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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Lord, good morning. The caller was greeted by Isabella.

An unforgiving voice replied, "Good morning, Isabella."

'Lord, have you gotten the stuff you asked me to get? As per our plan, I put it in the car parked in front of your office.

"Yes, I saw it," You've seen it, she said. However, why didn't you call me then? You didn't uphold your end of the bargain.

What's up?

'What do you mean Lord? Didn't you say that I would get the bank alert for my balance two hours after you get the carton?'

'Yes I said that, but you broke the agreement first'

'What? How?'

'You said you would do the job without slaying any wolves

'Yes, I didn't slay any" 'But it was all over the news yesterday, all the wolves at the warehouse were found dead yesterday'

That didn't happen in the afternoon, so it wasn't me. I completed the task around 3am.

'How am I supposed to believe that you really did the job by 3am?'

'What the hell are you talking about Lord?' Isabella flared up. 'I see you Don't want to keep to your part of the deal?'

'I will send you the balance once I'm sure that it wasn't you that carried out the killings' Call was cut off.

The balance didn't matter all that much to Isabella, but she was furious at the Lord's obvious desire to cheat her, and she wouldn't take that from anyone. As she dropped the phone, Isabella was fuming with rage. She looked at the time on her wall and thought for a while before grabbing a gun and a mask from her bedside and storming out of the house.

Her Bentley 2025 model's door to the driver's seat opened when she pressed a button on the remote control. She started the car and drove toward the gate, which opened automatically and closed after she left the compound. She slid into the car, and the door automatically closed back. She then loaded the revolver with two bullets and hid it safely under the car seat.

She hissed every time she had to stop due to traffic signals or other drivers while driving as quickly as she could. She arrived at Track Avenue after almost an hour of driving, where she parked a long way from the Lord's house.

She flashed a sly grin as she looked at her watch. The driver and bodyguard who drove the Lord's youngest daughter to school would be arriving back in a few minutes. Because she wasn't properly attired and the revolver would be obvious if it had been pocketed, she took the revolver from where she had hidden it and kept it in her purse.

She got out of the car , carefully making sure no passerby was watching or noticing her and she walked a distance closer to the Lord's house.

With her dark goggles on, she remained by the side of the road and put one hand on her waist, acting like one who was waiting for a taxi. After waiting for two minutes, she distantly saw the driver and bodyguard driving back in the vehicle.

She began to cross the street as the car got closer while acting as though she couldn't see it. She understood the driver's confusion as he struggled to come to a stop, but not after he had come so close and nearly ran over her.

"Ma'am, what's wrong with you? Did you not notice a car coming? She was yelled at angrily by the driver.

She clutched her chest as she begged, "I'm sorry," sounding utterly horrified. She apologized by turning to the driver's side.

Next time, you should take extra care, the driver said more subduedly.

'I'm sorry' she said, gasping for breath and coughing as sweat dripped from her face in the hot sun. 'I think I've lost my way, I was going to Kate salon at Track avenue'

'You're at track avenue already, just walk a little bit further and you'll find it by your left side'

'Please can you give me a lift there?' She pleaded.

'Okay yes,' the driver replied, looking at the bodyguard by his side who shrugged in confirmation. 'Enter the back seat'


Inspector Bobby sat in a chair facing the lone survivor of the Werewolf attack in the warehouse who was lying in a hospital bed. The man was already talking and conscious as he described the attack in detail.

So none of those who attacked you people are known to you? Yes, I've never seen any of them before, Bobby questioned. The injured man responded that he was wearing bandages on his forehead and belly.

And they weren't robbers?

They were not thieves, yes. They claimed that a carton was missing from the goods they collected last night, so I think they were looking for something.

"Last evening? Which products?

I overheard them talking about three in the morning. Do you people stay up late working?

Sometimes we fill up some cartons and set them up overnight, but I'm not sure that was supposed to happen last night.

Who was meant to be in charge last night?

'Ermm… No one besides the security personnel.

Who else was on duty when the security guards were already killed?

"No, the two security guards who were killed yesterday weren't working that night,"

'Oh! Do you know how we can contact them? I see.

"No, I Don't know them; we just say hello while entering and leaving the workplace," I said.

"I believe enough is enough," As he entered the room, the Doctor intervened. He needs rest.

Bobby reassured the Doctor, "It's alright," and then got to his feet. He went back to the hurt person.

We sincerely apologize for what transpired and pledge to address the issue as quickly as possible. Thank you for your assistance; we'll get in touch with you as soon as we need your assistance once again; and best wishes for a speedy recovery, he remarked before leaving the ward with the other officer.

But what do you suppose those wolves would want in a warehouse full of coffee? As they made their way to their vehicle from the hospital, Bobby questioned his companion.

He said, "I Don't know; I believe the security guards on duty that night would be the ideal ones to tell us the answer.

Bobby gave the order, "Okay, what you would do now is go back to the warehouse and check their logs; we need to get those folks." "I think they are aware of the incident,"

"Okay, sir, I'll just go right now."

