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Chapter 11: Kaguya's harsh punishment! New world.

After I finished brooding, I had the shop take me to a new world.

[Meanwhile back with Shoyua,sasuke and kaguya.]

"Shoyua Now!!" Sasuke yelled as they finnaly got their chance to reseal her. They both touched her with their palms... but nothing happened!!!!

"Maybe if it was me before that would work but now its childs play. Now just hold still while I make you whole again. Rinnesharingan!" She yelled using the moon and sun markings of power they got from the sage of six paths, to pull him and his brother Hamura otsutsuki into their bodies. Now they have the knowledge of them inside their head and became new beings. "Th-this m-mother I know your mad bu-"

"No buts your both in deep trouble! You dare to seal your mother away ,without talking it out first. Sure I didnt tell you the whole thing but I felt you were a millennium too young. There were many tribulations and knowledge you needed to learn first. Losing one love is not nearly enough to make you ready. The reason I didnt say anything ,was to have you grow from it!! What am I going to do with you. Also just so you know, I kept her soul safe; I was going to make a body for her and place her back. As that frail things body was too weak! What if we were attacked by the clan, she would die and it would cause you to lose rationality!! You won't be getting her back till your punishment is over. For this, I decided to put you through all the tragedies that happened, because of the chakra you shared with the mortals. Also your inaction leaving them be. Their souls weren't ready for the consequences of their power. Now you will learn from your mistakes the hard way!"

Hamura and the sage of six paths went paler then even their mother and hagoromo spoke "Th-thats a bit much dont you th-"

"A bit much!! You say that after sealing me in there for god knows how long!!! Y-you for saying that I'll put you in the women's experiences ,not just the men as I had planned!!!"

They both paled. Hamura looked at his brother in pity.

"So you both get a choice ,either you get just their bad experiences ;which would be faster as it would take 10 years. Or you get their good and bad to even things out ,but this would take you 100 years. Choose, also I'll let you say goodbye to your human friends, and pets. Dont worry I won't be hurting them ,as I'am now powerful enough to take on the clan myself." She said as her lost potential pill activated ,as soon as she got out of the prison.

"Mother can I watch them suffer?" asked black zetsu.

"Oh that's right your still here, I must have put too much hatred in you ;when creating you. Rinnesharingan! There that's better don't want people thinking, I'm some planet consuming maniac." She said while glaring at her sons which they started shaking, under her new powerful gaze.

"I choose the shorter time, as I feel it would allow me to better reflect on my actions. I suggest you do the same brother." Hamura said while inwardly smiling and laughing a little at his brothers misfortune. However kuruma was upset at him making fun of his father. 'Ohh and what are you going to do, about your sexuality now?' Kuruma said in his mind shutting him up causing him to go stiff. The sage of six paths sent back a glare at his brother and said. "I'm not the one trying to be persuade mother, for a lesser punishment by sucking up. That won't work on mother and is quite condescending ,on both parties. Mother wouldn't doing this potentially make me like men?" He said without any emotion as possible. While his brother thought

'Yeah like that hasn't happened to me already, what am I going to say to my wife. It's a good thing I didnt completely turn, who would have thought that uzumaki ;would have such a strong soul. If it wasn't incest, I would have lost the battle when it came to who to mate with.'

'Heh that brat was the strongest willed ningen I ever met, of course he would have a strong soul. Expecially after that horrible life.' Kuruma said in pride then asked 'What's going to happen to me?'

'Err you could stay with me or leave till I finish the punishment I guess?' He replied.

'Heh seems like your still stupid like him, I meant since father would probably want me free. Being unable to protect us tailed beasts from being sealed again. Not that I entirely mind.' Kuruma said

'Hey what's that supposed to mean!! Hmm I see that is a problem, here I will seperate you now and give you my best customer.... where did it go?' he panicked

'That's not good but don't worry I feel the others presence vanish. I think they went to the legendary shop, as they told me they felt me leave the mindscape ;we all shared..'

Kuruma said getting a mental nod of understanding.

"Oh my that might be a problem ,but does it matter; we can just use a more powerful henge jutsu. Then you will be able to change your gender for real." she said then continued

"Unless you have something wrong against women?" asking in her sweatest voice.

He paled and said "Forget I mentioned anything, I will go with the longer time spent."

'Damn my mouth ,if I would just have said nothing I would have took 10 years. Now with having to relive through womens lifes too. To keep my sanity I must take the longer route. I just hope I dont turn gay, living with orochimaru was enough!'

"You can say goodbye to your pets and the humans your other body was acquainted with."

Kaguya said to them both.

"Yes mother they both said obeying her command. Hamura went to check on his ancestors on the moon, then to say goodbye to kakashi, tsunade, and sakura. Meanwhile Hagoromo went to say goodbye, to his tailed beasts.

