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Chapter 2: A Warning

He ran and they continued to follow behind him. He picked up the pace then looked over his shoulder. They were still following behind him but were beginning to get farther and farther away. 

He sighed and stopped running once he reached a wide alley. He turned around and waited for the three boys that were following him to catch up.

After a few seconds, all three boys finally made it to the entrance of the wide alley and stopped running. They all had to gasp for air briefly. Two boys were in the front of the group of followers while one was in the back. 

The boy in the back said through breaths. "Jason… this is… taking too long. We still haven't... found him yet."

The boy who had been running ahead of everyone else was known as Jason. He always looked angry and serious and seemed like he didn't like people very much but they were naturally drawn to him. He was like a human magnet.

Jason replied. "Jack, we just need to keep looking."

The boy that was in front of the group of followers but to the left said. "Yeah I agree with Jason. They said he went this way so we should just keep looking."

The last boy, the one in front of the group of followers but to the right, said. "That's a terrible idea! This has already taken long enough as is. We can't just run around the entire city looking for your brother, Jason. My dad will get upset again if I miss any more classes."

Jason looked at the last boy and said. "Really, Thomas?! You're concerned about classes?! This is my brother we're talking about!"

Thomas replied. "Chill out, dude! I said before that I'd help you, didn't I?" He mumbled. "Not like I have much of a choice." He said normally. "I just think running around as a group is a stupid idea. It's a waste of time and energy." He looked at Jack. "You agree with me right, Jack?"

Jack put his hands up defensively. "Don't get me involved in this. I don't want to get on Jason's bad side. He seems like the type of person to do some crazy stuff when he gets angry."

Thomas sighed and looked back at Jason. "Let's not waste anymore time, okay? We should all just split up so we can cover more ground."

The boy to the right of Thomas but in front of Jason and to the left said. "No! We all need to stick together." 

Thomas looked at the boy to his right and said. "Marcus, that is a terrible idea! I'm trying to get back to school as quickly as possible. If we followed through with your plan we probably wouldn't get back until night and school would be over by then! If I missed that many classes I'd definitely get in trouble again. We need to split up so we can find him faster."

Marcus, the boy to the right of Thomas, said. "But…" He looked sadly at Jason.

A wicked smile appeared on Thomas's face. "I see. You don't want to be split up from Jason, huh?! I didn't know you guys were like 'that'." Thomas laughed.

Jason said. "That's enough, Thomas. Quit messing with Marcus."

Thomas's laugh ended and his smile faded. "Chill out, Jason! I was only joking." He said to Marcus. "Right, Marcus?"

Marcus was silent.

Jack suddenly said. "What if we called out your brother's name, Jason?" 

Everybody looked at Jack.

Jason asked. "What do you mean, Jack?"

Jack said. "Well Thomas wants to split up but Marcus doesn't. Since you don't seem to know which one to pick then why don't we stay together as a group, but we call out your brother's name to find him faster."

Thomas said. "I'm not sure about that, Jack. I don't think calling out his name will help. Didn't he run away from the school? I don't think he wants to be found so calling out his name seems pointless to me."

Jason looked at Marcus and asked. "Is that fine with you, Marcus?"

Marcus looked nervously to the entrance of the wide alley and then to the other side of the alley. He looked back at Jason. "I-I'm not sure."

Jason asked Marcus. "Well, you aren't opposed to it, right?"

Marcus shook his head. 

Jason said to Jack. "There seems to be no one against your plan." 

Jack asked. "Okay, but what is your brother's name?"

Jason asked. "Huh? What do you mean?"

Thomas said. "He means you haven't told us yet."

Jason said while confused. "I thought I told you already."

Jack replied sarcastically. "Yeah you totally told us already. I'm asking even though I already know because that makes total sense." 

Jason said. "But that doesn't make sense though…" 

Thomas replied. "He was being sarcstic!"

Jason said. "Oh… I thought I told you guys earlier. I guess I must've forgotten. It's Jake. My brother's name is Jake."

Jack asked. "Are you sure? You sure that isn't a fake name you're telling us because you forgot the real one?"

Jason replied harshly. "Of course I'm sure. How could I forget my brother's name?!"

Jack laughed. "I was just joking."

Thomas called out. "Jake! Jake! Jake, are you there? Come out!" 

There was no response to Thomas's calls. 

Thomas sighed. "I knew this wasn't going to work."

Jack said. "You give up way too easily. Let me try."

Thomas asked. "Huh? What are you going to do?"

Jack smiled. "Just watch and find out."

Everybody stared at Jack waiting for whatever it was he planned on doing. 

Jack called out louder than when Thomas called out. "Jake, we have your brother! Come out!"

Thomas sighed. "It didn't work."

Jack said. "Just shut up and listen."

Jason could faintly hear something. It sounded like a voice.

The voice said. "My brother? My brother's here?"

Jack grinned then called out. "Yes we have your brother. Come out now or we'll take him away!"

Jason said. "What are you talking about, Jack?! You're going to make him freak out!"

Jack said in a hushed voice. "Quiet down, Jason. He is supposed to freak out. This will make him come out from hiding so he can rescue his brother." 

The voice from before said. "No you can't take my brother! I won't let you!" The voice didn't sound as faint as it had before. 

The sound of footsteps could be heard from the end of the alley. They sounded faint but began to gradually grow louder. 

Jason looked in the direction the footsteps were coming from. He could see a boy running toward him. The boy continued to run toward him until the boy finally stopped a few feet away from Jason and his group.

The boy looked to be about two years younger than Jason and the rest of Jason's group. 

Jack said. "I see so this is 'Jake'." 

Jake said angrily. "Where is my brother?! What have you done to him?!"

Jack scratched the back of his head. "Um… you blind or something? He is right in front of you."

