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Chapter 5: Unexpected Turn of Events

=Quick Warning, there is quite the info dump in the beginning of the chapter but it lessens later on. Also, the MC will be extremely OP, take a novel you've read with an OP MC and multiply it by like 10. But don't worry it wont be a boring kind of OP, it'll be a similar situation to Saitama=

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Hello Host, Please make your selections so you may start your Journey!]

After looking around in the darkness for a moment Alex focused and looked toward the typical 'System' screen floating in front of him.

"Very well System tell me what I need to choose" Said Alex trying to get the System to quickly start

[Very well Host, Please look at the following choices]

[Reincarnation Package]

[Truck-kun Gift]

Looking over the two choices Alex threw the Trucks gift to the back of his mind and settled on [Reincarnation Package], "Show me the package contents"

[Yes Host]

[Reincarnation Package]

-[5 Wishes]

-[Special System Customizer]

-[Character Customization]


-[Beginner World]

-[5 Special Effects]

"Quite the offer, I wonder what his plan is in all this" Murmured Alex as he wondered what Robs angle was, he had no reason to offer all this without a goal in mind, 'I'm probably acting as some form of entertainment for him' Alex figuring out Robs plan didn't really care and thus mentally shrugged.

Finally ready to start he spoke to the the System, "System I'm ready to make my Choices"

[Yes Host, Please tell me your choices and I'll relay them to Rob for confirmation]

"Ok, for my Wishes I choose,

1- [Complete Copy]: Able to completely and totally copy any beings power or ability, once copied I have complete mastery as if I had been born with it, though the copy is instant I must be within 50ft for it to be used. The amount of time needed is dependent on the skills level.

2- [Saiki K Powers]: Powers of the Character Saiki K from "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K"

3- [Limitless Existence]: I am Limitless, my mind, my body, and my soul can infinitely evolve becoming strong constantly as long as I train.

4- [Arc of Embodiment]: Allows me to create anything other than living beings

5- [Extreme Adaptability]: Every part of my being is extremely adaptable, if I cannot survive within an environment my body will slowly adapt to it. If I die I will adapt to what killed me thus making me nearly immune to what previously killed me.

"Those are my wishes System, quickly relay them to Rob so I can continue" After asking for his wishes he hurried the System along.

[Yes Host, Transmitting Wishes to Rob]





Finished Transmitting]

[Reply from Rob concerning Wishes: HAHAHAHA Kid I really did make a good choice with you, I'm really looking forward to watching what you'll do. I can agree to your Ridiculously OP wishes due to the entertainment you'll bring me. I'm having the System just approve everything immediately so hurry up, I'm looking forward to watching you.]

'Hm as I figured, this is beneficial to me though I can get done quicker and ask for nearly anything as well', "Ok System I want to do this quickly so don't speak until the end"

[Yes Host, please begin with the rest]

"Show System options"

[System Customization Choices,

1- Complete Package: Mission, Status, Shop, Lottery, Map, Customizable Sentience

2- Randomizer = If chosen the Host may receive 1 extra weak wish

3- Absolute Junk = Forced Missions, Inaccurate Status = If chosen Host may get 2 extra complete wishes and 1 Special effect]

Alex continues with his choices now knowing,

"Set [Complete Package] as the system choice with a random personality and a high level of intelligence"

"Set appearance as.

Body Type: Athletic

Height: 6' 3

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Liquid gold like eyes"

"System Show me the Bloodlines I can choose from"

[Yes Host,]


[ 1- [Primordial- 25%]: The bloodline of existence, it is everything and nothing, it has been since the beginning and shall be even after the end for it is truly existence itself. Complete Boost to everything regarding the host. Note: This is a Special bloodline offered to Host by Rob, it is Rob's bloodline and he is offering it to you but you must do special missions in the future.

