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3.17% The Beneath.

Chapter 2: CHAPTER ONE: Peace?

-72 hours before the incident-

The scent of sunflowers fills the air as the rays of the sun glisten on the water dripped sunflower field when Xavier awakens to the beauty of this land

A land he has called home for all 13 years of his life.

All he's ever known basically...

"The sky is so pretty..."

He sighs adjusting himself and sitting up.

Suddenly a mellow and soft voice cuts in,

"Xavi!!! time for lunch..."

It says.

Turning his head towards the giant tree that marks the beginning to the field…

His eyes meet his mother's.

Her beautiful white hair being softly carried to one side by the humble winds as her crimson red eyes meet his.

"Kay mom!"

He says a warm grin on his face.


"Bring Mylo in too..."

She responds softly, beginning to walk away.


His response is swift.

Xavier pats his little white husky's head as he gets up and makes for the tree where his mother stood. 

"C'mon buddy."

He says rushing towards the house just passed the tree.

It's not a big house by any means…

But it's delicate architecture shines through.

It radiates a warm feeling…

Caressed by both an array of flowers that guide you toward it…

And the rays of the sun that sit kindly upon it...

This warm red brick building is his home

"Ouuu. So what'd you make for lunch this time."

Xavier says zooming right passed his mother to take a sit on a stool by the stone kitchen island. 


His mother let's out a soft chuckle and smile clearly proud of her day's selection.

"Well if you liked last night's dinner then…"

"Ta-da!!! it's--"

"Ch-chicken and potato salad!!!!"

She begins to say dramatically before she's cut off by a star struck Xavier whose eyes are brighter than ever grinning ear to ear.

Reaching for the dish his hand comes to a halt when the door suddenly swings opens.

"Hi guys! what's for lunch?"

A warm brash voice cuts in.

The figure, a tall well-built man with deep shiny black hair and eyes.

His eyes meet Xavier's.

"Welcome back!!"

Xavier says, demeanour and tone much more soft and mannered.

"Thanks Xavi."

His father responds.

"And how are you today..."

His father says turning his attention to his wife.

"Ouuu... so much better now that you're here, welcome back hunnie..."

She responds warmly planting a kiss on his cheek before he takes a sit next to Xavier.

"Hey Xavi...."

He begins to say before turning his head to his son when…

"Aaaaah... I guess it can wait...."

He says in both surprise and mild amusement when he comes face to face with a chicken devouring demon also referred to as his son in this novel.  

"Mom! mom! this is so good I could die right now!!"  

Xavier shouts chicken bones sticking out his mouth...  

"Ehehe sure Xavi just don't get any food on my carpet, it's new."

She says laughing as she walks passed him to the pantry, patting Xavier's head on the way.

"Ohoho this must be some pretty good stuff for you to ignore your old man like that."

Xavier's father says cheekily and a little jealous of the gourmet meal.


Xavi responds blankly…

More absorbed in a meal worth telling his future generations of grandkids about.


"Fine let's see what all the fuss is about..."

His father mutters to himself jealously.

"Risa is a good cook no question. but it can't be that goo...."

An eerie silence fills the room as soon he takes a bite...

-Risa returns to the room-

"Alright I just found some oranges in the pantry and I think this'll go really well. With...the...."

She looks at the both of them crouched over their plates with a blank expression.


She exclaims when she notices all the plates are empty....

"Di-did you finish everything!!!!"

She shouts


Her husband's voice cuts in both brutal and serious.


Risa responds taken a little aback by the tone.

"I could...I could!!!"

He utters in ridiculous stuttering fashion raising his voice with every word!!

"Die right now!!!"

Xavier cuts in shouting in an equally dramatic fashion....

His eyes shining brighter than the sky on New year's.


Risa exclaims in total confusion!!!

"Yes that's it."

"That's right Risa."

"We could die right now..."

Her husband says tears flash in the eyes

Like the taste of this one gourmet meal had awoken something in him!!

A discovery that could change the fate of the world as we know it!!!

Or at least that's how he feels…

As glittering tears run down their faces like a blessing had been bestowed on their future generations.

Risa's husband's reaches an epiphany and grabs his wife's hands!

Before proclaiming!

"This gourmet meal..."


He begins as the pup chimes in as if in a moment of enlightenment itself!!!


"This divine blessing bestowed upon our stomachs!"

He says dramatically!

"Upon our stomachs!! Upon our stomachs!!"

Echoes Xavier's immediately after his father choosing to join in his revelation...

"Nae upon our lives!!!"

His father shouts more dramatic taking up her hands and springing to his feet!!

"Our lives!! Our lives!!"

"Worf!!!!, Worf!!!!!"

Xavier and Mylo shout after as dog joins the revelation!!!!

"We could die right now!!!!!!!"


They shout in unison springing their feet stiffly as a flood of glittering tears fall down their faces!!!!

Faces I might add, that look like they're filled with the complete euphoria one would gain from learning of the world's secrets!!!!!

".... Aaaaah.... this is bliss...."

Her husband says ridiculously as he falls to the ground in slow motion…

Risa's cheeks flush red with embarrassment at the ridiculous display.

And unable to hold herself back…

She begins to boil over!!!!

