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Chapter 31: Chapter 31 – Two cute girls in black

3 people were seated in a room with the cascading light of the morning sun illuminating the space.

The three were obviously Adam, Luna and Elaine. They were seated in Adam's room at the lodge.

After Adam gave an explanation of the Mage class to Luna, Elaine begged him to give her one on the Tank class too.

He laughed and gave in to her demands and gave a short explanation for the Tank class as well.

The Tank class did not provide any skills other than the passive body skill and needed to be physically trained just like Adam's Monk and Ranger class.

The only difference was that the tank class was a lot sturdier as they relied on heavy equipment. Their bodies had to be trained to be able to carry heavier weights than all other classes. This inherently made their bodies strong, They lost only in simple physical durability to the Monk class.

Their strength made them hard hitters but their movements encumbered them. Their armour was their greatest strength but also their biggest drawback.

After his lengthy explanation, the three were eagerly seated in the room.

A light and fluffy anticipation had filled the room. Adam wanted to begin training immediately. He could no longer wait to re-enter the dungeon.

"Young master, the mistress sends word." The doors to his room were slid open after a knock and the same pudgy-cheeked girl from earlier stepped in.

"Please speak big sis."

"The mistress says that she may take longer than anticipated. She sends me to hand over this wallet." She pulled on a pouch that was hung on her waist and handed it over to him. "Mistress has instructed me to inform young master that you are to go to blue lane street and get the two girls their training gear. Mistress said you might burst from your excitement if she didn't do this. It seems she was right." She giggled at the end.

It was obvious that this big sis had not lied to him. Plus he could easily imagine his mother saying something like that.

"Alright, we will head out then. Let us be off." He looked at the two sisters and saw how excited they were as well.

"Stay safe young master." The girl escorted them until the entrance of the lodge.


2 hours later.

Adam and the two sisters were walking back on the road towards the lodge.

The two girls were now dressed in full black attire. Short-sleeved shirts with white buttons covered both of their upper bodies. The only difference in their attire was their lower bodies.

Elaine had gotten short shorts with long boots while Luna had picked a short frilly skirt with flat heel sandals.

This was the training gear that the two girls had picked for themselves. Thinking back to their time in the shop Made Adam's head spin.

Comparing the sparing choices he was given to the at least a thousand different options that the store owner had pulled out for the two girls, it was a complete joke.

Thinking about it he realized just how much of a gap there was between the fashion of men and women in this world. In the lodge itself, he had grown up with the wonderfully dressed girls serving at it. Their uniform cheongsam themselves were so vibrant.

When he compared it to the bare-chested men that he saw on the street, the chasm only seemed wider.

Shaking his head he put this thought to the back of his head. There was no point lamenting over it as it would only further depress him.

Turning around he gave a look to the two girls who seemed to be in a daze and were following him step for step.

A few moments back when they had stepped out of the fitting room at the store in their new gear, they had asked him for his opinion on it.

Adam, being the way he was, just straightforwardly told them his opinion. 'You two look so pretty in them.' He was more or less jealous of how many choices they were given but the girls obviously didn't know his thoughts.

'What I wouldn't do for a comfortable pair of my joggers' this was what he was thinking and unknowingly the girls had already decided what they were going to purchase. Since then they had been lost in their thoughts and would blush every so often.

Elaine was following behind him to his right. She was hugging a simple metal buckler to her chest with both hands while a short sword hung sheathed from her waist. The buckler was big enough to be a regular shield in her hands and the short sword also became a regular sized double-edged sword for her.

"The shield is the heart of a Tank."The Weapon store owner had casually said. She had taken these words to heart and had not wanted to carry her shield on her back since then.

Next to her was her sister Luna. Luna only had a long metal staff with a round plain metal ball at its top. The lower end of the staff did become thinner but it was still blunt. She used it as a walking stick but it was a foot taller than her and she seemed to not be used to walking while carrying it.

Their last purchase was their clothes while their weapons were before that. These were the two purchases that Adam had expected. Their first purchase was the one that had truly surprised him.

When they had arrived at blue lane street, the two girls had become stubborn for the first time. They had convinced Adam into buying them training weights.

They had seen how he had trained with his weights. Both of them wanted to do the same with the same amount of weights.

He was shocked. He had two classes so he was able to go through the trying training. How could he let Luna who had the mage class take on the same weights?

After countless minutes of persuasion, he had finally convinced her to drop her weights to 2.5 Kilograms per weight. That was a total of 12.5 kilograms in total for 5 weights.

That was the lowest concession she was going to make. However, Elaine was adamant and Adam could not get her to change her mind and let her get the same amount as him. Wich was 5 kilograms per weight. That was a total of 25 kilograms for 5 weights.

This gesture of theirs had touched him. He could see how they were trying their best to never become a burden to him.

Even now while they were in a daze, they didn't show how much the weight affected them. Their feet that sunk a bit when they walked gave away the unnatural weight that they were carrying.

