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60% The Gacha Master Omniversal Adventures / Chapter 2: Evolution - Metamorphosis (Yes,That Doujin)

Chapter 2: Evolution - Metamorphosis (Yes,That Doujin)

Pray to my soul that read the entire thing again with a serious look to write this.


Saki Yoshida is all giddy right now.

After learning how to take care of her hair and put on make-up with her mother, her new classmate all noticed and want to talk with her.

She can't contain the little jumps with each step that she takes.

She decided to stop at a convenience store to buy some magazines to learn even more feminine things.

Humming to herself she looks at a popular fashion magazine

"Oh~ This is the last Monmon, right? I'm looking for it" She hears a voice talking about the magazine in her hand and she turns around.

Catching sight of a grown-up with flashy hair smiling at her.

She is all flustered in talking with an older guy; he even complimented her and called her cute.

At this moment, another guy bumps into the guy with flashy hair. And instead of apologizing like is common and proper, the newcomer stops and stares at the first guy without moving a inch or saying anything.

"Dude! What a hell?! Didn't you see-" The flashy guy started

"Move." The newcomer interrupts without care.

Saki looks at the newcomer attentively too. If the previous guy was handsome this one is like a real-life Adonis.

He is obviously a foreigner. Black curly hair, blue eyes, sharp jawline, he is using glasses but they can't hide that he is handsome enough to be a model.

"Haah? Do you wanna fight, fucking gaijin?" The flashy guy purses his lips and frowns while trying to intimidate the foreigner

But Saki notices that inching his face closer only works to show that the foreigner is taller and more broad of shoulders than him. He stops on his track when noticing it too.

"Move." The same word, the same tone of voice. The foreigner is not intimidated.

For some seconds they stare at each other. Saki is afraid of a fight happening.

"Tch!" The flashy guy clicks his tongue exaggeratedly and starts to move away. While getting out he tries to bump shoulders with the foreigner but he can't ever move him a millimeter and ended up embarrassing himself.

The foreigner's eyes follow the flash guy till his out of the store, his unblinking gaze appears to follow the man even after he is out of sight.

Finally, he turns to look at Saki. If she was not all nervous and squirming under his attention, she would notice that his gaze is not even near cold as they are while looking at the flashy guy.

His gaze is considerably softer, warm even...

"Are you okay?" He asks softly "Did that guy do something to you?" His tone of voice appears to be enough to breach through Saki's defenses and she answers without thinking.

"Oh... No,no,no. He is only talking about a magazine..." She says a little flustered.

"Hm... Good, that guy is bad news, you know? I know him, he targets innocent pretty girls like you and does bad things with them." The foreigner says while looking again to the door of the store like his eyes can still follow that flash guy somehow.

Saki is surprised by the revelation, but for some reason, she doesn't doubt this foreign guy words. But her mind is mostly focusing on one thing.

"P-pretty...?" She murmurs with a voice low voice, almost a whisper. Her chin is almost buried in her chest and she is blushing heavily with a shaky smile in her face.

She couldn't keep eye contact with this handsome guy.

Unfortunately for her, the guy has other plans.

When she blinks, she suddenly is face to face with the foreigner again.

He is crouching down to look at her. "Are you okay?" He asks, looking worried.

'S-so... So c-closeee!!' If her face was red before, now she is competing with a tomato.

"I-I'm o-okaay...." She says shaking her hands a little too much. 'He is so handsome!!! It is almost unfair!!'

The foreigner gives her a scrutinizing look. "Hm... Are you, by any chance, a noveau beauty?" He asks while holding his chin with his fingers

"N-nov... Noveau beauty?" She asks confused

"Is just a term that I use for someone that suddenly has a glow-up..." He explains. Her eyes widen.

"How d-do yo-you know?" 'Did I really pass this feeling? Could be that not even taking care of myself I can hide my boring personality??' She thinks to herself

"Bullseye, huh? Is because you don't look used to the attention." He answers calmly "I mean... You could be simply shy, but I had a hunch..." Then he chuckles "Maybe one can recognize the other... Till my 16-year birthday, I was totally plain and boring." He chuckles again

This makes Saki connect with him on a personal level. "Really??"

"Really... After the awkwardness of some body parts not matching pass, getting some muscles, and my skin improving I had my glow up..." He says with a smile.

"Oh..." It is the only thing that escapes her mouth while she looks at his smile a little dazed.

"Ah, I haven't presented myself!" He says in sudden realization "My name is Hector, no need to focus on last names." He says easily.

