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Chapter 2: 2. Wooden Swords

After leaving her home with the Princess and her Knight, Rory followed the two of them to the carriage Stevie and Henry had taken to the market.

Once inside Stevie practically tore off her dress.

"Stevie! what are you doing?" Rory asked.

"I just hate wearing these hideous things!" Stevie said as she continued taking the dress off and revealed the pants she wore underneath, "I only wear them when I'm trying to pass as a commoner since girls aren't allowed to wear this kind of attire... but being royalty I have been granted the permission to wear what I want... but that's only in the safety of the palace grounds."

The Princess threw her dress to Henry with a sigh.

"I never want to see that thing again," she said with disgust.

"Wait, you're allowed to wear pants?" Rory questioned.

"Well I pretty much forced my fathers hand."

"Dare I ask how?"

"One day I ordered my maids to burn all my dresses... my father was not too happy... but we came to a compromise after I threatened to keep burning all of my dresses," she smiled, "he said I would be allowed to wear what I want within the palace grounds, but if I go out I must wear a dress so that I have an easier time blending in as a commoner."

Rory just laughed as a reply. She was really enjoying the Princesses presence.

"Oh and I will be sending a physician over to your house in the afternoon tomorrow," Stevie smiled, "You will know the results of his visit as soon as I do!"

"Stevie I don't think words will ever express how thankful I am to you... not only for the physician or for this job, but for the kindness you show me... I don't really have a lot of friends back home so this is really nice!"

"Neither do I... my nickname is the Crazy Princess," Stevie rolled her eyes.

"What for?"

"Well the wardrobe... I also don't attend any tea parties... bleh... so dull and boring... would you like one lump or two," Stevie said in a British accent causing Rory to laugh, "we are going to get along just fine... but I also take horse back riding lessons with my brother rather than dancing and I often eavesdrop in his political lessons about war and Kingly stuff since he will replace Father when it is time... since I'm a Princess I am not the first choice to take over the country... one day I want to become a general... that's why I often sneak off with my brother to train with him and my grandfather who is a revered General in our country... he also thinks our customs should change."

Rory was shocked into silence. She never thought a girl would be allowed to do such things... maybe only in books would a girl ever hold a sword. This was exciting for Rory.

"Wow Stevie you are so amazing!" Rory gushed.

"Oh hush... I just get what I want because I don't take no for an answer," she smirked.

"That is something I know all to well," Henry spoke.

Rory was surprised by Henry speaking that she flinched upon hearing him talk. She thought he was a mute. Her whole time knowing him he has barely uttered a word.

"I'm sorry I was just startled by hearing sir Henry speak a whole sentence," Rory said as her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"Get used to it, once you get to know him he won't shut up!" Stevie laughed.

"Yes I will! especially if you keep mocking me... I will never utter a word again!"

"Oh really?"

Henry just glared at the Princess in response.

"What are you gonna do about it Sir Knight?" Stevie poked his nose and he turned his face toward fhe window, "Oh come on Hen, don't be like that!"

Rory could see his reflection in the window. Henry had a smile on his face while he was pretending to be mad the the Princess and she didn't seem to notice.

"Henry!" Stevie pleaded and pouted out her lip and clasped her hands together begging him to stop being mad at her.

"Princess..." Henry said softy as he turned his head to face her.

"Please smile," Stevie pleaded.

Henry flashed a toothy sarcastic smile as he turned back toward the window. Rory saw him giggle to himself.

"You lair!" Stevie said as she grabbed his shoulder and forcibly turned him to face her. Henry could not hide his smile anymore and he was visibly laughing now... at least now to Stevie.

"You forced my hand Princess," Henry shrugged.

"I told you to stop calling me that Henry!"

Soon the three of them arrived at the palace. Rory had never been in such a grand place such as this before. It was magnificent! So many people bustling around, taking care of the many things palaces needed taking care of. In all honesty Rory had no idea what any of these people were doing and why they were in such a hurry, but it must have been important since they were so moving at such haste.

"Oh my goodness, Rory you can meet Sawyer!"

"Your brother?"

"My twin brother... my favorite person on this planet!"

"Well if he's even just a little bit as nice as you then I'm sure I'll love him!"

'That's what I'm counting on!' Stevie thought.

The carriage came to a stop as it reached the inner most part of the palace. Stevie hopped out of the carriage and nearly pulled Rory's arm off grabbing her out of it.

"Wait! My bag!"

"Henry will get it!"

Stevie lead the way while dragging Rory in tow.

"You've got to meet my Grandfather! He's the best!"

"I'm sure I'll love him as if he were my own Grandfather!"

Rory started to get excited as Stevie lead her through the courtyard and through the gardens and to the gazebo where she saw a boy with the same shade of brown that Stevie's hair is. His back was turned to them as he was reading book. Upon hearing Stevie approach he slammed the book closed and swiftly turned to face them, holding the book behind his back.

