Reviews of The Girl in the Green Dress by Illex_Ater - Webnovel


  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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As the author, I'm using executive privilege to leave my very first review. This is a story I've been working on for a while, and my completely unbiased opinion is that it's pretty good. I plan on updating every other week (one week to write the rough, one week to edit), but it may go faster as inspiration flows. If you wouldn't mind leaving me feedback- bad or good- I would appreciate it. I am an obsessive editor and will be fully willing to make any changes I see are necessary. Thank you all, Illex Ater

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As the author, I'm using executive privilege to leave my very first review. This is a story I've been working on for a while, and my completely unbiased opinion is that it's pretty good. I plan on updating every other week (one week to write the rough, one week to edit), but it may go faster as inspiration flows. If you wouldn't mind leaving me feedback- bad or good- I would appreciate it. I am an obsessive editor and will be fully willing to make any changes I see are necessary. Thank you all, Illex Ater

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