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Chapter 34: Arrival

Author Note :

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After Rhaxtyx uttered these words, he realized how wrong it can be understood. Miriam was looking at him expressionlessly, the wolf pack stopped what they were doing and Roman's eyes were round and his mouth was wide open while they all looked at him. The girl was looking at him too.

"What?" (Rhaxtyx)

"Master… You…" (Miriam)


"I didn't know you were so straightforward. Even disregarding the fact that she's just a kid."

"What are you… Oh sh*t. I didn't mean-"

"Yes Wolfkin are known to be beautiful but…"

"Miriam! I didn't mean-"


Kai's eyes were beginning to water. She was hugging her knees a couple of feet away and was about to cry. She was looking at Rhaxtyx with fear in her eyes. The wolf pack sensed her fear and circled around her. They were looking at the group with caution.

"Look! I didn't mean it that way! Besides I'm a God! I don't have those kinds of tendencies!"

"Don't tell me thaty you don't…" (Roman)

Roman looked at Rhaxtyx with shock in his eyes. His gaze slightly lowered and Miriam covered her mouth when she understood, her cheeks reddening slightly.


Rhaxtyx jumped to his feet while yelling his response. He spread his arms to make a point but this scared Kai more. The wolf pack, in response to this action, growled a little and looked at Rhaxtyx fiercely.

"Haah. Look. As you can see, I'm not a human. You saw my original form earlier and I'm sure you felt it as well. I mean no harm. I know what I said can be understood in a wrong sense. Even though I don't want to leave a kid alone in a forest, you can choose to stay as well. Either way we are going to leave here soon. These wolves can protect you but for how long? They are just wild beasts, they cannot offer much protection."

Rhaxtyx talked slowly to calm Kai. As he said, the aura he released was calming the wild life around them. Even Kai could feel that Rhaxtyx was not a major threat. At the very least he was not trying to kill her, unlike other humans. She didn't know where they were going and she certainly did not trust them fully. But the mind of a child seeks protection and a sense of security. Earlier Kai encountered a magical beast, the wolf pack saved her but at the cost of a lot of wolves. So she understood what Rhaxtyx was trying to say. Also, she sensed a familiar feeling when she was eating with the group earlier. It was the first time she felt like that, thus she could not name it.

"Like I said, we are leaving soon. We are almost packed so this is your last chance. I don't want to leave a child alone in a forest but I don't want to be regarded as a pervert as well." (Rhaxtyx)

Rhaxtyx put on a backpack as he said that. Miriam was putting the fire out while Roman loaded their stuff in the carriage and Badgey was lurking around Kai. Rhaxtyx picked him up by its scruff and started walking towards the road. And thus, Kai and the wolf pack were left there.

The group kept on going among the pine trees. Vulca would enter their view on the horizon in a couple of days as the trees were scarce in this region. Rhaxtyx was relaxed and had a huge smile plastered on his face. Miriam was worried about the child but was trying to not mind it, seeing how Rhaxtyx was relaxed about the issue. Badgey on the other hand was hard to pull away from Kai. It was currently held by the scruff by Rhaxtyx.

"Umm… Master?"

"Yes Miriam?"

"Aren't you worried about the child? You said you were."

"Well I am. She is just a child after all. But I'm not that worried as she is in her natural habitat. Her kind is different from you humans. She will have an easier time in the woods. Plus, she has sufficient guardians around her. She won't starve at the very least."

"I see."

"Although I wanted to take her with me, I understand her not trusting me. After all, we just met literally 3 hours ago. Haha!"


"They also stopped following us about half an hour ago too."


"It's natural you didn't sense their auras. They have so little as wild beasts. Kai too, with her almost undistinguishable aura."

Rhaxtyx explained to Miriam how he thought Kai as a wild beast on their first meeting. Miriam was listening curiously and after the discussion, she fell into deep thought.

"That's weird." (Miriam)

"I know! The fact that I don't know why is driving me crazy! Uggh I want to do more research!"

"Please behave yourself master. She's just a child."

"Hey! You know what I mean!"


