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Author: ogelaura7

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: NOAH

He thought he heard a piercing cry and then came a soft cry. Two different voices, but where were these voices coming from. He paused his movement to hear the voice again, truly his instincts and ears were correct. He ran into the bush forgetting the warnings of his mother, to look for the child and it's parents.

While running, questions ram through his head, "What is a child doing in the bush? What am I to do with the child? ".

He halted on sighting a deer, the deer was so close to the mother, before he got the idea of what the deer was there for, immediately he came out of his hiding with his knife, the deer ran out of fear. On noticing the mother, a small figure immediately caught his attention, a figure that resembled a human. A baby,it was alive, not crying this time but panting, probably tired of crying. His mother was dead already. He immediately got hold of the child before anybody saw what he was doing. There was an obstacle, a rope was creating a confusion, connecting the baby to its mother(umblical cord), he then remembered what his father did to his last son. He removed the knife from his pocket and cut the rope from the child's navel. The child was already sleeping until it felt a touch, the baby was shocked,he didn't cry(for he noticed he was a boy).

The baby was soaked with so much blood that he had to rush back home to give his mother. The boy was 8years of age, born from the family of ten. Vincent wanted to be a hunter unlike the rest of his siblings. His mother was a housewife and his father was a herdsman as well as a trader. He had six(6) elder ones before he came into his family, his younger sister who was also a girl just started walking.

Veronica took the baby from her son from the door and without asking questions she went to clean him up. She noticed while cleaning him up that his complexion changes from white to red and he had a reddish hair. He was just different. He was staring at her now. She didn't know what to tell her husband because they had barely enough to eat and another stomach to add will provoke him, but she would keep the child.

Veronica was a black American woman who was taken away (sold) from her orphanage home to stay with a man she called her husband. "Ella cook dinner before pops is back". She instructed her eldest daughter. All her children were farmers except Vincent who refuses to join instead chose hunting. "What are we cooking ?".Ella asked her mother who came back to the house. "Cook what is home, child". She shouted. Ella was turning into a woman. She had passed 20 and soon her husband would take her away like she was taken away.

The child was already asleep, she backed him and went to supervise what Ella was doing. "Who own the child, Ma? ". Ella noticed the child on her back, "His your new brother ",her mother replied her. Immediately Ella took upon herself the responsibility of protecting him. Everybody had eaten and gone to sleep before their father came back home. Immediately the child on the caught his attention, "I dun wanna know who owned that tin, throw him out,am done with assholes like thay", he said casually. "Ben, this time around I make the decision on his life, his a human goddammit, don't be upset but i am gonna keep him". She stubbornly replied. Ben knowing his wife had won, ordered for his food. "Just keep him out of my sight, and go get my food now". He shouted back.

Ben who was less educated didn't know how to have a family planning, he got Veronica raped before getting married go her. Veronica as he assumed, was so obedient and naive, he preferred she stayed at home. He was thinking of selling his first daughter off for marriage to reduce the hunger in his house and now looking at the small child sleeping, he didn't know what to conclude about that. He slept off on the couch after eating. Veronica wondered what her husband would do to the child.

She named the boy Noah. Noah proved everybody wrong. As Noah grew, he increased in intelligence with the urge and zeal to get into school. "Mumsi, I wanna go into school",he would ask. "Noah, you would go, I promise you that", she replied him. Ella was always with Noah,they so loved each other even as siblings. Ella sewed clothes for Noah and Noah played with her.

Veronica, having saved up some money, decided to send Noah to school to learn to read before leaving. Noah was so excited when he was taken to school the following day, but his sister was not excited knowing she would be bored and miss her brother. Noah assured her, he would teach her when he closed from school. Noah impressed his teachers and classmates. He was the envy of all, e was a participant and understood all things. But back at him, his father would ignore and sometimes insult him, his sister or mother would have to come out to defend him. His siblings refused playing with him. This made him pile up numerous questions of his true identity.