"Y-Yoshida Saki..." She says instinctively

"A pleasure to meet you, Yoshida-san." He says and goes to kiss her hand exaggeratedly "It is good for you to get used to it. A long exposure gives resistance, you know?" He jokes with a raised eyebrow while she avoids eye contact

'Awawa~ His lips~ His eyes~ And he said to me to call him Hector... First name! Are all foreigners so forward??' She thinks

"Well, see you later, Yoshida-san." He says while moving away "Try not to care too much what other people think. Want some advice? Hold back a little on the appearance thing for now and don't forget how people treated you like air before you're pretty." He says before turning around and disappearing into the crowd out of the store.

Saki Yoshida just stays rooted on the spot for some time. Her mind ran a hundred miles per hour. Thoughts about him. About what he said, her past and the day that she just lived passed through her mind.


In another place, in a suspicious neighborhood

The flashy guy that bumped shoulders with Hector enters a sketchy bar after greeting the bouncer at the entrance.

The bar is poorly lit but is this way on purpose. Is a shady place after all.

Beyond the flashy guy that just entered, only the barman and some other dudes are nursing some drinks lazily.

"Why the long face?" The barman asks the flashy guy when he sits at the bar counter.

"An annoying guy fucked up my moment, dude." The flashy guy answers.

By the way they are talking, they are familiar with each other.

"Oho... Did someone stop you from tricking another idiotic girl? I'm telling you, one day you will get shot by an angry husband, brother, or something like that..." The barman comments idly while pouring a drink to the flashy guy, together with a suspicious small package, and then going back to organizing the lower part of the counter.

The flashy guy snorts "As if... Out there are only a bunch of pussies." He downs the drink while putting the package in his pocket "Damn, I get angry only by remembering. The girl is super pretty and as easy as you can get on. Spicing her drink a little and Bam. Tch." He casually delivers some money to the barman.

"There's a bunch of pretty girls out there, don't fret over just one."

"You don't understand dude, is not about the girl, is the principle-"

At this moment the double door of the bar is opened brusquely attracting the attention of everyone in the precinct.

Even some people in other rooms emerge to see. Any trouble here is a big deal.

"It's him! It's the fucker!" The flashy guy exclaims and then smiles with glee. The chance for vengeance arrived earlier than he thought.

"What an unlucky fella..." The barman comments without caring about the fate of Hector. But a thought tickles the back of his head...

He couldn't have entered the bar at this time. Where's the bouncer? This bar is not a simple bar, is also a hub of small criminal activities. During the day only the affiliated people can enter.

"Self-satisfaction..." Hector says calmly while walking to the bar counter without a care in the world

"Huh...?" Everyone appears confused "What are you talking about, bastard?" The flashy guy asks

"I'm only answering the question that you will ask in minutes..." Hector says nonchalantly

He then stops close to the flashy guy, looming over him. His hands are in his pockets and he is not in an aggressive stance, but the flashy guy feels intimidated nonetheless.

He doesn't understand why. His modern mind refuses to accept his primal instincts' warnings.

"You think you're some sort of hot shit, huh? You're fucked, pretty boy. You have no idea where you just walked on..."

"A bar affiliated with a medium-sized gang, where is possible to buy and sell drugs, work in scam people, facilitate prostitution and even 'slavery-with-extra-steps' because of debt." Hector says calmly

Everyone suddenly turns serious

"Are you a fucking cop??" Someone asks from the side

Hector doesn't care and continues "Initially I just thought that you are the trash of society, but you're worse than trash. Drugging young girls, setting false charges of sexual assault and pedophilia in male adults... Do you know how many of your victims committed suicide? This is Japan after all... You are like a pest... Like a grasshopper, taking advantage of someone, growing fat, and then leaving destruction behind... Marriages, families, futures... All destroyed by you..." Hector talks idly, don't caring about the people starting to surround him with weapons like knives and metal baseball bats.

"...and the thing that pisses me off the most is that is not like you only know this life, right? You came from a Middle-class Family, your parents are still married, but you're a lazy bastard that doesn't want to work for anything. Seeking the easy way..."

At this moment, a strong guy behind Hector now swings a baseball bat at his head.

The flashy guy and everyone are already wearing smirks on their face seeing that. Smirks that fade very quickly when the metal bends unnaturally on Hector's head.

He continues to talk like nothing happens ", because I discovered all this and the fact that you guys entered my zone of 'people that destroyed lives', you all forfeited your rights to exist." He says without a care from the bat glued in his face

"By the way, you just touched me because I allowed it. I learned from experience that is better to lower the level of my displays of power so that the message became clear." Hector gives a fleeting glance to the one that hit him "If I just made your arms disappear, you all wouldn't comprehend it... As an example... I don't want to break your minds so earlier after all."

