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Chapter 1: 1 Straying From Home World


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*Knock Knock Knock*

"Honey, get up. Its time for school."

The calm and soothing voice of my mother woke me up from my peaceful sleep. Lifting my eyelid ever so slightly, I grimaced when sunlight coincidentally filtered through the open window and into my sensitive eyes.

"Ugh... Coming!"

Rolling myself out of bed, I stretched my muscles while taking deep breathes. When I was more or less awake, I stumbled my way to the bathroom.

"God I hate Mondays..."

I complained when I noticed that the bathroom was locked. With a sigh, I knocked on the door.

"Hey nee-san, could you hurry up please?"

Calling to my dear sister, I waited for her reply patiently. My sister and I used to be really close, but like any other sister, she went through her rebellious phase. So now she isn't as close to me like she used to be.

"I'll be done in a few more minutes nii-chan!"

She shouted back a few seconds after my question. I already expected this so I just went back to my room to prepare for the day.

I hope something interesting happens.


"Crap, I'm gonna be late! Thanks for the food!"

I yelled as I left the house in a hurry. Running at full speed towards the train station, I dodged and weaved through pedestrians.

Thank god I picked up parkour, or else I would've knocked into someone.

Although it's not practiced that often nowadays, I still found the concept of parkour interesting. My interest in it lead me to practicing it. It turned out that I had quite the talent for it too.

"Made it."

I sighed as I entered the train just before it left. The train was strangely empty, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Taking a seat for myself, I pulled out my phone and started looking for any new novels I could read.

Halfway though my daily ritual, I got a message from a friend.

'RandomFriend: Dude! Did you check out the new episode of Boruto? It was awesome!'

<A/N:I'm too lazy to make up names, so please excuse me. Also, I previously misspelled Boruto as Baruto.>

'Me: I already told you hundreds of times, I don't watch Boruto, much less, Naruto.'

'RandomFriend: What!? You haven't watched Naruto!?'

'Me: Well I did, but I skipped most of the episodes. The anime was 90% flashbacks, and the rest was pointlessly long fight scenes. I actually have no idea about the plot. I'd much rather read novels than watch anime.'

'RandomFriend: Although it's true that most of the anime is about flashbacks, but how could you not know the plot? When you get to school, I'll educate you in the ways of anime.'

'Me: No thanks, seems like too much trouble.'

'RandomFriend: Just wait and see, I'll open your eyes to a whole new world! Anyway, I gotta go, see you later.'

'Me: Bye.'


Putting away my phone, I started feeling drowsy. I looked around to see of anyone was near, but there wasn't a single soul. Taking a look at the time, the train should arrive in about 20 minutes.

"I guess I have time for a quick nap."

Laying my head on the wall of the train, I slowly drifted off to sleep. Just as I got comfortable, a sudden warmth spread throughout my body. Instead of questioning where the warmth came from, I just enjoyed the comfortable, ethereal feeling before I finally fell asleep.


Waking up, I quickly noticed how my surroundings felt wet and warm. It wasn't a very pleasant experience.

What the hell? Where am I? What happened?

I tried to stand up, only to find that there wasn't any space to move. The best I could do was wriggle around, but that was it.

What's happening!? Was I kidnapped? I don't know why anyone would do that, I mean, I'm just your average everday guy.

Starting to freak out, I tried to calm myself.

Okay, calm down me. Let's not panic, think of every possible solution. So I fell asleep, then when I woke up, I'm now in a type of container that holds liquids and doesn't have any lights. I'm either in some sort of vat or... I'm inside a womb...

Honestly, the last one was questionable yet exciting at the same time.

There's only one way to find out...

Calling out to all of my energy, I kicked as hard as I could, only to be met with a wall of sorts.


A high pitched, surprised yelp gave me everything I needed to know.

... That settles it then. It seems that I somehow got reincarnated as a fetus. *Sigh* I'm gonna miss my family and friends, but most importantly, I'm gonna miss anime. Just thinking about all the novels, manga and anime I haven't finished brings me to tears, not that I can cry. Come to think of it, I wonder what kind of world this is? Meh, I'll think about it later. Right now... I'm really... sleepy...

-Time Skip-

Time flew by in the blink of an eye. Life as a fetus is pretty boring, I barely get to stay conscious for a few minutes before I'm forced to sleep. Although I can't tell, I'm sure that I spent much more time sleeping than I'd like to think. The good news is that every time I wake up, I get to kick my new mom's womb. At first, the yelps were amusing, but it got boring really fast.

I also tried to sense any form of energy, but so far I got nothing. Although I was hoping to be reborn in a magical world, I can make do with a normal one.

Oh no! If I'm being reborn in a new world, doesn't that mean that I have to learn the language? Fuck! I was always bad with languages in school. Let's hope I can safely lear-

I was broken out of my thoughts when I felt the liquid around me dissappear.

What's happening? Am I being born!? Yes! Ha ha! I can finally leave this shit hole!

Just as I was celebrating, I felt the walls squeeze me tightly while slowly pushing me, head first, towards what I assume to be the exit.

Ugh, this feels uncomfortable. If I wasn't claustrophobic before, I'm sure I am now.

Skipping over the next few minutes, screams of pain, curses and a very bloody scene, I popped out of my mom's womb.

"Abu Aha Goo!" 'Dobby is free!'

After my deceleration to the world, I then started processing the extreme pain that I ignored up until now.

