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Chapter 46: The Sword Of Darkness

Assayah was sitting in his chair, smoking weed when Kayuba and Kenchi appeared and Kayuba asked, "What was so urgent that you have to call us in such a hurry?" Assayah smiled, "Well, the small problems are now turning into big ones. You remember, the man I told you about. Mr. Watwell. Apparently he has a mistress and her name is Hera Shepherd and they want me to help them in eliminating a girl for them." Kenchi smiled, "So, you are a contract killer now?" Assayah said, "Very funny. The thing is that the girl they want to eliminate is none other than Alice Cooper, the girl with the spear. Now, I'm as much as sure that whatever is going to happen in this fucking circus of a tournament, it is going to fall on the shoulders of us demons. Alice has the power of Mother Manaca and she can easily defeat anyone on this planet. But, again I think she is still quite raw as I once saw her and nothing extraordinary seemed in her other than a special kind of aura around her. Gongamtei said that it's Aliyah's spirit and apart from her, there is some magical elf." Kayuba asked, "But, why are you suddenly discussing this with us?"

Assayah said, "See, I have broadened my connections and these rich and corrupt mortals are quite a vital part of it. I'm not their servant but these mutual friendship often demands some hefty favors." Kenchi said, "Okay. But, if I am not wrong I think you have already taken the first step and you are informing us rather than asking for our permission. Am I not right?" Assayah smiled, "Gulity as charged. I have had talks with most of the people I know in the fighting community but they very kindly refused. I didn't had any other option but to call my old friend, Gongamtei who apparently is raging to kill Alice. But, he wants something in return." Kayuba said, "Tell Gongamtei to come out." Gongamtei appeared and smiled, "You are as sly as they tell about you." Kayuba smiled, "Very much pleased. But, I don't think your offer is satisfactory." Gongamtei asked, "Why? It is the very least I rightfully deserve." Kayuba replied, "The Holy Scroll that you are asking for is not something to trade for. It is one of our Monastery's most valued and powerful artifact.

Bacca and Xao Chang will rip our necks if they even sense the conversation we are having." Gongamtei said angrily, "Fuck Bacca and fuck Xao Chang. I have been hearing these denials since ages and I am honestly bored from it." Kenchi said, "Your displeasure won't change anything, Gongamtei. Rules are mandatory. The Holy Scroll won't move from its place but I have something slightly equivalent to it. Do you want it?" Gongamtei and all asked, "What is that thing?"

All of them entered the old library of the Monastery and walked towards the deeper sections of the library. Gongamtei asked, "Why do I not know about this library?" Kenchi said, "Because only the demons and members of the Monastery can enter or know about this library. The thing is that this place is not very good for beginners as many ancient and untouchable books and scrolls are stored here. I have tried to enter the library for many centuries but Bacca and Xao Chang never allowed me to come here.

But, now that they both are away from the Monastery we can easily come here and find something to satisfy your thirst for ancient weapons." They reached a small room and Kayuba said, "Are you nuts, Kenchi? This room contains many old and powerful weapons Xao Chang has collected in his whole lifetime. He will definitely not like this disobedience and you are going to kill all of us with your stupidity." Kenchi said, "Relax, hombre. Anything in this room is not more costlier than the spear we have been trying to acquire from the past centuries. Xao Chang will readily give away anything for that spear."

Gongamtei asked, "What do you have for me?" Kenchi opened the door and went inside. Gongamtei wanted to enter but Kayuba and Assayah stopped him and signalled him to stay outside. After a while, Kenchi came outside with a sword and slowly took it out from the scabbard. The sword was shining with a outwardly gleam and a scary yet immensely powerful aura was revolving around the blade. The blade was not steel nor had any sharp edge. Instead, the blade was black and made of obsidian. Gongamtei asked, "An obsidian sword. Really?" Kenchi said, "This is no ordinary sword, Gongamtei. People have died and killed many to acquire this sword and this sword has been the pioneer of many battles in the Anglo Saxon era.

King Gerrard V has made this awesome and powerful sword to end the evil rule of then cruel and merciless crusaders of Virginia. But, fate had other plans and some traitor killed the king and stole this sword and sold it to the leader of the crusaders.

From then, it passed and passed till it reached China where Xao Chang was staying for a long time. Xao Chang heard of these sword and went to see it. The sword definitely was not appealing to a common man, but Xao Chang was never ordinary. He looked at the sword and then stole it in the dark of night. From then on, the sword has been a vivid feature of his small treasure room." Gongamtei asked, "Yeah. But what's so special about it?"

Kenchi said, "The special thing about it is that it enhances the power of its bearer ten times. It is blessed with the soul of one of the greatest warrior who ever lived on the surface of Earth." Gongamtei looked at Kenchi with suspicious thoughts and said, "It better be true, Kenchi. You know that I don't like liars very much." Kenchi said, "Remember Gongamtei. Power doesn't come from weapons or shields, but comes from one's heart. This sword respects the brave and falls as a lightning on the enemies." Gongamtei said, "Whatever." He disappeared into red mist.

Kayuba smiled, "You seriously gave Gongamtei a fake sword?" Kenchi said, "No, man. It is real. I mean not the most destructive weapon, but it can surely do wonders." Assayah asked, "Surely?" Kenchi said, "Means I didn't know how much can be done with it and also it's much better than handing a rogue our ancestors ancient spells and knowledge." Assayah said grimly, "Smart but foolish. Gongamtei won't be happy with your little betrayal, won't he?" Kenchi said, "That sword does enhances one's power to a great extent and Gongamtei could surely destroy many people with this sword of his. But, again the sword has some drawbacks too.

