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Chapter 2: 02

The memories came to me vividly, like a rewound cassette. Rekindling all that infamous nostalgia: I dreamed again, with my first kiss.

I was in the first year of art history, and I took afternoon shifts in the classical experimentation class of Greek art and literature, as a complementary course. For some distant reason, I was in the library looking for books related to Socrates and there he was. Sitting at the last table, near the window, reading "Darwin: The Origin of Species."

The sunlight made a beautiful reflection against his light blue irises and gray hair - his trademark. The library was empty, aside from the fact that Mrs. Miudara slept delightfully at her table, taking a tender nap. He waved at me, as usual.

By that time, he had already sent me many messages, we were talking sporadically, in fact, he sent me messages and I answered in a simple and short way. And for me, was that just a certain collegiality? Since we met on the main bridge, we have maintained that contact. But, something in me screamed so that I would not be distracted.

I approached, unpretentiously, a little nervous. He smiled, motioning for me to sit, and so I did, without much ado.

"So, Hinata, I thought we were going to the garden yesterday, I wanted to show you some really cool things over there" - I nodded. It was dubious that confident and serene way that he transmitted.

"Toneri. I know you texted me a lot and well, to the point. I have no interest "- I replied calmly and stood up, searching the shelves looking for" The Banquet. "

"He didn't even let me finish"

He found hurt, pulling me by the arm, turning to him.

"Do not need. I know you signed up to experiment with classical Greek art, because of the pretty girls who are academics there, don't you? " - I asked him - "I will not be some kind of bait for you"

He laughed, as if I had told a joke.

"I signed up because of you, creature" - he said, as if it were obvious and chuckled - "Since you seem to be voluntarily avoiding me, and that fascinates me, to be honest".

"I already said I have no interest" - I was faithful to my decision not to have any contact with any boy until I graduated "Besides, you have quite a reputation".

"You shouldn't listen to what others say about me. Why don't you try to get to know me better? "

"Well, but, what does that have to do with?" - I tried to talk it out, it was undeniable how nervous I was around him. That too dangerous, dangerously wrong approach.

He bit his lip and approached me. So close, that I went on alert.

"You will only find out if you let me get close. You just keep me away ".

I just shook my head. No. It was not possible. In none of all those years have I been interested in anyone and no one has ever been interested in me. Why just him?

"I'm not pushing you away, it's just, it's complicated" - I couldn't let him get close to me.

And it was, in my hesitation, that he grabbed me around the waist and placed a kiss on my lips. It was tenuous and simplistic, but even so, it was shocking, I had no sensory experiences that managed to get to the point of that specific one. He touched me as if it were something precious, which he never wanted to lose. And I let myself be carried away by the sweetness of your lips. It was a somewhat different experience.

I was so embarrassed by this that I spent two whole weeks without talking to him. Digging, with difficulty, that kiss in the library.

I felt like I had let him cross a line with me. And I lost control when I found myself tied by its charms.

Toneri has always been good at everything. My family immediately fell in love with him and consequently, he became my safe haven. My home and my home.


Low blood pressure, combined with the traumatic feeling of having run over someone (even if it was unintentionally), multiplied by everything that had already happened is the same as: fainting. My conscience kept repeating over and over again:

"Hinata! What imprudence ".

Yes, it is extremely imprudent to go aimlessly, to drive like that for almost a whole day, run over a stranger and pass out on his lap. I deserved an irresponsibility award.

I opened my eyes, a smell of coffee and petunias accentuated the air. I got up scared, in a comfortable bed that had a specific woody odor. It is not every day that you wake up to the scent of flowers, but that unconsciously gave me warmth and reminded me of my mother.

I wore a big orange sweatshirt over the bib I was wearing. I wandered for a few minutes, with that stratospheric feeling of being out of touch.

I took a deep breath, heading towards that light, which certainly took me to a room. The windows had yellowed curtains, with flowered details carved in crochet, and the paintings with aggressive brushstrokes in pastel colors, ironically, gave her a calm and familiar air. The stranger seemed busy as he poured a brownish liquid into the two cups, and hummed to the sound of some song on the radio over the blue refrigerator. His voice was beautiful and husky. It was pleasant to hear, and it transmitted a very vivid energy.