He then pulls out a gun and points to the flashy guy.

Everyone was already dazed by the absurdity of the situation, but when Hector pulled it like their survival instincts finally kicked in and everyone gave a step back or start acting in a non-confrontational manner.

"See? Now all of you guys are pissing on your pants. When in truth this gun is less dangerous than me, you all should be acting like that the moment I crossed the door..." He sighs and just lets the gun fall to the ground like is trash "Displays of power to establish the hierarchy need to adapt to the audience." He talks casually.

This time a guy acts fast and takes the gun from the ground and points at Hector

"Now you're fucked dude!" He exclaims

"See... Your bean-sized brains can't even comprehend the situation that you are all in. Closing your eyes to the supernatural and trying to clutch to any semblance of the reality that you all are accustomed to." He continues like he is lecturing small children. "Go on. Shoot. This time, but be ready for the result, if not your minds will break." He warns.


Everyone looks around nervously, trying to find some semblance of normality in the faces of their comrades. Everything is so strange. What is happening is not normal.

And for this reason, they almost can't even accept that is real.

"Shoot him, Jin." Someone shouts nervously.

The guy in question, Jin, trembles. He can't think straight. The adrenaline is high, but the situation is so calm and casual that it is making him hesitate.

He feels that he needs to hurry and act, but doesn't look like it. Everything is so calm... He is the one in control, holding the gun.

But at the same time, he doesn't feel safe. Like there's unspeakable danger, but don't seem like it.

It is not possible... He tries to think things through.

He is being incited by his comrades to shoot, but for some reason, with the gun in his hands, he feels that is not the right answer. But how can this not be the right answer??

He can't see it.

It is like a tricky question where the answer looks obvious, but is not. Only to bait the ones that don't think things through.

Still receiving a lot of pressure from all sides, Jin finally shoots.


He shoots almost timidly. Closing his eyes even...

When he opens it again, he sees Hector holding the bullet between his fingers casually.


"Now you all understand how fucked you are?" Hector asks squeezing the bullet till it looks like a coin.

"M-monster!" Someone shouts and runs to the exit while another runs to another door.

Some fell on the ground, and some like the flashy guy are paralyzed.

Hector does nothing to stop them. But they can't go very far. There's some sort of invisible barrier coating the walls and they can't break it no matter what.

"I think now we're on the same page..." Hector comments idly while looking at some glasses on the bar counter "I already checked, all of you deserve to die. I will even take care of the rest of the trash around the region connected with you all."

He then raises his hand in the air. Showing his index finger and thumb. He then starts to slowly approach the tip of his two fingers together, like he is squeezing something.

At the same time, everyone with the exception of the flashy guy starts to feel some invisible force around their bodies.

The flashy guy looks around seeing his comrades starting to float in the air and looking to be fighting some sort of invisible force. Their skins became tights, their limbs bending in non-conventional ways and they start to be converging in a ball.

Slowly, but surely, their body surface looks abnormally smooth, in the shape of a ball. Like they are made of liquid and someone put them in a round container.

And they shrink and shrink.

Initially was possible to recognize some features, like their faces or their limbs, but at some point, the human ball becomes darker and darker, till is a smooth dark red ball the size of an apple.

And then the balls won't stop shrinking.

It shrinks till simply disappears.

Would be expected that the balls exploded in a shower of gore of some kind, but they disappear surprisingly cleanly.

The flashy guy is the only one left.

He is on the ground, with his back pressed against the bar counter, crying with snot running from his nose, and he has pissed himself.

"...wh-" He tries to say something but he gags on his own sobs. "W-why a-a-a-are y-you do-doing this??" He finally manages to say

Hector finally looks at him again, a gaze that one would give a turd on the road.

"... self-satisfaction."

"! AaaaaaAAagghj!" The man screams at the top of his lungs.

"Wait, don't break yet... I need to explain to you now in detail" Hector says and takes a sit

His words make the flashy guy look at him with some sort of twisted hope. Maybe he would survive after all. The monster in human form could've killed him already if he want him dead, right?

"So..." Hector starts "... you're really unlucky. From the versions of you in the omniverse, I came to this one. Tsk tsk. Really unlucky. Is not like I have some personal beef with you or something. I really don't care about you, really." Hector says while playing with some bottles of alcohol.

"Even this explanation is more for me than for your benefit. I'm just spending time." He comments "I came here to cut an item from my bucket list. The sub-list of 'People to save'... You don't understand what I'm talking about, but it doesn't matter. This is not about you, heck this is not even totally about Saki-san, even if she is the one being saved..."

"... is about me." Hector looks at him again "It is about my self-satisfaction. I know this now."

