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The Cursed Blue Moon The Cursed Blue Moon original

The Cursed Blue Moon

Author: Nikkybrien270

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Sudden engagement

It's past 10 in the morning, and I'm in my room, lying lazily on the bed while facing the ceiling. I got tons of assignments to do today being Saturday, but I choose to lie down, and do nothing.

Since the day is still fresh, I decided to leave everything till later in the day. It's also the weekend, so I have enough time to do my assignments before going to college on Monday.

I was about to take a nap when I suddenly heard a knock on my door.

"Come in, the door is unlocked!" I replied as I sit upright. I don't need to ask who's there, because I'm certain that, it's either my mom or dad.

*door click*

As the door opens, my parents walked in gently. It seems my guess was right after all but I was somehow surprised, seeing the both of them walk in together. I suspected they must have something important to say to me.

"Good morning my baby" My mom greeted with a smile as she sits beside me on the bed. My dad stood before us, and stare at me with much affection in his eyes.

"Morning mom..." I replied to her with a confused expression. After a while, I instantly gave her a questioning glare but she maintained her silence.

As my dad saw the look on my face, he cleared his throat and turn to stare at me with much intensity this time around. I could feel how awkward the atmosphere is at this moment.

How could the Alpha of the strongest Blue Moon pack in the city, be afraid to talk to his daughter? I have no idea why he is like that. I've said countless times to his face that, he is too calm to lead the whole pack.

He isn't like that to only me, but the pack as a whole. I'm still curious how he was selected as the Alpha back then.

They are about to tell me something, but it appears as if, they are holding back. When I couldn't handle their silence anymore, I turned to my mom and ask; "What's going on?"

I gave them a serious look and waited for their response.

"Get dressed later in the evening because we would be meeting with the Gilbert family for your engagement." My dad told me, and I stiff in shock.

I looked him straight in the eyes while processing what I just heard. An engagement out of the blue, how's that possible?

The word 'engagement' kept ringing in my head as I continue to glare at him. It was when my mom tapped me lightly on the shoulder that I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Hope you heard your father?" She asked with a concerned tone. After I heard her question, I instantly came back to my full senses.

"What engagement are you both talking about? You knew I haven't shifted yet, and I haven't chosen my mate." I turned to my dad to question his decision.

If I'm not mistaken, every she-wolf in our pack has to choose their mate a day after their shift. Why is my own different? Or is it because I'm the Alpha daughter or what? I was confused.

"You are already nineteen, and need a mate before you turn twenty." My mom said, all worried.

"But I have to choose my mate myself!" I cried out, not wanting to accept the truth. I know the tradition of our pack, and that is, every wolf without a mate by the age of twenty, would be forcefully mated to another wolf in other packs.

I just turned nineteen two months ago, and haven't shifted into my wolf yet. I was supposed to have shifted at the age of seventeen and should have gotten a mate that age, but it seems luck wasn't on my side.

I've tried a lot of things to force her out before I entered college, but she prefers to still be inside. After lots of attempts, I decided to focus on my studies for now, and continue to wait patiently till she's ready to be out.

"Listen to me Maria, this is for your future. Other werewolves in our pack shouldn't know about you not having a mate yet. It would be a thing of shame to me, and your mom." My dad said convincingly, but I didn't buy his words.

"Give me little time dad! I believe I would shift before my twentieth birthday. I'm so sure she needed time before coming out." I pleaded with him while putting on a sad face.

I stopped being stubborn and begged them to give me time. I've been having the feeling that I would shift sooner, but I just don't want to give myself too much hope by thinking about it.

I decided not to tell my parents about the feeling I've been having because I wanted to surprise them. Now, I have no choice but to let everything out, so they will hearken to my pleas.

"Mom, dad, my wolf has been giving me some strange signs for the past three weeks. And I believe it's almost time for me to shift."

They both immediately looked at each other in the eyes, and later returned their gaze at me. I stared at them, trying to find out what they were thinking about at that moment, yet, I couldn't get a hint of it.

"Still Maria, I won't rescind my decision. This is for the future of the pack." He furrowed his brows as he tells me.

"Dad, you are the Alpha, and call the shot here! No one would question your ruling if you talk to them about what you want. Please, dad, I don't want to be engaged with someone who is not my chosen mate."

