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Chapter 43: Konosuba Chapter Special

[A/N I feel like I failed all those who liked this fanfiction. If you are a god I bet you would give me shadow clone jutsu and I would continue...hell I would be making endless chapters. To those select few that saved this fanfiction in their library I give you this chapter. I hope you enjoy.]


Just like every time I've done this before today I was here to make a deal! Also before today happened ,I was certain that I could deal with the cuteness overload of women and that was my only problem. I wasn't perfect but I was getting better. But this was the omniverse a scary freaking place! Although, I am going of of experiences of before so... unlike everytime I have done this before; I didn't suspect such a day to occur. This day would come to haunt my dreams for many days to come.

"Come in." I said.

I was currently in my normal kuruma/kirby form. After I said this... three no the door was getting larger. 'What the hell is that thing, it looks like a bear with crystal spikes coming out of it's back? I can't recall this anime...'

'That's because you never read or watched many animes, having such a specific liking you missed some decent ones. I will upload the data so that you can better make deals. This anime isn't normal though, it's of a fanfiction that became reality.' The shop resounded in my head as I seen the giant bear ,holding a person on its back?!

'Doesn't that hurt? Wait I can smell her bleeding....ah I see shes a masochist but self brainwashed herself into believing otherwise.' I thought.

"Welcome to my magical emporium of desires I a-" I was inturrupted by the blue haired girl throwing a magic?"Gods Fist!"...Laced divine punch at me. She was only met with a magical barrier. 'Don't mind if I copy that.' I mused

'Fighting isn't allowed in the shop, no matter your status you are entering into another gods domain; lady Aqua it would be best if you behaved yourself.' Jeeves responded.

"What the hell?! Jeeves?!" They all yelled in shock.

"What?! Why are you so polite you cruddy shop?! Your never this nice to me? Is it because she is pritty lady that you let her go?! If that's the case I call discrimination! I beleive in gender equality a nut kick for a boob fondle!" I was angry that the system who treated me like it has for the past....well it's not long considering how strong I've gotten but still!

"..." Kazuma was shocked first that it looked like a cute kirby kuruma hybrid, that was from some anime Wrathos-sama showed them one time. But after hearing his words his respect for it had grown to new levels.

"..." Aqua was dumbfounded that both this cute thing could be so shamless and so...kazuma like it disgusted her. But she knew what he said was true and this was what her super jiji's divine energy felt like but it had choas energy mixed in. She was also angry that this guy said it was a magical emporium, that was Wrathos-sama's idea! But considering the case....she could only Sigh. She didn't dare to upset a god in basically a domain.

"..." Megumin was wondering if this creature was created by Wrathos-sama and kazuma in secret. But seeing Aqua's reaction she knew this wasn't the case.

"..."Darkness felt like she met a god of shameless in the flesh....she wondered if he was as old as Wrathos-sama. If he wasn't maybe just maybe....

"Hey man! Nice to meet you nice shop you got here? I-Is that what I think it is?! S*x bot over ninethousand weird...ah I get the reference. Let's see it caWhat?! Seriously Ow! What the hell Aqua I was reading something!" Kazuma immediately greeted me with lots of respect, seen an item he couldn't resist then he got slapped by Aqua.

"As you can see the name isn't for show, we have everything in the entire omniverse here. Although it's currently only on rare items ,it's still very good. Although only basic things that are fo-whats with those? Hey shop isn't this a bit much for such a world?" I asked as I seen some legendary grade hell even divine grade items! This was ridiculous!

'The item's here are due to a omniversal god, setting up a shop in his world. So I copied over the items that he had. But his payment system is diffrent so you should still make out. Why are you being such a bastard? Ever hear the saying of kicking a gift horse in the mouth?' The shop replied.

'Right the better the items I sell the more I can take....' I thought.

".....Anyways as I was saying and as my shop said, who I named Jeeves; my shop takes anything that I deem worth my items in exchange. You can also choose to buy as a group or individual, I suggest as a group as....- I was inturrupted by the blonde girl named Darkness, running up to a small replica of myself. The information was transmitted to my brain ,as she placed the small cyborg hybrid kirbonian onto the desk.

"T-this..." I said

'Nova replica s*x doll, this doll will have his original shameless and sadistic tendencies. The best part is it can easily add an illusion ,so no other people will hear or see what your doing. Everything will look innocent, so get it now, enact your desires with a replica of the original god of lust and desires Novaverael himself!'

'W-why Y-You!'

'I wouldn't mind giving you access to it's experiences, if you keep your cool and act normal.' the shop said in my head.

"Is a wonderful selection. We will wait till everyone has chosen to work on the details." I said smiling, as I already copied that gods fist ability. Considering He is a god of chakra fruit, it apparently gives him some divinity too.

"No! Your not bringing such a disgusting thing inside that house, with us beautiful pure maidens, no matter what!" Aqua said.

