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Chapter 8: Chapter 8: The Plan

Dell didn't expect her old friend to suddenly stand up and volunteer like that. Neither did her other friends. Tim had been her friend longer than the girls. He was a friend since they were in fourth grade. And everyone used to tease him for having a crush on her. That crush eventually faded and stabilized in a friendship in college. Yes, they went to the same high school and college, too. But looking at him now, very red in the face, and trying to keep a brave expression as she and her friends stared at him, she couldn't help but think if that affection in elementary school had somehow survived until now.

The thought was incredulous and unbelievable that she had to laugh, at the same time her other friends also burst out laughing.

"You almost got me there, Tim," She told him.

"You're so funny, Tim," Jess exclaimed, wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes.

"H-hey..." Tim looked a little troubled, but less pressured.

"Hey what about that neighbor of yours," Max suggested, Tim and his offer forgotten. "Sean, wasn't it?"

"What?" Tim exclaimed. "No!"

Jess clapped her hands. "Oh that part-time model who's all into this outdoor nature-y thing!"

Tina wasn't too enthusiastic about him. "Oh, the slacker."

"He's not a slacker," Dell said. Although she wasn't sure why she felt like she had to defend him. "He's just... a little unconventional."

"He's cute," Jess mused. "Not exactly husband material, but he's cute."

"He's not that cute." Tim was pouting, and he had his arms defensively crossed.

"You do know you make a lot more money than he does," Tina reminded her.

"A-and that's a blow to a guy's ego, you know." Tim added.

Max turned mischievously to Tim. "So you're saying you won't ever date Dell because you're insecure she makes more money than you do?"

"N-no, that wasn't what I meant. I was just s-saying..."

"Why are you stuttering then?"

"I'm not stuttering. I was just... I was just..." It was apparent that Tim was flustered. But he really needed to be careful about showing that to Max. She would pounce on him more the more he showed fear.

"So you're saying you're insecure about dating women who make more money than you?" Max continued her attack.

"This isn't about me!"

"So you're saying, unlike Sean, you will date a woman who makes more money than you do?"


"Like Dell?"

Tim was beet red by this time. But he inhaled a deep breath and valiantly declared, "Yes!"

Dell just watched uninterestedly at their exchange. "Like I said," she continued. "Sean is not ambitious. Someone having more income than him doesn't affect him."

"He's the vain type," Tina said. "I don't think he even does housework."

Dell gave it thought. "Well... I guess he doesn't seem the type."

"See?" Tina said triumphantly, making her point. "So you'll have to do that, too. And you'll wear the pants in this relationship. You'll do everything!"

"But you'll make cute babies!" Jess said brightly.

"Look!" Dell said flatly. "For this particular guy, I am 100% sure that I am not his type."

"Who cares if he likes you or not!" Max turned back on the girls, apparently having tired of teasing Tim. "You're not going to marry him. It's Raph you're after, remember? Unless... it is Sean you're after."

"No!" Dell exclaimed. Alright, maybe that came out a little too strongly.

"Be kind to yourself, Dell," Tina said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "You deserve a better man."

"I told you! I'm not after Sean!"

"All you need from Sean," Max continued. "Is for him to agree to pretend to be your boyfriend for a few months. That's all! And cute is good enough for that job."

"Why can't we go with the childhood friend angle?" Tim mumbled.

"Because that's only romantic to you, Tim," Max replied. Then turning to Dell, she added. "Look, the guy's a model in his thirties. His market value could benefit from a little romantic scandal."

"With somebody inconsequential?"

"With a Vice President of Kelly Bank. Don't downplay your value. Dell, just three months. That's all you guys need."


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