He continues "In the great schemes of things, what changes in this multiverse if I stop Yoshida Saki from making bad decisions? There are still infinities Yoshida Saki's going down the wrong path. It is even an unproved theory that saving her here would be condemning another one that would not a have bad ending. Like some sort of Cosmic Balance bullshit. I would feel bad normally, but I have Perks that prevent my actions from impacting other realities. 'Casualty Blindspot' is good for these things... Would suck if a small action of mine snowball into something outrageous... It is a worry that a strong guy like me has."

What Hector is talking about is really not something that the flashy guy can comprehend. Right now he is thinking that this monster is crazy.

"So, for the same reason, I saved other characters that received bad hands from destiny, I came here to save her. I didn't know that you're this much scum though. It is not like is a huge loss coming here. I can consider a vacation and Hentai Travel Tickets are almost useless anyway." Hector sighs to himself

"Sometimes I just go to NTR worlds to fuck up with the Ugly Bald Bastards and the Tanned Blonde Bastards." He says "Interesting fact though... Some Mc really was not worth saving, really... Fucking cuck pathetic weak guys. I myself stole some girls from them. Not really stolen, they don't act!! Don't blame me if the girl loses patience and seeks me. But is not like I mistreat the girls or degrade them. Some guys just deserve to be NTR'd. Like Richards... It is more like saving the girls of being reduced a cumdumpsters than saving whatever little dignity the cuck boyfriends have."

"I don't get off in stealing someone loved one, but some guys almost deserved it... Like Sirchez... Tsk Tsk " Hector looks like is reminiscing "I just attacked Rias to steal her blood and the Power of Destruction. Before my attack I even said 'I just want to test you all' and 'I will not kill any of you', but Sirchez took offense of me making 'his precious Rias-tan' bleed" Hector scoffs.

"Being the strongest Satan went upon his head and he really tried to kill me without much of an exchange of two words. He thought that I was just a bug and that he can squash it and forget about it the next day. Well, I bet that he will never forget me after I fucked his wife, mother, and 'Rias-tan'." Hector smirks

"DxD world is so fun. If you're strong you can do fuck anything..." Hector shakes his head to focus again.

"I'm side-tracking... It is a bad habit of mine, you know? I monologue too much. I blame my overthinker mind."

" What I want to say is... Taking the Power of Destruction, making an orgy of Gremory's gals, coming here to save Saki-san and now killing you... I did all of this for myself. Only for my self-satisfaction..." He says while mixing some drinks "Obviously, I like helping people and humbling bad people. But deep down I'm selfish."

"I'm repeating this self-satisfaction thing because was really a necessary and great step for me, you know? Accept the inherent human hypocrisy. Caring about 'Named Characters' more than whatever is suffering the same but I don't know... I'm saving people anyway, right? One more person saved is one more person saved."

He sighs "Haah~ Humans... If only you know how much blame I received for not saving... You would pity me, even if I'm going to kill you. People can be so entitled..."

"I used to care about this, even feeling bad, but one of my girls helped me. So now, I just do what I want... Let words pass by me like the wind. It is called Transcendent Morality by the way. Not that you know something about that..." Hector says

He finally stands up, he doesn't even drink. He was simply having fun mixing.

"Well, thank you for listening... I have time to waste in this universe anyway." Hector looks down at the flash guy "Don't worry, I will not take your soul away to necromancy or anything like that. You haven't entered the zone where you would be deprived even of the afterlife. And your soul is worthless anyway..." He murmured the last part in a low voice.

He extends his hand to the flash guy. This makes the flash guy's mind click, remembering that his gonna die

"N-no... Please... aaArgh"

"I really can't understand people that beg for their life... Just save this last shred of dignity and accept accountability. If I have a horrible death now, I would accept it and be grateful for the journey at least... Going down with a smile." With a last shake of his head, Hector turns around and starts walking to the exit.

The flash guy receives the anti-climatic death that he deserved.


Saki Yoshida is going back home after another day in school.

For some reason she diced to follow the advice of Hector-san and tone down a little, putting her glasses back and doing her hair in a ponytail.

Her classmates are a little surprised, but they already had the first impression of her being pretty, so it really hasn't changed anything,

On the other side, she is receiving fewer stares in the streets and in the metro. What is a good thing in her book, she was a little overwhelmed by the attention.

Going home, she dines with her family before going to her room. After putting on her sleeping clothes, she goes to her phone when the door of her room opens.

"Dad?" She asks confused, looking at her Father that spot a strange expression.

He is sweating a little and flushing.

Her father approaches silently

"Something wrong?" She asks again

Her Father makes a movement toward her, but suddenly he freezes.

