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Chapter 4: What Did This Bitch Just Say!?

Meanwhile, Jee-Han kept frantically looking for a way out of this mess before trying his hands at punching the slime. However, his attacks were completely ineffective as the slime's physical body was just a tub of ooze, therefore absorbing all of the impact.

"Damn it; let go of me!" He tried again but it was fruitless. Desperate and running out of options as the blood was beginning to rush to his head, he grabbed the slime with all of his might and tried ripping it apart. Similar to before, it proved useless as it began stretching with every pull and didn't have any long lasting effect.

"Come on! I used some points on STR so help me out here! Please, I want to live! I don't want to die!" His cries of desperation became louder and he gave it absolutely everything he had until...


A skill has been created through a special act! A skill that uses excessive strength, [Rip] has been created.

[Rip (Active) Lvl 1: EXP: 0.00%]

A skill that rips apart an enemy or an object using a strong force. Increases tearing force by 30 %.


"Hell... to the yes! Thank you god! Thank you so much!" A relieved smile graced Jee-Han's face while he wiped away a few tears in his eyes. He then screamed with all of his might!


His hand began to glow a beaming yellow and finally, he was able to tear apart the slime's body that was holding onto his legs, escaping from its clutches.

"Yes! I'm free, I'm a free man!"

His shouts of victory were short lived as he looked back down and realized he was falling from such a distance.

"Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Somebody save me!" His prayers went unanswered as he collided with the ground with a heavy impact and clutched his back in agony.

"Son of a…damn that hurt… wait no, it doesn't hurt" Hardly believing it himself, Jee-Han scanned his body up and down and wondered how he was okay after falling from that distance.

Before anything though…

"I'm alive!" Jee-Han began jumping for joy that he was still alive after that fiasco. During his celebration, he didn't even pay attention to the blank stares coming from Sung-Gong and Shi-Yun who didn't quite believe what they just saw.

"Just who..." Sung-Gong began.

"-Is this guy?" Shi-Yun finished.

Seeing that she was distracted by the dancing boy, Sung-Gong used the opportunity and ordered his beast to attack. It barked before shortly pouncing off the building and opened its jaws to tear the girl to shreds.

It didn't even take a second for Shi-Yun to regain her focus, taking a martial arts stance in the process and then proceeding to jump high into the air towards the demon. She thrust her elbow and landed a solid blow on one of the heads, sending it crashing backwards. Following up, she shot off the ground like a rocket with amazing power and delivered a rising upper cut to the dazed beast. The damage was more than enough to wipe out all of its remaining strength and it disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

"A-Amazing…" Jee-Han observed as he had stopped dancing and concentrated on the fight in progress.

Before Shi-Yun could take a break, she noticed another brown slime forming in her blind spot waiting to launch a sneak attack and clicked her tongue in annoyance before clasping both of her hands together in a praying position.

"Art of Soul Blaze Fist Number: Soul Blaze Flame!"

In response to her chanting, a massive amount of blue flames began surrounding Shi-Yun and completely enveloped her body in what can only be called a cloak of fire. Having no brain cells, the slime tried to swallow Shi-Yun completely whole and surrounded her body with its slimy figure.

However, it was useless as it quickly burst into several small pieces and Shi-Yun was unharmed as she glared at Sung-Gong who kept a blank face at the new events.

"What now, Black Summoner? Your hostage was able to escape so now there's nothing stopping me from punishing you for harming my clan. I hope you're prepared" She adopted another stance.

Unexpectedly, Sung-Gong began to clap as a mild chuckle escaped his lips, confusing and frustrating Shi-Yun at the same time.

"Very impressive Blaze Fist user, I can see you're different from that riff raft I dealt with yesterday. You're clearly much more adept at using your clan's secret techniques so it'd be rude of me to try and defeat you with such a low level creature. Allow me to fix that."

Bringing out a chain ring that was attached to his finger, a magic circle appeared behind Sung-Gong and out from it popped a eight meter long killer mantis that had acidic drool dangling from its mouth, repulsing Shi-Yun as she tried her best to ignore the grotesque scene.

Back with Jee-Han, just as he was distracted from watching the amazing battle between the two, he suddenly saw a large shadow covering his body and slowly turned around to see another black slime, this time aiming for him.

"Shit!" He stumbled a bit before running as fast as he could and was able to narrowly dodge the slime's attack. As he gained some distance, he noticed the slime moving in a similar pattern while it attempted to grab his knee again, but this time he knew what to expect and jumped backwards and avoided it.

"Phew, good thing this thing's moves are slow and its attacks are predictable."

«[Observe]'s level has risen by one.»

"Huh? How'd that happen, I wasn't even using the skill… oh wait! Is it because I was able to notice that the slime's attack patterns were the same? So that's how it is…" he began thinking as he decided to try out the next level of his skill.


«Black Slime Level 16»

HP: 1200 (1100) | MP: 500

It moves slower than a human's running speed, but is quite fast at jumping towards whoever gets close.

Jee-Han instantly noticed that the description this time had slightly more information than before and confirmed that his Observe ability had gotten stronger.

"But still, this information really helps! My [Rip] attack from earlier did 100 points of damage, meaning all I got to do is hit this guy 11 more times with it and I can win!"

Though he thought it was easy, he noticed one major flaw in his plan.


