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Chapter 4: °Big Spots

Lights, Camera, Action.

Lights blinked from various sources at the entrance of the big building. The red carpet was rolled out. Big and small celebrities alike posed to their delight. Most of them the journalists knew and would attract attention to their magazines of sorts. They simply needed juicy news for their cover pages. The former Alpha was holding this event in honor of someone and that someone was yet to arrive. He or she must be special to even have a representative of the Count to attend. The Alpha and his family had already arrived and a few Alphas too had glittered the red carpet.

Photographers stood with their equipment snapping some pictures to make a living. One young lady in a white, zip back, flare sleeve jumpsuit with a round neckline showing off a bit of collarbone in a graduated diamond necklace in three layers lying within that area strutted through. She had a gold threader earrings on and paired the outfit with a black stylish strap open toe zipped platform heels, a neat mid part chignon bun and a black clutch with sparkly gold embroidery. She had a broad woven diamonds embedded bracelet on her right hand with the clutch in the other. Her makeup was simple with the black tints dwelling on her eyes and red on her lips. Her getup and posture was exceedingly elegant.

Upon her entry into the amazingly decorated grand hall, it was as if the whole world stopped to turn to gaze at her. The atmosphere was flurry all of a sudden with the flares on the sides of her dress floating in the air. Women began whispering amongst themselves while men could not take their eyes off this beauty. They shamelessly ogled her and had thoughts of their own of her with them. The two Alphas of Teau wolf Park grin at the effects of her entry. The representative of the Count stared hard at her unable to breathe until he was dragged away by other business men.

She makes her way to the counter to down some shots after searching for no one in mind except the teenagers. They had arrived earlier since their party wasn't extended as of the adults to their chagrin. Some men began to hit on her while their plus ones glowered. The mates of most of the Alphas wished they had their hands around her neck then squeeze the life out of her till nothing is left or bury her disgusting body. All this she did not hear and did not care.

Latiffah tensed when a hand grazes her back. She saw the glass in her hand potential to hurt whoever it is.

" I'm glad you could make it, Latiffah." Alpha Reece leaned into her body sniffing like a creep.

"It is Miss Howell to you. And I would not dare dishonor the Alpha's invitation." She pries herself away from him and gives a flat smile. "I am thankful you played along in my act earlier. I don't trust anyone. Also I apologize for any offense I caused." They had met a while back in Mexico on a mission before she dropped down in the country. He, maybe his father's affiliations, somehow convinced the commander of her batch to allow her to go on a mission in Ethiopia over some issues his father found it grave to not even discuss it with him.

"It is alright, Miss Howell." He hated the idea that Randolph got to address her on first name basis." Why should I call you Miss Howell when Randolph gets to address you by your first name?" He perturbed. Before she could give him a piece of her mind, someone calls out to her by her first name drawing attention. It was none other than Randolph with a lady by his side who looked like his mate.

"Rudolph?" She was surprised he could attend. Maybe his job extended in accompanying the Alpha also." What are you doing here? Are you even permitted to leave your duty post?" She just met him and he had grown on her with his antics and baseless anecdotes especially from the car ride.. She found it amusing pestering this gossip.

"I feel offended, Latiffah." He feigns hurt and touches the left side of his chest.

"Does it look like I care about your feelings?" The representative watched her communicate freely with those men and that woman. The Alpha Reece had that murder glint in his eye towed the other man who made her laugh. This was fun to watch! Latiffah turned to woman and shook hands with her. "I would like to know why a lovely lady like you would associate with someone nosy like him" The woman's cheeks burned red.

"I don't know why but I think it is Mother Luna's doing" She replies.

"This is too good to be true." Latiffah tuts. " How can mother Luna pair you up with such a lovely lady?"

"What can I say? I doubt that he will be able to even snag a woman without her intervention." Norma played along just fine to Randolph's irritation.

"Hey! Is this a girl gang up? Or something?" Randolph squalls.

