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Chapter 2: North Sector

After the time limit for the recruitment ended the Four Guardians all gathered back inside the tower and waited for the Demon King to inform them of who won.

"So, how many did everything think they got?" Ifer attempted to break the silence. As it was now night time he decided to go and change into his pyjamas for the night and was ready to go back to sleep as soon as he found out what the prize was. His warm and cosy PJs were a baby blue that complemented his grey skin.

"Did you even leave this building?" Sagitta asked.

"Nope! I just slept and had a great dream, I wanna try and continue the dream from where I left off. Tempus, do you think you can use some magic to make me have the same dream?"

"I mean, It's possible…" Tempus shied away and didn't want to cause any arguments, he was happy to just be hanging out with his fellow Guardians without issues as he believed this peace would never last.

"Well, I don't know why you two are bothering to even try! It's obvious my speech reached our youth and inspired them to join!" spoke Mane.

"Whatever… Just wait in silence people are trying to sleep and you have a loud voice."

The Guardians sat and waited for the results. Tempus started to read a book that was left by one of the workers in a shop below whilst Sagitta and Ifer poured themselves a hot drink to help themselves sleep easier. After waiting for almost an hour a messenger walked in and without saying anything left an envelope on the table, the Guardians watched as he awkwardly entered and left without making eye contact, as looking them in the eyes was a sign of disrespect.

Ifer walked over to read what it said.

"To the Guardians,

Thank you for filling my selfish request, as promised, I shall tell you the winner and the prize. The sector that had the most recruits was the East Sector."

Before Ifer could finish reading Sagitta jumped out of her seat and screamed


After realising what she just said she looked around and saw everyone's judging eyes and tried to turn back into her regular professional image. Tempus was surprised, he assumed she cheated but started to understand why some people didn't go for Mane's earth-shattering speech.

"Can I continue…"

"Yes, please tell me what I have won?"

"As the victor, I have worked out a prize for you. Outside the door sits a small pack of cards acquired from the human world. It is important that since you are all, not only important political figures within the Demon Realm but also the strongest you enjoy yourselves as much as you can whilst you are still growing."

"Huh… playing cards… human playing cards…" Sagitta was defeated and fell to the ground and crushed her fist against it trying to hide her exaggerated pain.

"Oh sweet! Hey Tempus, know any cool card games we can play tomorrow night?"

"I know a few…"

"Great! Well, I'm off to bed, see you all tomorrow!" Ifer left and took the prize with him.

"Tsk...Congrats on your win! I shall beat you next time, Sagitta." Mane left without saying much, he refused to look at her and was most certainly going to retire to the building's gym to work away the rage of defeat.

Tempus was left alone with her and stood awkwardly as he looked at Sagitta who was still on her knees, he didn't know what to do and tried to quickly and quietly leave before the situation became more awkward or Sagitta tried to use him as a punching bag. Luckily, that was easy when she already refused to acknowledge his existence.

# # #

Inside the North Sector's room, Tempus is greeted by his Puppet Guardian who watches over the North Sector whilst he is away. The Puppet Guardians serve the main ruler directly and will follow any orders.

Thorit is Tempus' trusted Puppet Guardian, a small Demon Imp who used to serve the original Guardian of the South before Ifer took over. He watches over the North Sector and communicates to its people about any changes. With the help of his trusty team of politicians, they all meet with Tempus regularly to inform him of any issues and problems, without them the North Sector would be in chaos. The Puppet Guardians are a face whilst the real rulers work behind the scenes.

"We appear to have some issues, Master Tempus."

"What is it? Is the vault ok?" Tempus would also hear about the issues, and he would always ask the same question.

"Yes. As instructed no one has gone near the vault and no one will ever go near it."

"Good… So what's the problem?"

"We believe there to be an increase in crimes involving foreign races. Recently a large number of humans have been discriminated against and are being attacked by demons that have either just returned from another nation or are passing between the East and West Sectors."

"Where are the Demons that have returned come from?"

"According to what the General at the gate was telling me, a large amount has recently returned from an Orc village up north."

"I see. Well, I guess we have been on good terms with the Orcs… It makes sense for some Demons to be interested… I guess no matter what they still can't stand humans..."

Tempus' Identity was only known by the Demon King, the other Guardians, his Puppet Guardian and a few of the high-ranking Demons in the North's Police Force. The Guardians must follow many rules, and one of these rules stopped the Guardians from interacting with each other's sectors and exposing them.

The rules were strict but to keep a balance and to make the other Nations happy, they had to be created.

"Tomorrow I shall go down and investigate and see from a civilian point of view. Whilst I'm gone the normal protocols are in place."

"Of course, the rules forbid me from doing anything without your permission. You Guardians will always have the final say."

Thorit trusted Tempus and Tempus trusted him. Tempus didn't want to overwork him and would often take on any issues himself. He was always anxious about what opinions of the North Sector were and when it came to protecting his people, he would do anything.

# # #

The following afternoon with the sun directly above, Tempus left the Guardian's Tower and wandered around the North Sector.

