my keys before I hit the door Rachel said "Aro you need to eat something before you go to school", I ignored her as I left for school. My thoughts were on Ash my best friend and wondering how my day will go, and if it wasn't for Ash I wouldn't be here. Ash and I met when we both young our moms were best friends and so we became best friends. We never left each others sides. Ash even saved me from suicide countless times and I did the same for her. We had a really rough time when both our moms died in a car accident together when we were ten years old. we blamed each other that they were gone and we went a year with out talking, but we finally came to our senses when our fathers remarried and we became even closer friends.

As I drove to school I thought about what had happened last night...


I had gotten home from school like any other day when I say Cain sitting at the table in the kitchen. I kept my head down knowing that he hated it when I looked at him. I tried to avoid him by going around him, but he did not like that I was trying to escape. He stood up and asked me the same question like always...

" How was your day at school" he said with a wicked grin on his face like normal. I always kept my head down no matter what he asked me to do.

I mumbled "It was a good day" and started to move to go upstairs to my room to do my homework. Cain got mad when I dismissed him like that. Knowing my dad and step mom were not home he grabbed me by my backpack and dragged me downstairs. I called for Ren and heard him growl and he ran down the stairs from my room to the doorway of the basement. He watched me get dragged all the way to the bottom of the stairs waiting to see what would happen to me. I then was pushed into a room out of Ren's sight. I feel to the ground and Cain slammed a door right before Ren could enter the room. I heard him growl, bark, and scratched at the door to get in to protect me, but I knew he would not be able to get in. The door was made from reinforced steel for when we had our first shift.

Cain grabbed me and chained me to the wall. He ripped off the clothes I was wearing so that he could see my skin. My previous beatings were almost completely healed but he did not care. He just started the torture all over again.

" Why did you have to be born, mom would still be here if your pathetic self would not have been born." Cain screamed at me.

Deep down I knew that her death was my fault when she and Ash's mom went on that vacation trip to California for a few days to have a girls time out. I begged my mom to go she need to take a break from being a mom for a few days. But the night they left was when disaster struck. They had been traveling for a few hours and were just near the border to Utah when a drunk driver was in a hot pursuit from the cops and their car in the middle of an intersection when the drunk driver hit them and rolled their car five times. Even if your a werewolf you can not survive that much trauma and both moms died at the scene due to their injuries.

Cain screamed at me waking me from my thoughts. I finally looked up at him as he glared, and sliced my skin as he got all of his frustration out. I was losing a large amount of blood and lost consciousnesses....

"End of Flashback"

When I got to school I noticed Ash wasn't their yet with her baby blue 1965 Ford Ranger F-100. So I went to the usual place we went and sat down at the table and put my headphones in and listened to my favorite song "My Immortal" by Evanescence. Then I was jabbed in the side it hurt so bad that tears started to form in my eyes. Ash noticed my pain stricken face and stopped laughing and not deathly quiet. I could sense her rage for my brother Cain. As she sat next to me she quietly asked "What had happened last night". I explained everything that happened the night before not leaving any details out. I slowly asked her "Never ever do that again please every time you do that it hurts like hell. Promise?" She agreed and promised to never jab my side again.

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