Reaching the lodge the girls were finally out of breath. Panting they took each step with utmost effort. Sweat dripped from their pretty faces. Their training gear only looked like material but was actually just like Adams. It was made from the hide of monsters and was capable of absorbing sweat. It retained its looks even though the girls were on the verge of collapse.

The girls made their way to Adams room without a complaint and finally collapsed only after they were inside.

Adam could only look at them and give out a resigned laugh. These girls were way too hard working. He stepped out and got them some refreshments.

Carrying a tray he walked back into the room. This action of his had created pandemonium in the lodge as he had denied the girl who wanted to carry the tray for him. The lodge seemed to be very busy today so he did not want to impose.

This was the first time they had ever seen their young master serving anyone.

Arriving in his room he placed the tray on the table and then carried the two exhausted girls to the table and helped them sit up.

The two girls were too tired to be happy at how intimately he had just treated them and greedily pulled their drinks to them and drank up.

Seeing how cute the two were, Adam could not help but praise them in his mind. He extended his hands and patted the two girls heads.

"You did well. Rest for now while we wait for mother."

Bang! Bang!

It was like an explosion had gone off the second his hands made contact with the heads of the two girls.

Both of them fainted instantly and their heads tilted forward and fell with a bit of force onto the table.

Adam's hands were stuck to their foreheads. At that moment his body had gone limp and the weight of the two girls heads had dragged him forward as they fell.

He was currently on his knees while his two hands were still on the back of the two girls heads.

His eyes were closed and his face had a vacant expression.


Currently, Adam was standing in his vast soul world. The last thing he remembered was the two invisible explosions that went off when his hands made contact with the sisters.

The next instant he was here. Standing in front of his massive class card in his soul world. It should be known that his soul world was just like an open never ending meadow. The grass was vibrant and green while the skies were a bright blue. Ponds, rivers, streams and lakes were scattered throughout this world.

The contrast of being in his room in one instant and then being in this meadow the next was a surreal sensation.


'Unprocessed data has been detected.'

'Two sources have been identified.

Processing of data… is possible.


'Sentient mind.' He thought. He was not too affected by the notification. He was used to this weird way it interacted with him by now. He had spent a lot of time interacting with it since his enlightenment.

He was not a slow-witted person and had made a few guesses as to what was happening. His skill would never hurt him so he wasn't as sceptical about this message.

"Continue." He replied as quickly as he was given the option. The only way to find out more about what was happening was to go along.

'Beginning operation…




Source 1 – incapable of storing processed data. Contamination over 90%

Source 2 – incapable of storing processed data. Contamination over 90%

Analyzing solutions…'

'Scanning host.

Host capable of decontamination.

No repercussions detected.


The sentient mind would always find its own solutions. Adam could only stand by and pick up the clues it dropped to figure out what was happening.


Swish. Swish.

He felt the winds blow. This was weird for this world. He then noticed two small fluffy clouds in the sky get sucked into two black holes that opened next to them.

Everything of what was happening right now only confused him more. His guesses which he started off with only grew wilder.

Right then, two projections were created in front of him.

The projections were of the same thing. Complete darkness with only one white round spot in the centre.

The images that were being shown slowly zoomed in.

"Elaine! Luna!" The two white dots were actually a curled up Luna and Elaine. They were dressed in two pure white dresses and were radiating white light that was keeping the darkness at bay.

His voice had actually travelled to the two. Rubbing their eyes the two girls sat up and awoke from their slumber.

"Elaine! Luna! Are you okay?" He yelled out again.

"Young master." Luna rubbed her eyes.

"Young master. why are you waking me up so early?" Elaine actually yelled back at him.

He was stunned.

At least they seemed to be fine? He calmed himself down.

Watching as the two girls were waking up, a cloud was pushed into the darkness of the two images that were being projected.

The cloud was attracted to the light that was radiated by the girls. A cloud each made its way to them and then hovered above their heads.

This was not the weirdest thing, what happened after was. The two clouds were like sponges they expanded and compressed. Every time they expanded the darkness around would be soaked into it.

When it compressed what came out was a bright light in the form of a rain shower.

After a few moments, the clouds had started to gain a glow. The clouds were feeding on that darkness and were growing!

Noticing the bright cloud above them that seemed to be devouring the darkness the two girls were horrified. They let out a terrified scream.

"Don't worry. I can't get to you, but you should be safe." Adam tried to console them.

"Young master?"

"Elaine? Young master where are we?"

"Good, we can all at least hear each other. I can't explain for now. I am trying to figure out where you two are right now as well. Just stay put and don't move."

Abeini Abeini

My laptop has been acting up in the past week.

It was such a task proofreading these chapters because my laptop wouldn't save any changes and would just revert it.

Anyways... enough of my rant.

Hope you like this week's chapters as well.

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