"Quit squalling! At least act prim in public for her sake." Latiffah reproofs. Randolph stayed silent while his mate tried to suppress her laughter. " My bad manners, What is your name dear?"

" Norma Bates née Connan. But Norma would do."

"All this while your name is Randolph Bates? Geez!"

"What's wrong with me being Bates?" Before Latiffah could reply, Reece quips,

"If you are done fraternizing with my Beta please can we begin serious work, like now!" it was Latiffah's turn to be speechless. She didn't even get to speak but he nodded anyways then she frowned.

"The Beta of Teau wolf Park chauffeured me around like my personal driver all this time?" A malicious smirk spread on her face. Randolph facepalmed as Norma giggles. She was in a black ankle length evening gown. "I feel so special and honoured, your grace." She mocked toast with her flute.

"You are special. You don't need someone to tell you your worth." Reece almost voiced. "Miss Howell you're my date for the event if I might add." He sent his message loud and clear by placing his hands at her back and guided her way through the crowd. Before she went, she pats Norma on her shoulder and whispers,

"We should meet up sometime." She winks. Randolph watched the exchange and was glad his mate was opening up to someone new after the incident. They met various high class members. A few richer than others. Reece introduced her to the big men and they were floored at her intellect. In advance to meeting the representative of the Count, the main event began.

Alpha Rudy stood proudly at the podium before the audience in his two piece suit. " Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, werewolves, Vampires and Humans. It is a great honor to stand before you all especially with what is sprawling around us to share this great piece of information. I know most of you here want to decapitate each other just by the mere presence." They laugh.

"Are you retiring?" someone from the crowd shouts.

"No. My son has taken over however we are not here to discuss about that." He clears his throat. "As you all are aware of the war which happened years ago, I lost many of my men. The most especially, one who was loyal to me than to his family. He was my military analyst. Duh, how do you think we could conquer territories?" The audience laugh again at his remark. Today wasn't a day to meet one's enemies or to create one. Today is a day everyone leaves aside their differences. "Let me make this quick, curfew is almost up for the younglings…"

"We are not younglings." A drunk teen screams from the crowd. "We are teenagers!" All attention were towards the source.

"Would you mind not interrupting me." Alpha Rudy growls authoritatively. "How the hell are you drunk by this time." He shakes his head.

"As I was saying," Alpha Rudy returns to his speech. " My military analyst is gone. He died an honourable death worth commendable. This makes his position empty. And a park without security is …. I don't know you tell me. After much deliberation, the elders and I have drawn to the conclusion that the late Rowan Howell must be succeeded by someone as intellectual and moral in character as he. Therefore, Miss Latiffah Howell, daughter of Rowan Howell, shall take the position of military analyst of the Teau wolf Park." There was drop dead silence after his flat speech.

Latiffah was astound at this revelation. Her brain wasn't working or processing any bit of information. Reece had been staring at her all through the event. He had fantasies of what her reaction might be: screaming and jumping in excitement. But he got none. She had paled at the sudden info and had gone even more rigid. He knew his father's plan was a scanty one with all the benevolence he shew. It was all a waste of time and money to even consider her for such a position. The plan was to get her close to him without raising any objections then move forward to courting her afterwards mate with her. Being the military analyst was the only way they had come up with and her expression as of now didn't guarantee her full cooperation.

The Representative watched the scene with amusement. It was like an epic movie he had refrained from watching. Given that the young Alpha was mateless and could swipe any woman off her feet was interesting. But the pretty lady standing beside him didn't appear to be any woman. In a particular manner whereby she emits independence and no-nonsense aura. He couldn't resist watching this story unfold. All those men who approached him did was try to get to his side (bribery) to get the Count to be on their side or the women trying to get into his pants to create a powerful hybrid. No, no, no!

Werewolves and Vampires had one common enemy; rogues. Rogues on both parties which have been terrorizing them since they could remember. No one knew how suddenly their numbers increased yet it was disturbing their peace. He did not know how making her a defense analyst was going to help especially she being an inexperienced person. Maybe just maybe she could be the very weapon to tearing these dogs into pieces. He smirks at that thought. What could he do other than grab a can of blood and a bucket of popcorn?

