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Chapter 16: Chapter 16 What is happening?

I sat up slowly brushing the crumbs off my face. Then I tried to shake the crumbs out of my hair. I looked around to see what I tripped over. The hall was so dark I could hardly see any shapes, let alone my own hand. I know that these wall light sconces are special. Brenton said if I blow on them when they are out that they will light up instantly.

I felt of the wall until I found the sconce. I slipped in something slippery and fell on my booty again. Luckily I still had the wall sconce. I gently blew on it and it burst to life. That was when I saw what I had tripped over. It was Mrs. Weatherbee. Her throat was slit and she was laying in a pool of blood. That is what I slipped in. Poor Mrs. Weatherbee! Who or what could have done this!

Stopping like this made me take in more of the situation. I was almost in a panic. Why was the hall so dark to begin with? I have never seen the sconces out in all my time here. What is going on! I did not need to ponder for long. Because, Just then I heard a loud, girthy, growling voice let out a extremely loud fighting growl. "GERRRR-OWLLLLL" I also heard the gnashing of teeth.

It was at least two hallways away. I hope and pray it is at least that far. I tried to get up without making much noise and took a couple of steps. My shoes made noise. I froze! The sconce I was holding went out. I felt a very cold chill run down my back. Something was here!

A voice in the dark, then spoke appealingly, and in a drumming deep voice, in my ear.

"Well hello, my princess."

"It is nice to finally meet you."

"You are as pretty as they have told me."

"Do not be afraid my dove, for I will not hurt you."

"I have killed all the staff that remained in this pathetic excuse of a castle."

"I am debating weather to take you now, or steal you away first pleasure later."

"I do not wish to harm you in any way for you my dear will be mine."

"You are the only reason for my appearance in this place. "

"You're cheeks are soft and supple and ready to eat."

"Sorry for my gruffness with you just now."

"I am just ravenous for your intimacy."

"Come to me now so that we may leave this place and get to know each other better."

While the creature was talking, I quickly and quietly kicked my shoes off. The creature in the dark pushed me up against the wall that was behind me as he continued talking. I readied myself to run. He rubbed my cheek, and I would swear I felt an ever so faint kiss on my forehead. Then on my nose. I could feel him drawing in for the real thing. I quickly maneuvered and somehow I ended up out of his hold. As soon as he said come to me, I took off barefooted.

I did not care that the halls were dark. I knew the way, in my own home, to my room. I ran all the way back to my room. I could hear the creature roaring and throwing a fit. He was yelling commands and sending people this way and that. "Find her or I will make you disappear!"

When I got to my room, I shut the door slowly and quietly. As I did, I heard the awful growl of frustration again. It echoed in the dead hallways. I locked my door and the upper dragon door. I had no idea what this thing was. I could not take time to find out neither. I had him right in my face too! But it was to dark to see. All I really knew was that it was male, and he had a deep resonating voice.

I did not know what else to do. This male thing was here to take me. As long as I stay here I am a sitting duck. I quickly went through all my clothes and found a simple farm girl dress. I took off my fancy clothing, throwing them on the floor, and through it on. It was plain and inconspicuous. I did not want to leave! But I knew from the depths of my soul that that noise was not my Brenton.

I heard the large, loud, echoing growl again. But this time it sounded like it was just outside of my door. That is not my Brenton. I was almost in a panic. Okay I admit it! I am panicing!!!!!! Calm down Joy, Calm down!!!! What is my best escape? I went over to the balcony. I climbed up on the grassy hill just above the small landing, and pulled myself up. Which was more of a angled crawl. I went slightly to the side and climbed down to just under the edge of the balcony and froze. Whomp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I think I should explain my balcony a little better. You see my balcony is literally a hole in the side of the mountain. It sticks out about 5ft from the side of the mountain. But looks just like a boulder. Both sides of this boulder are slanted grassy hills. They are easily crawled up or down. You do not want to walk it. The opening for the balcony is only about 3ft wide and long but in a circle. It is just wide enough for Brenton and I to stand together looking out over the valley below without issue. However, if you leave the grassy area, it turns into moss. If you step on the moss you will slip and fall sliding all the way down to the sheer cliff just below. You have to go under the balcony on a very thin path for about 20ft. Then there is a natural slide that goes down at a short angle nearly half way done the mountain. Once you get off the slide it is smooth walking, and easy going the rest of the way down. Brenton was going to have the balcony removed. But I convinced him it was a good get away place if I ever needed it. Really I just did it because I like the view. But he agreed after thinking it over. He made the slide for me. I was so happy too because the balcony gave me views to the outside world. You could crawl out and sit on the mountain or climb down the side. But you had better be an expert climber. There are sheer drops if you go the wrong direction. Brenton luckily has made me this safe way down. I can avoid all the danger zones. But you have to know where to look to see the slide. Brenton put two spruce trees together in an x shape to mark the spot for me. He calls this our emergency escape. Isn't Brenton so smart. Who knew I would actually be using it!)

