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Chapter 27: Uncle Lei

Into the deepest part of the magical beast forest, where no humans being dared to venture, was an innumerable vast big mountains range, filled with frighteningly powerful magical beasts. Each one of them lorded over a mountain of their own. The more powerful the beast was, the bigger its territory was.

On top of one of those biggest mountains, was a small house made of green bamboo contrasting with the mountain range which was a vast sea of green colors. In front of this small bamboo house was a small garden filled with edible plants and exotic flowers which gave the vast lonely mountain a slight touch of human civilization. The bamboo house had only one front room and two back rooms. There was absolutely no wall or fence around the house but a limitless of trees. Inside the front room was a small table with two people sitting facing each other, well one person while the other was more like a half person half beast.

"Young man no need be afraid; I mean you no harm." Said the old man with a bright and honest smile on his face while looking at the cautious and anxious young man in front of him.

Of course, I was terrified and my mind was on high alert because I simply didn't know how I got here. The last thing I remembered was fighting against that damn ugly red monkey, and then that old man appeared hovering in the air with no wings on his back or anything after he tore open space itself. The next thing I know, with a clap of his finger, I find myself in this house as though I was teleported here.

"I am sure that you have some questions, you can go ahead and ask them." Said the old man smilingly.

The old man looked very calm and wise. His calm eyes seemed to be able to see through my soul. He wore a green robe and looked like he was in his eighties.

"My name is Longwei. Sir, May I ask who you...ah, are you a human." I had no idea what to ask the old man. I had a lot of things in my mind and didn't know where to start. Nonetheless, I asked him the first question that came to my mind because any human would definitely be amazed or scared to see me. I was half human, half beast yet this old man seemed not to care about all that. Not only that, I simply couldn't get any information about this old man's power level or his race even with my Gamer Godship. I couldn't feel any aura from his body despite my draconic transformation which drastically enhanced my senses beyond the human limit. I felt like the old man was like a piece of the world itself.

"You can call me Uncle Lei. Also, I am indeed a human." Said uncle Lei with a relaxed smile.

While we were talking, a small red monkey with an apron brought us some tea. Yep, this small red monkey was the huge hideous monkey I was fighting against before. Apparently, it can also reduce its size as well.

"You already know little Red so it's pointless to introduce you guys." Said uncle Lei while looking at the small red monkey. I couldn't help but to take a quick glance at the small red monkey again who behaved like a human serving people tea and stuff. However, his fiery eyes were filled with battle intent when he looked at me.

"Yes, and thank you for the tea little red," I said to the small red monkey with a mocking smile.

"Don't call me little red stupid paragon, only master has the right to call me that." said the small red monkey with an angry voice.

"Be quiet and go back to your training little red." Said the old man with a solemn voice. The small red monkey immediately stopped talking and went outside.

Uncle Lei turned to me and said "Sorry about that little friend, little red is an unruly magical beast."

"It's ok, what is a paragon uncle Lei, it is the first time I heard that term," I said with a hint of anticipation in my voice. That's the third time somebody called me paragon, twice by that stupid red monkey and once by uncle Lei.

"Oh that, a paragon is more like a mutant race. A paragon is born when a human mate with a different race than his own. Their offspring is known as a paragon. They inherited the power from both of the parents and they can be truly powerful as well. They only called them that way if they possess both of their parent's race innate ability or bloodline. A person might also become a paragon as a result of a ritual bath in another's creature blood or by absorbing the blood and essence of a beast or another creature. The second method is truly dangerous."

"As for you, I can see that you fall into the second category of paragon." Said uncle Lei teasingly while playing with his beard.

"How can you tell that I'm part of the second category," I said with a hint of anticipation in my voice.

" Hahahaha, you little rascal. I know what you are trying to do. I know this because I was the one following you ever since you fell off the mountain cliff. Besides, I saved your life back then. If I wasn't nearby when you fell and that little white dragon didn't sense my aura when I released it voluntarily, you think that you would still be alive now." Said uncle Lei.

Damn, it's like this old man can read my mind, the reason I asked him that was because I wanted to make sure that he was the one following and I wasn't some crazy person for thinking so. Also, no wonder the white frost dragon didn't follow me down the cliff to retrieve its eggs, and I thought it was the gamer Godship that protected me back then by hiding my aura or something.

"Enough chit-chat, for now, I have been following for a while now and I can see that you aren't just frog in a well with your weird abilities. Don't worry I won't pry into your secret. Also, I know that you have some questions about my origin and all but you aren't strong enough to know those things yet. Also, I'm not allowed to reveal my identity to a mortal in a low-level plane." Said uncle Lei.