Not only from watching her betrothed and life partner's quite frankly absurd choice to act more akin to the age of their prepubescent son.

But also the audacity of these two to not only not leave her any lunch but in that haphazard display trample on the silky black wool carpet she suffered the wrath of the local moms to attain!!!

And that little pup too!!!

Oooooh that little mutt!!!!

What's with that!!!

She moans.

But despite all that it's her carpet that irks her more!!

Oooh her precious black sheep wool carpet…

She'd spent days in queue waiting for the store to open…

And after that even wrestled a horde of mom for it!!

I mean this one piece of fabric takes six years to be available again!!!!

Forget lunch someone just trampled on 6 years' worth of work!!!


Her growl is audible enough to tense all the idiots in the room.


She begins


Her husband exclaims sensing a familiar wrath!!!


She continues

"Oh would you look at the time; I really should be going…"


Her husband says meekly to Xavier as she continues!!!


She shouts stampeding to them!!!!!!!


(RIP Hubby!!!)


(sighing) "Geez... why are you so dramatic!"

Risa pouts dusting off and tucking in Xavier for bed at the end of another stress inducing day in her household.

"Hehe we're not…"

"It really was that good!!"

Xavier responds chuckling away as his mother's cheeks turn a slight red still appreciative of the remark.

"But if I had to think about it…"

"It's probably because father's an idiot and am his son..."

Xavier exclaims cheekily hiding his face with the blanket as his mother chuckles to herself

"Alright. Alright. now get to bed you, before you father hears us."


Risa says patting his head to a quick response from Xavier

"Goodnight Xavi."

She says leaving the room blowing out the candle on her way out...


He shouts back. The door only partially closed allowing light produced from a candle down the hall in.

The room now filled mostly with the light produced from the moon and stars...

"It's a beautiful night."

Xavier thinks to himself as his little husky pops into his bed

It's red eyes shining more in this light.

"You're beautiful too Mylo."

He says smiling peacefully as he pats Mylo's head.

Time passes slow and Xavier falls to sleep thinking about how much he loves his family…

Eagerness on all the antics he can get up tomorrow in his mind before ultimately it all fades to black


… ("PING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") …

The sound of broken glass reverberates throughout the house...

Xavier's eyes peel open slow in a daze....

Muffled sounds of conversation dance passed his ears...

"It's awfully dark in here."

He thinks to himself half asleep staring out the window into the now cloud covered sky...

"…what was that..."

He mutters to himself staring at the shadows passed his door pacing back and forth….

Still in a daze he pulls himself up from his bed patting Mylo on the head as he wills his legs forward toward the shadows…

Opening the door completely, conversation becomes more audible.

"Yo- you can't...."

"Am sorry dear but I have no choice...."

The exchange is clear.

The voices?

His parents.

Xavier walks down the hall toward the shadows...

"But you promised...."

Risa says sombre toned

"when you asked me to marry you..."

"You promised you'd leave it all behind!"

She says


"Don't touch me."

She says pulling away from her husband

"Are you really just going to let your father dictate your life again."

She says, her voice shook.

"I-i know what I said."


Her husband responds

"...But am doing this for you...."

"For Xavi!"

"Yeah well we didn't ask you to!!!"

Risa cuts him off...




"If I don't do this we won't be safe...."

Her husband responds softly

(sighing) "No Victor If you do this YOU won't be safe…"

Risa says…




"The oasis is filled with people from all over the world..."

"The 'GUARD' should be able to protect us..."

"Don't you think so???"

She says her voice hopeful...


"It's my father Marisa…"

Victor responds

"If I don't do this its not just us who won't be safe."

"The whole oasis could be in serious trouble."

He says

"He won't stop until I go and see him myself…"

He says




The content of the conversation sobers Xavier up and just as the silence begins to linger a little too long…


"…w-when would you have to leave..."

Risa says anxiety n her tone


"Two days...."

Victor responds...


"Either I leave in two days or...."

Victor tries to say horror in his tone....

"Or what Vic...."

Risa responds

"Or we all die..."

He says in one breath tilting his head away from his wife...

Xavier's face turns pale...

The situation is a little much for him to comprehend...

His body weighs heavy and his limbs stiff...


That is to not be here anymore right?

He ponders

To not feel....

Or touch...

Or see....

Smell, hear!!



Not just his but everyone's.

The boy stone faced quietly wills himself back to bed...

And that night Xavier could not escape his mind.

As a bundle of questions reigned in.

"His father must leave in two days to meet his grandfather??"

He thought.

"And if he doesn't they'll all die?"

He thought..

"Why would his grandfather want to kill them?"

He thought…

"Why would he go to such lengths?"

"And to his own family??"

He thought….


"But more importantly just who is he??"



-48 hours before the incident-

-Oasis Arc Begins-

-To Be Continued-

Musa_asuM Musa_asuM

l0_0l/. Hello and welcome to ODS, The Beneath everyone. This is the first of a three-part series that I really can’t wait to get into. It’s my first piece so I’ll really be depending on y’all to give me feedback on this all the way through. Either way though thank you for reading and don’t forget to add, rate and share if you enjoyed it. This is going to be a long one so strap in, you don’t wanna miss this. Be seeing ya!!!

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