WHOMP!!!!!!!!!!! It sounded like my door just shattered. Dozens of feet came running intp the room. Then a the same resonating voice growled out, "WHERE IS SHE!!!!!!!"

Another growling male voice answered, "The crumbs lead this way my liege. There is some kind of window or hole here"

The resonating voice called out, "Well go after her! Bring me my princess! Not one of you had better touch her either. That prize is all mine."

The second voice was now up on the balcony, "I Think She climbed down. There is no sign of her sir. The cornbread crumb trail ends on the railing."

"WHAT!!!!!! START CLIMBING DOWN." The resonating voice said. Then it sounded like many feet stumbling out of the way. and a pair of feet running. THUNK!!!!! And a lighter flop!

The second voice spoke up, "Well, he is going to be out for a while. There were a few very light giggles. "don't be laughing! We will tell him that we checked the area. If she went out there, I doubt she could survive. It looks like sheer drops on all sides. And none of us are equipped for that kind of chase. I hope the lass don't hurt herself. She is WANTED VERY MUCH ALIVE! We will cut her off half way down the mountain. You four go and begin the climb up the mountain. Remember what the prince said. Do not spoil her. Is that understood!" There were several mumbled sure sure's. "Good! You do not want to turn into the prey in one of his hunts I guarantee you. He is on her trail. But if it is one of his own men, He will not give any leeway. Now HIKE!" all the voices as one answered, "SIR YES SIR! AWOOOOOO!!!!!!"

Then I heard the sound of several feet speeding off to who all knows where. Okay, no time to think. I am safe for the moment. But those four, whatever they are, are going to be climbing up after me. The slide goes half way down. I can beet them and climb through another airhole to another room. There are a few scattered around the mountain. I just have to find one, and I cant be spotted.

I sat down on the slide and began going down. The slide was slipperier than I thought it would be. I was moving as I went down. That is when I heard another noise. I looked in the air and saw a huge, featherless, flying, reptile. It honked and screeched at me. It even came down and tried to pick me up in the talion's the creature called feet.

I weaved and waved, I ducked and laid flat, but nothing helped. When the bird thing could not grab me it started to try to peck me with its beak. One way or another, it wanted me as its next meal. Gladly though I noticed the slide going into the side of the mountain just up ahead. I curled up in a tiny ball trying to not be eaten and WHOMP!!!!!! The stupid bird could not avoid the mountain. The entrance was only big enough for me to get through.

I am amazed at how well crafted this exit was. Brenton has a mind for escaping situations. It has areas where I am going through small dark caves. Areas where I am surrounded with trees and foliage. Areas I go faster and areas I go slower. This must be the longest slide in history.

Just as I was making it to the end of the slide though, I was very suddenly lifted into the air. Whoever or whatever did it, I don't know. Why! Because, when I was picked up, my head was knocked against a tree branch. That tree branch was just above the slide. I had ducked down to avoid it, and was nearly clear when I was picked up. I never saw it coming either!

Joy_Phoenix Joy_Phoenix

What a time of year is Christmas. It’s a celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ’s birth. Yes I am a Christian. I absolutely love this time of year. The decorating, cooking, eating, and watching my kids and my favorite holiday show’s. I need some suggestion’s of family friendly holiday shows for my children to watch. Please feel free to comment with your favorite TV shows. Thank you to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun. Well, let’s get back to the story and find out what happens next.

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