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Author: yurvamunshi

© WebNovel


Authors note – Thank you so much for coming even though my teaser is not that well written, I am not very good with descriptions. Whatever I am going to write in this story is my own imagination and own hard work, Please do not copy or store it anywhere without texting me :)

let's get started.



I was casually working in my office when I heard someone barge inside it, screaming and yelling. Without looking up I said,

"Mr. Smith if u dont calm down, I will have to get u removed out of my office by my security guards and sadly that wont be very helpful for your already bad reputation."

Mr. Smith replied, "you BITCH, how did you take away my business from me without my permission".

Now I looked up to read his expressions.

"Mr. Smith you should have thought about your business when you broke the clause and aligned with my rival company".

"what proof do you have that I joined hands with our rival company".

"though I dont need to prove anything to you Mr. Smith, I am in a very generous mood today and by the way there is no "OUR" anymore". I said controlling my rage inside, this lying piece of shit has the balls to go against me and lie.

I showed him the CCTV footage of the restaurant where he met the secretory of my rival company. Though the secretory was in disguise it wasnt hard for me to recognize him. He was shocked to see the footage but covered the expression with an angry look.

"He is my friend, not a secretary of some rival company your talking about and you are spying on me".

God, he still has the audacity to lie at my face and expects me to believe it? ignoring his spying question I continued,

"Mr. Smith if you dont leave my office within 10seconds I will make sure you regret coming here". I said in an extra sweet tone.

"I am leaving right now, but I will not stay quiet and I will come back to get my company".

Men and their ego, I sighed and small smiled to myself for my victory. He knows he cannot do anything because I made him sign the legal contract where it is clearly mentioned that if he breaks any clause of the contract, his companys shares will all be mine.

My secretary called me saying I have a party to attend and I actually hate going to these fancy stupid parties. They are nothing but an annoying business meeting with a little extra show off and extra dressing up.

I completed the rest of my work by 5pm and left for home to dress up for the party. I live in a bungalow with one of my childhood friends, my only friend actually. The only person I trust, Olivia brown.

I reached home and asked my housekeeper for her because she mostly helps me dress up for these parties but she is still at her clinic, she is a dentist.

I sighed and started fetching for a dress and settled for a royal navy blue and blackish dress, blue heels and natural make up.


My secretory came inside swaying her hips, giving me a seductive smile like always. She doesn't understand that what we had or did was just a one night thing and it will not happen again. She left some files at my desk and left.

I got a call from Ethan and as soon as I picked up, he screamed in my ears out of joy, he said,

"smith's business is taken over by someone and he is actually on the road now", He laughed.

I was surprised and curious to know who could do it to him, as Mr. Smith is a wise man and his business was well settled without financial problems, he wouldnt give all that up. I asked him,

"who took over his business" ?

"Sarah Rivera". He continued "I  have heard she is a gorgeous, ruthless and a smart businesswomen. I would literally marry her. That Smith was an asshole, He actually insulted me in that business party 3months ago".

"Do  you even know how she looks, marry it seems". I laughed and he joined in.

"I  havent seen her or met her but the way people speak about her, I already know she is stunning. I will google her now, bye". He hung up.

My curiosity increased after hearing all this. Smith was not supplying all the tech machines on time and always insulted Ethan because he wasnt the owner. I used to get angry but I let it go because I did not want to spoil business relations, but this girl made my work even easier.

should I google her?, I thought to myself. Damn, Never in my life have I ever googled a woman. Its the opposite they find me and throw their selves on me, I am sure she will come around, I dont care anyways. So I brushed that thought off.

"sir may I come in? my secretory asked."

"you  are already in, vanessa, what is it"?

"sir  you have to attend a party tonight, so please be ready by 6:30, I have already called and informed a model to accompany you for it".

"you  may leave".

I usually tell vanessa to find me a date because I dont do relationships and stuff, my longest is a week. I am more of a one night stand person.

I was done with my work by 6:00 and I went home to get ready for the party.

I dont mind going to these parties because I get to know a lot about my rivals and allies in the society.

I dressed up in a black tux. A black tux cant go wrong. can it?;)

I then sat in my limo, to show off obviously. I picked Ethan on the way and we reached the venue, it was beautifully decorated and there was a lot of media.

As soon as I got down the media surrounded me and started throwing their 100 questions at me.

Opposite me one car stopped and a woman came out. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

I was speechless, I did not know the right words to describe her.

She was wearing a black-navy blue dress, a deadly combo indeed, high heels with a very natural make up and a simple hairstyle. She looked stunning even without trying.

The media left me and went for her. She looked calm and composed. One reporter asked her,

why did you take over Mr. Smiths company. did he willingly give it to you or you stole it from him.

She replied,

"Mr. Smith is just facing his Karma, he did mistakes and now he is facing the consequences, that is all I have got to say about this, thank you, please excuse me". She gave them a smile and left.

I joined the dots and now realised who she was, she is Sarah Rivera I have to give it to Ethan this time, he was right she is gorgeous and intelligent too.

Beauty with brains is interesting.

Why is she alone, she did not get a date? I mumbled but it was loud enough for Ethan to hear,

I heard Ethan say something to me and turned towards him

"She never gets a date for any parties and when she is asked why, she says that she doesnt have time for relationships. That was Sarah, Sarah Rivera, she is beautiful right"?

I just nodded in response because I did not want to admit it. Wow, I mean she is the first girl, actually person to come for parties without a date.

"what are we waiting for? Lets go in" , said Ethan.

"I  am waiting for my date, you can go inside if you want to". I replied

"who  is your date"?

"Jennifer white"

"oh her, best of luck brother, I will go in."

I nodded, I still cant get Sarah out of my head, why is she so distracting, I need to know her.

Jennifer arrived and complimented, "Jacob, you look breath taking"  in her seductive tone. I replied, "you  look hot too" , She blushed.


I hope you understood these characters a bit and like the first chapter.

yurvamunshi yurvamunshi

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