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Chapter 8: Chapter 7 – Resolute Vow


this chapter onwards, the members of the mysterious group will be called by their names.

Leader - Lyria

Member 1 - Atesso

Member 2 - Cyrus

Member 3 - Izel

The woman who came to the temple to save her child will be called Saya.


As the couple arrived home, the worn wooden door creaked open, revealing a modest interior. Their small abode, nestled among the homes of their fellow townsfolk, spoke of simplicity and a life rooted in tradition. The flickering lamplight cast dancing shadows across the room, and the fragrance of freshly baked bread still lingered in the air.

Upon entering, they gently placed their slumbering child onto the wooden bed, its frame showing signs of age. The husband, a rugged man with a tired but determined expression, couldn't contain his curiosity any longer.

"Saya, why did you stop me there?" he inquired, his voice betraying a hint of frustration. His earnest eyes searched for answers in his wife's gaze.

Saya, a woman of grace and beauty with raven hair cascading down her back, met her husband's gaze with a calm, unwavering stare. She exuded an air of authority and self-assuredness that often left others in awe.

Her response was direct and unapologetic. "If you hadn't noticed, did you see that girl over there? She is exceptionally beautiful, even more so than I am. Moreover, she seems to be a devout follower of the Lord, just like us. If we had disclosed the truth to her, what if she decided to compete with me? I wouldn't stand a chance against her."

Sighing softly, she continued, her tone steady but tinged with irritation. "Besides, haven't you remembered what the priest warned us about? This knowledge is kept within the confines of the temple's walls. Do you wish to incur the wrath of the priest and endanger our lives?"

Her husband, chastened by her words, nodded in reluctant agreement. "You're right, Saya. I almost forgot about the consequences."

Saya's demeanor softened slightly, though her stern expression remained. "Tonight, I will go to the temple as planned. If the priest is impressed with me, I might not see you again. During this time, do not utter a word to anyone about our visit to the temple. If our neighbors inquire about my absence, simply tell them that my mother has fallen ill, and I've gone to care for her. And you don't how much time will take for my mother to recover."

Outside, in the fading twilight, hidden in the shadows cast by the homes, a lone figure stood listening intently. It was the same member of the mysterious organization who had followed the couple from the temple. Hidden beneath a hood, he had heard every word exchanged between the husband and wife.

As the couple's conversation came to a close, the eavesdropper decided he had obtained valuable information. He quietly withdrew, his footsteps silent on the dirt path that led away from their home.

After returning from his covert visit to the couple's home, he rejoined the remaining members of his group at the dimly lit inn. His comrades, hidden beneath cloaks and hoods, awaited his report with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety.

Seeing him approach, their leader, Lyria, a woman of indomitable spirit, inquired with a sense of urgency, "Cyrus, did you discover anything of significance?"

Lyria image:

Cyrus took a moment to collect his thoughts before he began to recount the details of the conversation he had overheard. "I believe I may have uncovered a crucial secret," he began, choosing his words carefully.

Cyrus image:

His fellow members leaned in closer, eager to hear what he had learned.

As Cyrus shared the couple's conversation, it became apparent that the temple was exploiting the vulnerabilities of its followers, particularly women, by ensnaring them in a web of servitude to the gods.

Lyria's eyes darkened with anger as she absorbed the shocking revelation. Her voice quivered with a barely contained fury. "So, they manipulate the desires and weaknesses of the faithful to further their own agenda."

Cyrus, recognizing her growing ire, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and gently said, "Calm down, Lyria. Letting anger guide our actions will only lead to mistakes. We must remain cautious."

Atesso, whose own emotions had been stirred by the revelation, couldn't help but voice his concerns. "But if we stand idly by, we're complicit in these atrocities. How can we just watch as these lives are ruined?"

Atesso image:

But Cyrus, the voice of reason in the group, interjected, "We must tread carefully. Our organization's goals will be in jeopardy if we act recklessly. The temple has kept its operations discreet for a reason."

Izel, always pragmatic, added, "We've managed to aid some individuals who have crossed our path, but if we rush in blindly, we may lose our ability to save anyone."

Izel image:

A heavy silence enveloped the group as they grappled with the moral dilemma before them.