- Sleep well? - It was strange how his hoarse and sinisterly concentrated voice came out serious. I hugged my own arms, thinking it would give me comfort. I mumbled something like a yes, and leaned against the wall, watching the flowery wallpaper - You sleep girl, I mean, it looked like a rock in the bed, it didn't move at all ... It even snored - I think he tried to be playful , even with a serious face and eyes on me.

He didn't look like an extrovert, but a mysterious man of few words.

- Here, it will make you feel better - he motioned for me to take the cup, while taking a clear sip from his.

- Where am I?

I said finally, feeling my throat burn, reaching for the cup. It was already another day and I had no idea where I was. The strong, consistent coffee shocked my system, which was drowsy and confused.

- Vila da Folha, Konohagakure - he said and it was impressive how enigmatic his look was, not in a bad way, but comforting - He ran over me and - cleared his throat - passed out.

I opened my eyes wide, feeling that ardor that only shame brings to a human being aware of his successful failures. My cheeks slowly burned. He must have noticed that, because I noticed a small smile hidden on his dry lips.

- Shit - I swore under my breath, and he raised an eyebrow - And my fiance? - I asked, with more strength in my voice. He didn't seem so reliable, thinking more objectively - Why didn't he take me to a hospital and call the police when I passed out? hm?

- I help you and how do you thank? - snorted, slightly irritated - Girl, you were so bad, I couldn't get up - something in that very rustic accent started to get on my nerves.

I said boastful and I gave a weak smile, how could I be so involved?

- Help me? How am I supposed to think you're not a suspect? Bring me into your home without my consent and do you think this helps?

"Girl," he smiled in disbelief, placing his hands on his hips. - You ran over me! - and smirked, or so it seemed - And besides, you were reckless! If I really were any crazy person I would have stolen your car already, and God knows what else. But, a little question, sweetie: are you dead, hurt or something? - He looked at me in that ironic way, with his arms behind him and his eyebrows raised. An awkward silence perpetuated the room - Then, your question answered - he shook his shoulders, looking at me in that defiant way.

- Even so - I pouted, rolling my eyes and saw how he took a deep breath, locking his jaw, wanting to give me some beautiful kicks - You should have left me there. If so, at least I wouldn't pass out in the arms of a stranger, and I wouldn't have given you all this trouble! - I was already fed up and scared, why act so rough? - I should have called the police, I don't know!

- If I called the police, you would be arrested! - and raised his eyebrow - Do you really want to be arrested, sweetie?

- And what difference would it make for you ?! - I shouted, nervous - You don't even know me! Really, you should have left me there passed out!

- This is insanity! Are you even listening to what you're talking about yourself? - he shouted in the same tone, and then took a deep breath, hands on his hips - I couldn't leave you there.

- You do not even know me!

- You could be more grateful! - He shook his head, discredited, talking more to himself than to myself - Run over me, make my precious tomatoes fall on the street, I help you, even though I shouldn't and that's how ... You hallucinated and had a high fever ! You were really bad. But, in reality, what I have to do, isn't it?

We were in a strange silence. Maybe I'm being an idiot. And in general, I'm not an idiot, it's just ...

- Sir - I tried to inhale a little air - Thank you very much - I said quietly, feeling so ashamed, it could explode.

He didn't smile. He just took that look at me and shrugged walking over to a desk, coming back to me, handing my cell phone over.

"It was in your pocket when it fell," he said dryly, his hands dirty with dirt. "Drive about two miles, and from there you'll have a cell phone connection, close to the mountains," and shrugged again, putting on his brimmed hat. wide over her head with a frown - Good luck, girl - she opened the door and slammed it so badly that I felt my stomach churn.

A feeling of emptiness filled my heart. Never in my life had I done this. He had genuinely been cool and I acted like a scared hysteric. I started to remember last night, and how I was hallucinating about the fever and he helped me. Guilt squeezed my heart. Would it be prudent to return or continue my journey aimlessly? Would it be prudent to return, having no idea where I was? I opened the door, the rays of light meeting my eyes. I saw my car parked next to a dusty black pickup in front of a medium, red barn. I walked a little further, and my gaze fell immediately in love with the large and beautiful garden that lay at the bottom of the house, like a large greenhouse.