Jake looked at Jason then at Jack. He said rudely. "Huh? That is not my brother? That is Jason!"

Thomas said. "Wait hold up!" He looked at Jason. "I thought we were trying to find your brother? Who is this kid? Why did you say he is your brother?"

Jason said. "He is my brother. Jake and Marcus are both my brothers."

Jake said sternly. "We are not brothers! We will never be brothers!"

Thomas said. "Hold on I'm confused. Marcus is your brother too? How-? I don't understand. How can you all be related?"

Jake said angrily. "We're not!"

Jack replied. "Ah I understand."

Thomas looked back at Jack. "Understand what?" 

Jack replied. "They all got separated from their true family."

Thomas stood where he was stunned. He looked at Marcus, Jason, and Jake in turn. "They… don't have a family?"

Jason said. "No, I do have a family! I have Jake, Marcus, and Father." 

Jake replied angrily. "We are not a family! I am no brother of yours!"

Jack said. "We get it. You aren't real brothers. Quit whining."

Jake looked at Jack. "Why are you butting in? Who are you?"

Jason said. "That's-"

Jack interrupted. "Someone who had to waste their time looking for you. Now quit asking stupid questions." 

Thomas looked at Jack. "I… don't understand. What happened to their families? How did they get separated?" 

Jack said. "You don't understand what is happening beyond this city, huh?"

Thomas replied. "What do you mean by that? What is happening?"

Jason noticed Marcus nervously look at the alley entrance and then turn to look at the other end of the alley where Jake came from. 

Jason looked puzzled and thought. "What is he doing? Is he looking for something?" 

Jack asked. "Hey Marcus, what are you doing?"

Everybody turned to look at Marcus. 

Marcus looked at Jack then at everybody looking at him. He seemed like he wanted to say something but was unable to say it. He then looked down at the ground by his feet.

Thomas asked Jack. "What did he do?  

Jack looked at Marcus then back at Thomas. He replied. "Nevermind. It was nothing."

Jake said. "He was looking for a way to escape."

Thomas said. "Escape? Oh so Marcus wants to leave too. If we make it back now I should be back in time for the rest of my classes."

Jack said. "Wait a second! Hold on! That didn't seem like the impression I got."

Thomas asked. "What do you mean?"

He looked at Marcus then back at Thomas. "I don't know exactly but-"

Jason noticed Jack stop talking mid-sentence and look over at Jake. He then looked over at Jake himself. 

Jake was walking toward the entrance of the alley Jason's group had come from. 

Jason thought. "What is he doing? Where is he going?"

Thomas said. "Hey, dude, where are you going?"

Jason looked at Thomas. Thomas also had his attention focused on Jake now. 

Jason looked back at Jake. 

Jake was still walking toward the entrance of the alley. He didn't say anything in response to Thomas's question. 

Thomas said while slightly irritated. "Hey! Where are you going? Don't go wandering off."

Jake continued walking regardless of Thomas's pleas.

Thomas said while irritated. "Hey! What the hell did I just say?! Don't wander off! I've wasted enough of my time today looking for you. I don't want to have to waste even more time looking for you again!"

Jake stopped walking. He said with his back facing everyone . "I don't care." Jake continued walking again.

Thomas suddenly ran toward Jake. He quickly reached Jake. He grabbed Jake by his wrist then spun him around so Thomas could see his face.

Thomas said angrily. "Listen you little-"

Jake said. "Don't touch me!" He hit Thomas's hand away. 

Thomas slung his wrist back and forth. He looked at Jake angrily. "The hell is your problem, kid!"

Jake began to back away from Thomas. He said fearfully. "I-I didn't-" 

Jake made eye contact with Jason. Jake's facial expression changed. It changed from fear to his earlier expression.

Jake looked back at Thomas. "You deserved it! Don't try to touch me!" 

Thomas became even angrier. He moved closer to Jake. He towered before Jake like a giant as he continued to move closer.

Jake backed even further away from Thomas. He attempted to have as much distance between them as possible. Thomas, however, continued to move closer. Jake quickly looked over his shoulder then back at Thomas.

Thomas made eye contact with Jake and said. "Don't do it!"

Jake quickly turned around and ran out of the alley. 

Thomas said. "Get back here, you brat!" He immediately chased after Jake. 

Jack sighed then looked at Jason and Marcus. "I suppose we should go after them." He returned his gaze toward the alley entrance and mumbled. "Today just isn't my day, huh?" He ran after Thomas and Jake.

Jason and Marcus were the only two left in the alley. Jason stood dazed as Marcus stood close to him.

Jason looked at the alley entrance as he thought. "I don't understand. What is happening? Why is Jake acting like this? Why did he run away again?" Jason looked over at Marcus who seemed sad about something as he stared at the ground. Jason looked back at the alley entrance and said with resolve. "Don't worry, Marcus. I'll bring him back. I'll bring our brother back!"

Jason was about to run out of the alley when he suddenly felt something grab him by the wrist. He looked over and saw that Marcus had grabbed him by the wrist.

Jason said while confused. "Marcus, what are you doing? I need to go get Jake back."

Marcus said. "Wait! Something doesn't seem right."

Jason said. "What are you talking about, Marcus? Nothing ever seems right." He easily broke his wrist free from Marcus's grip with minimal effort. "I need to go get Jake."

Jason ran out of the entrance of the alley in pursuit of Jake. He could hear footsteps behind him.

Jason could hear Marcus from behind him who said. "Wait, Jason! I think something bad is about to happen."

Jason thought as he continued running.

"'Something bad'? What does he mean by that?" He then shook his head as he continued with his thoughts. "No, it doesn't matter. I need to get Jake back!"

Jason ran with Marcus running after him.

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