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85.71% The Genius

Chapter 6: Chapter 5

James and the old man stood in front of each other.

James looked at him and said. "Are you sure?"

The old man raised his hand and signaled him to come.

James grinned wildly and dashed towards the old man.

In an instant, he was in front of him. They weren't that far apart and James's speed is no joke.


The old man swung his arm forward aiming to punch James in the face but James dodged and kicked him in the chin.

But the weird thing about his attack was that there was little to no recoil in the man's head.

And the other thing was that the man was looking at his leg the entire time.

*POW* *POW* *POW*...

He attacked multiple of his blind spots with his feet and fists, he was going all out.

'It's like I'm hitting some hard material.

This guy's endurance is crazy.'


The man clenched his fist while he was being hit, and swung it horizontally hitting James in the arm.


James didn't even have time to react, he was sent flying through multiple trees until he stopped flying.

He lifted his head up with a big smile on his face and looked at where he came from.

In front of him was the old man with his hands crossed. "Sorry, force of habit."

James's face went back to his usual calm one and he said. "No worries, but I think you might have broken my arm."

"Your arm? What about your back, boy?"

James got up on his feet and stretched his back. "That much won't hurt me, but your swing did some damage to my arm."

In truth, his back did hurt a little bit but it was bearable since the damage was reduced by him flexing every muscle in his body in those exact times as he was about to hit the trees.

That's a technique he picked up in his old world, that thing would work as the best defense out there.

He ripped the sleeve and looked at his left arm, it was a little purple.

Even if he didn't get time to react, he saw what hit him.

"Judging from that swing, it looked more like you were swinging a weapon.

And looking at the fact of how wide that swing was, it can't be a sword.

Something more like a bat or axe."

The old man's eyes widened and he said with a smirk. "You're right, I did use to wield an axe in my old days.

But you being able to tell that just with one attack is commendable."

James said while touching his broken arm. "Well, I don't want to brag but...

I am the best at anything I do, at least where I came from."

"That totally sounds like bragging to me."

"I was being modest, it should've been at everything but there are areas I didn't put my hands on yet."

He wasn't exaggerating and he knew it, he had monstrous talent in anything his hand touched.

He was the target of envy and hate of a lot of people, but that was useless since they couldn't touch him.

The only thing he didn't have was a family growing up, but that's a different subject altogether.

The old man cracked his neck and said. "I have to say kid, for someone who didn't enter the Grand Line yet you're very strong.

But once you enter the grand line, let's not talk about the new world, you'll get killed in the Paradise.

And what's the most impressive thing is the fact that I can tell that you never trained properly once in your life, you just fought a lot of times."

James's eyes widened a bit and he said. "You're right, but there was no need to train.

Since I was already the best from the start, why train?"

The old man looked at him and thought with a smile on his face and a bead of sweat going down his forehead. 'He's a monster.

I have never seen a prodigy like this in my life, and the way he talks, that's not arrogance.

He's speaking about it like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I now know why he sailed the sea, he got bored and wanted to find a challenge since no one could stand up to him from where he was.

This guy, if trained properly, will become a beast in no time.'

The old man smirked and thought. 'What luck...

Looks like the government is out of luck sometimes, since he's now fallen in my hands I'll build up his foundation.'

The old man said while looking at James. "Looks like you're lucky boy, I'll train you since I don't have anything fun to do."

James looked at him and said with a small grin. "That's good, I get to fight someone who's above me multiple times."


The old man slapped him on the back of his head and James was sent flying again into the ground.

"Is fighting all you think about!?"

James took his head out of the ground and said with a calm face. "Sorry, I got a little excited for the first time in a while.

I can't really control it once it happens."

The old man sighed and said. "Alright, can you fight with a broken arm?"

James got up on his feet and said. "Yeah, it's not that broken though. I think it wouldn't take a lot for it to heal, most likely fissured."

The man smiled and said. "I didn't hit you that hard after all."

James looked at his arm and thought. 'Didn't hit you that hard, eh?

He would totally fuck me up in a real fight even if he was holding back.'

The man crossed his arms and said. "Alright, we'll start now.

I'll firstly talk about your fighting technique, there's no problem there.

No fancy moves or any wasted movements, your speed is a lot more developed then your strength, but we will have to work on both.

From what I observed when you hit me, I could see the attacks, but if I was on the same level as you I probably wouldn't have been able to see those attacks.

You attack your opponent's blind spots with high speed in order to make it invisible to the victim, the victim wouldn't be able to tell where the attacks are coming from, resulting in him losing."

James sat down on the broken tree and said. "What you said was true, I call it a type of mastery."

"It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call it that, being able to do such precise attacks requires enormous skill, I probably wouldn't be able to do it since it's not my fighting style."

There were only two people capable of doing that back in his old world, himself and his mentor. It is the fastest and most annoying mastery out there.

"We have to work on your strength and speed the most, that's almost everything you need to survive in the grand line.

So what I want you to do right now is testing your endurance."


James was sitting on the ground, out of breath.

That man tied a massive boulder to his back and made him run laps around the island.

"*HUFF* I did better than I thought."

He ran two laps around the island with a 5 ton rock on his back.

The expression on his face wasn't as dull as before, he had a wide smile showing his fangs. "This is exciting, just thinking about the strongest people in this world and what they're able to achieve gives me the chills.

I'll have to train hard in order to get there."

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