After all fire begets fire! A thunderous boom sounded in the stifling atmosphere with lightning streaks in the sky.

The Howell Family stood amongst the crowd with their newest member shocked. It has been four years they set their eyes on her much less speak to her. They held their breaths as she ascended the dais. Their crestfallen faces didn't go unnoticed. However the two young siblings had nothing but pure adoration in their eyes for their big sister. They watch the former Alpha Rudy deny her declination. He uses the 'I-am-the-Alpha-and-my-word-is-ordinance' card which makes her accept the position half-heartedly. It would have been anyone's dream if it weren't for the sacrifices it came along with. Elsa and Edgar finally steal their eyes from their sister and eject themselves from their family to be the first persons who embrace her. After all, they had about twenty minutes before curfew is up.

She was baffled at the sudden group hug. She will have to speak to the Alpha soon about this decision of his. She takes in their appearance and their mischievous grins. They cleaned up well. 'I am so proud of you.' Both mouth in each of her ears. This time she couldn't stop her smile from appearing. This two people were all that she needed in her life...and maybe her mate. She didn't let them go but kept them at her sides when people came closer to congratulate her. She will use them to keep Reece from getting close.

She takes them to the buffet table. Her stomach and someone at the back of her mind growling at the lack of food for the past six hours. Nerina wanted to go on a hunt but she couldn't risk her appearance. People think she has lost her wolf! The duo cackle at that.

The trio start filling their plates, the rest of the world vanishing out of their sights except food and themselves. Elsa had a spicy shrimp and scallop Alfredo on her plate, Edgar had a seafood Fettuccine whiles Latiffah chewed on five slices of Korean barbecued beef.

"Seriously?" Edgar says catching her attention.

"What?" Her mouth was full with the beef in between the chopsticks.

"Vegetarian is today's menu."

"Well, Nerina wants meat. What the lady wants, the lady gets." She shrugs pulling the utensil out. Both shake their heads at her folly.

This frolic was witnessed by the nosy Count again.

He saw how freely she looked and could almost feel that in his heart, only if he had one. It was almost as if she was herself amongst these two nitwits who oddly resemble her. He knew they would surely meet one-day and Rudy had made that pretty soon. They would be having an Alphas summit to discuss this potent problem and he was invited as far as the Count could why can't he. Curiosity killed the cat that's true but he isn't a cat so he got a bit near though oblivious to be able to hear their conversation without using his abilities.

"I don't know what is wrong but how is mother." She forcefully swallows the beef to speak well. This time the two don't argue or hold back due to the effects of the food on their tongues down their spine to their brains.

"Mom has remarried." Edgar begins. 'huh?' is what happened in her brain. A big question mark. How long has it been for her mother to quickly get over their father, her mate. Besides there was no one available except the unmated and those who have lost their mates. It was very discomfiting for them to even look at someone with that eye. Her brain was on the verge of blackout when Elsa added the last bit of the info.

"And that too, to a human." That crushed her soul. She didn't even pick her own kind but another's. Such betrayal! Soon spine chilling laughter erupted in the atmosphere. Enough to make the representative lose his wits only for a fraction of seconds. After that conversation, she went off but didn't lose appetite. Even her conversation with the Alphas and her family was bleak to be even regarded as one.


In the next four weeks, secret Agent Latiffah Howell had began work and made moves on most of the hideouts of the rogues surrounding them and that of a few parks. Majority of the Alphas had supported while some refuse thinking that they might lose their resources, physical and social. Reece had not made a move on her yet after their last manner of personal conversation. Rudy had stayed silent searching for ways to bring back her wolf . He consulted several mediums but to no avail.

"Welcome, Alpha Rudy." The man leaned on the edge of his mahogany table. Age has sucked the life out of him. The office was poshly but professionally decorated. The furniture was pristine and balanced. The ambience was that of an Alpha. What more than two old friends catching up.