The most disadvantageous one is that it cannot be used to kill a person who is blessed with the power of a heavenly god. But, again he is Gongamtei right? He won't even need the sword to kill some teenager. It's basically a quite a good deal." Assayah said, "Let's not talk more about Gongamtei. Actually, I have kind of concerned complaint about Phantom." Kayuba asked, "What kind of complaint?" Assayah said grimly, "Not that serious. Actually from some days, I cannot contact with him or Ralph and I'm a little concerned about it." Kenchi said, "Let him be. Poor guy suffered much anyway. I think we should make him free from the Monastery, well atleast at a base level." Kayuba said angrily, "Not in seven hells, Kenchi. The last time he was "free", he well lost his virginity to a mortal. Can you believe it? A freaking mortal!" Assayah said, "That freaking mortal was pregnant."

Kayuba said, "What?" Assayah said, "Yes. Your little boy putted a little boy or girl in her belly. She was about to jump in front of a train when I saved her. I mean, we are bad and bad guys but at the end of the road we all have to answer to our God, don't we?" Kayuba said, "It doesn't matter. Mortals reproduce every freaking minute and one hybrid won't make any difference in our or theirs world." Kenchi smiled, "Atleast Phantom was the first to fuck someone after Bacca. Well, that's some victory according to me." Assayah said, "Problems are not the ones we try to solve, but the ones we ignore to solve." Kayuba said, "If that's what you mean by your little dialogue, then I will deal with it."

Assayah said, "No. We won't do that. It will be pointless for me to save the unborn child only to kill the child in her teens." Kenchi said, "You two can take your gossips somewhere else. Unlike you two, I have to manage and maintain the Monastery." Kayuba said, "We all know what type of management you do. Giving away the collections of Xao Chang in charity will surely take the Monastery to new heights." They both disappeared in red mist. Kenchi smiled, "The day you learn about business and politics will be the day I will start considering you a worthy opponent of mine."

Cindy pulled Rocky and said, "Let's do it on the couch. We haven't had sex since you got hospitalized. I'm feeling quite horny right now." Rocky said, "I know that you are craving for sexual intercourse, but shouldn't we wait till our marriage." Cindy said grimly, "Yeah, really? You wanna wait till then. We are in college, you idiot. You want to abstain from sex till our marriage, your sperms will die of old age till then." Rocky smiled, "Don't worry. They can always regenerate." Cindy pushed Rocky on the bed and smiled, "Nice joke. But, right now I'm not in the mood for joking, but fucking like wild cats."

Elgin was not against the idea of having sex with Cindy. In fact, he was actually dying to do that from the day he became Rocky. But, the thing is that he was an elf and not just some elf, but a good elf. Having sex with Cindy by tricking her is bad for him and also Aliyah will kill him if she gets to know about it. Elgin could definitely please her to her maximum but again his dick is green and his sperm is basically a little thicker and creamy. Cindy looked at Rocky who was slowly some hesitation and was acting some weird from some days. She slowly asked, "What happened to him? Is he having sexuality problems?" Cindy said, "I have some blue pills in father's room. If you want them, I can.."

Elgin said, "No, no. I'm good. Actually after that small accident, my body got a little weak and I'm afraid that I cannot satisfy you fully." Cindy kissed him and said, "Oh, baby. Don't worry. We will take things slow. Actually, I have an idea. Why don't you satisfy me in a different way?" Elgin asked, "What different way?" Cindy said, "Actually I was thinking we could have some.. you know oral stuff." Elgin said, "Actually, I haven't brushed my teeth from morning. So, I'm afraid I might give you chlamydia." Elgin quickly rose and ran away as fast as he could. Cindy looked at him awkwardly and then sighed.

Elgin entered Aliyah's room and saw that Aliyah was there making some special decoction for Alice's big fight starting from the upcoming Monday. Aliyah looked at Elgin and said, "So, I see you are enjoying your new life as Rocky." Elgin said, "Well in particular ways, yes. But, Cindy wants to have sex three times a day and to be honest I don't like that idea." Aliyah said, "It's normal for a girlfriend to ask for sex from her boyfriend. Why don't you fulfill her lusty wishes, my boy?" Elgin said, "Come on, Aliyah. You know the reason. I'm an elf and I have a green penis. I cannot have intimate relationships with Cindy without her knowing about the truth." Aliyah said, "Then, don't have sex with her. Simple."

Elgin said, "It's not that simple, Aliyah. Her father is constantly trying to separate us and that's why I have to be as close with Cindy as possible." Aliyah said angrily, "Then leave her, man. You and her relationship is just bogus and painful to others. I have been watching you from the day you turned into Rocky. No responsibility, no time nor any interest in the things that are way more important than your love story." Elgin said angrily, "That's not true. I know my responsibilities and I'm trying whatever I can to do it. But, I'm also a living being and have feelings. I also want to enjoy life and love someone. Go on dates and spend quality time with my beloved. You know what, it's all your fault that. You killed Hilda, who could have teached Alice way better than you just because you are jealous of Hilda. You also know that she was way more better than you and you wouldn't have been able to kill her if she was not that much drunk." Aliyah said, "Love has blinded you, Elgin. Cindy will never be yours. She will never love a low and disgraceful, backstabbing bitch like you."

Elgin couldn't control his anger and punched Aliyah on her face. Aliyah backed off a little and Elgin said, "Sorry. I just lost control. Sorry." Aliyah said grimly, "You have changed very much. If your brother was alive today, he would commited suicide seeing his brother turning into a spineless pussy." Elgin punched her again and said, "You know what, don't ever call me again. You and your stupid desires can go to hell." Elgin disappeared into green dust. Aliyah looked at him going and sighed, "Why Mother Manaca, why have you filled my life with all these hopeless morons?"....

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