2- [Chaos- 35%]: Without chaos there would be no light, for although it is the enemy to all that exists it is also the force that keeps balance. It is one of the first creations after the beginning, it will always be present until the end. Boosts anything that has to do with darkness or evil

3- [Light- 30%]: Without the light there would only be chaos, without the light nothing may exist and everything would end including itself and Chaos. Boosts everything regarding the host by 30% but is highly influenced by darkness and evil

4- [DemiGod- 50%]: Those who were born of a mortal and low god, those who are forsaken, although one parent is powerful the will eventually wither and cease to exist. Boost to everything by 5%

5- [Meh, you're above average- 100%]: Meh you're a mortal, you may have a gods blessing if lucky or not if unlucky, you will grow stronger at a slower pace considered to the other bloodlines, you have no added benefit other than the possible blessings. ]

"System don't show such useless information please. I'm quite curious what else Rob would want but his bloodline is my best option. System choose the Primordial Bloodline"

[Yes Host, there is no more 'useless' information after that though]

"Fine, as for the world I had already discussed it with Rob, its the MCU and he edited it slightly, as for the time, I want to be born before WWII starts, around 1915 to 1920. Set my family as the Starks, and make me the younger brother of Howard."

[Setting World....Error]

[Host there is a message from Rob, do you wish to listen to it?]

Sighing slightly Alex spoke, "Yes quickly play it." While simultaneously thinking, 'What is this old man up to now'

Immediately after responding to the system Robs message played.

[hehehe, Hey kid I came up with a great idea to bring me more entertainment and help you out since I couldn't fully give you what you wanted. Plus think of this as one of the [Special Missions] you need to do for my bloodline. Although you'll be the strongest, there's something there I want you to experience.]

Sighing even louder now he gives up. After all he is at the whims of Rob currently so he can only go along with what he wants. Thinking for a moment he speaks to the system, "What world will I be going to then"

[Unable to tell you Host, you will find out once you arrive]

Finally giving up Alex continues on with what he wants,

"Now for the Special Effects,

1- I want complete Control of the Saiki K powers, no losing control

2- Create a Passive for [Limitless Existence], constantly increase my power overtime by 0.1%,

3- Customize [Complete Copy], Remove time needed to copy skills and abilities making it instant

4- Increase my bloodline Percentage to 50%

5- The first 25 System Purchases are free"

[Ding! Congratulations Host you have finished your Choices and may now start your Journey]

"Fine send me to the world already so I can start" Replied Alex as he tried to hurry the System along quicker due to his impatience to start.

[Transporting to ??? please hold on as there will be some pain Host]

"Okay, just hurry also stop calling me Host and just refer to me by name"

[Very Well Alex]

[Beginning soul Transfer]





Transmission Complete]

As Alex heard the System talking he felt searing pain, though the pain may be to much for some, for Alex it was nothing compared to the constant Emptiness he felt. Finally after a what felt like hours, but in reality only after a few moments the pain stopped and in place of that pain he felt softness underneath him, the feeling was very similar to a bed.

After taking a moment to get his bearings he spoke, mentally of course to his System, "System Show me my Status"

[Of course Alex here you go]


Name: Alex Wolf Swan

Age: 6 Weeks

Bloodline - Primordial: 50%, High Human: 50%

Soul - Error: 5%

Str: 20

Dex: 20

Agi: 20

Int: 1000

Wis: 1000

Cha: 100

Luc: 2

'Hm it seems that my luck is rather low, perhaps it has something to do with the Universe despising my existence', "System show me an average persons stats"

[Sure thing Alex]


Age: 25

Name: Random

Bloodline - Human: 100%

Soul - Human: 100%

Str: 8

Dex: 8

Agi: 10

Int: 10

Wis: 8

Cha: 5

Luc: 5

'Wow my luck really is low, even compared to an average human in this world, I'll have to buy a skill to increase it quicker. But which should I buy....'

