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Chapter 2: Healthiest

I woke up in the hospital. The light was hurting my head and I couldn't move one of my legs. What happened? I couldn't remember what made me loose control.

To one of my side there was a sleeping Alice and on the other was a reading Ana. Just as I turned my head to her I felt a flash of pain strike my neck. I groaned.

"Oh my god Cara you're awake!" Ana exclaimed, "You've been asleep for 14 hours now."

"Why can't I move my head without feeling a dagger go right threw it?" I asked.

Ana looked at me and smiled;

"Don't worry, doctors say that in less than 12 hours you'd be good to go. The were amazed by how fast you heal."

"yea well I better heal fast, I hate hospitals!" I replied.

"Says the one who just 12 hours ago we thought she was gonna die!" she said, tears to her eyes. I shut my mouth. Ana whispered, " I'm sorry I should let you rest you look horrible".

"I'm fine Ana I rested for the last 14 hours I'm not sleepy," I whimpered.

She stared at me, hesitating to ask me something. After an akward moment staring at each other, she gave it a chance, "what happened back there? What made you loose control?"

I tried to remember, but I couldn't.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember. I tried but there is nothing!" I blurted.

"Hey, It's okay you'll remember later I'm sure of it," Ana comforted me.

I, however, wasn't so sure of that.

There was movement in the chair beside me; Alice was waking up.

"Hey you... long nap?" I teased her.

She leaped from the chair to pull me in her arms, but her mother stopped her, "You're certainly not going to crush her bones right now are you?!" Ana warned her.

"Oh, right; I'm sorry I just got caught up in the moment," Alice apologized.

"So, you want something to eat or just, y'know, something?" Ana offered.

"Yea I could have some water right now, my head's gonna explode any minute," I proposed.

Ana nodded and walked out the narrow door just as the nurse came in. She presented herself as Mrs. Thalia, and she was there to make more tests.

"At the speed you are healing, you should be able to try to walk in about twelve hours," she informed me, "your healing abilities are quite impressive Miss. Greenstone".

"As I heard," I replied.

As you may know by now, my full name is Cara Greenstone. I never knew why I inherited of my mother's last name. Why didn't my parents give me my father's family name like a normal kid? Each time I asked the question, they just stared at each other like they couldn't tell me and it would piss me off. The kids at school used to throw at me every green rocks they would find. I never told anyone because I was afraid.

The nurse finished testing me and walked out the door. I stayed in the bed, gazing at the walls and the ceiling, trying to pass time. I decided to rest a little, closed my eyes, and drifted away...

**the car; mom; dad; truck; and crash**

I woke up straight, trying to catch my breath.

"Hey are you okay? Maybe you shouldn't be up so soon don't you think?" Ana's hesitating voice tunned.

"Don't worry I'm fine; it was just a bad dream," I responded.

Ana nodded and went back at what she was doing. I tried to find an explication, but the more I thought about the dream, the more it erased from my memory.

Something was different about me, but I couldn't get the finger on it at first.

"Ana? For how long was I asleep?" I wondered.

"Just for about two hours," she deducted.

I was stunned.

"I feel fine; may I stand up?" I requested.

" We should probably wait for the doctors; you can't just walk around like if it was nothing, you need to rehabilitate, your legs are too weak," Ana suggested.

I sat up on the side of the bed; I felt completely fine, and all I wanted was to walk around and stretch my legs. I place my right foot on the ground, slowly.

"Cara! What do you think you're doing?" Ana exclaimed.

Then my left foot, and let go of the bed.

As I was walking towards the other side of the room, Mrs.Thalia entered with an amazed look on her face.

"For gods' sake," Thalia whispered in disbelief, "how is that possible?"

I was as shocked as everybody was. The doctors did their final tests on me and while I was waiting, Ana signed some papers. I could see everybody's suspicious whispers and glances about me, and the concern in the adults' voices saying how much of a miracle I was and all of that nonsense. I couldn't bear having so much attention in that crappy place. I needed to get out as soon as possible, or else may as well the media come!

Are way home was quiet and quite uncomfortable. The doctors weren't so sure of my condition so they settled an appointment for 2 weeks later, but I knew it was just a waste of money. The real mystery for me was what caused me to do the accident.

That night, Alice didn't want me to spend the night alone; she was afraid of my health, like all the others; started to make me wonder if what they were always thinking when they were seeing me was: 'oh, she must be so fragile, poor little girl who lost her parents must be taken care of'... as if I was a kitten! Anyway, I knew it would always be the same, so why bother?

I woke up to the sound of something familiar. The alarm clock indicated 10p.m. Half-awake, the sound came back again, but seemed like it was from some distance; was it the doorbell? I stood up, walked to the front door, and opened it. The figure of the man in front of my seemed a little blurry, but I thought it was only from the sleepiness.

"Can I help you?" I scanned the man head to toes. He looked like a well dressed, 50 year old gentleman; though something felt odd about him. His eyes drifted slowly to where they could meet mine. I could feel the hair on my neck straightening; my heart beating faster, and my head starting to turn, forcing me to close my eyes just when the mysterious man looked at me in them. When I opened my eyes, the man was gone, like if he disappeared in the air, without any sound.

'Great, now I have hallucinations!' I went back to sleep, deeply uncomfortable.

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