"Hey it's not disgusting it comes with a cleaning function! Besides it shapeshifts and is updated with the omniverses internet, filled with its pleasure ideas and reenacts them! Do you know what Wrathos-sama would give us in exchange for connecting to its internet?! Anything we want!" Kazuma used all his efforts and silver tongue.

'I'm sorry to be the one to bring bad news but such an event is impossible. That internet is only accessible to the highest of beings, among the god of knowledges friends included. So accessing it in such an illegal manner, would get you smitted by the high gods.' Jeeves said.

"Haah! It's decided pick another item.....I'm watching you." Aqua replied then said she would be watching what he buys.

"Guys do you see this! It's amazing it's a multiverse bomb! Ah! It can blow up all of reality ,in a multiverse itself! I want it so bad mMh!" Megumin said with a moan at the end.

"Is this behavior common on your world?" I asked Darkness and she nodded.


"No! Your not blowing up all of reality!" Aqua and kazuma yelled and jumped to being her away from such a bomb! Who the hell made this shop?! Who would out such a thing inside?! Magical Emporium of desires, sounds more like a demon gods shop after know it sells this! The worst part is that this is just a rare item?! They sell these like sports cars?!

"Awww! B-but we would defeat the demon king."

*Beep Warning Warning Intruder located entering shop space!*

"What the....Wrathos-sama?!" they all yelled looking at the new visitor.

"Yes it is I the most noble god of death,eternity,magic, and to a lesser degree creation!"

*Ejecting low omniversal god from the shop, his greediness isn't welcomed here. Besides, he wouldn't want to upset the god of chaos and pranks himself.*

"Oi! I resent that! Get something good ,this shop looks amazing! It's a domain no wonder the old man doesn't want me here! That's the truth behind it! Hahaha! Aqua I leave negotiation to you! But don't be snoopy on others purchases good by-" He spoke in a very fast voice that seemed to use the speed force....

"Why do I feel like that guy is familiar...."

'He is you but not exactly....well hes the god soul version of you. When he was remade ,it disconnected him from the omniversal timestream. He became unique, he made better wishes then you.'

'What really?! Damn I knew I should have made better wishes!'

"E-Ehh?!" They all said as the shop explained.

"Hello friends? I'm sure your enjoying your time with Wrathos,nova,Novaverael, or his mortal aliases of ********‐..It seems I can't say his, no our past selfs mortal name." I mused outloud.

"T-that makes alot of sense ,only he would be willing to screw himself over money. Besides look at Spikupuss he's looking at him, in familiarity and confusion." Aqua then said.

'Who names their mount Spikupuss?! Is that some sort of innuendo?' I thought but shook my head.

"I believe myself would reprimand you for saying that your about to screw me over.....even when in such a situation that surprised even me; you must keep your composure. Really he needs to do better teaching his employees, if he ever wants to own a nice shop like myself. Please tell him to request a less sas-" I was inturrupted by the shop.

'Turning off cuteness supress-' the shop didn't get to continue as I knew I'd be screwed.

"-uke like mage look she's absolutely brooding. Cough Just tell him sometimes even a shop isn't worth the cost. But he can visit mine any-" I was inturrupted once more by the shop.

'Anytime after becoming a primordial god. Pertaining he signs this beforehand.' the shop then made a magical contract appear.

"No lusting over the shopkeepers cuteness,no kidnapping the cutest shopkeeper,no bj's will be provided to the customer by the shopkeeper,-"

"Hey I dont do that y-Mmmh!!" my mouth was edited out of existence. "-subjected to pranks once in a while at the god of chaos' desires, forced to do any one thing a month; for the god of chaos. Examples being being turned into a girl then teleported into a omniversal orgy; with the most beautiful goddesses. Hey! Why does this sound like a good thing?" kazuma started reading it outloud.




"...Im smarter then this idiot, if Wrathos-sama taught me anything; it's what you read can be misinterpreted. It's either what's not said or a direct alteration on how you imagined it."

"T-thats...." Kazuma hated her of all people calling him stupid! She was a useless goddess afterall! But now! 'No she is still useless!' He thought.

"Smart, I may have to take back that insult on his teaching abilities." I added.

"Why Thank you. If you don't mind us ,we will be looking around some more." she said then grabbed Megumin and kazuma and walked off.

"Guys do you know what race he is? He is a kirbonian those things can eat whole universes! Not just that but I heard of that god, he is a trickster and likes to mess with other peoples life. He has even pranked the god above all a few times but there was no proof. They called it the greatest prank of all time. He is banned from his kingdom, that's why he grabbed Wrathos-sama human soul. He want's to ********." she informed them but couldn't finish.

'All conversations about my master, in a negative light will be punished accordingly.' they could hear and they froze stiff.

"Thank you I knew I was being to hard on you, for you to call me master warms my heart." I said as I overheard.