Good. We must also keep an eye out for Mr. Sam, the manager, as there are still no signs of him anywhere.



Isabella, I say. Lord Ben shouted right away, and someone picked up.

She responded with a happy voice, "Hello Lord."

'Isabella! Why did you go so far over such a little matter?

Lord, was that you? In jest, she questioned. Have you seen my gift, or else?

You shouldn't have gone that far, Isabella, I say.

I was going to send you the cash.

Okay, she said now with more seriousness. "I need to receive the alert within the next 15 minutes, or your daughter would also be in danger,"

"No," Isabella said. Do not attempt that; you would get into a lot of trouble. The Lord tried to appear courageous.

Lord, you're the one who shouldn't try me. Send the money within fifteen minutes of the call's conclusion.

"All right, I'll see what I can do."


I promised to see what I can do.

'Avoid pulling pranks' I can already see that your men are outside the school gate, and there is no way they will be able to escape me, so you better think twice if you think you can get your child out of the school and prevent me from getting to her.

'What!' The Lord was startled. 'How did you know that?'

'Let me get the alert quickly' She said and ended the conversation.

The Lord was in panic as he dropped the phone. He wondered how Isabella knew that he had already sent men to safeguard his daughter. He wasted no time as he picked up his tablet device and transferred the remaining balance of ten million naira to Isabella's account and called her immediately to notify her.

'I just sent the money'

``Good, I received the message alert already,'' she replied.

Is my daughter now free?

She chuckled and replied, "Of course, I have nothing to use her for."

Okay, let's have a look. I need to personally explain that I have other work for you to do.

"We'll check Skype,"

'Huh? I need to meet with you and find out who my collaborators are.

"We see on Skype already, isn't there any need for that," you might say.

But you always cover your face with a mask.

"No, you see, that's not my face; that's Isabella's face," she said.

Why do you mean that? Lord Ben posed a query.

She sternly said, "The face behind that mask doesn't have anything to do with you."

'She cut the conversation short by saying, "If you Don't mind Lord, I've got some other things to do."

He swore and put down the phone, saying, "Damn." He used his hand to hold his jaw in place as he recalled being cautioned to handle her delicately.

After telling himself he couldn't be angry with Isabella right now because he still needed her for his revenge mission, he was at peace.

He reflected on his earlier years as the minister of people's affairs, before he was investigated and found guilty by the then-new government of drug trafficking and mismanagement of the nation's funds, and sentenced to 15 years in prison. He was enraged and determined to exact revenge on all government employees who assisted in his arrest and conviction as well as those who participated in some of the illegal activities he engaged in, especially those who belonged to the same pack as him and came from the same clan.

His Clan's motto was "Your dignity lies in the safety of other wolves," but he questioned why they chose to let him down and stab him in the back. Perhaps it was because he had previously been rejected by his pack before being accepted by another.

Given what little Isabella had shown and what Rochas had said about her, he came to the conclusion that Isabella would be crucial to his mission of vengeance. In fact, he had paid Rochas many billions to bring her to South Africa.

He yelled, "Hey," to one of his guards who was waiting by the sitting room door. "Tell Lucas to get over here right now."

The guard left and came back with a very tall, dark, and lean guy. The guy showed respect for the Lord by bowing.

"You requested me, sir,"

I did, indeed. Lord started out by saying, "I was informed you were the one who witnessed it occur live from the CCTV cameras. Two of our people were slain this morning."

"Yes, sir, I immediately informed them downstairs."

"Yes, but I was informed that they departed before they reached the gate," the guy said.

Yes, a lady it was.

"Don't worry, keep quiet," The Lord, who had been sitting, got up to silence him. We should go because I want to view the video for myself.

As he escorted the Lord to the security room, Lucas said, "Okay, sir."

"As Lord Ben entered the room, he saw himself on the screen of a laptop that was attached to the room's webcam. He had a glance around the space to see if there had been any changes from his last two visits. The only difference he observed was that the room was now darker than before since there was no light source in the area, and it would have been entirely dark if it weren't for the light that was reflected off of the many desktop displays that were there.

As Lucas attempted to access some files, he sat down, gave the chair a suitable seat, and turned to face the desktop.

"This is it, sir." Lucas spoke as a video was playing. "She wasn't wearing the mask when she drove up to the gate, but I noticed it when she put it on before getting out of the car.

"Take it back to the car where she was," I said. Lord Ben observed with great interest and said.

'Here' Lucas briefly rewinded the video before enlarging it. "Only her jaw is visible; the camera missed the rest of her face, so we can tell what color her skin is."

'Okay, play on'

'She wore a mask and came out of the car, I Don't know how she knew where our camera was placed' Lucas explained as the video showed Isabella with her mask on, facing the camera. She showed them the name "Isabella" that was engraved on the portion of the mask that covered her forehead.

So this doesn't provide any useful information? The Lord demanded furiously.

We are familiar with her complexion, Lucas said.

"Are you insane? Do you know how many individuals with the same complexion live in just this city? Lord's door slammed.

I apologize, sir.

"I'm sorry for you," Lord Ben hissed and left the room.

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