"Listen to me!"

Miriam kept silent and this caused Rhaxtyx to be more desperate to justify himself. Thanks to his various interesting reactions, Miriam could not hold it in anymore and started chuckling. Rhaxtyx became relieved after this and laughed with her as well. As such, they kept on walking on the main road towards Vulca.

They would hunt when they were hungry and would camp when it was night. Rhaxtyx and Miriam polished their team work with every hunt and learn to fight with Roman, even if their targets were mostly wild beasts. Badgey would join in as well and help them out. And also eat the target and be scolded by Rhaxtyx.

"Well I'll be… Hunting like this is definitely efficient." (Rhaxtyx)

"There's definitely something wrong with you. I can feel my common sense crumbling away!" (Miriam)

"How can you be so strong when you seem so weak?! I've lost friends to that beast!" (Roman)

Rhaxtyx smiled as he looked at Miriam from atop a huge Grizzled Iron Tusk. This magic beast was 4 meters in height and had iron-like tusks, perfect for making some melee weapons. Rhaxtyx jumped down from its head and consoled Miriam by tapping her shoulders.

"There there. Don't be like that now you two. You worked hard as well. Look! You even became more open to conversations with me!"

"That is not the point master. An Iron Tusk is already a formidable beast yet you killed its stronger cousin with such ease!"

"Well I needed to kill it so that I could practice my spells and that Shadow thingy y'know."

"That's another problem. Haah. I'm done thinking about this."

Miriam quit after shaking her head and walked to a nearby tree to sit down. Rhaxtyx was confused by her reaction but did not mind it much as he started to pull the tusks out from the beast. They were on a hill top currently and the gray walls of Vulca could be seen easily, with the banner of the city lord hung high on them. They were about a day's walk from the city and from where they were the trade carts could be made out, albeit they were very small.

The sun was approaching the western horizon very slowly and it was obvious that they would be among the trees once night time came so they decided to camp on this hill where the trees were somewhat absent.

"I wonder if we can eat the meat of this boar." (Rhaxtyx)

"I wouldn't do that master. The last time someone did that, they died a horrible death with their skin tearing apart. They were under the ground as well, abandoned by their friends and force to eat a magical beast meat." (Miriam)

"Oh… Okay."

"I don't think you'll die but you will still suffer I'm sure." (Roman)


Rhaxtyx shivered from the thought of his skin being tore apart. Even though he wouldn't die, he could still feel pain so this was a big nope moment for him. He still kept on opening the flesh of the boar though, to see if it had a core or not.

"You stingy bastard!"


"Oh it just did not contain any core"

"Do you really think they are like flowers in a garden?" (Roman)

Miriam was constantly losing her grip to common sense since she decided to follow Rhaxtyx around. He was strong, to the point that he was almost invulnerable, but the things he could do as well would hurt her head for a while.




This was one of the things that made her head ache; his immense speed learning things. He mentioned to them that he found something like a spell and decided to learn and experiment on it. He knew hot to control his own shadow at the start but now that they were near Vulca, e decided to speed up just in case. They saw his improvement first hand and they were astonished how fast he was. Because of this they questioned what they learned so far but couldn't find any answers.

They spent their night like usual. The group sleeping at the camp site and Rhaxtyx practicing his spells nearby. He was making progress as he nailed another word for the Echo Blast's first line.

"You really don't want a chant now do you? You really want me to suffer. Shadow Arts were easier than this."

With determination in his eyes, he went on with his practice. He kept practicing until sunrise and then hunted for breakfast. They were planning to reach Vulca by sunset so they could sleep in a comfy bed after a long while.

Their breakfast was peaceful and without any worries. Smiles on their faces and warm meat on their bellies, the party had a fun journey. Well, only Rhaxtyx had fun though. He was all smiles and was skipping around. Miriam was indifferent to his actions, Roman decided not to care and Badgey was long since used to him. They had their final day of journey to Vulca.

They reached the city gates just before sunset like they planned. They were currently on the line to enter the city and they were moving slowly. As their turn was coming up, a commotion happened in front of them.

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