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The Depths of Insanity The Depths of Insanity original

The Depths of Insanity

Author: Anime_Weebtard

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chaos Descends

Virion was awoken to the sound of crashing, banging, and screaming.

"Those damn neighbors again! Let me get some sleep for once!"

Virion thought to himself and slammed his pillow around his head to try and get some peace and quiet. But instead of it getting quieter like he thought, it instead increased in volume. It sounded as if it wasn't just a couple people but hundreds.

"It isn't the neighbors? Then who is it, and why is there so much screaming and banging?"

He was still in the middle of thinking about what was happening, when all of a sudden.


A sound as if an explosion had gone off right next to him and a fierce rumbling that shook the entire apartment knocked Virion out of his bed.

"What the hell is happening?"

He thought to himself while scrambling to get dressed. Not worrying about what he left behind he rushed out of his apartment. Once in the hallway he could see multiple families crying and comforting their children while others were trying to get down the stairs as quick as possible.

"It's going to be okay, I'm here with you."

"Get out of the way, let me through!"

"Please save us god, what did we do wrong?"

"I don't want to die, please you have to help me!"

"Stop pushing you morons!"

Multiple shouts, screams, and conversations could be heard while Virion was just trying to silently making his way out of the building with the crowd.

Once outside it looked as if hell had risen to earth, most places were engulfed in flames, buildings were crumbling and falling, people were rushing around wildly just trying to get to a safe place.

"What the fu-"

Virion got cut off before he could finish by the cracking and falling of the apartment he was just sleeping in moments before.


A giant rumble as if an earthquake hit shook the entire place and made many lose balance and fall. The building looked like it was falling in slow motion as it fell against multiple others and made them crumble as well.

Virion was one of the many who lost balance and fell over, even though he knew nothing would save him he huddled into a ball trying his best to survive any impact the building might have if it fell on him. However, lucky for him, it fell the other way and missed him completely.

After what felt like minutes had passed and Virion didn't die from any impact, he slowly tried to get up and look around, but what he saw was not a sight anyone should ever have to see.

As Virion looked around he saw bodies crushed under the building, the loved ones and families of those people huddled next to them, some muttering to themselves, others wishing they were in a dream and that this nightmare would stop.

"Why? Why? How did this happen?"

"My baby! Why!? I did everything I could but you took him from me like this, why!?"

"No! Please, answer me please! You can't leave me like this! Please answer me!"

"Mama? Where are you? I'm scared Mama, where are you?"

Cries resounded out in the night from all the people who just lost the ones important to them. This chaos wasn't limited to only the adults, even children were seen crying and begging for their mom and dads.


Virion vomited all over the ground because of the horrible sight of gore he just saw. He'd seen things on the internet that were bad but nothing could come close to seeing it in real life. Bodies were strewn about, some cut in half where the building fell on them, and some simply a puddle of blood.

After a couple minutes Virion finally got a hold of himself and realized that he needed to get out of here, away from this chaos, away from this blood, away from this suffering.

"Argh! What the hell are you!"

Someone cried out and Virion looked towards the voice only to see a giant four legged creature at least double the size of a human covered in scales and fire instead of fur.

The creature was chewing on the bottom half of one of the lucky people who managed to survive the building crashing down. The creature seemed to be finished with the man as it pressed its sharp, talon-like claws into the man's chest as blood flew everywhere.



"Q-Quick, run away!"

Some people stood frozen in fear, while others vomited at the sight, but even more started running away. You didn't have to tell Virion twice as he was in the middle of the crowd who was running away.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A slow beating was heard as the people running away came across something even bigger than the four legged creature they saw before. The new creature they saw was also on all fours but instead of scales and fire it was entirely made out of a blue flame.

The creature looked down at the crowd of people running that were now almost completely frozen in fear with a hunger in its eyes. The flame creature opened its mouth and spewed out a line of blue fire at the crowd in front of it.

The entire front half of the crowd was caught on fire and turned to ash before they even had the chance to scream in pain.

Virion thought that was the end, he would finally die without even living a good life. However it seemed fate thought otherwise as a nearby building fell between them and the flame beast, temporarily blocking it from the crowd.

At that moment instead of coming up with a plan or sticking with the crowd everyone ran off in different directions simply hoping to survive. Virion was of course one of those people who ran in a random direction, after all, what could he do to help others? He couldn't even help himself.

As Virion ran with all his might he heard screams behind him but that only encouraged him to run faster. He had never run this fast before in his life, his chest was on fire, his legs felt like they would collapse any second, but he couldn't stop, to stop running meant death, so he pushed on.

When Virion finally couldn't take it anymore, and the pain surpassed the adrenaline, he just barely made it into the ground floor of a semi sturdy looking building before passing out from exhaustion.

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