"System buy me a package containing all of Gilgamesh's powers from the Fate series"

[Ok Alex]

[Purchase Complete]

[Please check Skill list]

"System show my my updated Status and Skill list"

[Yes Alex]


Name: Alex Swan

Age: 6 Weeks

Bloodline - Primordial: 50%, High Human: 50%

Soul - Error: 5%

Str: 20

Dex: 20

Agi: 20

Int: 1000

Wis: 1000

Cha: 100

Luc: ∞

[Skill List]

[Complete Copy] - EX

[Saiki K Powers] - S

[Limitless Existence] - SSS

[Arc of Embodiment] - SSS

[Extreme Adaptability] - SSS

*New* [Gate Of Babylon] - SS

*New* [Golden Rule] - SSS

'That was definitely a good choice to increase my luck stat, though now I need one last piece of insurance, to be positive I don't fail in my goal'

"System I want to buy The best form of Immortality the shop has"

[Good Choice Alex]

[Purchase Complete]

[Please Check Skill List to confirm]

"Show me my Skill List System"

[Ok Alex]

[Skill List]

[Complete Copy] - EX

[Saiki K Powers] - S

[Limitless Existence] - SSS

[Arc of Embodiment] - SSS

[Extreme Adaptability] - SSS

[Gate Of Babylon] - SS

[Golden Rule] - SSS

*New* [True Immortality] - EX

'Good, now that I have the right insurance I can relax for a moment and take in my surroundings.'

Alex now curious about his surroundings started to look around, it was a common looking room, although it was dark he could still see around him as if it was day. After looking around for a moment Alex noticed he wasn't the only baby in the room.

'System show me the status of the other baby'

[Ok Alex]


Bella Swan

Age: 6 Weeks

Bloodline - Human: 75%, High Witch: 25%

Soul - Human: 75%, High Witch: 25%

Str: 0.4

Dex: 0.4

Agi: 0.6

Int: 0.8

Wis: 0.2

Cha: 1

Luc: 98

'Wow.... I'm in Twilight.... Really'

Now distracted by his thoughts Alex continued to just lay there for 2 hours.


Finally breaking out of his thoughts Alex spoke once again to the system, 'Why is her luck so high?'

[Seeing as you two are twins your luck was supposed to be split between the both of you. But due to your special existence she got 98% of it]

Mentally sighing Alex went into his thoughts once again.

Now after another 2 hours of thinking he decided on what to do, he figured he'd train himself for the next 6 months while he has to act as a baby, he has to due to physical limitations mostly.





=6 Months Later=

During the last 6 Months not much happened.

His parents realized that he is a genius which was great but they also noticed something else, something that made them quite sad. He didn't feel anything, after finding that out they were sad for him and unlike his last parents these ones loved him the best they could. But they did notice that he at least sometimes displays emotion however rare it may be.

Alex's overall family situation wasn't to bad, but it wasn't perfect either. He quickly noticed slight tension within his parents marriage causing the occasional argument between the two, but he quickly ignored it as he didn't care that much.

As for Bella she was still a baby, although he was seen as a genius she was seen as just a normal baby. Though it was quite inconvenient that Bella quickly got attached to him, she'd always cry when they were apart for too long.

Currently it was night time though so Bella was asleep and not bothering him, which in return allowed him to check his status.

"System quickly show me my Status"

[Okay Alex]


Str: 60

Dex: 60

Agi: 60

Int: 1459

Wis: 1357

Cha: 500

Luc: ∞

Looking at his advanced status Alex was happy about his choice to create a passive that increased his power overtime, otherwise his status wouldn't be quite as high seeing as Bella was constantly around him.

After taking a moment to think about his status and his choice of creating a passive he moved on to thinking about the future. Knowing what's going to happen in the future was quite useful, although Rob had said he'll be the strongest he still needs to make plans regarding the future so as to not cause himself more annoying situations down the road.

And so Alex spent the rest of the night thinking over his future plans, its a good thing one of the added effects of [True Immortality] is that he doesn't need to sleep. After about 8 hours since he started going over various plans his train of thought was broken by the sound of the door opening.

