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Chapter 167: The Ultimatum of Gods 3

"What's in the box?"

The Sergeant inquired, appeared in a contempt mood to pick someone up to pass the time, inspecting Tomita when he about to exit.

"Nothing particularly Sergeant just an errand I have to run."

Tomita replied, keeping his calmness as an MRC Researcher

"What kind of errant?"

"Nothing particular you wouldn't know."

"Now I definitely want to know, open the box,"

Tomita did his best to ignore the annoying Sergeant, however his attempt to pass him seem backfired, the Sergeant became interested in Tomita's content,

"You know why has sudden military patrol?"

The Sergeant asked grimly,

"It received information there is Mutant infiltrator passed the security and enter the Sector I, Supreme One feared those fucking savages, Shapeshifter Mutants mixed with the populous, plotting another terrorist attack, currently we are on high alert, so don't have to prickly and tell me whatcha you carrying lab rat."

Like a total dick the Sergeant roughly demand, scowling at Tomita's fearless face.

The Brittonia Sergeant was a bulky brute, quite disrespectful, intimidating and quite obnoxious to say the least, however Tomita keeps his cool, knowing he can't use rough attitude to get himself out; especially they knows there's an infiltrator hanging around.

"I assigned to pick the specific package by the Imperium Senate's order, that much I could tell — any further questions might come as harassment of sorts."


The Sergeant laughed loudly and unpleasantly,

"Look at that fucking lab rat! Seriously? Harassment? Oh boy you have no idea what I'm capable of you shithead."

"Hm. Really what are you capable off? Sergeant Tark Senhora?"

"Wha!? Ma-major Natalia?"

The Sergeant baffled, hearing that grim feminine voice with a soft Russian accent, taunting him in a sarcastic tone,

"Show me Sergeant Senhora, how capable of you, I am very eager to see."

Natalia Yomoni, The Silver Witchblade herself stands at in front of the Sergeant who's already pissing his pants,

"What the matter? Don't you know how to piss yourself?"

Natalia asked again more sardonically, as her gorgeous long silver hair swayed by the wind, don the natty Imperial military outfit on her voluptuous body, a true Sexpot without question.

"Wha-aha, I was just!?!?"

"You what? If you done irritating people then get back to your post. Now!"

"Y-yes Major!"

The Sergeant whimpered, runs as quickly as he can,

"I am sorry about his immature behaviour, some men in the army envies MRC Scientists, the money they earned or the work they do in the labs without getting into a real battlefield."

"Mention not, are you the commander of this Sectorial Regiment?"

Tomita asked calmly,

"Yes, I am. Major Natalia Yomoni, commander of the Valkyrie Division, and I temporary assigned to adjust those little kittens here."

Natalia asked, gracefully introduced herself, a large amount class of elegance and grace ooze from her busty, voluptuous figure,

When the Sergeant gone, Natalia tough, cold face and persona faded into a soft, compassionate, sincerely apologised to Tomita for her subordinate's misbehaviour unbeknownst he was Tomita the Mutant infiltrator.

Apparently the stories around Natalia, the sadistic, heartless soldier who mercilessly kills and torture mutants for enjoyment, for the love of other people's pain and suffering seems exaggerated, she seems like a nice mature woman do her Imperial duty with a deep fervent militarism even she has to get her hands dirty, despite the fearsome Major is a high-ranking military officer of an extremely evil Empire's army she's also feminine and quite graceful.

And Tomita fully empathise that and replied,

"Not at all. I don't blame them, fighting against strong, radical Mutants who wants slicing you like clean little pieces are immensely frightening."

"Still we see how humanity deals with their grim circumstances. Brittonia Military only concerned about themselves — those select few that go against the tide of dissolute corruption and have strong, unselfish convictions are greatly admired by me at least I considered them special since I follow my native Russian tradition."

"Oh? you do seem like a foreigner."

"Half-breed actually, I grew up in a small town in Steinburg with my father, unfortunately unlike ours they mostly cleaned up all Mutant problems from their nation, committing liquidation."

