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Chapter 3: Chapter 2

"Greetings, Alpha Augustin. I'm Wess, Alpha Connor's, Delta. Sorry, Alpha Connor had some urgent High Council meetings to attend, so he sent me to express his gratitude and happiness regarding this proposal. He's very excited to marry your daughter and accept her as his mate. Even he has sent some goodies with me, expressing his willingness." Wess indicated two wolves standing behind him, to keep those on the table.

Augustin was strolling on his lawn when Wess came. He was a little disappointed as to how Connor treated him by sending a message with his Delta for this proposal. But he desperately wanted this ally to happen, so even if it was an insult for him, he kept mum.

"It's not an issue, Wess. Duty comes first. So if Alpha Connor is okay with the date, that is coming forth full moon night, we can start preparing for the mating ceremony."

While both were discussing the upcoming event, Wess's eyes wandered through the lawn stopping at the glance of a lady. A lady with skin that seemed like a white, shiny pearl, long curly hair, and a beautiful soothing smile.

"Sorry, Alpha, for interrupting you. But that lady, standing near to the main door, is she the one who is going to become our Luna?" Wess asked him, pointing towards Eva.

After Augustin nodded and agreed, he continued, "Alpha Connor is lucky to get such a pretty she-wolf as his mate."

Augustin had no faith in his daughter, thinking she might spoil the marriage, he didn't invite her there to meet Wess.

While on the other side, the first time I saw Wess, I fell in love with him. He was like my prince charming, came out straight from the fairy tale. So innocent, dashing, and even being a member of the High Council at this age, there was no ego in his face. I fell in love with his simplicity, with his politeness, his face, and with everything related to him. For the first time in my life, I was happy with my father's choice.

But the issue was whom I was thinking of as Connor, picturing him as my future mate, was actually his Delta Wess.

In the evening, at the dinner table, my dad announced the date of Connor and my marriage-mating ceremony.

While everyone was happy and congratulating me. Dad continued, " It's good that he agreed to this marriage. At least now, my power and pride will increase among my neighboring packs. Making an ally with High Alpha is truly beneficial." While taking a bite from his dinner, he looked straight at me. "To date, you have done nothing for me or this family, but for the first time because of your face, and that too thanks to your mother, something good is going to happen. Or else who in their right mind could have agreed to marry a cripple. Illegitimate child…"

Before dad completes his sentence, granny yelled at him. "Augustin!! Stop it!"

"But mama, whatever I'm saying, it's the truth. What her mother did to us, what's the guarantee that she will not do the same. If we don't get her married soon, who knows with whom she might elope."

"Augustin, I'm your mother! And as a mother, I'm ordering you to stop talking such rubbish. Leave this child alone." Granny was trying to control the situation, and I know if she had magical powers, she could have reversed the time. But the thing dad said to me today was unbearable to me. After hearing such things, I couldn't sit there and have dinner as if nothing happened. I apologized to everyone, got up from my chair, and ran outside the house.

I could hear granny's voice, trying to stop me from behind, but I was not in a mood to listen to anything anymore.

"God, why dad hates me. It was my mom who eloped with someone else, then why am I the one always to take the blame and dad's taunt. And how could he say illegitimate child to me, his own blood" Random thoughts were emerging in my head along with anger? I was running further into the forest, without my consciousness. And then it hit me, I was running to the same place, the exact same location which I always dream of. Immediately stopping there, I tried finding my way back home, but it was too dark for me to see anything. Searching my phone in the back pocket of my jeans, I realized that, now in this deep forest, I'm just alone, and it was scaring the shit out of me. And holy God! My phone, I left it in my room.


Adjusting my eyes to the darkness, I wandered around to find the path back home, when suddenly I heard someone singing, and that voice was coming from nearby.

"This voice, it's the same voice, from my dreams. Oh, my God! I knew it. Those dreams were related to something." Shoving the branches and twigs aside, I ran towards the voice. The eagerness to finally meet the person from my dreams was making me nervous and anxious.

That voice was so mesmerizing that my legs automatically dragged me towards that direction. And at last, after moving further into the forest, I found the guy standing, few steps away from me lost in his singing. He was so lost that he didn���t even notice someone approaching him. I wanted to go further, near to him, to face him, but my heart became restless. It seemed like he was calling his lover through his song, and that crushed my heart. It was painful, watching him like this, waiting for his lover. I wanted to console him, and the moment I took my step, it fell on some stick lying below. Crap!

The guy immediately stopped singing and turned to face me.

And at that moment, my whole body froze. Shutting my eyes tight, I prayed, "Please, spirits! Help me. Whatever it takes but, this guy shouldn't feel me or can see me, at any cost."

Without my acquaintance, I was chanting some foreign words. And suddenly, a transparent barrier formed in between us, giving a warm feeling to me. And assuring me that I'm safe from any kind of threat. It seemed like some magical barrier.

"Who's there?" That guy called.

But due to that barrier that had formed surrounding me, which I have no idea, how and from where it came, he was unable to locate or sense me.

The warmth from the magic sphere calmed my nerves, and I slowly opened my eyes, fearing what might be in front of me.

That guy's face was blossoming like the light of the moon. His face was so beautiful and shiny that I didn't realize I was staring at him without blinking. And his eyes…


Like blood red…

And at the same moment, something magical happened to me. For the first time, I sensed my inner wolf. And guess what, she also was engulfed in the beauty of those eyes in front of me.

I was so dissolved into those eyes, something from my past flashed in front of me.

Same beautiful mesmerizing eyes, same face, a smile full of love and warmth… Christopher.

"My mate." My inner wolf howl with pride.

What? Mate!!

And then I fainted.

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