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Chapter 2: Wrong Time Frame…Line

I suppose I was expecting a world rather like mine, a world overwhelmed by disasters or on the verge of it, a world where everything felt grim and hope was hard to find, where fighting was the normal hobby for the day. So you can imagine how surprised I was when I woke up, I was lying on a bench in a park, sun peaking through the trees, nothing terrible in sight.

I saw an older couple walking by, they looked completely relaxed, again strange with what I'd been told about this world.

By asking I realised that I was in Seoul. An ache appeared within my body as I walked out of the park and into the city area, this..looked so much like my world before everything had started, I missed it so much. From what I'd been told about this world, it just seemed...too peaceful.

It also seemed too quiet, any moment I'd been waiting for the constellations to pop up and also sharing in my confusion yet no notifications appeared. I then had this strange feeling, like somehow I'd been cut of from the star stream but...that was impossible right? I called upon my character profile and let out a sigh relief when it worked, so my other abilities must work too yet why was it so silent? Why hadn't the other constellations contacted me?

Well I suppose I'd better stop worrying and get the mission done already, I thought back the scenario that had appeared in front of me before I was transported here.

Scenario -"Find the heir to the Shadow Monarch and help them defeat their enemies"

Protagonist Information.

Age- "24 years old"

Name- "Sung Jinwoo"

Time frame- "Error"

Wait... Time frame - error? I stopped in my tracks, I swallowed, oh no...

Did this mean, I'd been sent to the wrong time frame? Oh this couldn't be good! How the hell had they messed that up!?

Well it would explain why everything seemed so peaceful and relaxed, I'd been sent back too early into this story! Okay I told myself, don't panic, you'd been told that you'd been put somewhere close to where the protagonist was, so all you had to do was find him then depending on what age he is, you could then know how early you'd been sent back in the time frame, if he was 24 then you wouldn't have to wait that long until you needed to help him out with his enemies.

I swear if I find baby Sung Jin Woo I'm going to be so pissed I muttered quietly to myself as I made my way down a random street.

I fumed at the possibility, I was not waiting 24 years to be useful to him! Well I suppose I wouldn't have a choice but someones going to be getting killed once I get back to the star stream if that predicament happened.

I found myself near a block of flats, wondering how I should find him, should I just ask around but this was Seoul, how was I supposed to find him just by asking around?

Then I blinked, wait, what am I thinking? Unless his a small child or a baby which I really really hoped wasn't the case then surely..

I got out my phone, thankful that I still had it on me and typed his name into social media.

For a moment nothing came up but then after a couple of minutes of searching I found him.

Surprisingly the social media account look like it barely had been used if at all yet apart from the name, what took my interest was after some digging and feeling a bit like a stalker, the address and the street name, this...couldn't be a coincidence.

I looked to my left at the street name then looked at the block of flats right in front of me.

No way! This couldn't be that easy could it?

I just had to see how old he was, then work out a way to gain his trust, of course things would be much easier if he was in his twenties at least.

I made my way up to their apartment quite easily, his personal address I'd found by doing some digging after I'd found his social media account made it quite easy.

I pondered my story and what I was going to say as I knocked on the door.

I was surprised when the door opened quite quickly after I'd knocked, maybe they'd been about to go out.

A teenager in a school uniform had answered the door, he looked around fifteen or maybe younger? He seemed quite thin and short from what I thought his age might be from his face. He had a pale complexion, grey eyes and he looked at me with confusion. Though for some odd reason a strange hair raising feeling ran down my spine as his eyes locked on to mine and my heart seemed to speed up erratically, like I was facing something...dangerous.

"Um, can I help you?"

I blinked and the feeling was completely gone, just a confused teenage boy standing in front of me.

Huh, what was wrong with me?

"Ah sorry, I was wondering if you'd like to feel out a survey" I said cheerily while I checked his character profile, was he the one?

The character profile was locked, yet his name was still there, Sung Jinwoo.

Yes! He is the one!

Mmm, he didn't really give of a protagonist vide though? Maybe because he was so young?

I struggled with two conflicting emotions, happy that I'd so quickly found him and then frustration that he was this young, which meant I was going to have to wait years to properly finish my scenario, ugh this was so annoying! Well at least he wasn't a baby I suppose but ugh! Still so frustrating!

Once again I cursed whoever had put me in the wrong time line.

"No thanks, we don't do things like that"

I blinked surprised at the kid went to slam the door in my face, hey, why are protagonists always so rude!

I caught the door on impulse but huh, Jinwoo actually seemed quite strong for his appearance, if hadn't been expecting that much force behind it, though of course I could easily stop it.

"What are you doing?" He snapped.

Ah, of course it wasn't a natural for a sales person to do this and I quickly ran through my head for an explanation and also trying to figure out how to get closer to him "Sorry, I just realised from your school uniform, I'm actually going to be teaching at your school soon"

Huh, why did I say that? A Teacher?! That would be hell! Yet at the same time, considering our age difference, this was a way I could get close to him? Maybe this would be alright?

The annoyance towards me seemed to calm down a little, replaced with curiosity and confusion "You're going to be teaching at my school?"

"Yes, I didn't realise until I saw your uniform! Please to meet you, sorry this was our first meeting, you must get some really annoying sales people knocking at your door" I said lying easily between my teeth and also making sure I sounded pleasant though couldn't help but leave a slight needle in my sentence, awaiting for him to realise how he'd behaved in front of his future "teacher"

Thankfully the kid seemed quick on the uptake and he suddenly went a little red and looked down at the ground "Ah, no, sorry. I just had a rough day, s-sorry sir!"

I couldn't help but grin, incredibly pleased with myself.

"Thats okay I look forward to seeing you in school, whats your name by the way?"

"Sung Jinwoo Sir" He said, now still a little embarrassed but smiling politely at me.

"I'm Kin Dokja, I'll be seeing you in school then young man" I said doing my best teacher impression as I walked away.

Well I wasn't too pleased with myself over the teaching job that I'm sure I'd be able to get into using my abilities but it seemed the only way to get close to him, I was already imagining myself being like a mentor to him, maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all!

Caught up in my own thoughts, I failed to notice eyes watching my back as I left.

The polite smile vanished with a curious yet amused one.

The grey eyes glinted a purple hue and millions of eyes from in the depths of the shadows watched me leave the block.

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