On a fateful day, he wanted to read outside,he was close to the door when he overhead his siblings talking to each other and decided go eavesdrop. "Do you think Noah is a human",Becky asked. "No, don't you remember Vincent picked him up from the bush, besides you can see how he changes colour when entering water to bathe", Lana replied her sister. This upset Noah greatly,he had to run to meet his mother to ask her. " Mum, was I born in a bush? Who are my parents ",he asked while trying to hold back his tears. "Son, I adopted you, you are from this family",she responded and motioned him to hug her, which he did.

In Noah's class,his intelligence caused so much attention. Mario, Noah's mate in class was the carrier of the first position before the arrival of Noah into the school. This caused great consideration on the part of Mario's father for he was thinking of a better opponent for his son. The following session, Mario's father, Mr Lavonosky drove to Noah's house to see his father. He was ushered in, he saw how poor these people were and knew it would be easy to take the boy.

Ben was not around,so Mr Lavonosky had to wait. He arrived layer in the night. Mr Lavanosky had to tell Ben of his intentions, Ella eavesdropped all they talked about and tried concluding her fears and tears rushed down her cheek. "Noah," Ben called for the first time. Noah was already at the sitting room, looking piercingly Ben's eyes without saying a word. "You gonna follow this man, okay? His your saviour", Ben replied unconcerned. " Am not, Ben",Noah replied bravely. This surprised Ben because was called by his name in his own house. "Why?",he asked. He immediately dragged his son to the verandah telling him the advantages. "Noah, you gotta open up that eyes of yours,dah man has a devilish money, he got the aces to our fortune",Ben continued saying greedily. "OK, Ben, but Ella is following me",Noah replied. "You got my word man",Ben replied softly. They went back inside they concluded and the man promised to send Noah home for the holiday for the concern of his mother.

Mr Lavonosky lived in a mansion all alone with his son and a maid. He hired private tutors from two different countries to teach both boys. He trained them to his thrist. Ella enjoyed her duty post as a cook. At the age of 20, he decided to test the boys on their intelligence. Surprisingly they passed all. Mr Lavonosky was impressed more on their closeness.

The America revolution was coming near, Mr Lavonosky business trips increased. This time he stayed unusually long Iraq. Noah used the opportunity to visit his mother, he went with Ella. On getting there he noticed the house was burnt down and his family dead. He ran back with Ella to the mansion. Minutes later, Mr Lavonosky came home, this time wounded and his clothes torn.

Mr Lavonosky stayed indoors in his room for two weeks before coming out. Two days after his recovery, two armoured cars arrived the mansion and knocked down the door with their weapons. The held hostage,Mr Lavonosky, Ella, the maid and the two boys.

Mario was stubborn this time around and wanted to fight back when he was pushed and accidently his head landed on rock and died immediately. Noah was heartbroken and went to hug his dead friend amidst the beaten rendered to him by the soldiers. They laughed at him and went for his sister, Ella. Ella was frightened seeing a gun. Noah being held by the soldiers couldn't do anything as he watched his sister being raped by the four soldiers but before the last could enter her she was already dead. Mr Lavonosky,Noah and the maids were kept in a cage, an underground which Mr Lavonosky built I'm the mansion. Noah had to take over as the head seeing Lavonosky refusal to talk. He needs sure they all ate. Noah noticed something in similar to Mr Lavonosky while he (Lavonosky) went to bathe in the rain, the turned red. This surprised Noah for he thought his father was dead.

Two days later, Noah woke up and saw Mr Lavonosky breath had stopped. He cried quietly, he noticed a note on the ground, and saw it was Lavonosky writing which he read immediately :

"I love you son, the moment I set my eyes on you,i knew you were my flesh and blood, I just didn't know on time. My wealth has been passed to you,including the mansion. When you get out,my maid will direct you on everything ".

Noah could not control his tears while he read the letter. He had to start feeding for two(The maid and him) since Mr Lavonosky was no more.