Screaming and crying my lungs out for what felt like hours, I finally grew tired and slowly fell asleep.


Waking up to the sound of wailing babies wasn't something on my bucketlist. Now if I was a normal teenager, I would've been pissed, but I was currently a baby. Naturally, my baby instinct kicked in and I started crying to the tune of the other infants.

A few seconds after we hit the chorus, someone picked me up and took me to a different room. We finally came to a stop somewhere in the hospital where I was handed over to someone else.

Said someone started rubbing my back and saying something that I couldn't quite catch. I didn't need to open my eyes to know that this was my new mother.

What's this warmth? It feels so comfortable, I see now why infants are clingy. I'd want to stay in my mother's embrace all the time if this is how it feels. I wish that I could hear properly, it seems that my ears and eyes are still undeveloped. It'll take some time before I can see or hear, but I'll just enjoy the calm for now. The only thing I'm dreading is feeding time...

-Time Skip-

It's been a month since I was born, and a lot has happened.

Firstly, my eyes and ears developed enough for me to make out my surroundings a week after I was born.

The people speak Japanese, thankfully, and I discovered my name! My new name is Kekkan Nora! Kekkan means defect, fualt, flaw, shortcoming or weakness. It's my family name, I can already guess why that's our family name. Nora means stray. So my full name is Defect Stray. A pretty terrible name my mom gave me.

Speaking of my mom, she's fucking hot! Her long black hair, red cat like eyes and sharp canines makes her look wild and feral, but it mostly makes her sexy. She also has terrible naming sense. I haven't heard much about my father, but he apparently died before my birth.

Now the most important news of them all! I discovered what world I'm in. When I heard words like Hokage, Konoha and ninja, I started crying uncontrollably.

Of all the fictional worlds out there, I just so happened to be in a world that was not only very dangerous, but I had little to no information about it.

The most I knew about this world was that the MC, Naruto, is supposedly the 'chosen one' that will save the world from a bitch, who was corrupted with power, along with his boyfriend, Sasuke. The world wasn't only very dangerous, but it was ruthless and unforgiving to the weak. Power was all that mattered in this world, without it, you are nothing.

So yeah, I plan to be the strongest in this world so that I can stay safe from any threats.

To become the strongest, I need a plan of action. Currently, I can't do jackshit as a baby, but I can gather information from talkative nurses. Fun fact about being a baby, nobody suspects a thing.

I'll first need to gather information before I can start plan 'Become the Strongest and wipe the floor with all threats'! Yeah... the name still needs work.

"There's my little boy!"

My mom's voice broke me out of my thoughts as she picked me up and hugged me tightly. I immediately let my baby instincts kick in instead of holding it back. Giggling while smiling a toothless grin, I enjoyed my mother's company. I'm still trying to get over the fact that the first tit I ever sucked was my mother's.

"Little Nora, my friends will be visiting soon, one already gave birth while the other is still pregnant so you'll have friends to play with in the future, okay?"

What? Mom has friends? Now I'm curious, she hasn't mentioned any friends before, so why would she bring it up now?

I just shrugged those thoughts to the back of my mind so that I could continue to enjoy watching my mom's antics. Although she looks like a wild woman, she's actually quite clumsy. I remember the first time she tried to give me food, she practically tried to shove steak down my throat. If it weren't for a passing by nurse, I would've left the world just as fast as I came into it.

I'll have to thank that nurse later on.

Making a mental note, I slowly drifted to sleep.



"Uwah! Waahh!" 'Who the fuck did that!?'

Turning towards the source of the slap, I was surprised to see a baby looking at me with curiosity. We stared right into each others eyes for a while before the other baby started giggling.

"Aww, Satsuki-chan and Nora-chan are so cute together~"

An unrecognisable voice broke my eye contact with the new baby, who started clutching onto me with a vice-like grip. The unidentified person was a young woman, probably in her late 20's, long black hair like my mom and black eyes. Just like my mom, she was an eye turner.

"I'm so jealous, Mikoto, Nonko! I can't wait to have my own baby dattebane!"

The other voice belonged to a beautiful, red-headed woman with a bloated stomach which indicated that she was in her late stage of pregnancy.

"Don't worry Kushina, your baby is coming in about a month, right?"

I stopped paying attention after that, because I honestly didn't want to listen to their girl talk.

So this baby's name is Satsuki, huh? And she is the child of Mikoto. That Kushina woman's name is familiar, but I can't recall where I've heard it from.

I started playing along with Satsuki by grabbing onto her arms and feet. Squeeling in delight, she hugged me tightly.

Now that I think about it, where in the timeline am I? I really hope it's before canon starts, or else I'm screwed. If I remember correctly, the Kyubi went on a rampage on the day the 4th Hokage's wife gave birth to the main character.

A few more minutes of playing with the hyperactive Satsuki, I started feeling fatigued, both mentally and physically.

Damn this baby body! When I get old enough, I'm gonna train to my limits. But for now, I need to rest.

Closing my eyes while in the embrace of Satsuki, I couldn't help but feel giddy about my future. Sure, it will be full of hardships, but I have a feeling that everything will turn out just fine.

KeeperOfBooks KeeperOfBooks

I did it... I wrote a new novel! I know many of my old readers will be upset with me, but I just couldn't resist! This is one of the longest chapters I've ever written. Hope it's up to your standards, if not, then I either have very bad quality chapters or your standards are high.

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