There were flowers and plants of all sizes, scents and species. The place was big, like a farm. A cunning black cat stretched near the fence, while some birds chirped happily, flying over the grass. A yellow-haired dog ran elated after the little green ball. For the first time in a while, I heard the genuine sound of birds singing and the fresh air against my face. The bustle of the city, completely kneeled in that place.

The man seemed focused, carrying some pieces of wood on his shoulder, I hadn't even asked his name, what a great education I had. The cut on his eyelid seemed more visible by sunlight, as well as the fingers that contained traces of earth in the cuticles. He tossed the woods in a corner, next to an apple tree, running his hand over the sweat on his forehead. I approached, but I retreated inches nervously, the moment he unbuttoned his green shirt and threw it somewhere, while, with his hands free, he pulled dirt from an almost hollow hole. The sun's rays warmed my face, tingling my entire body inertia.

I coughed quietly, still not sure enough with the approach. Would it be right to say goodbye? Or would it be right to apologize formally? I tried to get closer, but from the way he seemed focused on that hole of his, it was like a rude answer, so I wouldn't get close. I opened my mouth, but hesitated and turned around, feeling terrible that he was upset, I should stop being upset because of people.

I opened my car, the key was still in the ignition, with that little star chain hanging over it. My purse was still intact in the passenger seat, next to my paint bag, the pink bag with the books and my canvases. I closed the car door, took a deep breath and turned the key, hoping to accelerate and not look back, or I could come back to give my mother-in-law a nice slap. The car made some noises and a high-pitched crash from the body, causing hazy smoke and a burning smell, made me believe that things can get worse when you're not waiting. I punched the steering wheel a few times before slipping my defeated head while whimpering alone.

- Shit!

And more sparks, among my random punches from behind the wheel.

- Reckless, I agree - that voice reached my ears again, looking at me in that irritating and shameless way, with my arms resting on my car window. I closed my eyes, clasping my hands on the steering wheel - You are no comment, girl.

- Yes, you are right - I agreed, turning to face him - I have this wonderful gift of being an unusual chaos. Feel flattered.

- You are just crazy - he shook his head, entering that uncomfortable silence again - I think you had problems with the car.

- Okay - I tried to look calm and controlled, but I think he must have noticed a cynical tear falling from my eyes, and he certainly felt sorry - Things don't look very good to me - I smiled unhappily, swallowing hard, trying not to despair.

He shrugged, heading for my car body. He opened the hood as quickly as I tried to avoid facing his sweaty, athletic physique. I blushed ashamed of my thoughts.

"Hinata, you are a committed woman," I said quietly, like a prayer I needed to follow, patting my face.

I took a deep breath, and got out of the car. The stranger, who I still didn't have the courage to ask the name, touched those car accessories that I had no idea what they were.

- When I left your car here, everything was normal - he muttered, taking a look at it - Did you check your car before traveling? - he said with his hands resting on the engine. Pulling something stuck from inside.

"No," I said quickly. In fact, it wasn't even a trip. I was certainly running from the little hell that was in my head, and I ended up having even more problems - I hadn't planned ... The whole situation ...

- It seems that your engine has gone out of order, and the timing belt is completely worn, besides, there is no water in the radiator.

I put my hands on my hips. This couldn't be real. I thought that the last time Toneri had taken the car for a checkup on the engine, he had taken a look at these things.

I closed my eyes, how could I fix it and go home? I was lost in a place where I didn't even know, with a stranger I didn't know and who killed me deadly by the eyes. No phone signal. The perfect equation of chaos.

- I do not believe! - I suppressed a bad word. Not even freaking out in peace, I managed to do it with mastery without making a single mistake.

"I can try to help, but I'm not promising anything," the man said, his blue eyes unyielding, they did something tenuous.