'Trying to pose as my master even in a joke will result in the removal of all reproductive organs.'

"I forgot to add maggot after the master, I apologize for my negligence your esteemed excellence." I quickly responded as I paled.

'How ruthless!' We all thought.

"Save me...." I then said in a scared voice.

'There will be no saving, as your not in danger; would there be anything else that require your assistance?'

'Who are you fooling?!'

"How ruthless! Ah! I need snuggles Nova bot." Darkness said.

"I love you~" It said as it cutely hugged her but if you noticed carefully, it was casting a curcio and silencio ;wandless/silent curse on her.

Her face was all red and I could smell her juices pour out.

"Aww~" Aqua and Megumin said as they seen the small kirbonian hybrid cyborg hug her.

I feel violated in every way possible...

"If I requested to leave my job at the shop would I keep my wishes?" I asked.

'No you are stuck with me forever, even the god above all cant help you; as he likes to follow the rules he sets.' We all inhaled a cold breath!

I'm screwed!

"Look guys it's an enchant that would allow me to destroy the demonking with one blast!" Megumin said in absolute joy

"W-what!,Really?!" Kazuma and the rest yelled while Aqua said.

"See! At least she knows what's important although I have to agree, the kirbonian cyborg was a good choice." Aqua said as she had hearts in her eyes still from it's cuteness.

"I definitely must have it!" Darkness then said after her breathing was back to normal; the silencio spell was taken off.

I then seen a small baby dragon fly out of the shops ceiling.

I felt like coughing blood when I heard her agree with Darkness choice...'Did the shop edit what it did just for her?' I wondered.

"W-WHATS THIS!" Aqua said as the baby dragon that looked unbelievably cute, landed on her head. She then removed it and he then flew infront of her.

'Aquamarine' was it's name and it was a baby version of the dragon that came from Wrathos-sama's shop but deagged and made cuter. Current strength: Matches user After demonking slain: can grow up to low omniversal god level.'

"Aquamarine....english but I like it." Aqua said and decided to take this pet.

"I agree with this name too." Megumin said surprising everyone else but kazuma who was angry.

"Hey! You named my sword something horrible but you let aquas dragon keep it's name?!" Kazuma said angrily.

"Well everyone knows when a dragon is born, they are given a name in their mind. Besides I actually like it, since it matches his new masters name. I could always get an item that will brand your second sword that you h-"she was stopped by kazuma.

"Alright! You win." He flailed his arms up and began to look for another item. But the only thing that kept showing up was the same thing. He wondered if it was a glitch or something until a voice of the shop came into his mind.

'This time I disguised it as a omni game system that will only work for an hour a day. You could say that Wrathos could try and recreate it.'

He immediately snatched it and whispered into aquas ears. Her eyes grew money signs but she said nothing this time.

"Alright we have everything that we want , so what is this special payment method ;you were talking about. It better not be our souls ,as I can tell you that mine isn't for sale." Aqua said as they went to the desk.

"The shop will do the transaction, so dont worry if your unable to do so yourself. I want a copy of kazumas memories of his life, this is mainly to gain some of his good characteristics. As there is nothing he has other then this, that I would value. As for you Aqua I would like to copy your affinity of water, its fair considering the dragons future strength. Megumin I would like to learn your explosive magic ,as its alot more cool looking then most destruction magic out there. As for Darkness I want a copy of all your skills." I finished and they were all surprised but this was fair considering the circumstances.

"W-why are you so generous?" Aqua asked as normally this is when she would haggle but now it felt like she would be stealing. The last thing she wanted to do was mess with the owner of the shop ,who was the god of chaos and pranks himself.

"People can normally get only one item from the shop ,also I'm not allowed to use or take any items for myself here. There are no loopholes to this, so instead of being greedy; I give a final price from the get go. This saves time and it also doesn't matter to me. Although I'm sure it causes chaos to the worlds I visit, but this wish was a greedy one as you can see the applications. Basically I never need to leave the shop but I do so to get stronger. Normally I would also offer a group package but that would cost more and you don't have anything else that I desire." I finished and they all understood now what I meant.

Although I don't get to use my own items here, it doesn't mean I lose out. However, I still have to deal with the person who made the shop. Furthermore, I can leave when I want but it must work like an employee or something of that sort.

"I see...well I don't really mind this, although I like my memories, I don't see any value in them to hold it over this item. Just promise me that you won't share any with them or any alternatives of us across this multiverse." Kazuma said.

"If you all agree place your hand on the magical circle." I said and one by one they followed suit.

"Thank you!" They all bowed and said.

"It's been a pleasure doing buisness with you." I said and they went off."

'Rare items have been unlocked for this world.' The shop said while I thought.

'So basically nothing had been unlocked....Sigh.'



Wrathos Wrathos

In case you didn't realize this follows the continuity of my newly rewritten omniverse fanfiction. Wrathos is that Wrathos but further along in the story.

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