During this period, Noah had already drawn a map of their escape. It was summer then, so the cold and snow where much. On the day of their escape, Noah, sneakingly and tactfully passed and came out of the cave with the maid but the maid who had the intentions of outsmarting Noah, ran off and during this process she got shot.

Noah escaped but not without sustaining gunshot wound on his right leg ghat made him limp for life. Noah travelled to Britain,worked as a bartender, from there he went to school, had no time for girls. He was tight up. A customer who had noticed Noah's intelligence called upon him to work as a manager to his hotel and not waste his effort but he refused the offer. Noah saved up money and decided to go into war to fight for his country. Noah survived the war and while going back to Britain to start up his business, there he met his wife, Sandra. Their meetings were filled with emotions. Noah who had no idea of love knew it was love that was coming to his direction. They met at the plane he was taking back to Britain and the talked and laughed and that day in the plane they ended up having sex.

Noah arrived Britain without collecting her contacts because he took it as an ordinary sex but he had the instinct it was different, the sex was different, she was different. Noah was able to build up an hotel but without spending a dime, he went to the bank to seek for answers but they refused revealing the anonymous helper. Noah concluded it was the customer that wanted him to work for him, but he was surprised to find out that he had no hand in it.

Noah met Sandra again, this time working in Britain as a sale representative. He took her out that day before they landed in his hotel. Noah remembered the rush of sensation churning from his body when they met at the plane.

"I want you",his voice was a little more than a low rasp that sent every nerve ending firing madly. "I want you more than I have ever wanted another woman in my life, and it scares the hell out of me".

"I am just a woman, what's there to be scared about? ". He laughed roughly. "That's like a saber-toothed tiger saying I'm just a nice little kitty. You are no ordinary lady Sandy".

Before she could figure out whether he meant the words as a compliment,he deepened the kiss and pushed her to the bed, then she decided she didn't care anymore, as long as he continued this delicious assault on her senses.

He lowered her to the bed as she held on him tightly,as all the sleepy desires she had buried deep inside since they met bubbled to the surface. It had been so long... So very,very long since she had been held and cherished like this and she wanted to savor every second.

       The taste of him, the scent of him, the implacable strength of his arms around her, it all felt perfect. He felt perfect.

          Okay, he might wish she wore something a little more sensual, especially when his went to the buttons of her old work shirt. But he didn't seem go mind her clothes,judged by the heavy-lidded hunger in his eyes after he had worked the buttons free and the packets of her shirt fell away.

"You are gorgeous",he murmured. "The most beautiful thing I have ever seen".

"I am afraid I am not a tight bodied cheerleader I was when I was sixteen".she said smiling.

"Who wants some silly cheerleader when I could have a saber-toothed tiger of a woman in my arms? "

She laughed but it turned into a ragged gasp when he slowly caressed her through the fabric of her bra, his fingers went over her breast again.

            He groaned, low in his throat, and his thumb deftly traced the skin just above the lacy cup. Everything tightened inside her, a lovely swell of tension as he worked the clasp free, and she nearly got off the bed when his arms covered her skin.

He teased and explored her body, while his mouth tantalized hers with deep, silky tastes and her hands explored the hard muscles of his back and the thick softness of his hair.

"This is crazy ",he said after long, delirious moments. "It's not what I brought you here for, I swear". His laugh jurned into a groan as she feathered more kisses along his jawline. "Well, when you put that way..... ".

          She smiles,then gasped when he began trailing kisses down the side of her throat. Every coherent thought disappeared out of her head when his mouth found her breast. She tangled her hands in his hair, aching into his mouth as he tasted and teased.

           A few moments later, no clothing barriers remained between them and she exulted in the sheer delicious wonder of his skin brushing hers, his strength surrounding her softness. He kissed her and a restless need started deep inside her and expanded out in hot, hungry waves. She couldn't get enough of this of him. She traced his hand over his pectoral muscle, feeling the leashed strength in him.