- Oh really? - I looked so stunning, from the way I smiled like a happy child - Oh! That makes me very grateful! - and hugged him, I don't even know why I did that. I could only smell that sweat mixed with a floral scent. His face was rustic, but it had something delicate, like a painting that needed to be taken care of. I wanted to touch him, but I didn't, and I don't even know why that sudden desire. And when I realized I was rushing, I pulled away, my cheeks burning. He was still serious and with grease-stained fingers and slightly slumped jeans. Staring at me, as if I could see something deeper, than I have ever seen myself.

- Oh really. And don't think I'm doing it because I'm cool - and he closed the cart tightly, wiping his hands on his jeans - It's the consequence of your unplanned escape, girl, and I'm still resentful for running over myself, and for my tomatoes - pointed that black, greasy thumb in my face and shrugged. How could he?

- Hey! But it was you who appeared out of nowhere on the street! - I replied, in the same tone, following him - What kind of crazy person walks carefree down a little street? - I ran, trying to reach him. His feet moved very fast.

- And what kind of crazy, car accelerates carelessly through a small street? - his irony was so accentuated, that I was even speechless, swallowing dry. It was unusual how he managed to be sarcastic and keep that face hard and serious, and make an impact on the person who listened.

- When are you going to fix my car, sir? - I asked ignoring his rude answer, stopping beside him - Do you have a deadline?

- Are you in a hurry, madame? - He narrowed his eyebrows at me, with some irony - Are you some megalomaniac by any chance? A criminal? A fugitive?

- Of course not! - what an offense! How could I be such a person? - Just curious.

- You need to buy new accessories, but Nara's store won't open for three weeks - I must have opened my eyes in a manic way because of the way he looked at me - Yeah, I know. Three weeks is the most I can do. Shit - I saw him cursing under his breath, biting his lip, like when I had passed out. Was it a craze when you were nervous? Me and my obsession with observation.

- There's no other way? - I asked, anxious - This situation ... Oh no!

- The only way would be if I took you, but ... - and he stopped, swallowing hard - It's none of my business, madam - and shrugged.

- As well? - I seemed vehemently desperate, for the way I followed him like a maniac, even inside his house - You have to help me, please!

- Oh, do I? - Said cynically, opening the refrigerator - I didn't know.

- What the fuck! - I shouted, clenching my wrists, how could it be so bipolar? - Congratulations to me - I went into a self-reflexive collapse and suppressed a failed whimper.

- Call your fiance, or whatever - he took a bottle of milk and closed the refrigerator, with a look as cynical as his entire face - Ask to pick you up, along with the car. I don't think you'll mind - and he shrugged nonchalantly.

- But there's no phone signal here! You said it yourself! - irritating troglodyte! - I would have to walk a few kilometers, until I get a signal and I have no idea where I am ...

- Vila da Folha - he said, while swallowing the liquid - It's a village.

"Thanks for the useful information, sir." I smiled cynically and swallowed, trying to think of something efficient to do. I could call Toneri, but I unconsciously didn't want to see him, because remembering him reminded me of that unhappy woman.

Or I could call anyone on my contact list. In the midst of the disorganized calculations of my mind, in a remnant, I tried to seek advice that my father would give at a time like that. I closed my eyes, concentrating, but I could only hear the emptiness and my conscience shouting disconnected things that diminished my ability to concentrate.

He snorted disgustedly, looking like he was going to counter his unflappable urge, for some kind of virtue he believed he had. Punching the table sink, as if it were going against your deepest desires for essential individualism.

- I will do my best to fix your car - he said finally, without emotion, and a little bit of joy painted on my being - But, you know - and pointed his finger in my direction again - It's annoying when he does that! - and turned his face, as if looking into my eyes, they would burn his lazy retinas - I will put the blouse, so we can go to the center, see if I can talk to some friends - And he shrugged, walking to the living room.

- Thank you, stranger! - I said excitedly, ignoring all the rudeness of him in the last minutes. And only focusing exclusively on your sense of kindness at that moment.

- Naruto! - he shouted, before I heard a door bang - My name is Naruto, girl!

