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Chapter 43: Chapter 43

— Hiruzen —

"Just fine, sensei." Jiraiya grinned, placing his hands on his hips. "I'd ask how the job is doing you, but the wrinkles kinda gave you away."

Hiruzen snorted, his student had always had a smart mouth. "Yes, and I considered asking you why you are so late, but the mineral smell of the hot springs kinda gave you away."

He thrived in the sight of Jiraiya wincing before he rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Ha…you know me."

"I do."

"Well, don't judge me. I needed to get some…research in for my next book." Jiraiya nodded, pleased with his reasoning as a perverted smile worked it's way onto his face. Hiruzen would chastise his former student if not for the fact that he had the same perverted smile on his face. He had waited years for the third book, and the thought of it being finished was a happy one!

"Speaking of the book-" Hiruzen started but was stopped by Jiraiya holding his hand up with a cocky grin.

"Behold, my greatest masterpiece to date!" Jiraiya whipped out a book from behind him, and the old Hokage felt his world freeze.

That was it…the legendary and long-awaited third addition to Jiraiya's Icha series.

Icha Icha Innocence, the book said to take the honored souls who read it to the deep innocence of the white heavens!

"Ahem." Hiruzen cleared his throat, although nothing could stop the blush on his cheeks. "Good work, Jiraiya, let me inspect your work."

"Of course, Sensei! I even signed it and included an exclusive artistic piece of the pure heavens for you!"

Oh, how he loved Jiraiya. Of his three students, he thought of Orochimaru as the most talented and fit to be his successor, but Jiraiya was without a doubt his favorite.

"Thank you, Jiraiya." Hiruzen took the book and opened it immediately to see a drawing of a woman who looked a great deal like Tsunade in nothing but a white bikini. He couldn't stop the nosebleed from flowing, whoever drew this surely knew about the finer parts of a woman's body.

"I'm glad you like it, Sensei." Jiraiya's grin grew. "You are free to praise Jiraiya the Gallant!"

"If your work is anything like this drawing, this will surely be your best piece of work yet."

Jiraiya wagged his finger and shook his head as if he was greatly offended by his sensei's words.

"Sensei, you know who I am…" Jiraiya got real close to Hiruzen's desk and looked at him with the most serious face he had seen on his student in a great deal of time. "It's so much better."

A chuckle escaped the God of Shinobi's throat. "Of course, forgive me."

"You are forgiven." Jiraiya nodded, reaching into his pouch and pulling out a seal. A hand sign was all it took to release the contents from the seal and what came out was a scroll along with a chair.

Jiraiya took a seat and Hiruzen understood a tone shift when one presented itself before him. Especially one from a goofy knucklehead like Jiraiya.

"Let me see," Hiruzen ordered, and Jiraiya complied.

Hiruzen ran a quick analysis over the scroll with his chakra. He trusted Jiraiya with his life, but a shinobi's life was filled with paranoia, even around the people they loved, and he would not make the mistake of dying because he was too relaxed.

Once he saw that there was no threat to his life, he opened the scroll and began reading the contents. All the while Jiraiya sat in scrutinizing silence.

Eventually, Hiruzen rolled up the scroll and handed it back to Jiraiya.


"Yes, yes it is." Jiraiya agreed with a tired sigh.

The moment Hiruzen learned that Lei was under attack by Orochimaru, he informed Jiraiya of the event, allowing Jiraiya to listen in to Lei's bird as it explained everything that occurred.

Orochimaru had always been a deep concern of Jiraiya's. He of course knew of Konoha's dealings with Orochimaru, and even encouraged the act, hoping one day he could bring Orochimaru back. So when Jiraiya learned that his former teammate had purposely gone against Konoha once more, it must have been quite the shock and a very disheartening moment.

Hiruzen ordered Jiraiya to watch over Orochimaru after his escape and also keep an eye on the movements of ROOT. Getting definitive answers to the questions Danzo posed was nearly impossible, but if anyone could do it, it was Jiraiya.

This scroll was living proof of that.

"You suspect Danzo is getting ready to move forward with his plans?" He asked his student, earning a quick nod in return.

"Either that or ROOT is preparing for another threat outside of Konoha."

That was very concerning. Hiruzen already knew that Danzo wouldn't just allow himself to be arrested, nor would ROOT, but for him to be amassing his forces to prepare for such an event…

Something like that could destroy Konoha.

The Hokage closed his eyes to think for a moment. He recalled Lei's words to him regarding Shisui and the possibility that his eyes were still out there. When Kagami Uchiha died, Hiruzen had made it a point to ensure his friend's eyes were destroyed, such powerful Mangekyo Sharingan, if landed in the wrong person's hands, could bring Konoha to its knees.

Shisui's eyes weren't much different. Shisui himself said that his eyes may have been slightly less powerful than his grandfather's, but Hiruzen knew that to be a lie. Shisui had powerful eyes, perhaps even more powerful than any other Uchiha in history.

Hiruzen was about seventy-five percent sure that Itachi didn't possess Shisui's eyes as Lei implied he might. Lei didn't have all the pieces, so he lacked the knowledge of Itachi's true allegiance. If he possessed Shisui's eyes, he would have attempted to use them to stop the coup, instead, he had to kill his family per Konoha's order.

…Per Danzo's order.

His inaction and Danzo's paranoia had led to the Uchiha's downfall, against Shisui's wishes. Itachi wouldn't have allowed it. He surely doesn't possess Shisui's sharingan.

Hiruzen opened his eyes to look at Jiraiya. If Itachi didn't have them, there were only three other people he could think of that had them, and one was the most obvious, and terrifying person to have them.

— Lei —

I walked through the Hyuga compound, slowly making my way to my girls. I was in my head and had a lot on my mind.