*Creeeak* Looking over he saw his mother, and she saw him as well. Noticing her baby was awake she walked over to him and proceeded to pick him up. After picking Alex up from his crib she whispered to him,

"Helloo Alex how are you huh, its wakey time okay?"

Listening to his mother continue on whispering to him he started to get annoyed as she kept on, so with his best try he spoke to her,

"Mom...stoahp." Finally pushing out what he wanted to say he took a deep breath.

As for his mother she was completely shocked, now shocked from what she just heard she seemed to stop thinking about the situation they were as she shouted out,

"Awww, my wittle baby said Mom!!"

Looking at his clearly dense mother in annoyance but then he realized that the worst was yet to come, and as if waiting for him to think just that Bella started crying from being woken up by a shout,


Finally realizing her mistake his mother proceeded to set him down in the crib and make her way over towards Bella and then picked her up saying,

"Shshshsh, its ok Bella its ok, mommy's here" While rubbing her back.

After Bella had calmed down their morning continued on with his father going to work as a police officer as for his mother, he'd have to deal with her being home all day. Bella had a normal morning considering she was a baby, but Alex was much busier, constantly training to increase his power as well as going over various different plans he had for the future.

And just like that years went by,





=17 Years Later=

Over the last 17 years not much happened, most things stayed simple for Alex. But there were a few small incidents such as his parents getting a divorce and moving away with his mother and sister to Phoenix AZ. That's really the only note worthy thing that had happened during that time. As for how he felt about the divorce, well he felt nothing as one would expect, he was indifferent towards it especially since he knew what would happen. As for Bella she had changed a lot since before the divorce.

If one were to describe Bella before the divorce it'd be, fun, bright, outspoken but if you were to talk about her now it would be a polar opposite. Now she's a lot more shut in, she doesn't talk as much as she used to, and although we've lived in Phoenix for a decent amount of our lives with the constant sun and heat she still somehow manages to be pale.

But enough thinking about the past because right now both Alex and Bella were on a plane, a plane headed for Seattle, they were going to live with their father now. Although Bella wasn't too excited to be living with Charlie she at least had Alex to go along with her so she wouldn't feel completely alone in the new environment.

Sitting on the plane in a window seat Alex was gazing out the window, those who saw this would either instantly fall in love with him due to his looks or would be wondering what he was thinking about so intensely. Alex was indeed thinking intensely, he was thinking of something to buy from the systems [SHOP].

'Aura show me my full status"

[Sure thing Alex~]


Name: Alex Swan

Age: Nearly 17

Bloodline - Primordial: 50%, High Human: 50%

Soul - Error: 5%

Str: 10000

Dex: 10000

Agi: 12000

Int: 80000

Wis: 79000

Cha: 25000 {MAX}

Luc: ∞

[Skill List]

[Complete Copy] - EX

[Saiki K Powers] - S

[Limitless Existence] - SSS

[Arc of Embodiment] - SSS

[Extreme Adaptability] - SSS

[Gate Of Babylon] - SS

[Golden Rule] - SSS

[True Immortality] - EX

'Quite the increase compared to last time', 'Aura show me this worlds leaderboard'

[Okey Alex~]

[Leaderboard - Twilight]

1- Alex Swan

2- Benjamin

3- Aro

[Would you like me to go on Alex?]

'No its fine Aura'

Finally checking the leaderboard Alex's thoughts are confirmed, he is the strongest in this world, but what is it that Rob wants him to experience?

Alex broken out of his thoughts due to the plane landing gets ready to depart.


=20 minutes later=

'Wow, no wonder the Cullens like it here, its as if the whole place is covered in a blanket of thick clouds, it better than Phoenix at least.' Thought Alex as he and Bella walked out of the Airport.

Taking a moment to look around Alex spots his dad and his cruiser, noticing him he starts to walk toward the car. Bella noticing her brother walking away follows him and looks in the direction they're moving towards and notices Charlie, feeling a little awkward she looks away but continues to follow after Alex.