"Drop the formalities, Kane." The said Alpha waves it off. "Get me something strong." He pointed to the gourd like glass jar containing expensive whiskey. They begin chitchatting with him expressing his problems. Being a good friend that he was, Alpha Kane suggest the one thing one dreaded to think of. The help of a witch! That seemed the only option available. Rudy promises to ponder over it as he made way to Papel Towers. He had a meeting with his inner circle. Maybe the Gamma might have arrived.

He was earlier as usual. He lain in his comfy swivel chair allowing his thoughts to flow through from the past tiresome days. For when it seemed like a decennia, he drew a conclusion after all, his sacrifices were for his Park. To make them the greatest amongst all. Everyone needed for the meeting arrived except Latiffah. It was like she had retired from being an agent to being an analyst. However he knew soon her knowledge of being an agent would come of use.

Halfway through the meeting, Latiffah barges in looking as hot as fuck with her hair sprawling around. She apologies profusely then occupies the chair beside Reece. Alpha Rudy would occasionally glance at that empty seat during his speech. The way it was positioned and how it was positioned by the side of who, made it appear as one belonging to a very powerful person. And it been close to Reece, that of a Luna but no one noticed that. They continue the meeting catching up on the recent updates of the rogues and found a pattern on how they attack. Latiffah vows to look into more.

She dropped the juice carton in the trashcan. She had gulped down a medium size orange and pineapple Welch juice. She remembered those new faces she saw at the meeting. And one was Oleg Vand, her best friend. Only if they still were. Randolph had gone out earlier to fetch some cigars for the Alphas and when he did come back, he paid full attention to Latiffah.

"Is jumpsuit the only clothing you have in your closet?" He asked after seeing her in another jumpsuit today. It was like there was nothing else other than jumpsuit and sneakers in her closet as today she was draped in a denim office wear jumpsuit.

"Uh huh." She gulps down another juice from the glass.

"Why" She smiled at his nosy attitude.

"Because they are easy to wear and fit for almost any occasion." He nods at her explanation. " Yeah and they're comfy too."

"Okay." He pours some of the juice. Latiffah raises a brow at his odd behavior." Spit it out!"


"Something's bothering you."

"And how do you know."

"You are awfully quiet. Something out of character for you."

"Are you really sure we are not related anyway especially twins." She shakes her head. "okay, Norma has been acting strange since our last mission to Blackstone Wolf Park. And it's bothering me. She's quiet to herself all day and wouldn't want to talk. It's way more worse at night. No intimacy and now I have to occupy the couch in our bedroom." He whispers dejectedly cautious of the two Alphas though if they wanted to hear they could with their heightened sense of hearing. Latiffah presumed that has kept him on his toes. She couldn't believe he was sharing his marital problems with her when she's of no experience even in the dating zone. It has always been work, sleep and taking care of the teenagers who wreck her house everyday but she couldn't say she didn't love their warming presence.

"You realize I'm not a marriage counselor, right?"

"Yes I know. But I feel relieved getting off me."

"You don't give out secrets to anyone. They just could be your enemy. Are you really the next Beta?"

"Now is not the time to question my bloodline. So can you like speak to her on my behalf."

"How are you so sure she'll open up to me."

"You two ganged up on me several times when you meet but that's okay. My point is she's not one to communicate with others and if she is able to gang up with you then there is possibility she'll open up to you."

"Are you forever going to use the gang up card."

"If it works, why not?"

"Cant you feel her emotions through the mate bond?"

"She blocked me out." He groans in frustration.

"Argh…. You can do that?....Let's go to the café across the street to talk." Randolph orders an Americano while she goes in for a latte. "Enlighten me further." He opens up more about he and his wife. He simply needed a listening ear and assurance that it is going to be alright.

And that's how Latiffah found herself at the doorpost of the Bates mansion. She was ready to interrogate a moody she werewolf who had got her mate frustrated. Hopefully, this tension wouldn't spread to her.

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