- Not at all gentleman - I muttered, taking a deep breath - But useful, very useful


Naruto was silent the whole trip, while driving, with one hand on the steering wheel and the other out of the window, with a tiny cigarette between his fingers. It seemed like an unusual skill that could swallow the cigarette with one hand and drive with the other. The center was slightly far away, apparently, but my eyes were lost in the rustic houses and ranches. Dazzling the view of the wet grasses, trees and golden fields that passed through my eyes.

The breeze that met my face was heartening, like a breath of something I had never felt before.

- Are you just Naruto or a nickname?

He looked at me without emotion, clearing his throat.

- Name - he said, releasing that carcinogenic smoke through the air - And you? Is Hinata a name or a nickname?

"In fact, Hinata is a name," I laughed, and he smiled weakly without his teeth. And he looked straight ahead. And we stayed in that silence. My head was redirected to random subjects, all the time, which for me, need to be answered.

- Well, I met a Hinata - he cleared his throat, resuming the subject - A great programmer. She was discreet and measured, but she was a good person. He came to graduate in systems analysis at the same college as me. And later, we started to work together.

So he had gone to college, it was interesting to know that and at the same time, very curious.

- College? - she said, distracted by the birds flying in perfect alignment in the sky - You studied what?

He was silent, seeming to be having trouble answering.

- Maybe something from the biological field.

- Perhaps? - I smiled, clearing my throat - You dodged a basic question.

He raised his eyebrow, looking slightly annoyed.

- That way of yours ... - and left the sentence dead, and analyzed me for a few seconds, smiling shrewdly - You also shied away when I asked the reason for your escape. Several times, to tell you the truth.

- Yeah. Maybe we both have something to hide, "I said, starting to get nervous again, and he nodded in silence. The weather started to get thick inside that truck, and not even Abba softly resonating seemed to dampen the mood. A point of doubt arose, slowly - Have you ever worked with this kind of thing? Programming...

He thought for a few seconds, wary.

- Well, I have intermediate notions of programming - he said, and I was surprised - It was very useful, for what I used to do.

- And what did you used to do? Was it a hacker, or something?

He turned to me, his features focused as if that matter were uncomfortable. But soon, his features faded into a rogue smile.

- Research, analysis, things like that, was I, say, an academic?

- Academic, really?

I was more perplexed than resigned, and it was noticeable how much he wanted to get away from it, how much he wanted to get rid of me. I never wanted to talk to someone so much, the more he deviated from the subject, the more I wanted to know about him. It was magnetizing that way.

- Hm, yes - he shook his head, diverting the conversation - It is better to keep an eye on the sky - he cleared his throat, seriously - You will not discover anything, looking at my face like that.

I certainly should have left him disconcerted, by the way he frowned.

"How random and uncomfortable," I whispered. I have already written mentally to avoid personal matters. He was certainly not a fan of the past

- Why were you running away, huh? - He said, in a serious tone and I felt my chest flutter along with that feeling of anguish moments ago. He spoke cautiously in a paternal tone. He seemed as interested as I was about his stories - Obsessive fiance?

- No, for sure - he said, with my gaze lost in the landscapes - Do you know, when you lose your axis and do not know how or how to reorganize yourself?

- I know that - he said, in a friendly tone - And I tell you: it takes time. Nothing gets organized from one day to the next - he smiled weakly, shaking his head - Or maybe, he is one of those people who commit inconsequential actions to get inspiration or something exciting to live, to tell ...

- I'm not a person, inconsequential, looking for inspiration or any adventure - I said, looking at the bucolic landscape - It's just me, freaking out.

- Shit happens, you know. It is part of the life cycle of a regular adult.

- Yeah - and at that moment I only thought about Kaguya, how could I be triumphant because I had the taste to upset me, and I thought much further, in areas of my life that I had not even reflected on and that needed to be reorganized - Shit happens. ..

We were silent for a few minutes and I started to think of melancholy memories, those eucalyptus trees that were behind me, turned my thinking. Would I be a problem?

- You paint, don't you? Naruto asked, trying not to look interested, turning around a narrow boulder. To those who hated me, he sounded like a speaker - I saw the screens in your car ...

"Yes, although, it's the thing I like to do more than all the hobbies I have," I replied, and he nodded. Releasing carcinogenic smoke into the air.