The North was built with other Nations in mind. Designed by Tempus it featured buildings that looked like old Human inns and featured many different businesses and shops seen throughout the world. Tempus wanted a place where anyone could gather and not have to worry about where they came from, he wished for a utopia that no other nation could accomplish.

Tempus walked down the streets and watched as people worked. Tourists were joyfully spending money at local shops with their children learning about demonic food and culture whilst the smell of fresh elven bread was filling his mind. Tempus approached a human drink stand and decided to buy a milkshake to help him blend in as a tourist.

He continued to walk whilst listening to the worries of the people, unable to find anyone complaining.

In the distance was the town centre, a popular place for humans to gather. There was a large crowd standing around, most of the crowd consisted of demons and Tempus could feel the anxiety inside them. It wasn't uncommon for large crowds to form, but the amount of police surrounding the circle quickly grew.

As he got closer he heard more clearly what was happening.

"Why don't you go home! You don't belong here!"

A red demon stood at the centre of the crowd shouting at two teenage girls who lay on the ground, covered in dirt and grim from being pushed down.

"We don't want you here! Go back to where you came from! Humans are scum. From the day you are born you are just an inferior species, time has shown that you are nothing more than a pathetic race that can't do anything right. You should all be killed on the spot!"

"What was that!" But despite the words thrown at them one of the girls stood up as the other backed down.

"No… Eva… it's ok…"

"Don't worry Tia… I'll protect us!"

Eva pulled out a small wooden magic wand and prepared herself to fight, the red Demon took a step back and laughed at her.

"You think you can beat me? What can a shitty human do?"

The red demon ran forward charging into her with a rage-filled yell.

Eva started to conjure a spell, a small fireball appeared at the tip of her wand as she channelled her mana into it.

Tempus who was watching from the crowd was unsure of what to do at first, however, after seeing the girl cast a spell he decided to intervene and stood in between them both. It was as if he had just moved without taking a step. From the back of the crowd, suddenly stood a man drinking a milkshake in the middle of the fight.

"Huh?" Eva stopped channelling her spell, so as not to harm the person in front of her.

The demon noticed that a new human had gotten involved and halted his charge. Normally Tempus would hide his human features, but this time he didn't need to.

"Oi! What are you doing! Do you have a death wish or something?!"

Tempus stood looking at the demon with the straw to his drink in his mouth. Unamused of the whole situation.

"I take it you came over from the East?" Tempus asked, debating how to handle this situation.

"What of it? I'm proud to be from the East! Human's like you should all go back to where you came from!"

"I see. Well, I'll have to ask you to stop. I would prefer if there weren't any problems."

"HA! You think you can take me on?" The demon revealed a small dagger hidden in his pocket. The police standing around were starting to worry, but after a simple mysterious call they started to receive through thought magic, they all stood down.

"You're all dead!" The demon charged towards Tempus as quickly as possible with the dagger in hand preparing to swing.

Tempus stood unfazed by what was happening and instead carried on drinking, realising he was quickly running out of liquid.

The demon grew closer and closer to Tempus, the sharp blade was pointing at his neck and was coldly placed inches away, ready to cut in. However, the demon's hand was strangely stopped, but no one was holding it down.

"What!? Why can't I move?"

Tempus' held open his book in his other hand, glowing a light yellow colour similar to before.

"I don't want to fight but if you want to carry on I guess I can fight you. I wouldn't recommend it though."

Tempus released the demon from his spell. The demon immediately jumped back pocketing the dagger.

"Tsk… I don't know who you are but I guess I'll let you live for today. Consider yourself lucky!"

The single demon left and the crowd had almost dispersed thanks to police help, ignoring everything they just witnessed, not wanting anything to do with the humans and the possible consequences.

To the other guardians Tempus is surprisingly calm and quiet, but they know his rage, especially when the weak are being picked on.

Tempus turned around to look at the two girls who were attacked. Eva stood behind Tempus shocked at what she had just witnessed, whilst Tia sat on the ground looking up at Tempus and slowly began to stand.

"T-thanks…" Eva said.

"No worries, I just saw you guys were in trouble and thought I should help you out..."

"I'm Eva… the girl behind me is Tia. Don't worry about her she's shy."

Tia's hair reminded Tempus of Sagitta. It was long pearl black hair that looked perfectly clean regardless of what just happened.

"I'm Tempus… as you can tell I'm human just like you." Said Tempus who had little human interaction recently "If you don't mind me asking? What are you two doing here?"

"Tia is interested in Demon Culture, we are both training to be mages at the Human Magia Academy and thought we could learn something here."

Tempus was shocked to have heard the name of his old Academy again and had no idea that the place was still around.

Despite its name, the Magia Academy isn't only for mages. It has produced hundreds of famous fighters and spellcasters all of who have their names in history books. The name was famous and because of this has a difficult acceptance rate, only the best of the best are given the ability to audition, and then after several combat tests, you are accepted.

"Ah, I see... " Tempus said "If you want, I can show you guys around. I've lived here for a few years so I know some good places?"

Eva was sceptical at first, but Tia was tugging on the back of her shirt bouncing up and down excited to explore the demon realm's North Sector.

After a heavy sigh, Eva said...

"Sure… but don't try anything funny."

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