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Chapter 91: Salta la liebre

If anyone is wondering if I've forgotten about the Quidditch tournament between Ireland and Bulgaria, the answer is no. Remember that the MC doesn't like Quidditch and doesn't pay too much attention to it, so you can assume that he forgot about it and the events went pretty much as they should have, except for the presence of some members of the Order of the Hippogriff at the celebration, such as Hermione and Ginny.


The first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson was... intense.

Even if using them on a human guarantees a lifetime trip to Azkaban, one doesn't expect to be taught the Unforgivable Curses and have a live demonstration. Watching a creature being manipulated, tortured and killed in front of you isn't exactly pleasant for fourth year wizards and witches.

Unfortunately, Hermione had to go through the bad experience of seeing what the lethal curse was since Soisen didn't move to prevent it. It may seem cruel, but considering how things might develop over the next few years, she might as well start seeing a bit of darkness in a controlled environment or else she might go into shock at a bad time.

As "Moody" went around explaining methods to detect the symptoms of this under the Imperius curse, he suddenly cast a disarming spell at Soisen from behind his back which he deflected back with a wave of his hand, before everyone stared at the professor in surprise.

Use a disarming spell on Soisen? What's the point of doing that?

He doesn't use a wand!

-Good reflexes, boy. Looks like you're as talented as Dumbledore said," Moody nodded, as if everything was as he expected as he looked around and addressed the rest of the class, "Did you all see that? That's how you should be able to react, Constant vigilance! -He may have spoken for too long without pause, but he took out his flask and took a drink before resuming the lesson as if nothing had happened.

-That was crazy! -Hermione said once they were out of the classroom, "What kind of teacher attacks a student by surprise?

-Moody," Soisen answered without hesitation and literally.

He really believed this was something the original could do, so Barty Crouch Jr.'s performance was up to the task. Oh, yes, he could already see that the person in front of them was actually the son of the current head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation and deranged morph wizard.

The characteristic smell of the multijuice potion emanated from the flask the moment he opened it to sip, a grave mistake to do so near a person as talented in potions as Soisen.

One should know that although the color and flavor of the potion changes based on the person it becomes, the smell is identical in both its blank and finished state.

A characteristic derived from combining pulverized bicorn horn and dried shredded skin of an African tree snake, this is something that cannot be avoided, unless you want the potion brewing to extend from one month to three months on a mere whim.

If you decide to rat out the impostor, you need to do it before the arrival of the other two schools or as they would say in those cultivation novels: Hogwarts would lose face.

During the third day, at the end of the Potions lesson where they were learning how to prepare a potion against severe burns, Soisen approached Snape.

-What do you need, Soisen? -Snape did not treat him formally when they were alone.

-I think we might have another "rat" in the castle.

It took Snape a second to understand the reference that only they knew and he looked at Soisen seriously.

-How bad do you think the rat could be? -He asked with narrowed eyes as he made sure the door was securely closed.

-If my guess is correct, it will be lethal.

-And what is your guess based on?

-The recent Quidditch event and the smell of bicorn horn and dried shredded skin of an African tree snake in a rucksack.

Snape was silent for a second, his spy mind already located the meaning and was trying to work out a plan in mind.

-We need to talk it over with the Headmaster," Snape said without question, as he stored the ingredients, "Help me get everything in place and we'll go right away.

The potion for severe burns required few ingredients and the only reason it took a little longer than it should have is that some students did not close the containers properly.

When everything was tidy and locked up, Snape and Soisen went to see Headmaster Dumbledore in his office. Luckily for both of them, since he had just started the year and already spent some effort over the summer getting everything ready, Dumbledore was relatively quiet in his office and looked at them in surprise.

-Severus, Mr. Galegold," he greeted while offering them some lemon drops, "To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?

Soisen wasted no time and immediately told him everything he "discovered" and how he heard "strange groans" coming from a strange metallic trunk. Which, by the way, he was able to see in the professor's office thanks to the door not being closed properly.

-I understand," Dumbledore set the lemon drops aside solemnly, "If it is as you suspect (and I am aware of your talent in potions), we should certainly act sooner rather than later. Severus, please call Minerva and Mr. Flitwick to my office. Half an hour later, do the same with Moody and tell him that this is about security measures for the impending tournament," he instructed, "Once he is on his way here, I want you to go in and inspect the suspicious trunk. Based on your findings, proceed as you deem necessary.

-Understood," Snape accepted the arrangements without further question.

-As for you, Mr. Galegold," Dumbledore turned to look at him for a moment, "I think it would be appropriate for you to prepare for the next lesson. If I remember correctly, you have Herbology in less than twenty minutes and you have a bit of a run to do if you don't want to be late. We will know if you are right before the end of the day.

Soisen agreed and left the Headmaster's office, it was better for the adults to deal with a possible Death Eater and if Dumbledore had asked for their cooperation, he would have refused.

The Barty Crouch Jr. character is really crazy and who knows if he would try to immolate himself or something if cornered, not to mention how it might generate resentment with his father if he gets involved.

Seems like a fitting job for the "brightest white wizard" to perform.

The Herbology lesson was a bit boring, as they were dealing with a type of plant whose method of defense was to absorb water from its surroundings in order to shoot it out like bullets. The plants were clearly dehydrated to avoid any accidents, although Neville almost got carried away in his compassion for his plant friends and was about to water them.

Good thing Silvia realized what he was going to do and gave him a tackle worthy of the best soccer player, preventing the water from ever touching the plants.

I guess sometimes you have to learn to restrain yourself or you'll end up hurt before you realize what happened.

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