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Chapter 10: Learning of Self-Destruction

"Okay you two I must give you a head up that the way you guys are bonded isn't considered a normal way. This is primarily justified because of the healing so now you guys will always know where each other plus each other thoughts," stated Hemming.

"Why didn't we utilize a alternative method other than that?" asked Ryan since he didn't genuinely mind it much as he notes more benefits than negatives already.

"You didn't have any useful resources that could have saved her, so this was the best method for the both of you. The main benefits of this method are tracking, increased training and healing speed together, telepathy, plus more skill depending on the bond guys develop."declared Hemming leaving Inkeri dumbfound at the benefits she obtains with doing this.

"Now the way to stop the telepathy or stop it so you guys don't always hear each is basically to will it. Now Ryan go and train in that method because you both will benefit and can finally get into the first rank with magic and body." reminding Ryan on the fact he needs to start if he wants to be a low rank 1 magic squire compared to a upper squire.

Ryan understood it was time to get started and there is no going back as he needed to get stronger not for himself anymore but for Inkeri. When he went to check his ring for he recognize the bodies of his and Inkeri mother still in there and preserved.

He mentioned it to Inkeri that he wants to do a quick burial as it would better not to be reminded of his past constantly.Inkeri agreed with a depressed glinted in her eyes and helped Ryan to make holes for Amy and Ithil.

After they were done grieving over their parents Ryan picked up Inkeri and put her on his head to see how they will benefit from cultivating with each other. He grabbed the book from the ring, so they could look at the front cover together which made them wonder what was in this book.

"Ryan, one thing I need to mention is that two will both feel the same effects from this method but only if you can handle it." said Hemming giving them a head up that they should both use it to get stronger.

Ryan looked at Hemming and nodded then turned back to the book to open it to see the introduction. Inkeri and Ryan were greeted by the words, "To die is to live and to live is to die once one achieves self-destruction.

When they read these words, they thought it simple at the point the book was trying to make but at the same time not. They decided to read the rest of the introduction to see what the method would entail.

To those who receive this book, I will say this book either stop now or forever hold your peace if you are fine becoming a enemy of all races. If you are fine with this and are intelligent enough then, you won't have to worry about this problem, but once you are found out then be prepared.

The main thing about this method is that once you start it is not possible to switch because you will explode otherwise to due over built energy. In return the book provides notes on movement, fighting, defense, spirit, and even soul fire techniques.

These techniques are the things that will work with the technique, but you must follow the requirements otherwise consequence will be your only fortune. Now the way you train the this method will depend on your will power but in return you train any part of your body whenever you want.

The reason this method is called self-destruction is not the dangers of messing up but instead the way you train in the method. You need to use your spirit to put around the part of the body part to protect it then use your sole fire to destroy and temper the body to restructure it.

Now it possible to do this with any part but it you don't keep it protect until the transformation finishes then it will dissipate and probably kill you. Now the soul fire is the way you refine the body but the problem is actually using it since it takes a lot of luck or high cultivation.

This method has a way to force it to move in the body, so you don't have to force it out and harm yourself. You can only use the soul flame to refine the body otherwise you will be harming you actual health.

Up to this point Ryan and Inkeri were very intrigued by this technique but were scared of these consequences. Ryan knew he could control his soul flame early than others so he could have the best effects right away but he wanted to see if he could get Inkeri's under her control.

He pushed a bit of his soul flame back into her and met contact with her's which Inkeri's soul flame responded by trying to snuggle up to his. He decides to lead it toward the outside, but he knew it wouldn't happen instantly so he tried to inch it and coax it outward.

Inkeri felt what he was doing and let him continue doing it while help him getting the soul flame moving.After it reached a bit outside it started to completely under her control when she wanted it causing more to come out bit by bit.

Once it all came out they both saw a flame that was purple with red and green corrupting the out edges. This left Ryan surprised as Ryan's fire was the same but he had more red which caused him wondering if everyone has a set color but can gain more.

He told Inkeri to pull it back in, so she will feel better and that they will learn to control it better when they can. They decided to check the rest of the introduction to see if there was anything important they need to know.

Each part of the body will modify to what you want it be or have but the potential needs to self reached. Also, you can use your soul fire on any part more than once but it won't give more abilities or let you choose another ability.

The reason you would uses the soul fire again would to be purifying that part to increase strength, defense, and other things that will be discovered. This method can work with spirit cultivation of any type but be warned that once you fuck up then there is no turning back.

Before you go farther there is one thing I would you know which is the forms you will have will be two unless a demon beast uses this technique they will have three or more. Also if you leave blood on the cover, it will bond with you and come straight to you if it is call upon.

I have left some notes on my time using this techniques plus on the guinea pigs that were test subjects. If you want a certain body or part added reference the notes section and you will see the wonderful results my dear inheritor.

When Inkeri and Ryan read the last line, they felt conflicted should they check it or leave them alone for now. They wanted but realised they need to start getting stronger, so they can choose correctly and are fine with their choices.

When they opened the reference section they were greeted by notes and pictures of people getting tortured, There were things as mild as hunger and dehydration related deaths then some of the worse one were the parts that exploded like the had with chunks lying everywhere.

Ryan was a little disturbed by this while Inkeri felt nauseous as she had seen such a gruesome thing herself. As they looked through the notes, they saw a test subject number, body part, and results with a little bit of random info on the side.

Ryan started looking through the pages to see body parts people changed and what he started to understand there was two routes to this method individual refinement or section refinement. The notes talked about people being able whole sections which the strong people who use this method refinement can handle but the individual is a lot hard but brings in more benefits.

People who did individual refinement had to make sure purities were the same as if this was a blacksmithing job. People who did this general took less time to do refinement as it's less to refine but died more often.

Ryan looked at Inkeri and asked, "Hey Inkeri which route does you want to head down the individual or section refinement. I personally want to do the individual as the risk might be higher but we can have better control of our soul fires."

"Ryan, I will follow your choice since no matter we will always be together now so we might as well walk a similar path" declared Inkeri smiling.Ryan knew she was agreeing to what he said so they could both get more powerful but he was worried that she would regret her choice.

He went back into the book to look at the most beneficial part to start off with as if he doesn't choose the right one then it can be harder to progress.After a minute he found three options that he liked but knew would be the most dangerous to account for.

His decision was between the eyes, bones, and veins which he knew would provide him the sturdiest foundation the longer he went along. In the end he went the veins route as bones might aid him in encourage his body but the amount of soul flame requires could leave him dead.

Eyes in themselves remain a risky business, but they would merely support him in certain situations so the worth right now wasn't there. He asked Inkeri what she was going to do and she wanted to do the bones first since she obtains a more elevated level then Ryan.

She wanted a deep foundation and strength that she could rely on instead of only just spirit energy. Before they started they made certain to practice with soul flames and get used to them while probing them in multiple situations.

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