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Chapter 4: 5000 years

In the middle of this confusing situation, my head spins like crazy. thinking how the hell is happening in here?

Ok, first let's calm down I just lost my composure let's gather my though first. I can't think that this place is should be the dorm that I know but it looks like the dorm was gone. Right now there is another building in there. The forest is very different from what I know, yep I can feel something different from that forest and the lake it's still the same there's nothing change. But the hill in here has become greener on top of that there is this child who said they can use magic. And some people are kneeling in front of me while they said I'm their master.

The only answer I can give in from this situation is

'Is this a prank from the teacher? no no no there is no way the prank this big gonna take only 1 day of preparation. And something about magic how can they create water and fire from nothing? Maybe some special effect? Well, is not rare for this day to use some special effect like hologram or green screen and maybe the building was using a hologram or some special kind of tech to change it, well teacher was rich after all so maybe this kind of thing is really happen, so the conclusion was maybe this is the prank from teacher Wessel huh?'

because from what I see there is no way I believe that this is a reality, this is just a prank from my teacher. I tried to deny my situation, no matter what, I tried to deny the reality in front of me.

'the villager maybe someone who is been hired by teacher Wessel, yep I believe this is teacher Wessel's prank. But their acting was really good to the point I think this is real. Well, for now, I will follow their plan to prank me'

No matter what from the normal people's perspective there's no way the place that they know For over 3 years suddenly changes to another place with only 1 day. It's breaking the common sense of this world, the only thing I can do in this situation right now calmly analyze the situation and make the conclusion. If you ask did I already know the answer? Then the answer was yes, I already know the answer to my situation. I believe I'm not in the place that I know, this place is somewhere I don't know but the scenery and all thing from this region were the same as the place that I know. This is not an illusion nor this place have a special effect or hologram all of the things I see was real this is not a movie who has a special effect this is real life. The heat of the sun, the wind from the forest, the water at the lake, and the air that I breathe all of this was real, I already wake up. Even so, I don't want to search for the answer because I vaguely know the truth or the answer to this place.

Thus with me denying the truth, I tried to believe that this is a teacher Wessel prank while I pretend didn't know anything. I only follow the script that was what I thought.

"Please raise your head!!, why did you bow to me? and this is a prank right from teacher Wessel?"

But they don't budge an inch even when I have told them to not bowing to me and asked them. The one who looks like the leader then stands up and spoke to me.

"my lord, there is no way we don't bow to you, you're the one who brings us prosperity to this island and the one who owns the island"

own island? wait this place is an island? no wonder there is this salt wind in this place but wait a minute why I become a Lord? Is this the setting of the prank that teacher set? If that so then this prank is already too much for me.

"stop calling me Lord I have a name my name is Galen, what do you mean by Lord and the one who brings prosperity to this island? shouldn't this is a prank from the teacher? I know already, just please ask him to get out of his hiding place! This is already too much"

I know that this place is not that place. I bite my lips a little, anxiety face can be seen on my face. I tried to find the 'truth' from the people in front of me, I was afraid to guess what happened to me.

after I said this to them, the villager and the leader of the village gave a surprise face and some villagers began talking to one another. But the leader village gives a small sound of the cough,


the villager becomes silent immediately.

"my Lord... I mean Galen I'm sorry if this inconvenience for me calling you a lord and I'm sorry about this I shouldn't tell you but, to clear this situation I will tell you. The thing is... this is not a prank from your teacher. I believe you already know even if it's the answer was so vague, you already realized the answer right that this is not the place you know?"

Yes, you're right I already know, And that's why I try to found the answer from outside to destroying my denial self. From his answer, I know that this man is someone who already knows me for a long time he even knows my bond with teacher Wessel and he even knows that I deny the 'truth'.

"This is not a prank, this is not a place where you know and the thing you saw 'magic' from my kid was real this is the reality...

before he finishes what he said I prepared for the worst. I prepared my heart, my mind, and my body for the truth that I have to confirm, for myself. My heart is already on verge of exploding. My mind trying to gather all my thoughts calmly so that I didn't collapse when I found out the truth. And my body is ready for the worst answer.

"Yes, you vaguely know. this place is already changed even so this is still on the earth and this is not 20XX. You already meditate for over 5000 years, my lord"

when I heard the truth from the leader of the village. I was shocked to my core and near losing my mind. Even my heart was exploding from all the emotion I tried to hold, all of the emotion is out from me at the same time it hurt me mentally. I already know that the truth can be painful I have already face it myself in the past but it still hurt to hear it directly even when I already feel it. You can't get used to this feeling.

'what? 5000 years? what bullshi....., there is no way right?'

To think I have been meditating for over 5000 years. I know that this is a different place from what I know, this is not the same year as 20XX and I even know that this place has something called magic. But to think that I skip the time for over 5000 years God must be joking on me!. my breath is rough all the villagers stand up from their bow and look at me with an anxious expression. for 5 minutes I hold my breath and trying to gather all of the things in my head. suddenly my body losing its strength my mind going blank I can't think straight anymore. I force myself to accept the reality in front of me.

my hand and knee fall to the ground.

'what? why suddenly my breath become so heavy? my heart beats so fast my feet shaking, damn it my panic attack is coming back... I must calm down'

the leader of the village who looked at me losing the power in my body, because I already have been told the truth, they rush to me and give me aid.

"Are you okay my Lord!?"

ask an elderly woman, she is acting like another leader from this village.

"my Lord!!, hey quickly help, healing magic"

said another man who maybe he is one of the leaders too.

I raise one of my hands signaling them to stop.

"I'm okay it just my panic attack come back after hearing the hard truth"

it has been 3 years since my panic attack come back. Before I live in the dorm I sometimes have a panic attack but after I moved to the dorm, the panic attack slowly cured.

they give me some water to drink and finally, I got up from my place, my head still in confusion but I tried my best to hold it.

"can..... can I take a rest first? after that, I want to hear all of your explanation"

I ask the elder, right now my mind still in the process of accepting the reality in front of me and my body for some reason is still weird. I feel my body became really unstable since I wake up from my meditation.

"of course you can!. This building is built for you my Lord"

"prepared the room!! let our Lord have a rest first"

The acting leader shouts to the other villager. He ordered the villagers to prepare the room for me.

'ahhhhh Lord or whatever it is, I will hear their explanation after I rest this is too much for me. it's been a long time since I got a panic attack again'

I rest in one of the biggest room in this place when I think about my reaction that time I think this is a normal reaction when people suddenly got thrown to another era, well I don't know of another people who were thrown to another era, but I know some folktales or fairy tales about the people who suddenly got a time leaps, like a story about the king kakudmi from Mahabarata epic tales who leaps the time for 116 million years. The stories about many 'miracle workers' and story about Urashima tarou who going to deep-sea kingdom and fall in love, When he back to the land the time in a land already pass from 100 years. Yes, the stories about the time leaps are existed on our Earth, but never in my wild imagination that I'm the one who gonna experience it.

thinking about it all that story have their own meaning. so are my time skip story right now have a meaning? Is there a reason why I'm experiencing the 5000 years of time skip? Or is it just the coincidence that I got time leaps for 5000 years? But if it's just a coincidence it's weird. How can the elder of this village know about me and my meditation? Then maybe someone ordered them to wait for me to wake? Is it teacher Wessel? is he predict this happen? And he gave me that order?

this is getting more confusing, I should rest for now. maybe the elder will give me all the answers and if possible I want to know what happens to my body right now cause I'm feeling something is weird about my body and I want to know what happens to this place for 5000 years.

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