"Hey dad, its been a number of years since we've been here, how have you been?" Spoke Alex once they were close enough, though he'd rather not talk much he knows how awkward it'd get between him and Bella the moment they tried talking to one another, and the last thing he wants is an annoying mood between the three of them.

Seeing his son and daughter again after a few years Charlie was very happy but very awkward too, but never the less he responded to Alex as he helped the two move their luggage into the boot.

"Hey Alex, I'm so glad to see the both of you. You guys have grown so much! Ah as for me I'm the same as always haha."

Finally having everything loaded into the car they all proceeded to get into the car, Alex was shotgun and Bella was in the back. And although Alex had wanted to avoid an awkward situation it still snuck up on him, needless to say the drive to the house was quiet and the slight tension in the air was quite annoying. Luckily enough though the drive didn't take very long, just a few moments at most and he was released from the prison known as an awkward atmosphere.

Arriving at the house they all got out from the car, Alex grabbed his luggage and Bella had Charlies help, the whole situation was almost exactly like the move just add one more person to it. After about 15 minutes both Alex and Bella had moved back into their old rooms, Bella's room looked like a 13 year old girl lived in it, as for Alex's looked clean and had a nice aesthetic.

After a few moments of resting into their rooms both Alex and Bella heard a sound similar to a car, it seemed that someone else had arrived at the house. Bella being curious went down and saw her dad talking to a man in a wheelchair and a guy that looked a similar age to her. As for Alex, he went down to see if he could get anything useful from the two werewolves.

Charlie hearing the door open looked back and saw both his kids stepping out of the house and spoke towards them,

"Hey Bella, Alex come here and meet Billy and Jacob."

As for the two werewolves they had already noticed both of them, but the two were focused on different people. Jacob being the young man looked at Bella, but Billy he looked at Alex, Billy was already a werewolf unlike Jacob and so he was able to sense something different about Alex. At first Billy thought that he was mistaken but his instincts were screaming at him to run, he then thought he was a cold one but Alex had none of their traits, as for being a werewolf he'd be able to tell if he was. But alas all Billy could tell was that Alex was a strong human, a weird human but still human, Billy unable to figure out anymore about him decided to speak,

"Haha Bella, Alex you two are finally here, Charlie wouldn't shut up about you two since he found out you were coming."

"Hey I was excited they were coming, don't make me have to beat you up Billy."

"Haha try it Charlie I'll have to hit you back, rather I'll get your ankles haha get over here."

As the two of them started getting rowdy chasing one another around for a few moments Jacob introduced himself to Bella, and as the two were talking Alex was checking what he can copy from the two werewolves.

'Aura show me what I can copy from those two'

[Okey Alex~]

[Complete Copy]

Jacob Black

[Enhanced Physique]

[Shape Shift]

[Enhanced Senses]

'Do a complete copy of Jacob and implement them'

[Okey Alex~, It'll hurt a little though okay?]

'That's fine just do it and show me what I can copy from Billy but remove the ones I got from Jacob'

[Okey Alex~]

[Starting Integration....]

[Complete Copy]

Billy Black

[Advanced Supernatural Knowledge]

[Greater Shape Shifting]

Feeling the slight pain from integrating the effects he got from Jacob he continued on, 'Aura from now on automatically integrate all effects I choose without asking, unless I say otherwise.'

[Okey Alex~]

[Integration Complete]

[Starting Integration....]

[Integration Complete]

Once again feeling the slight pain from integration Alex started walking towards Bella and Jacob who were now getting into the beat up truck that was gifted to Bella.

Stopping next to Bella's door he spoke,

"Bella, I'm gonna head out for a short while. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

Bella curious as to where her brother was going asked,

"Where are you going? And why are you gonna be out so late?"