[Change scene with Kakashi, sakura and tsunade]

"What happened to you guys as soon as the sage of six paths disappeared, you apeared here." Tsunade asked.

"W-well you see ahh. I think we failed and I'm not sure if they are alive anymore." Kakashi broke the news while sakura was tearing up.

Hamura arrived out of nowhere.

"Hey guys I'm back." Sakura rushed to hug him then tsunade and kakashi asked

"What happened?"

"Well something unexpected happened and she was too powerful to seal. She took the sage of six paths soul and his brothers hamura, and since she mistaked us for them. Combined us together, so I guess you could say I'm no longer Shoyua; but at the same time am. I am going to be releasing my old partner as Shoyua, as I will be gone for a 10 year punishment. Good news though is we wont have to worry about the other Otsutsuki ,destroying the world on about 15 years. Also I'm no longer interested in becoming hokage ,as it would be more detrimental then helpful. As I'm basically going to be a god like being. Also I don't want to see kuruma sealed, when I get back." He explained greatly startling the others.

Tsunade rubbed her temples and said "I need a drink! I can guarantee we wont but I cant say the same for the others. Gah Well I guess your smarter then before, as Shoyua wouldnt think about that."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!" Hamura said.

They chuckled "I guess your not all that diffrent, sigh, it seems I will be passing on my hat to kakashi permanently then." Tsunade said shocking Kakashi and sakura but not Hamura.


"I suppose so as I doubted you would continue after doing all this. You never wanted to be hokage anyways. Plus this is a good enough accomplishment to retire with. Infact I think Ōnoki might do the same. Well before I make mother angry, I better be going. Release!"

This startles them as they see the ninetails emerge.

"Free at last!!!! Hahaha now to kill all them stupid ningens Owww! What was that for?!" Kuruma roared.

"For trying to scare people, are you trying to provoke them to seal you up again? Not that they can find a suitable host, as it would require an uzuma....Oh well be careful. As they would just have to capture Karin." he/she said seriously ,making kuruma sweat as it forgot about that one person.

"Relax I doubt the other villages want to upset ,a soon to be god." Kakashi said reasoning it out while tsunade and sakura nodded.

"Hey Baka don't forget about the village in 10 years. Oh and where is sasuke?" She asked, as she still has a small part of her; that worries for him.

"Hahaha he got in trouble with mother and she is going to punish him, for a hundred years instead. Oww kuruma what was that for!!"

"That's my father you know!!" She defended him.

Shocking them a bit but remembered me mentioning the sage of six paths.

"Well I guess I should be going bef-"

Black zetsu emerges from the ground making the rest of them go into attack mode. However he is as illusive as ever hamura yelled "Stop hes mothers creation, unless you want her to punish everyone!"

"Mother wants you to return and receive your punishment." He said in a sad voice feeling bad for him shocking the rest.

"What exactly is this punishment anyways?" Kakashi asks concered.

"10 years living out the horrible acts people did with ninjutsu. As I spent my other life on the moon, not intervening on the mistake my brother made. As the ninjas abused the power, he gave originally for a different purpose. He should have stopped ninjutsu from happening, as it only brought war and strife. Also I should have stopped it from continuing ,instead of observing on the moon."

They all sweated hearing this and thought

'His mother is quite ruthless... then again being sealed so long.'

"Let's go" Black zetsu said and he complied.

Kuruma got a communication from his brother and sisters. They are all to meet up with their father and they have good news. He leaves and heads to their location.

[Meanwhile back with the MC.]

I used henge jutsu to look like the 12th doctor, from doctor who.

*You know the more you avoid accepting your true form ,the harder the creator will be on you.*

The shop warned but I replied.

"Just let me have this."

*I really dont know why you care, because in this world you will be welcomed and not be ridiculed. Well... unless they are fangirls, they react diffrently.*

"You think I'll fall for that this time noo hahah this time I will be normal!" I said while laughing.

*Whatever the next customer will be arriving soon.*

The door swings open and in comes a 2'9½" short man. Who appears to be a possible combination of several different animals, including a dog, a mouse and a bear. He has the head of a mouse with circular black eyes, a large scar over the right one, relatively square-shaped ears with pale pink insides slanting outwards from the top of his head, and an elongated muzzle with a small round nose. His fur is white and has large, dog-like paws with pink pads and a thin tail like that of a cat.

He sports a white dress shirt, a dark red tie around his neck, a black double-breasted waistcoat and matching dress pants. He wears orange lace-up sneakers with incredibly thick soles. He was nezu principal of UA high school, one of the smartest men on earth; in my hero acedemy universe. He was currently startled as he was trying to enter his office, not this place. He then set his eyes on me and asked warily"Whats your purpose of bringing me here?"

