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Chapter 2: Chapter Two:

My mind wandered as I started at the stone ceiling, a faint breeze flowing through the air. What was I going to do? I needed to escape, and the fact that there was over a hundred other slaves here didn't help. Back when I was free, I remember stealing just about anything valuable I could get my hands on.

Luckily, I never told anyone I was a Fae. That wouldn't be the best idea, considering Fae are looked down upon as monsters and terrible people. My hair had grown long, covering my slightly pointed ears. My ears weren't noticeably pointy, unless you put me next to someone and compared them. The sharpness of my canines could be passed off as a wolf as well. But my eyes were a different story, they are what made me standout. They were Ashryver... a common eye color among the Fae, but rare and exotic in every other race.

My eyes had a ring of gold around the pupils and were surrounded by an ocean blue tint that seemed to move like waves. The funny thing about my name is, it means 'Water' or 'River'. My eyes left a lasting impression that I never wanted on a person. It meant they would remember me... that was a bad thing.

Suddenly, a plan came to me. If I could only get the attention of the camp... but that would be impossible, there are over a hundred people here.

I sighed and laid down on the dirty cave stone, I'd figure it out. Even if I had to break every bone in my bloody body. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and dozed off to sleep. Knowing there would be hell to pay in the morning...


"GET UP!" An angry voice yelled in my ear, pain shooting through my side.

I opened my eyes and sat up, seeing a Cracker snarling at me. Shrugging, I stood up and looked at him. Waiting for him to tell me the reason he woke me, that when I realized. Where were the other slaves?

"Your time is up, execution day has been moved." the Cracker said, shoving me towards the entrance.

I resisted the urge to shove him back and walked out of the cave. What did he mean by 'day has been moved'? Did the king order it or something? If so... I've found a new enemy. Execution day was a day when the criminals and assassins of the camp are killed before the whole camp, in a matter of ways. Usually just by hanging, since its 'quicker'.

The Cracker walked behind me, shoving me occasionally. But I was used to it... after all, I've been here for four years. There was a crowd of slaves gathered like livestock in the middle of the camp. Before them was a platform where people would be executed. Glancing around, I saw the little girl from yesterday with her mom in the middle of the crowd. The little girl saw me and grinned, waving. I could only smile a little and nod in hello.

That's when I realized, why was the Cracker shoving me away from the crowd? My mind raced, then I finally came up with an answer. They moved my execution day up... it was today, ah... Hell. My eyes locked on the platform I was being shoved onto. I had to think of something... fast

A series of whispers caught my attention, making my eyes flick to the right and see another crowd. But... this one was different. This crowd was made up of the royal court?! Why the Hell Were They Here?!

My eyes scanned the crowd of privileged, all of them wore the finest clothes and the most expressive shoes. How I wanted to bring down their expensive lives, make them see reality. One of the Crackers pushed me onto one of the trap doors, and I glanced back at the crowd of slaves that all were now staring at me with sad eyes. All of them I helped with something, whether it was carrying the bags of salt... Or taking their lashes for them.

The sound of crying reached my ears, it was the little girl. Her mother tried to calm her down by stroking her hair. The mother glanced at me and gave me a sad smile, knowing this was the end of the line for me. I only shrugged, holding up my chained hands and chuckled.

This surprised some of the slaves, how I could laugh in this situation. Some of the Crackers gave me disgusted looks. One even dared to snarl at me, I snarled right back. I didn't care now, but I sure as hell wasn't going to die here.

I felt the rope slip around my neck and I yanked my head away, not letting them put it on. But a hand grabbed the back of my neck, holding me in place as they slipped it on. Narrowing my eyes, I slammed my heel down on the persons foot as revenge. A grunt came from them, and I smirked.

"Gulistin." I retorted in Fae tongue, knowing very well they couldn't understand.

The person snarled and walked from behind me, now standing in front of me. He had dark brown hair and piercing grey eyes, this man... wasn't a Cracker. My eyes flicked to his sword hilt, which was imbedded with a crest. This man was captain of the royal guard... what a pain in the ass.

I snickered as the Captain kept glaring at me silently with a hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Today, five criminals will be executed." A man said, walking onto the platform and standing to the side.

I knew exactly who this man was, everyone did. He was the person who gave the Crackers orders, he was the devils incarnate to us.

"All of them have taken innocent lives." He continued.

I faked a cough, getting most people's attention.

"Wrong." I said in between fake coughs, earning a punch to the jaw from the Captain.


Robin_Pokorny Robin_Pokorny

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