- What other hobbies do you have? - he said, biting his lips, hiding a smile - Running over people?

I looked at him glaringly, it was clear that I wanted to enjoy my misfortune.

Naruto muttered something, hesitated and was completely silent, until he turned the corner and we reached a graceful center. Houses, inns and establishments of limestone, sloping roof and rustic decor lined up harmoniously, on the tiled floor. A fountain surrounded by yellow flowers that adorned the apple trees around the bridge from one side of the city to the other, gave the place a charming touch. I took a deep breath, absorbing that visual dazzle, which strangely brought me peace and comfort. It looked like he had entered another spectrum of society. That place seemed to be asleep, to all urban disorder. Naruto parked the car, almost in front of a coffee shop, taking a deep breath.

"This is so cozy and beautiful," I said in a mixture of wonder and peace, as we got out of the car. It seemed that this village had remained intact with the changes of time, in a positive way - Where are we going? - Said, waking up from my daydreams, following Naruto who seemed in a hurry, steps ahead of me.

"Look for your pieces, that's what we're going to do," he said, and we crossed an empty little street, and I couldn't take my eyes off the ramen restaurant, seeing a young couple, eating and laughing at something the younger guy had said. . The air smelled like fresh grass and it was so familiar. In fact, it had a direct connection to such a pleasant affective memory of comfort and family. From my youthful times.

We walked a little, and entered a small shop; the bell on the door indicating that we had entered - Veljarias do Iruka - the place had a rather interesting smell of cinnamon with wood, and various accessories and things that I had never seen, were distributed throughout the place. With my curious eyes, I took a look at everything. The guy had a good collection of old vases of all shapes and colors, Iruka seemed well organized, or perfectionist, if I could say the way the little magnum boxes were lined up and the regularity of the drawings. If I had some cash in hand, I would definitely buy some of these objects to take home. Each ornament was unique, I found some squares carved in bronze, possibly from the Roman era.

- Naruto! What a lovely visit! - a calm and amused voice said, and when I raised my head, I saw a gentleman, with an empathetic appearance and glasses that were bigger than his oval face. He wore a moss green apron with two lower pockets, clasping Naruto's hands cheerfully - How are our roses doing?

- Great, to be honest - Naruto smiled, and his face opened as if he were a sociable person, even though the dark circles around the blue irises gave him a dying appearance. Apparently, these two were well known - They need a lot of care in irrigation and soil preparation - and put his hands on his hips, thoughtful - They are so demanding, they need to be watered twice a day, but, anyway , now I'm on a new project.

- New project? - and the man gave a wistful laugh, walking with difficulty to the counter - Don't tell me you want to try a sunflower plantation?

- You know me Iruka, better than anyone - and Naruto scratched the back of his neck, visibly bewildered - I think it will work now. The dry season has passed. Thankfully, I want to restart some studies. Resume projects, unfinished.

- Thankfully, my son. It's really good that you come back, if that's what you love to do - Iruka said, smiling - This drought was wiping out my vegetable garden. Poor Moegi, whined all week because of his tomatoes that ended up drying out. She had so much work!

- What a pity - Naruto said - Say that I will bring you a sunflower when I pass your ranch.

- Sunflowers? Hm, it's my favorite flower - I said smiling, jumping forward, and Naruto frowned. You laughed out loud, adjusting the big glasses on your face.

- And who is this excited little lady? - Iruka said, in a genuine smile - Naruto making friends? That's great, lovable! - and reached out to me, animatedly, caressing the back of my hand - Mr. Uzumaki may be antisocial at first, but it's just the shell - and whispered, smiling - he has a sweet heart and is the most lovable man already met here.

And I did not avoid smiling and returning the handshake, pulling the elderly man into a hug. It was automatic, and it smelled pleasantly of vanilla.