Lyria finally broke the silence, her tone resolute. "What you've all said is true. However, if we can't stop the atrocities unfolding before our eyes, what are we fighting for?"

Cyrus inquired, "So, what do you suggest, Lyria?"

With unwavering determination, she replied, "We'll destroy the city's temple. We won't allow another soul to suffer at its hands."

A collective gasp of surprise swept through the group.

Izel, always the practical one, sought clarification. "Do you have a plan, Leader?"

A steely resolve gleamed in their Lyria's eyes as she asserted, "I do."

Seeing everyone paying attention Lyria says " I will infiltrate the temple as one of the devotees and try to get the chance as same as that woman. If i play cards write I may get to meet the priest when he is alone like that woman. Use that time to attack the temple."

Cyrus, ever the protector, expressed his concerns. "But you can't infiltrate the temple. If we fail, you'll become what you've always despised."

Lyria met his gaze with an unyielding resolve. "I've made my decision, and I won't waver from it. This is our chance, the one we've been waiting for."

The group fell into a contemplative silence, each member grappling with the gravity of their leader's decision. It was a perilous path they were about to embark upon, one that would challenge their convictions, their resolve, and their very identities.

After a contemplative pause, Lyria's voice sliced through the somber air. "Now that it's decided, prepare yourselves. When the time comes, we will strike."

As their leader strode away with resolute determination etched on her face, each step echoing her unwavering commitment to their mission, Cyrus felt a growing sense of unease. He knew that her decision to infiltrate the temple was fraught with danger, and the knowledge that she was embarking on such a perilous path gnawed at him.

Seeing her walk away, Cyrus couldn't bear the weight of his concerns any longer. He moved to follow her, his intention clear: to speak with her, to change her mind if possible. However, she didn't so much as glance back, her eyes fixed firmly on the path ahead.

Atesso, observing Cyrus's attempt to reach their determined leader, commented with a somber tone, "Looks like she's fully committed to this course of action."

Cyrus nodded, a deep worry etched into his features. "I can't help but be concerned for her. She's always been passionate, especially when it comes to matters involving women."

Izel chimed in, understanding the shared concern. "Indeed, once her emotions are stirred, she can become unpredictable."

Atesso offered some reassurance, though it did little to alleviate their worries. "We're all concerned, Cyrus, but you know as well as we do that once she's set her mind on something, she won't back down, even in front of our leader."

Cyrus couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh. "I know. I just hope she can keep her emotions in check, especially now that she knows the truth about how women are being treated."

Izel concurred, a hint of sadness in their voice. "It's a difficult situation, but we're here to support her as best we can."

Atesso decided to steer the conversation toward their upcoming mission, as they all knew that dwelling on their leader's predicament wouldn't change anything. "Since we can't change her mind, let's focus on getting ready for what's coming next."

Cyrus nodded in agreement. "You're right. I'll have to find the right time to talk to her about... everything."

Izel added with a teasing tone, "By the way, Cyrus, when are you going to tell her that you love her?"

Cyrus's gaze shifted back to their departing leader, his expression softening. "You know, with all the missions we've been completing one after another, I haven't had a chance to tell her. But after this mission. I'll finally let her know."

With resolution Cyrus says in his heart " Lyria, I won't let anything happen to you."



Beneath the moon's gentle glow, Saya emerged from the modest wooden house where she had lived with her husband and their young child. She was clad in a flowing azure dress that cascaded to her ankles, a garment of vibrant hue that seemed to mirror the boundless sky above. Her raven-black hair, usually bound in practical simplicity, cascaded in ebony waves down her back, catching stray moonlight and lending an ethereal glow to her presence.

Saya image:

Saya stood before her husband, her resolve firm. "Remember what I said," she began, her voice unwavering. "Don't let anyone know where I've gone. Slowly make our child understand that he needn't worry about me or miss me."

Her husband nodded, his eyes filled with a mix of pride and sadness. "I know," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. "You must do your job properly."

Saya offered a slight smile, one that carried no warmth. "I know," she responded softly.

With that, she turned away, her dress rustling softly against the stillness of the night. She walked with purpose, each step taking her closer to the temple that loomed in the distance.

TheGreatSage8121 TheGreatSage8121

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