"True... But most of humans outside the country sees Mutants who are performed absorbing Biotium from human's flesh is considered dangerous and monstrous; moreover, gaining new Mutantanic abilities by consuming other Mutants who already possess those powers is terrifying enough. The treatment of Mutants in the Imperium States is considered the best in the world, the other nations hate the Mutants so much. The whole situation is a cycle of hate all over again. Some kind of a Race War."

"Um... Who are you Mister? I didn't catch your name."

Natalia turned and asked, gazing Tomita thoroughly,

Unknowingly Tomita went too far expressing his worldview to a stranger who got little suspicious of him,

"Umm... Name's Shintani Toruska, here to take a cargo and ship to The Imperium Palazzia."

Under Natalia's little suspicion Tomita gave his excuse, not sure she brought it or not since she still eyeing in an ambiguous manner,

"Alright then, I will not waste your time, I go arrange the unit, must keep them vigilant."

Finally, Natalia turned watching her unit as they lounging around,

"Farewell Toruska-san."

Without further suspicion she walked back to her garrison, Natalia maybe tough and ruthless soldier at times and had her share same war crimes against foreign population and as well as Imperians populace. However, when comes harming any of her subordinates/comrades and friends, she'll never side with them no matter who they are.

Despite a little conversation acknowledging all of Natalia's personality and worldviews got Tomita deeply fascinated about her.

"Hey Mr. Lab coat over here!"

Tomita's eyes focused at another MRC Employee walking close to Tomita.

The other MRC Employee was Dr. Tetsuzō Hiroshi, the casual, quirky carefree scientist with a prosthetic right hand, the lavender haired MRC's Engineer, wears a very large glasses, always a goofy, graceless social misfit who is bluntly honest and speaks of everyone in an almost mocking tone.

"You're finally arrived thank heavens. Pack it up! Pack it up! Let's go! We're done lingering here! Don't look anywhere!"

Hiroshi walked close, in hurried manner, along with his trusted assistant Seiko, seemly worried about something, but quite relieved after seeing Tomita,

"Excuses me, who are you?"

Tomita questioned, although Hiroshi was glad to see Tomita, he doesn't know Hiroshi yet.

"Did Shinsuke send you?"


Tomita sucked his breath overwhelmed with shock since he doesn't know him; he whispered cautiously,

"Who are you? How did you know about him?"

"Look I know you got lot of questions,"

Hiroshi said, his carefreeness seems temporarily lost,

"Ichiro and the Imperium Senate tie up lose ends. Kornine has an undisputed grudge against those whose involve with their super-secret project, whatever it is that Kornine and Supreme One Ichiro is secretly working on, something called The New Colossus. Look as a concern citizen such as ourselves I really fucked this one up. now I— ow, ow—"

"The thing he trying to say is—"

Tomita to this moment have no idea what Hiroshi is implying until Seiko comes in interrupting explaining the conversation while she remorselessly pinching Hiroshi's butt!

'The new Supreme One's aim is quite complex, he wants improve Imperium Society so it can survive for a couple of centuries, thus he will root out any insubordination and finish those who are no longer beneficial to him."

"So, you two want to switch side with my Lord Akagi Shinsuke?"



Seiko replied, with a deadpan face, release the pinch hold off, and Hiroshi quivered in agony, humorously rubbing his butt as he said annoyingly, yet sarcastically

"Congratulations! Your explaining skills was spot-on! That kind of contradiction might kill you one day."

"Nevertheless, how I supposed to trust you?"

Tomita said, still harbouring some doubts,

"You know you are one of those stubborn ones., never seen to trust anyone, besides 'Little Aki' and I know way back."

Hiroshi replied, irritated putting his hand on the waist, despite been goofy he's also one of the few in the Imperium to not be racist or utterly immoral.

"Now you aim to take us or not? Because I know a perfect transportation to get us out of here."

"Puff, fine lead the way genius,"

Tomita sighed, agreed to take Akagi's old associates with him.

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