"Stevie! who's with you?"

Rory couldn't deny that the male version of her newfound best friend was not too bad looking. His emerald eyes showed no emotion as he spoke. Even though he was clearly embarrassed he did not show it on his face. Stevie poked her head around Sawyers shoulder to try and see what book he was reading and he shifted as needed to avoid her gaze.

"Whatcha reading?"

"Nothing important," He said still adjusting his stance so she couldn't see still and struggling at that, "Who is that?"

"My friend," Stevie said still moving to see the book. She was determined to see what her twin was hiding from her.

"And this friend has a name?"


The twins struggle continued, meanwhile Henry had caught up with them and he held Rory's bag in his hand.

"Can you hand me a book from there?" Rory asked him, "I have a feeling we will be here for a while."

Henry took out all three of the books Rory had in her bag and held them in front of her. Two of them were romance novels and the third was an adventure novel. Rory picked one of the two romance novels and Henry took the adventure novel and returned the third into her bag. Rory found a nice patch of grass to sit on while she was waiting for Stevie and Sawyer's battle to be over. Henry too joined Rory down on the grass as he read, setting Rory's bag inbetween them.

As Rory and Henry read their perspective books the twins continued.

"Who's your friend?"

"What were you reading?"

"I'm not answering until you answer me!"

"No! I asked you first!"

"I'm not telling!"

"Then we will settle this with a duel!" Stevie suggested.

Henry lifted his eyes from his book and sighed, "the book was just starting to get interesting too!"

Henry placed the book on top of Rory's bag and got up from his seat on the grass and walked over to the bickering siblings. Of course their bickering was all because they wanted to show off their skills to the Red head reading on the grass, who was paying no attention to them. Their competitive spirit always took over when new people came to the palace. Whether it be joke telling, knowledge, manners, it literally could be anything. The twins would compete to see who was the best.

"Then I guess we will duel then!" Sawyer declared.

"Henry!" Stevie called for him, not realizing he was standing behind her he tapped her shoulder and she swung around to face him, "can you and Rory be witness to this duel?"

"Yes," Henry said as he walked toward the Ginger reading in the grass, "Your presence has been requested," He said as he went off the the shed to grab two wooden swords. He knew Stevie would want the real thing, but he figured this was a battle he was willing to fight.

Rory picked a piece of grass from the ground and stuck it in the book as a makeshift bookmark and set it on top of Henry's borrowed book. She stood up and brushed her dress off as she headed over to the twins who were sizing eachother up. Henry returned with the swords and as he suspected Stevie was not happy with his weaponry choices. She took them from him regardless.

"Alright, this will be a clean duel... no cheating!" Henry looked at both Sawyer and Stevie, but his gaze held on Stevie just a second longer than on Sawyer.

Then with that the duel started. Rory sat on one of the benches within the gazebo as the duel went on. Stevie went to strike and Sawyer parried to dodge her attack. This went back and fourth until FIANLLY Sawyer landed a blow.

"I want a rematch!" Stevie demanded.

"I won fair and square!"

"I hate to say it, but there was no foul play," Rory interjected.

"Fine!" Stevie said as she held out the wooden sword for Henry to take.

"It was really interesting to watch though!" Rory lied through her teeth. She wished she could get the past half hour back, that was precious time she could have been reading.

"I know would've rather been reading, but thank you for indulging us," Stevie smiled.

"No, not at all! That was fun!"

"Okay so since I won... I get to learn your friends name," Sawyer interrupted.

"Hi, I'm Loralie... but you can call me Rory," Rory waved shyly at Sawyer.

"Hello Rory... can I ask what brings you here to our humble home?" he said with a sarcastic tone emphasizing the 'humble'.

"She's my new head maid and best friend!" Stevie answered for her.

Sawyer looked a little surprised. He didn't know Stevie was going to just pick up some random girl to replace her old head maid, Jessie, who was stealing from the palace. Her fate was not pleasant, but she knew what she was risking to begin with.

"Oh, I didn't know you were looking," Sawyer said. It had been only three days since Jessie was arrested and sentenced.

"I wasn't... I just saw an opportunity."

"Well I will be taking my leave, nice to meet you Rory," Sawyer said as he walked away, still concealing the book he was holding.

Rory caught a small glimpse of it and she immediately knew what book it was Wuthering Heights. She whispered the information to Stevie.

"Oh Heathcliff!" Stevie mockingly called after her brother and he paused his strides.

"Huh, Wuthering Heights... so my brother reads romance novels in his spare time huh?"

He slowly turned around and faced the three standing in the gazebo holding the book in front of him now.

"What?" he sighed.

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