I hoped that Gramps could figure out my intended warning. Danzo using Kotoamatsukami on him would be detrimental to my safety and the safety of Konoha. If he still doesn't figure it out, I may have to outright tell him the truth, consequences be damned. Allowing him to become Danzo's puppet wasn't something I could just allow.

"Lei!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by a torpedo of silky black hair. I welcomed the crushing embrace and wrapped my arms around the girl I hadn't seen in forever.

Realistically it had only been five days, but semantics.

"I'm back, Hinata."

We stayed like that for a while. Naruko sent me a cheeky grin which I returned. I guess they already caught up without me.

"I'm glad you're back." Hinata finally said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I'm glad to-"

"We have a lot to talk about, more specifically…what's this I hear about you getting a new girlfriend?" Hinata removed her head from my chest and my blood ran cold as I saw that her smile wasn't reaching her eyes.

"U-Uh…" I stuttered, looking over to Naruko and Satsuki for help, both of them turning away and whistling, leaving me to my demise.


My eyes looked for something, anything to distract my first girlfriend from her wrath. Then I saw it, or more specifically her, my out.

"H-How are you, Hanabi?!"

The aforementioned girl gave me a hesitant smile and a formal bow. "Lord Senju, its a pleasure to see you again."

Ah, good ol Hanabi, always with the formality.

"The pleasure is all mine." I separated from Hinata and returned the younger Hyuga's bow. "Although you needn't be so polite, we are to become family one day, aren't we?"

Hanabi gave me a questioning look and tilted her head. "Family?"

"Yes, it's all but guaranteed that one day Hinata will be my betrothed, does that upset you?"

Hanabi went into thought. "Father said something like that may happen…No, it doesn't upset me." She nodded to herself, before readdressing me. "Then what should I call you, my lord?"

"Lei." I deadpanned. The girl was very adorable in the manner she did things, but I wanted to nip her formal attitude towards me as soon as possible.

Hanabi went back into thought as if she was weighing out the pros and cons of such closeness between us. Once again, she nodded to herself. "Big brother Lei."

Even better!

"That works." I smiled, happy with how this went.

"Looks like I gained another little sibling!" Naruko squealed, wrapping up Hanabi in a tight hug.

"Unhand me, Lady Uzumaki!" Hanabi whined, but her protests fell on deaf ears to the knuckleheaded mind that was Naruko's.

"Give up." Satsuki sighed. "She'll let go when she finds something else shiny to look at."

"Mhm!" Naruko agreed.

I was happy to see Naruko so excited, she was always a bit more hesitant to approach people with her heart on her sleeve after the treatment that the entire village gave her. I guess all she needed to push beyond that barrier with Hanabi was a little bit of help. I'm glad she has more people to care about, beyond us and her students.

I felt an arm wrap around mine and I froze again, fearing Hinata would continue her interrogation of me, but to my surprise she was in her little world, mumbling to herself.

"Betrothed, marriage, children!"

Ah, she always was super easy to please. All I had to do was compliment her or say something endearing and it would usually erase the anger she had for me. I'm glad because I didn't want to have the Mei talk right now.

…Or ever.

"Lord Senju." A masculine voice greeted me. I looked over to the main house to see Hiashi walking out.

"Lord Hyuga." I bowed slightly and he mirrored my action. "It is good to see you again."

"Likewise, I heard from my daughter that quite the predicament occurred during your mission. I'm glad to see that you returned in one piece." His eyes scanned over to Satsuki and Naruko and he gave them another slight bow. "The same to you both, Lady Uchiha, Lady Uzumaki."

Both girls returned his bow but didn't answer. I already knew that they didn't really like Hiashi much due to how he raised Hinata and ruined her confidence. I didn't hate or dislike him. Hinata doesn't feel many negative emotions for her father, so who am I to?

"It was a difficult mission, but as you can see we are quite alright," I answered for my girls then recalled I had something to give him. "In fact, during our mission, I attained something that may interest you and your clan's elders."

"Oh?" Hiashi raised an eyebrow, stepping towards me. "I will gladly accept any gift you have to give me, Lord Senju."

I reached into my pouch to grab the scroll and was about to release the seal when I remembered Hanabi was still there. My eyes narrowed slightly and Hiashi picked up on my internal dilemma.

"Hanabi, why don't you head inside and resume your training." He said, although it came out as an order and Hanabi wasted no time bowing and scurrying off.

"Thank you for that." I smiled and the Hyuga clan head returned mine, albeit with a more reserved one.

"I assume this gift you have for me is unsuited for children, in fact, it should be I thanking you for your considerate nature towards my daughter."

He wasn't a bad guy, he just had a certain way of doing things that I didn't agree with. In time that would change. I was sure of that.

I grabbed the scroll and held up a hand in the seal of confrontation. 'Release.'

Smoke popped out, covering the contents, and after a moment the head of Ao was visible.

Hiashi looked at the head with slight disgust, not from seeing a head, but perhaps he thought I was playing a prank on him. Only after inspecting the head closer did he start to realize the true value of my gift.

His byakugan activated, and his mouth dropped open in a rare moment of surprise.

"T-This, this is Ao, the eye stealer." The way he spat both Ao's name and the word 'stealer' told me he appreciated this gift much more than I previously thought he would.

"It is." I nodded. "During my mission he and I clashed and I came up as the victor, I thought you would want the spoils."

He looked at me with a new light in his eyes. "Yes, our clan has been hoping to have his head for years. I will admit that his existence for years remained our clan's greatest failure. Thank you, Lord Senju, for such a thoughtful present."

"You're very welcome." I smiled, proud of myself. Ao was my first real fight, and in the time we fought for our lives, I had come to respect him…somewhat. To use his head for the betterment of the Senju's and Hyuga's relationship is truly a great purpose.

Though I doubt he'd see it that way.

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