- In fact, I'm Hinata - I bit my lip, and Iruka looked from me to Naruto, who held a grimace of discontent - Me and Naruto are not friends. In fact, I accidentally hit him and passed out, and well, actually, we're here to try to fix my car, not at all friendly, are we? - we both laughed and Naruto cleared his throat loudly, placing his hand on the counter. It seems that he didn't like our instant interaction very much, but to be honest, I don't like to have hasty concepts, I feel that Naruto has something very intriguing to be like that. Was I actually acting weird? Was it the shock of everything that happened? I just know that I felt calm there.

- Iruka, in fact, I need your help - completely changed the direction of the conversation, putting me in a vacuum bubble - Do you have Nara's phone number? I really need some parts.

- Ah, my son - and Iruka fumbled under the counter, looking for his leather-bound agenda, with concern - Shikadai was sick and with that Shikamaru doesn't show up at the workshop for about nine days. Furthermore, with the storm last week, it was impossible to go to the mountains.

- Nara could have called me, we could have taken the boy to some hospital nearby.

- Naruto, you know - and the two looked at each other, Iruka walked away, walking slowly, taking something in his hands - Shikamaru is very reserved, everything he does not like, is a nuisance - and handed him a little star-shaped chain, in the hands of Naruto - You dropped it, from the last time you spent here - I realized how different your eyes got when Iruka put the chain in your rough hands, that known glow of longing, I had seen it thousands of times in the eyes of people, but seeing him in his irises gave me a feeling of humanity, which until a few seconds, I did not associate with him. It was that glow that I looked for in my brush strokes, and that were much more genuine to the naked eye.

Naruto swallowed and stuffed the chain into his pants pocket.

- It was from Kushina, wasn't it? - Iruka asked, in a more controlled tone, as if she were dealing with something fragile. Naruto smiled weakly, and scratched the back of his neck.

- Yes it was - he recovered, biting his lips - Thank you for saving, after that ... - Iruka nodded smiling, and Naruto turned to me - Let's go?

- Yes - I agreed, and turned to Iruka smiling - It was nice to meet you! - I don't even know why I mentioned it, in fact, I love meeting new people, and Iruka seemed to me a very pleasant human being. Iruka nodded, waving.

- Bring her more often, Uzumaki!

- I think not! - he hummed impatiently, opening the door with a frown - I want to get rid of it as soon as possible - he turned to me with that cynical smile, but fortunately, I was paying attention to something much better, than that untamed rudeness. I smiled sheepishly, tossing my hair back.

- Can we eat ramen?


My mother, forgive me, but this ramen is the most delicious thing I've eaten in years. In fact, it is not at all pleasant to eat something very pleasant, with a man who keeps looking at you with an indecipherable and demotivating grimace.

This ramen tasted like good memories for me, a nostalgia for great times.

- I did something? - I asked, still with my mouth full, he puffed out his chest and turned his face to the other side, watching the movement. I swear that my indomitable curiosity hurt to know who Kushina really was.

- What are you looking at so much?

I took the last spoonful of the broth and took a deep breath.

- You have beautiful eyes, Naruto - and I was embarrassed by the words that seemed to jump out of my mouth without any discretion - They look like beautiful sapphires - and my tone lowered, until a deep silence. He really had beautiful eyes, I needed to talk.

- What? - He looked perplexed, as if I had uttered a curse, and in a few minutes, bit his lip, hiding a chuckle - Are you trying to seduce me, by any chance, sweetie? Don't think that praise will make me less suspicious of you.

I rolled my eyes, how could I be so full of myself?

- Seducing? - I snorted, outraged - I was just praising you, man! Are praise prohibited, by any chance?

My cheeks flushed, and he smiled that way, irritating and discreet, making me even more self-conscious. In fact, things come out of my mouth so blown away, I even regret it.

- What's it? I asked sulkily, trying to hide my face. He threw himself sloppily into the chair, his arms stretched out on the table.

"Thank you," he said at last, tediously. "Normal people don't usually praise me."

- Normal people?

"Yes, normal people who don't run over me, insult me ​​and then force me to buy a ramen for them," he finally muttered, and I pouted. I hated those moments of awkward silence that hung over the air. But, someone always needs to break the ice. I, strangely, felt that we had some facility to maintain a civilized conversation.

- When are you taking me on that bridge over there?