Alex used to his sisters constant questioning responded,

"I have a few things to do in town." And with that he walked away and notified his dad similar to Bella. Having finished his farewells he started walking towards town whilst talking with Aura,

'Aura use the mini map function to guide me to the house'

[Okey Alex~. The way to your house is on the map]

Alex noticing the updated map stared at it for a moment before completely vanishing from where he was previously. If one was to have seen what happened they'd have thought he Teleported but in reality he is just insanely fast, it took him 2 seconds to reach the house he had built in advance of him arriving in Forks.

Alex took a few minutes to fully inspect his house, it was made exactly how he wanted so he was pleased with it. He even had the whole thing furnished including his workshop and had his garage filled with the cars that looked the best to him. Although Alex could move at the speed of light he'd rather take it easy for now seeing as he has yet to figure out what Rob wants him to experience.

Finished looking through his house aka mansion Alex took a moment to sit down on his couch and think of which plan he wanted to follow for now. Taking a few hours Alex made his choice, seeing as he is the strongest in this world and he has yet to find a way to leave he might as well relax. After all he is in Twilight, one of the movies he had watched, there should be some great forms of entertainment in this world. Plus it would be interesting to live through the story of it, and to experience it first hand. Although he thought that he knew he was bound to change the storyline hence it won't be exactly what was in the movies he had watched.

Alex now having cemented his plan of taking it easy and enjoying this new found entertainment decided to just relax the rest of the night while looking through the systems [SHOP]. After a few hours of browsing the [SHOP] he decided to just meditate until he had to get up for school.

*BZZZT* *BZZZT* And with the sound of the oh so annoying alarm clock Alex stopped meditating and got up to get dressed. Looking through his closed for a moment he grabbed, a white button up dress shirt and a black vest to go over it, he then grabbed a slim fit slacks and black dress shoes. Although it looked more business casual then casual it still fit Alex's body as well as his god level appearance.

Alex now dressed is feeling slight excitement, he's looking forward to watching the movie from up close, plus there may be some benefits he can get from the vampires. And so Alex quickly made his way though his house now fully ready to attend school, as for breakfast he doesn't need to eat so he just heads for the garage. Arriving in the garage Alex looks around at the very aesthetically pleasing cars trying to decide which to choose. Finally coming across a black Lamborghini Aventador SVJ that is outlined with red, its his favorite out of the cars he had ordered.

Quickly getting into his Lambo and starting it up he is met with beautiful sound of a roaring engine, truly a great sound. Once he finished appreciating the beautiful sound it made he zoomed out of the garage and down the road, he was most definitely speeding going the max he could while maintaining control, he was going over 150mph on the main roads. The drive that should have taken him 25 minutes took no more than 5.

As he had finally reached the parking lot for the school he noticed his car wasn't the only one roaring, his sisters old red truck was too just not in a good way, while his car sounded like the majestic roar of a lion her truck sounded more like a dying animal. Ignoring both his sister and his surroundings he sped through the parking lot and drifted slightly resulting in having his car parked squarely in his spot, it was needless to say that it was impressive and very eye catching. Truly fun things always catch others attention rather you want that attention or not.

Alex now relaxing from the excitement driving fast brings stepped out of the car. Everyone who was looking at the idiot who was speeding was now even more shocked, the women there were head over heals in love and the men were telling themselves, "I'm straight" again and again. It was rather a comical scene but Alex had little interest in it, looking around for a moment he turned towards the building and took off towards it.

Towards his new adventure, and his new life.


Your neighborhood friendly Author here, just wanted to say a few words.

I'm planning to upload large quality chapters when I can, I don't plan on rushing to upload one a day and not be happy with it. So I will upload each chapter when I am at least ok with it, each of them will be at least 5k words.

As for how the story is going so far I decided to have the MC chill out a bit with a mini arc before it gets a slightly heavier and more interesting with the larger arcs.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter its not to bad in my opinion but it could always be better I'm just not confident in making it better properly.

Aight, peace out readers see you soonish with another large chapter.

LuxShi LuxShi

Hey guys Authour here obviously.... if you are reading this I'd seriously appreciate some feedback, even a little bit in a comment on the chapter. Just lemme know what you peeps thought.


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