And then she forgot everything when he reached a hand between their bodies to the aching core of her hunger,she gasped his name,shifting restlessly against his fingers and everything inside her coiled with a sweet urgent ache of anticipation.

She felt edgy, panicking suddenly,as if the room were spinning too fast for her to ride along, but his kiss kept her centered in the midst of the tornado of sensation. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her breathing ragged.

      He kissed her then, his mouth hot, insistent, demanding. That was all it took. With a sharp cry, she let go of what tiny tendrils of control remained and flung herself into the whirling, breathtaking maelstrom.

Even before the last delicious tremors had faded, he produced a condom from his wallet and entered her with one swift moment.

       Long unused muscles stretched to welcome him and he groaned,pressing his forehead to hers.

       "So tight",he murmured. "I'm sorry". His suggestion was rough and he ticked her skin, "I don't believe I was complaining ".

         He kissed her fiercely, possessively, and just like that, she could feel her body rise to meet his again.

       With her hands gripped tightly in his, he moved inside her and she arched restlessly against him,her body seeking more, burning for completion. And then she could sense a change in him, feel the thought of edginess in every touch. Her mouth tangled with his and at the slick brush of his tongue against hers, she climaxed again with a core-deep sigh of delight.

              He froze above her, his muscles corded and then he groaned and joined her in the storm.

             Noah couldn't believe what was happening to him, he couldn't let her go this time. "Sandy, let's get married, let's travel for our honeymoon at the place of your choice", he said pleadingly. "Sure,i will marry you.  Can we go to New York, for our honeymoon ". She asked.  "Why not, as long as it makes you happy",he answered contentedly.

                Noah started another hotel after his honeymoon. The hotel building was completed on day of the birth of Tiffany. Tiffany unlike her father took her mother's looks which Noah envied. But the similarity between Tiffany and Noah was the urge to know more and be successful. Noah riches started from there and he forgot he was stepping on people's toes while achieving them. He had empires, he could only trust one person with all these, who was Paul, his contributor(so he thought)  to his empire. His daughter can't handle the business alone,not for now. Noah's feeling for his wife started to dwindle and fall due to the problem of her increase in weight.

                 Noah never liked fats, most especially those with big stomach. Noah went for gaming every morning and evening to keep himself fit and slim. He loved his wife so much that he complained about her weight and took her to the gyming site but she refused to catching up, she increased her consumption of food and preferred staying at home. This habit started after giving birth to Tiffany and since she could not give birth again,she used eating and sleeping to console herself. Noah could not gather up stamina for ask for a divorce instead he went out early morning and came back when she was asleep.  Their daughter attended the best boarding house school and so she rarely came home. His wife noticed the changes, though it hurt her, she couldn't change her habit. She had to help out her husband by being the one to ask for a divorce.

                "Noah, can we talk, she woke him up at midnight, she couldn't sleep. "Hmmmm I can hear u",he murmured.

                  "No,please sit up ",she forcefully said. "Woman why disturbing a man's sleep by this time, can't it be passed over til when I wake up",he complained.

                        "I want a divorce Noah, this marriage is not working,  we share Tiffany, she stays with me for a year and comes to you the following year, that's equal, I just want to live my life without restrictions ",she went back to bed immediately.

                These words struck Noah deeply,it was a deep relief for him on one part and pained him in the other. He didn't know what his life would be like once she was out.  At last he won't be disgusted everyday when he looks at her or share a bed with her. He couldn't object to what she said because he wanted it also.

                   Noah went to work he following morning before she woke up, to avoid argument on the issue, but he couldn't avoid her for long. Secretly, his wife had been on the process of making the divorce letter,she had her reasons, she secretly monitored her husband's movement and noticed he had three mistresses who satisfied his pleasures of sex, she knew her husband was unfaithful, but never blamed him because it was all her fault for not giving him more children and for getting fat.  A month later, a parcel was sent to Noah's office. On opening the letter, he saw it was the divorce document which read:

              "By the time you are reading this letter,i would be out of the house. Don't bother looking for me, our child would be share equally.  Enclosed inside is an envelope which contains the divorce form. It was nice knowing you Noah and having fun with you".