His feet were shaking, his face was covered in sweat, and overall he was simply stressed out at the prospect of being killed by something that looks like a rip off of Nutella. He wanted to run, run so fast and never look back. He wasn't some sort of RPG hero; he was just a normal high school student that was going to live a boring and uneventful life. How did he end up in a situation like this? Was this god's way of trolling him?

This was the worst and yet, in the depths of his heart he couldn't believe any of this real. No matter how real it seemed the idea of fighting monsters and gaining experience in real life was impossible.

However, he didn't have time to think about what was real or not. He needed to win to survive and his instincts were telling him that he couldn't get out of here unless he killed this slime thingy. He was going to survive!

Suddenly, the slime pounced at him and Jee-Han threw his hands over his head an dodged for his life, rolling on the floor to safety as the slime missed its target. He took a deep breath and observed the slime, noticing that it was barely moving.

"It looks like it needs time to recharge to do another attack, is it like a cool down? If that's the case…!"

Jee-Han waited, he began to count the seconds before the slime could use its attack again. Several seconds passed before the slime abruptly pounced once more and Jee-Han dodged again, this time with more grace as he knew how it would attack.

Once the slime landed on the ground, Jee-Han smirked to himself and ran in as fast as his legs could carry him. He grabbed a large chunk of the slime and with all of his might..

"Rip!" He constantly shouted and began to start chucking slime pieces all over the place.

«Critical Hit!»

Jee-Han barely noticed the new notification sign before the slime began to start oozing out of control before evaporating, leaving nothing but a trail of black smoke.

Falling to his knees, Jee-Han exhaled and tried to catch his breath as he could feel his heart pumping with so much adrenaline that he felt it would burst at any minute.

He did it.

He actually did it.

The amount of joy and relief that he was feeling at this moment was indescribable and he felt tremendously proud of himself. He defeated a Level 16 Slime all on his own and came out with nothing but a few scratches, no doubt an impressive feat for an ordinary guy.


«You have gained 1590 experience!»

«Your Level has increased by 1»

«Your Level has increased by 1»

He noticed the blue messages but didn't really give a crap about what they said, he was just thanking the gods that he had made it out of that alive. If he had to go through things like these each time to level up, then he didn't even want to think about the kind of crap those two went to get to such high levels.

Before he could fully relax, the sound of a mantis screeching in pain altered his attention and he turned his head to see Shi-Yun "fisting" the Mantis in the stomach while blue flames erupted from behind the abominations backside.

Jee-Han swallowed his spit and wondered if it was possible to obtain her magnitude of strength if he reached the same level.

As the monster disappeared into nothingness, Jee-Han quickly looked for the source of its summoner but couldn't find Sung-Gong anywhere.

"Did he run away? But what was he doing here in the first place. Not that I mind, if I don't see that guy again it'll be too soon"

Just as Jee-Han was about to go check on the red haired girl to see if she had left as well, he turned his head and let out another girlish squeal when he came face to face with the lady in question who stared at him. He clutched his poor heart that felt like it was going to have a heart attack and backed away slowly but she began walking towards him.

"What? Leave me alone! I've had enough of you freaks coming after me!" He continued to stagger backwards until he was up against a wall and she stopped in front of him and narrowed her eyes.

"You… just what are you?"

His breathing calmed down a bit but he was still incredibly nervous, as one wrong move and he could end up with a fire fist up the ass.

"What... do you mean?" He needed to know what she wanted to know about him first before answering her questions.

"Are you slow? I asked just what exactly are you since that slime wasn't something an ordinary person could defeat."

"Fair enough… but how am I supposed to answer this question? Can I seriously tell her I have the ability called The Gamer and live life like an RPG? Would she buy it? Oh crap I'm taking too long and she's getting angry"

By the way, she was tapping her foot impatiently on the ground as she crossed her arms, she must want answers quick.

Taking a deep breath, Jee-Han stood up straight and looked her in the eye.

"My name is Han Jee-Han, Age 18. I'm a high school student with a special power. Does that… satisfy you?"

The silence that followed was almost unbearable as she studied him up and down and placed a hand on her chin.

"Is she… checking me out? Could it possibly be love at first sight!?" He wondered.

"You have a special power? Huh, I never would have guessed it considering how dumb you look."

Aw, hell no.

"What did this bitch just say!?" Jee-Han snarled in his mind as he looked downwards, trying to avoid the humiliation of eye contact.

Shi-Yun nodded her head and pointed a finger at Jee-Han who flinched at the sudden action.

"Your name and face. I memorized it."

With that, she turned around and walked away and somehow, her body seemed to just vanish out of nowhere. With no more strength left, Jee-Han fell to his knees as he clutched his heart and sighed.

"Seriously, just what the hell is going to happen to me?"

A/N: So ladies and gentlemen, we've finished Chapter 4 here and I believe I adapted about two chapters into one so we'll see how that works for you guys.

This chapter was longer than the first one since TBD(TheBlackDuelist) didn't know where to end it off but I decided on using the middle of chapter 5 to give us a breather and this seemed like a good spot.

I just want to inform people that this chapter is quite a significant one because of Jee-Han's lack of the "Gamer's Mind" passive ability that allowed him to stay calm during the engagement. As such, I tried to showcase his more human emotions such as fear and despair more and as a result, I created a more worrisome Jee-Han that has to keep taking deep breaths to stay calm but can't just suddenly start acting as if nothing's happening.

See you all next time!

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