"I already made myself clear. We are sealing your engagement with Bernard tonight!" He said with an icy tone and walked out of my room before I could respond.

I quickly turned to my mom for her support, but she stood up instantly too. She can't go against the Alpha of the pack since she's the Luna. She knows the rule, and it applies to everyone including her family.

"Believe me, dear, this is the best decision ever." She stroke my hair in a loving manner, and stepped out of the room.

I was left all alone to have a rethink about what they just told me. But I still can't bring myself to accept everything just like that.

Though Bernard is my childhood friend, I never for once had a love feeling for him. Maybe it is because he isn't my mate. I just don't feel any connection towards him in any way.

I only see him as a good friend of mine who always has my back. Even when I was bullied back in our younger age, he would constantly come to my rescue and punish children bullying me.

Bernard is more like a big brother to me right from our tender age. Since his parents and mine were like family friends, we both became super close.

What baffles me more is the fact that why didn't Bernard tell his parents he has already found a mate? He has found a mate since he turned eighteen and he is twenty now.

He told me about it but didn't let me know who his mate was. I'm so sure it's not me because I would have found out a long time ago.

Even if I haven't shifted yet, I still possess a little power and would know if I'm his mate or not. I can't explain how I got the power. But I'm sure it's from my mom and dad since they are both powerful.

Why is Bernard agreeing to this knowing full well that I'm not his chosen mate? Or is he being forced to choose me because we are friends?

No, that's impossible! Once they knows about his mate, nobody would force us to get engaged. Not even the Alpha of our pack which happens to be my dad.

It seems Bernard is concealing some things from everyone. I need to find out about it during tonight's dinner and expose his little secret to everyone because I don't want him to be my mate.


Later in the evening, I'm damn tired of trying to find the best outfit I would be putting on for tonight's dinner.

All my dresses seem perfect for the occasion which I didn't want them to be. I need to look average, or better still, ugly! I need to put on a dress that would make Bernard and his family want to cut ties with me in all ways.

"How I wish I'd shifted! This wouldn't be happening to me right now!!"

I muttered to myself with a grin and abruptly threw my ass on the bed. I don't know if my schemes would work tonight, so I need to have a backup plan if it doesn't.

"Maria?" The door to my room suddenly open, and I heard my mom calls out my name as she stepped inside.

"What is it, mom?" I frowned, not wanting to look her in the eyes as I focused on arranging the dresses beside me. Then she moved over to me.

"This will suit you better." She picked up the peach long dress I was about to take and smiled at me. "Why don't you try it on now?" She sounded so excited.

With much anger on my face, I stood up and pulled out the dress from her hands, and threw it back on the bed. "I don't want to! Please, leave me alone!"

"I know you are angry with us dear, but we are only looking out for you." She said with a calmer voice.

"You are not mom! You and dad are forcing me to get engaged with someone I don't like!"

"But, Bernard is your childhood friend. You both know each other better."

"He's just my friend, I never loved him!" I yelled at her.

Immediately I saw how she looked at me sadly, I became guilty. I shouldn't have raised my voice. "Sorry I yelled at you." I apologized and sat down back on the bed.

"It's okay dear... I know how pissed you are right now with us but something is going on in the pack that has to do with your dad, which you aren't aware of." She gently picked her words one after the other.

My eyes lit up as I heard what she just said. I might be angry, yet, I don't joke with anything that has to do with them in any way. "What do you mean?" I asked with a worried tone.

I'm quite aware that, most people in our pack don't like my dad after he was chosen as the Alpha to lead them. But what could they be planning to do to him now? I'm confused and as well as I'm worried about him.

"Don't you worry... We will explain in detail to you after tonight's engagement becomes successful. The fate of your father among others in the pack depends on this engagement. So please, do it for him." She explained to me as she caress my hair, and walks out of the room.

I was petrified as soon as she got out. I sat still on the bed while reminiscing about what she just told me. So, my dad's fate depends on me now? How intriguing in a bad way!

I don't know why he is such a weak Alpha compared to other Alphas from neighboring packs! It annoys me so much!

No matter what, I need to make sure this engagement is a success or else, I won't be able to look my dad in the eyes anymore if anything should happen.

"I will go with this!" I picked up the peach dress my mom selected and strides over to the bathroom to get prepared for tonight...

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