"?!" She tilts her head "Father, you're scaring me..."

Her father is looking at the empty space with dazed eyes, a second later he goes back to himself. "Sorry dear, I was going to say something. But you're already grown-up enough to not need your old father's advice." He says with a kind smile

"Don't say something like that, dad...You can always come to talk to me. Is something important?" She asks

"No, nothing... Maybe in the future, I will come and talk. Good night." He says getting out of her room.

"Strange..." She says after the door is closed


In another part of the city, Hector brings his focus back to himself.

He is simply playing a game on a private boot in an internet cafe. He likes to do this because he can gain things from the fiction of fictional universes. 'The inception of fiction is how he called it.

This feature started after he and Essence matured.

Putting his headphones back and going back to play an interesting fantasy game similar to dark souls but not quite the same, he finishes his work on Yoshida's father mind.

Creating mental blocks to completely destroy that man's libido and other things. He will treat his family better from now on.

Hector doesn't like to use telepathy to "rewrite" people even if just a little, but with time his morals are more flexible.

"A dagger that grows strong consuming souls? Cool" He comments going back to his game.


"Hector-san?!" Saki exclaims

Hector that is in the manga session turns to look at her.

"Oh... Yoshida Saki, right?" He smiles at her.

His smile makes her turn all shy and feels butterflies in her tummy.

'Weird, I don't feel like that with the other boys... Could be that...' She steals a glance at him, seeing him take one of each edition of manga.

"Do you like manga?" She asks

He slowly looks at the pile in his hand, and then smiles at her "How could you tell?" He teases making her blush even more.

"I see that you followed my advice." He comments looking at her braid.

"O-oh... Ye-yeah. Something like that." She says touching her hair.

"Do you want to go eat something? My treat. There's an open cafe close to here. So you don't need to worry that I'm a bad guy." He says with a smile

"! -I do not think that!" She says strongly, surprising herself and Hector.

"Ookay... If you want, just follow me." He says going to the cashier.

She follows.


"Are you going back?!" Saki suddenly exclaims, even standing up from her seat.

"..." Hector stares at her a little

She blushes and sits again, apologizing to Hector and everyone in the cafe.

"Yeah, my time here is limited. I'm going back in a few days." He says calmly while sipping his coffee.

"O-oh..." She says sadly.

Hector hides a sigh on his cup.

They eventually go back to talk about people. Hector experiencedly talks about the evil of the world, of people that only care about appearance. Advising her to try to not stand out, especially in a country like Japan.

Their exchanged contact info after Saki's insistence and then went on their own way.


They eventually ended up meeting every day after that and talking a little.

On the day before Hector goes away, Saki reunites all her courage to invite him to a park to have a talk.

Today she was dolled up again.

With her shiny hair down, a little makeup, and without the glasses.

After conducting Hector to a bench in the park she stands up in his front.

"He-Hector-san... There's something I want to talk to you..." She says, trying hard to not stutter. She is still looking madly around.

But reuniting even more courage she forced herself to look at him directly.

"I know that you're going back... I-I don't e-even know what I'm trying to a-accomplish doing this, bu-but..." She ends up stuttering anyway.

Deciding to get on point again she bows suddenly

"Hector-san! I like you!" She half shouts.

"..." Everything that responds to her in silence.

"~~~~" She is biting her lips while keeping her head lowered. Without looking at him. Afraid of rejection but waiting for it nonetheless.

Hector finally chuckles. And then laughs out loud. "Sorry, sorry~ I'm not laughing at you. Really..." He says when he sees her hurt face when she looks at him "You didn't say 'Go out with me', 'stay here in Japan' or 'let's try work this out long distance'..." He chuckles again

"..." She blushes

"So... What am I gonna answer? 'Thank you'?" He smiles good-naturedly at her "That doesn't sound right..."

Her face now is as red as a tomato and she puts her hand in front of it. She wants to bury herself somewhere.

"I-I haven't thought that fa-far... I ju-just want to say i-it... So-sorry." She says with small tears in her eyes.

She feels herself being pulled in a hug, Hector's hand holding her head in his chest

"What do with you? You're so pure... At the same time that you evoke my urge to protect you, you also bring out my masculine urge to tease you." He says

'He smells so good' She half-listens to what he said, lost in the sensation of his hard body. She feels so safe.

He put his fingers on her chin and brings her face up. Gently wipes her tears and looks at her.

"Really... What to do?" He says as much to her as he does to himself. His face went a little more serious and he sighs.

"What to do..." He muses again.


A.N.: Heya

What to do?

Part 02 with vanilla lemon with our dear Saki-san?

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