"Oh sorry about that, my shop sort of does that on it's own sometimes. I am the legendary shop owner of my magical emporium of desires! Where you can find anything you want, currently we are out of rare,super-rare and legendary stock of your earth. Worry not ,as we have those rare items in the omniverse shop. Also many other good items. My shop is big so if you want I could suggest something."

Nezu was surprised and couldn't help but ask.

"Omniverse? Surely you most be joking, as that's still just a theory. Do you really believe your from a other world? If so, I could suggest a psychiatrist." He said not believing anything I said.

"Take a look around the shop, you will see items so Increadible ;that it would be impossible to come from your world. As if it was you surely would have heard of it by now." I said.

He still didn't believe me but decided that there was no harm in looking. So he did and what he saw over and over ,made him less and less skeptical and more afraid. Yes he was afraid I would sell something to a villian, thus changing their world as he knows it. He then finds an item and says "I would like this item, how much does it cost?" He says showing me a security system, that would make his school unable to be breached; even by space-time manipulation.

The device of course shows the designs of how it's made and how it works. It also tells them the knowledge will be removed from their head ,when they leave as it's just to proof that its legitimate.

"You see in this shop I take whatever payment I want and the shop processes the transaction. This is the beauty and power of my shop, as this is powerful if used right. As for what I want, just your knowledge on science,math,engineering, and anything related to those. As you know there are subcategories."

Nezu was stunned by what I said, then asked.

"Well before I decide what is it that you were going to suggest."

"Well looking as cute as you, I doubt people will take you seriously; so I have this magical ring. This will make people take you seriously ,when you have it on. As its enchanted that way, no it doesnt harm people in anyway shape or form. It just alters your appearances perception ,for everyone. Your appearance will be defined as serious, instead of cute. Not just that but any and all records of it ,being called written or digitally typed; being cute is rewritten."

I looked at the item in envy and greed inwardly cursing that I cant obtain it.

"I see. Although that sounds great, and I assume

people will not remember ;or think its ridiculous how they thought I was cute in the past. I wouldn't want an item like that ,as it's quite gray and is almost villainous ;even though its used for such a small innocent purpose. I will take the security system ,as long as you agree to not cause harm to society with said knowledge." He said as he didn't want to be too greedy with his conditions. As he seen how truley advanced this was, its as if it was decades ahead in technology.

"Very well I agree to your condition, now place your hand in the magical circle and the payment will be complete."

He looked skeptically at it ,but since he has the 6th sense of an animal. He felt no possible harm will happen to him, so he complied.

I then felt a rush of information into my brain, "Arghh" I then used sagemode plus chakra to heal the damage ,to keep up with the knowledge. Nezu looked at me intrigued and slightly concerned, as he knew that was alot of info. "You alright?" He then seen a green glow on my head and immensive contained pressure I gave off. He only knew of it due to his 6th sense, as he felt great danger if he was to approach. "Sorry about that had to speed up the process, while healing the damage occurring. Well off you go it's only one item per person, also just so you know. You wont be able to replicate the security system, as the shop was created by a very unforgiving person ;towards theifs. It will probably become unfunctional when observed, and by chance you suceed. Well you wouldn't want to be, on the bad side of a god that can control souls. I hope you enjoy your item."

Nezu once in his life felt great fear, his instincts told him to head my words. Also that if he disobeyed, even if all the heros and villians of the world came together; they couldnt stop his punishment. He bowed respectfully and said

"I thank you for your advice and wouldn't dream of stealing someone elses invention. Even if it is unpatented."

"No problem, oh and dont worry about others doing so. As they will be teleported into a prison of your world, with 5 years of memories erased. As punishment just in case your worlds justice system, is corrupt. Farewell."

He went stiff but then nodded and thought

'We need to make sure noone even tries it. Perhaps using our existing security system ,to protect this one from such thing happening.'

He then takes off.

'To think he knew so much, this is hundreds of years ahead of my earth; but at the same time not. We had all the technology to do this ,but we just were not clever enough to do so. To think we held ourselfs back just by politics. They kept peoples creativity down. I remember that in my first life, it cost 10k dollars for a patent. The only choice if you couldn't afford it, is to get a corporation to fund you. You'd be lucky to get 5 percent by the end of it. If it wasn't popular or selling you would be bankrupt. O well next customer.'

"Attract Akaguro Chizome the hero killer stain."

*Just so you know he isn't evil just a pure antihero in this alternative universe.*

Wrathos Wrathos

I know what your going to say why go here, it's so mainstream!! Cringe worthy world choices!!

My reasoning is crud ton of powers, also the advanced technology of this world. I will keep it entertaining even for haters of this world. This first one might not be 100% but the next will be better. As one must seek knowledge first before messing with people. Also this chapter was a bit harder to write, so there will be only one chapter today. Sorry for the inconvince.

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