                                              Yours lovely,


               Noah knew he would miss her, he immediately signed it and returned it back to the messenger. Noah had never seen his daughter, thinking of her gave him hope. His phone immediately rang.

                "Yes,..... I own this place..... Fire?  OK, any victim. Ok".

                He immediately dropped the phone, one of his empire located in New York had a fire incident. One of his cook carelessly forgot to switch off the electric cooker, at least they  were able to get themselves out of there before the lace burnt down. They needed his presence to get to pay him insurance for the damage incurred. He called Paul to tell him everything and to take his post in the office for he was still in Germany. He took the next flight to New York. As he thought of New York, he remembered his daughter schooled there, he would probably visit her.

               On getting there, paparazzi were all over him before the intervention of the police officer would let him into their office . They drove him down to his burnt hotel and discovered there were no remenant and everything had burnt to ashes.

               Noah was paid for the loss of his building by the insurance company. The look of one of the insurance officers looked suspicious but he waved the thoughts away. Noah immediately ordered for the re-innovation of the hotel while he went to visit his daughter.

                 On getting to her school, they immediately directed him to the principal's office. She looked strict, not bad-looking for her age. Before leaving her office, she brought to his notice how Tiffany had been missing classes and leaving the school building illegally to meet people they know nothing about. He requested to see his daughter.

                  She looked more beautiful than the last time he visited her. They talked and he noticed his stubbornness in her and the shyness she put towards him. He gave her some gifts before going and never made comments about the reports he heard from her principal.

                While on the plane Noah realized his daughter was coming of age to take up his empire. He was proud of her braveness just like his adopted sister who had died,he saw the braveness in her that though stubborn, it did not affect her performance in exams.  He wanted to know her boyfriend and friends, he could not wait for her holidays to come. He would have to query Paul for her had been hiding Tiffany's misconducts in school.

                 Noah arrived Germany receiving reports and left messages, the insurance officer who made him uncomfortable had pleaded to see him. Noah called him in. He came with intentions of Noah giving him a job which he did. Noah was later denied access to complete his building at New York for reasons unrevealed by the Bank of Britain (he banked with them). He tried holding back his anger on them and travelled to see for himself.

                  It had been long he travelled to Britain. He possessed two hotels there. After he lodged and rested for a night in the usual rooms at his hotel, he decided to visit the manager the following day.

                    "Good morning sir, may I help you. Please have your seat",the manager greeted him smiling. Noah noticed the familiarity in the man, he could not just put in place where he met the man from.

                       "I came regarding the renovation of my hotel which you refused it's renovation",Noah replied as his mind came back to what he was there for.

                     "O yes errr....Mr Noah, you see it is not our fault, the government were the ones who owned the bank that had interest on your land, your expenses has been refunded",he replied feeling concerned.

                    "Look Mr man, thats my land and you don't fucking tell me what to do about it",Noah fusing had already replied.

                    "But you can buy another ",the manager suggested.

                      And I don't want to, is that difficult for you to understand ". Noah immediately replied.

                       "Well sir, we have nothing to do about this".

                         "Then I will sue this bank, you watch and I will make sure you regret every single phase know your life",Noah replied before banging the door.

                         Noah got another land,since he could not succeed in going to court over his former land. Noah was a successful man. His empire grew as he monitored his daughter's interest in business.

                          He offered his daughter his empire in Britain for her to handle but was surprised when she refused it and claimed she wanted to work on her own. Noah was sad about her decision but was proud his daughter did not want to rely on his empire. He let her have her decision on the other hand she let him buy her an apartment at Britain, close to her place of work. She agreed and she started working the year she graduated.


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