The rustic stone bridge had thorns of roses, which tangled in it, reflecting placidly in the lake below it. That landscape was so beautiful, it needed to be painted.

- Never - he said dryly - Let's go - Even Teuchi! - he said warmly, waving to the gentleman, who returned the gesture with a gentle face.

He shrugged, leaving notes on the table, walking out of the room. I waved to the waitress, called Ayame who kindly smiled, running outside.

- Even miss - the young girl smiled, waving and I was happy for the reception of the place - Always come back! - People were humble and warm. And it made me happy.

- I'm sadder than you, to say, that maybe it will take time to fix your car.

He said, walking with his hands in his pocket. I took a deep breath, there was nothing to regret. I had two choices, leave my car there and take the bus to Tokyo or wait for my car to be fixed. The chance that Naruto would take me was out of the question, and I wouldn't bother you with that question. And besides, how would a man explain leaving me at the door of my house. People were going to start talking. It was going to be the perfect dish for Kaguya to pester me for the rest of my reincarnations.

- Naruto - I intertwined my fingers, realizing the seriousness of the situation I was in - I don't know how to say this, but, I don't know how I'm going to pay you. I only have one credit card, with the installments probably overdue - I whispered so nervously, my voice came out on a thread.

- Pay me? - He raised his eyebrow, ironically, running his tongue over his teeth.

- Yes - I pouted and took a deep breath, resuming the subject - Anyway, I'm giving you the biggest headache, and you already have commitments and I don't want to be disturbing you, I think it's best that you keep my car, sell the parts and that will pay for all that hardship that I put you through. And I'll find a way to go to Tokyo.

- And who said I want you to leave, like that? - Naruto said seriously, but quickly, cleared his throat - I mean, yes, you will disturb me a lot, but, I can't leave you walking around alone. I feel, um, responsible ... You seem ... um, lost and without any idea. Besides, buses take a long time to come here.

- Responsible? - and laughed, without realizing the reason for laughing - How long have you not cut that hair?

- Ok Hinata - he said, emphasizing my name - Money I don't want any money, because I don't need it. I don't see what you can help me with, until we are completely even ... Or that you pass the time while I fix your "precious car".

He studied me for a long time, scratching the back of his neck.

- I already know! - I shouted in exasperation, as if I had the greatest epiphany of my life - Didn't you just tell Mr. Iruka, who wanted to set up his sunflower garden ...?

He nodded, despite being very suspicious, scratching his head.

- Proceed.

- Well, there's only one way to help each other and stay even - I said - You pack my car and everything and I help you plant all the sunflowers. Also, I can help with everything at the ranch. Be a kind of helper, maybe? Whatever you pay me or my parts, I would be helping. Think of it as volunteering on my part. You'll just have to give me a place to sleep and eat.

- Ah, that's very easy. My house is not a vacation ranch for lost people - he said seriously - And besides, how will I know that you are not wanted by the government?

I rolled my eyes, trying to think of something to make him believe me.

- I swear I'm not wanted by the government!

- I don't usually believe in people. My greatest asset is being skeptical about people.

 I groaned with hate. In fact, how could he prove that I was not deceiving him.

- If I were an untrustworthy person, I would certainly have stolen your home and done several things. I'm really lost, I have no idea where I am.

- After hearing this, do you think I'll be safer? - mocked, placing his hands on his hips.

- After hearing this, do you think I'll be safer? - mocked, placing his hands on his hips.

- Do you really think I'm not reliable? - I said, perpetually desperate - Do I look like a government wanted to you?

- It doesn't seem like it, but I prefer to be alone.

- Ah, please, Naruto! I whined, touching his hands.

He seemed to think hard, as if his comfort zone was being attacked. Finally, he snorted in defeat.

- It's all right! - he said, agitated - But with one condition, in fact, three conditions.

- You can say!

- First: we're not friends, so don't even imagine me being your gossip listener and stuff, okay? - I nodded - Second: my house, my orders. I don't want to see you messing around the ranch and stuff - I was starting to get nervous, but, I just nodded - and Third: don't get in my way.

I took a deep breath, trying to visualize the possible consequences of these conditions and my decisions.

_Hllo _Hllo

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