The next day

Uncle Lei and I talked to each other for a long time. For some reason, uncle seemed to be very interested in me. We chatted for almost half a day. Even though he didn't tell me anything personal about himself, but I can draw some conclusions. He also provided me some good information.

According to uncle Lei, this world is known as Sacred Mainland and it is divided into five big territories. Each of those territories was ruled over by a powerful Heavenly Empire which countless of kingdoms as vassals. Because each of those heavenly empires develops their technology and agriculture, in addition to their intellectual knowledge ,Mankind had gained the complete control over the sacred mainland. After some time, they began to fight against one another in order to expand their territory and because of that, the number of kingdoms lessens as well the Heavenly empires. Despite that, the mainland was still flourishing and filled with humans.

However, everything changes 5000 years ago with the arrival of the demons race as well as the Giants and the others. On that fateful day, the sky above of the sacred mainland suddenly ripped open along with a deep long rift. Endless passages of the abyss as well passages from other planes to our world were opened, countless of Demons and other unknown races poured out from those passages. In order to defend the mainland, all the empires gave up their prejudice and united to resist the invasion. However, all of their efforts were futile against those powerful otherworldly beings. Especially the demons, they were able to infect any creatures with their miasma and demon Qi, whether it was magical beasts, wild beasts or humans. Once they got infected, they experienced a type of mutations or a biologic variation, and became demonic beings belonging to the demon races. The human race of the five territories have either gone into hiding, turned into slaves or demonic beings.

After wiping out the human's empires and the major forces within the sacred Mainland, the demons race, as well as the giants and the other races, started to battle it out against one another to gain the complete control over the mainland till now. As for the Archaic continent, it was merely just a big island not worthy of mentioning and the resident are the inhabitants of the island. Also, the reason it stayed undiscovered by the other races till now was that it is protected by a powerful illusionary magic spell. As for who cast that spell and how long it would last, uncle Lei refused to tell me. He only said that it won't last long and the spell was being weakened.

I was scared shitless when I heard all those things. I just sat there without saying a word. I never imagined that I would have reincarnated in this fuck up world. Part of me was afraid while the other part was excited at the same time because this could be my purpose of being reincarnated into this world. I've always question why I was reborn into this world. It's not like I've done some good things when I was back on Earth to deserve this second chance. After talking almost all day with uncle Lei, I went sleep as it was getting dark. I didn't ask any personal questions because I can sense that this old man's identity was very sensitive. Not only that, there was some vital information he didn't tell me as well, such as why those other races came here? What caused the rift in the Sacred Mainland's space? And a ton of other pieces of information. I was pretty sure he knew those information and refused to divulge them to me. I didn't blame him, besides I was just a child and a weakling in his eyes, some things are best left unknown.


Two years later

I went to spar with little red in the nearby Mountain range. After two years, we've become good friends. Sylvia accompanied me as usual while scarlet went to do her own thing. After the pairs of dragon broke through the 7th rank, they were able to speak in human tongue. During this two years, I have learned many things from Uncle Lei. I still didn't how strong he was but I can say for sure that he has the ability to lay waste to any of those big mountains in a breath time. Also, I inferred from our conversation that Uncle Lei was not from this world but from some higher plane, even though he never mentioned where precisely.

Furthermore, uncle Lei had shed some light on the higher rank of cultivation system. According to him, once a person broke through the Saint Realm which was a level higher than the 10th rank warrior or Grandmaster. That person will receive a baptism from the Heaven and Earth. In that rank, a person will mostly dedicate his time to enhance his soul as they will be able to use their thought to attack. They will be able to control object with their mind and fly without having a pair of wings. A powerful Saint was able to push a giant mountain or crush one with their mind alone. Moreover, aside from strengthening their thoughts or mind, they also spent their times comprehending the profound mysteries of the world. By doing so, they will be able to control the energy of the world without the use of spells but with their thoughts alone. By breaking through the Saint realm, one will not use mana or Battle Qi but Saint Energy which is a higher form of energy. Just like a regular mortal mage or warrior, saints were divide into rank as well, from low to high such as Saint Master, Saint King, Saint Emperor, Saint Ancestor, Saint Sovereign and Saint Ruler, above that is Demi-god which was when a person will be able to ascend to the Higher Plane. Each of those ranks was divided into the initial stage, middle stage and high level. Below Saints, everyone is a mortal or an ant.


Inside the Small bamboo house

"Little Wei come sit with me for a second." Said uncle Lei.

While I was arguing with little red, I heard uncle Lei called me. Without wasting any time, I grabbed a chair and sit next to him.

