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Chapter 4: What did she get Herself Into?

The next morning June found herself standing outside another hospital with a bouquet of white lilies in hand. They'd arrived at her front door less than thirty minutes before along with a card. Inside the card was a note explaining everything she needs to do.

All that was required of her was to go to the front counter and ask for room Three Sixty. If anyone were to ask about the room she was going to or why all she needed to do was smile and say a few words. Once she got to the room she needed to put down the lilies wait for a little bit then she could leave. It was as simple as that.

Yet she had the nagging feeling there was more to it. Like doing this was going to cause major waves but she couldn't figure out what sending flowers to someone would do. It was pretty innocent to her.

June: Okay I'm out here

770-862-****: Oh wow! You work fast I'm impressed! Maybe I'll even give you a bonus. \(⌒▽⌒)/

'Tsk, just do me a favor and never appear on my phone again' she thought slightly annoyed.

It was bad enough that they took all her money but then she also had to deal with their annoying personality. Their upbeat I'm better than you way of talking pissed her off. Every time she saw an emoticon she couldn't help but imagine the person's smug face enraging her even more.

770-862-****: Go on now I'll be watching~

June held back a sneer as she walked into the hospital. Though she made sure to profusely curse the person out in her head. If they would ever meet in person she would make sure to give them a good right hook.

Inside it was nice and calm. There weren't many people and the ones that were there were sitting around or working. It gave her the feeling of peace and comfort that wasn't apparent at the hospital she stayed at.

"Excuse me, ma'am, I'm looking for room three-sixty could you point me towards it? " June asked innocently.

"Room three-sixty? Who are you?" She replied in a suspicious tone.

June wasn't sure why but she began feeling slightly uneasy. She couldn't understand why the woman was asking her like that. It was normal for people to go see loved ones. Granted she wasn't family or friend but that lady didn't know.

"I'm just delivering flowers to an important person," she said choosing her words wisely. She didn't want to say anything that would end up contradicting herself later.

"Hmm, " the lady responded looking her up and down when suddenly she face contorted into a bright smile.

"Oh! I see, don't worry I won't tell anyone. Go ahead on to his room! It's down the hall to the left."

"Thank you, " June responded giving her a questionable look.

'What just happened?'

770-862-****: That was a close one! I expect nothing less from a Master Hustler! You deceived her expertly!

June: I deceived her of what exactly?

770-862-****: lolololl oh nothing! Just keep going.

June: This isn't dangerous is it?

770-862-****: Of course not! What do you take me for?! why would I lie to you?

June frowned but went ahead on her way. It was too late to go back anyway and the cheeky hacker wouldn't give her back her money without going on with it. Plus there was always a chance he didn't have the time to deliver flowers to a friend and ask her to. No matter how slight the chance was.

When she entered the room she found that it was miles ahead of the room she stayed in. Everything was sparkly clean and it had a wonderful fragrance dancing across the room. although the patient didn't have a single gift or flower.

770-862-****: Hurry and put it down by the patient before the bodyguards return!

770-862-****: It's not going to be pretty if they see you.

June almost jumped out of her skin as she stared at the text. 'What happened to this being safe' she thought angrily.


770-862-****: No time to explain! Hurry, hurry~

770-862-****: They'll be returning in less than five minutes.

June immediately shot over to the patient and in a fluent motion dropped the flowers on a small table next to the bed. While she was doing so she noticed who was lying dead asleep.

It was someone she had seen in a lot of ads and on television in her previous life. He was a pop star that came to America recently along with the rest of his group. She remembered that he was extremely popular in his home country for his talent and looks.

June didn't know about talent but she could tell he was definitely a handsome man. He looked to be in his early twenties with messy blonde hair. For his eyes, she believed they were brown but she was never a big fan of the group or him. He was also very tall has he looked like he would just about tower over.

'Sh*t! Why'd it have to be someone famous!'

June scrambled out of the room and tried to look normal at the same time. She luckily didn't see any bodyguards to her relief. Yet she felt like she had still gotten caught and she could have sworn she heard the sound of a phone.

June: I did it now my money, please

770-862-****: Right! You're a life saver I tell you! I'll send it over.

June sighted happy to finally be able to go home. She was once again free to think about her future in peace. On her way home, however, she suddenly began to feel terribly sleepy.

At first, she didn't think anything of it. She assumed that her body was weak and couldn't handle too much exercise. Still the closer she got to the hotel the more she found that she was having trouble moving forward. She just wanted to knock out right on the sidewalk.

It wasn't until she made it into her room that her body finally won over her mind and collapsed onto the floor. She would lay there and sleep for another two days.

The_Aroplane The_Aroplane

You might have noticed but we have a cover now! There's also the new name. See I was talking with a friend the other day and she said if I want more exposure I should give the story a more unique name and make a cover so I took the time to figured out how to upload covers and I drew up one. I'm kind of happy with it, kind of not. I feel like I could have done better but because I was rushing myself I didn't. Still, as long as you guys enjoy it I'm happy.

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