" Little Wei, ever since I told about the situation of the mainland as well the higher rank cultivation system, you have been training like a maniac nonstop which is not good. You should take your time and calm your mind when you are cultivating. I know that you have some weird abilities, but you still need to take it slow." Said uncle Lei with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Sorry for worrying you uncle Lei, I will take things slow from now on," I Said with smilingly. I couldn't help but felt a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart when I heard those words. Uncle Lei is the first human being I came in contact with after the tragedy. He seemed to care about me a lot. Even though I didn't know a lot about him, I still trust him somehow.

"Good, the second thing I wanted to tell you is that I'm leaving soon. I can't stay in this world for too long because of the World rule restrictions, if I stayed a year longer, I might suffer the wrath of the Heavenly tribulations. Before I go, I just want to know if you want to come with me. The human in this world is already doomed and beyond saving, it won't be long before that illusion magic spell wears off, maybe 50 years or a 100 years max who knows. So come with me while there is still time, I promise you that it won't take you more than 50 years before you can break through the Saint ruler realm over there." Said uncle Lei with a serious look on his face.

"Thank you very much uncle Lei for the offer but I want to stay here," I Said with a hint of determination in my voice while my eyes were filled with battle intent and devotion.

" Haha, I knew you would refuse, I admire your courage, Little Wei. Even though I really wanted you to come with me, but I can't force you. It is your choice, however, before I go here is a parting gift." Said uncle Lei while touching my forehead with his finger which was emanating a wave of white light.

Suddenly, a stream of information was drilling into my mind.

Deva Eyes skill has been learned

Deva Eyes

A powerful ancient divine skill belonging an ancient God that allowed the user to have a spiritual eye in the sky looking down on Earth. when practicing to its ultimate level, the user will be able to spy on a whole world and even a universe itself

Deva eyes skill is locked!

Host comprehension isn't high enough

"Go and practice it outside, it will help you a lot in your future endeavors. Also, take this with you, when you break through the 10th rank, you will be able to open It." said uncle Lei as he threw a small ring over to me while going back to his room.

I was dumbfounded when uncle Lei pass on to me this skill, I can't begin to imagine the worth of this skill and yet he passed it on to me just like that, a stranger. I felt really grateful to uncle Lei and vow that I will repay him one day.

Without wasting any more time, I put the small ring in my space inventory. I was more concentrate on the deva eye skill and didn't pay any heed to the small ring. I left the house and went to a small hill nearby. I sat down in a meditative stance and began to meditate with my eyes closed. I circulated the Deva eyes skill and at certain point, I suddenly felt my consciousness exit my body.


My point of view has changed. A picture of surrounding kilometer began to appear within my mind.

Deva eye skill has been unlocked

Deva eyes skill has risen to level 1

In that moment not even a single spots in the surrounding one kilometer escape my sight. I felt like that I had an eye up in the sky looking down on the ground. I could see the insects crawling on the ground as well as the small bamboo house and the trees. I could even see my mortal body sitting in a meditative stance. I continued to work on my Deva eyes skill, increasing its range from kilometers to two, three kilometers, four, five kilometers

Deva eyes skill has risen to level 2

That's was the farthest I could go because I felt like my head was going to explode if I continued . By this point, I could see everything within that range without anything escaping my senses. Not even a single blade of grass was left unseen by my bird's eyes view.


Just like that, two more years have gone by, uncle Lei has already left a year ago and left little red with me. I stayed in the same mountain range continued training because if my strength isn't enough, I won't be able to get out from this forest Alive as I was into the deepest part of it. I think uncle Lei left me there on purpose because he knew there were some 9th rank and 10 rank beast in the surrounding mountain range and I have to go through them if I wanted to leave that forest. Not even flying would help me as some of them were avian type beast. They couldn't come to the mountain where I was staying because it was protected by a formation left by uncle Lei. I continued training for more than two years until my strength was good enough and finally decided to leave this magical beast forest for the first time.

Scarlet decided to stay in the magical beast forest, apparently, she wanted to lord over the whole magical forest and created her own beast army in order to help me when the time comes. I also asked her to look for the white frost dragon at the same time. Also, it turned out that the white Frost Dragon wasn't their biological parents. According to the pair of dragons, they weren't supposed to born into this low-level plane and had no idea how their egg got there. They were seeking for their own answers as well. As for me, I came up with a good plan to strengthen the humans as well as controlling them at the same time. One man isn't enough to fight against the otherworldly beings when that illusion magical spell wears off. I needed to forge an empire as well an army that will make the otherworldly beings quake in fear. Not to mention , I have a slight business to take care of. After making the necessary preparations, I left the magical beast forest with Sylvia and little red.

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