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Chapter 4: The Hunt part 2

Night of day 2

As soon as the door busted open, Cynthia did as her master ordered, she ran and ran she did for as long as her shroud ability would allow. Unfortunately, the shroud was an ability that didn't last long and had an especially long rest time.

So when the time came… she stopped! For now, she had to make a choice, does she continue to run along the road to head back to Redridge? The border which had a huge tower overseeing the area?

Or run into the forest in the hope that the cover of the trees will give her their blessing. For an elf like her, the forest would give her the most comfort and if there were to be an ambush, surely the road leading back would be the most likely choice for the enemy to bear their fangs.

POV Cynthia

["Huff…huff…damnit shroud is wearing off…. Hopefully, this is far enough! Luckily the kids aren't making a fuss right now. Now where should we go? The road seems the easiest but if I do have pursuers it'll be easier to lose them in the forest!"]

A few moments later

["Huff… I was right to have gone into the forest, I just hope Master Breezsong is able to get away!]

But just as she was feeling confident in her escape, reality struck! For a black-purple shadow bolt came flying at her chest! Quickly realizing the danger she dodged to the left while saying:

[dam that was close! That damn bolt almost hit the boy! ...Wait a minute… a shadow bolt!"]


[How amusing… you actually dodge that in time. My aim surely needs work, it seems like I have spent too much time away.]

"Who's there! Yelled Cynthia with concern".

[Has the world already forgotten my voice? Umm… My, my… little bunny I see you carrying two dead weights with you. Why don't you just… let 'em go?]

"NO! It can't be you! Why would you be here of all places!' Yelled Cynthia in a state of shock.

[My, is that any way to greet a prince!]

"Xavalis!' Yelled Cynthia with a shivering undertone.

Now Cynthia had the right to feel fear here, for what stood in front of her was a tall and powerful satyr whose father was Xavius himself! Hell, he was even blessed by Sargeras!

[Good! So you do know who I am. I feared that my long absence from the mortal world would have caused people's fear of me to wane… I'm so glad that it hasn't. ]Said Xavalis with an enthralled expression.

While Xavalis was busy enthralling himself in the fear of his adversary, dozens of fel-hunter, reanimated fel-dog bones, and creatures made up of several alien-like heads came out of the woods with a group of satyr in toe.

The satyrs then gathered themselves behind Xavalis, while the dogs were drooling oozing green flames, coupled with excitement and hunger taking their toll. The dogs could barely hold themselves back from pouncing on the prey set before them.

[Foolish little rabbit… did you really think you would be safe running into the woods? Did you really believe we couldn't find you? Go ahead and pray to your goddess! Let me see if she can save you from me!]

Cynthia knew full well that she stood no chance in a fight this big. Without wasting a single second she tossed out a smoke bomb and made a run for it as fast as she could.

[Good, Good little rabbit, run! Run as fast as you can! NOW THE HUNT TRULY BEGINS!] Yelled Xavalis at the top of his lungs with the excitement of a child receiving a new toy. But so enthralled in his fun, Xavalis failed to hear a subtle howl come from deep inside the forest.

Scared and slightly panicked, Cynthia zipped in and out from the trees and bushes with demons hot on her heels. If one got too close to nipping at her heels she would zoom around and gouge it! However, every time she turned around she would then have to dodge a shadow bolt aiming at her chest!

However after a while, she began to become suspicious as to why they only threw a shadow bolt when she turned around and not at her back, surely they could easily have shot her dozens of times over by now she thought. Thankful they hadn't otherwise the baby sister on her back would be long dead! As suspicious as that was, she wasn't able to hold onto the thought long enough to figure it out when the inevitable happened!

A fel-hunter jumped out of the bushes to her right! Shocked but not stupid she quickly jumped in the air in the hope of dodging the oncoming attack but unfortunately, her left leg wasn't so lucky! The creature bit down hard onto her left leg mauling its jagged teeth into her tender blue skin! while the leather pants she wore for protection were but decorations in front of such teeth.

Screaming but determined she didn't waste any time and stabbed the fel-hunter through the neck killing it instantly. But as she was focused on the fel-hunter she failed to notice the satyr coming from behind as he stabbed her in the shoulder! She then quickly turned around and sliced his throat! Injured and leaving a trail of blood Cynthia forced herself to tread on.

A few moment after the battle

[Fuck! Dam hellhounds! Their bite hurts! Huff… curse of slowness and weakness! Dam those warlocks! Ugh really! Dammit, I didn't want to have to use my cloak of shadows so soon… damn don't give up legs I am so close to the river! Then just a little bit more to the logging camp! Surely the guards there should be able to help me somewhat.

Ugh! Dam the bleeding won't stop… dam that satyr got lucky. If only I wasn't carrying these dead weights I wouldn't have gotten so injured… NO I mustn't think that way! What would my master say if he knew I thought like this? Sigh, but what could I do… these thoughts are what any normal rogue would have…after all, all rogues prioritize their own lives! What's wrong with that? After all, I don't want to die myself… Waah!] Said Cynthia

{Yes that right look at me girl! Now get your shit together! I just began my life and I don't want it to end already, but hot dam! First I woke up to a knife pointed at my throat. Now I have a legion of demons chasing me! What the hell! What kind of start is this? Whined the boy in frustration in his head.} Saud lanthios

Now as the boy was going through his own mental crisis. Cynthia who was, but moments ago harboring dark thoughts changed with a child's cry. For as she opened her panicked glowing eyes they were met with a calm golden glow. For as she stared into those two glowing gold lanterns she felt her heart calm and her mind at peace.

["Hell, I must be crazy! I am probably one of the few rogues out there that is willing to die for a pair of freaking gnolls! Of all creatures!] Said Cynthia with renewed determination.'

With renewed determination, she trucked along the burning trees and trampled bushes. She closed off the voices of the maniacal laughter of the satyrs, along with the hungry noise protruding from the hellhounds, just behind her.

She ignored her bleeding wounds, she ignored the pain, she dropped any unnecessary items, and she only kept her daggers and three healing potions. Then after the goddess Knows how long, she managed to make it to the river!

["Finally I made it! It's just a little more now! ] Said Cynthia in a hopeful voice.

[Those guards better hel….p…']


"No! Not here too!!! She said in despair".

As Cynthia stared across the river where her hope was, she inevitably found no hope but despair for across the river stood dozens of demon dogs of all kinds just waiting for her to cross! And just when the feeling of despair hit the hardest…


[Oh! Little rabbit! Oh! trap little rabbit! Is this the best you could do? Where did all your "speed' go? Where did all your burrows go? Surely you could have found a hole to "hide" in. HAHAHA!] Said Xavalis mockingly with his entourage.

[What? Nothing to say? Oh! Come now! Don't you find it even a little bit suspicious, how you could have made it this far in your injured state with dogs chasing you? Oh! How I love that look on your face! Yes! The looks of desperation and realization! Yes, that's right I ordered them not to kill you! Just so I could enjoy the hunt a little longer! But seeing this as far as you can go. I might as well just enjoy watching you die!] continued Xavalis

Cynthia's mind was in a state of despair, shock, and confusion. For she just couldn't figure out why the enemy in front of her was so determined to break her. With trembling legs and shaky hands, Cynthia subconsciously took a few steps back tripping on some dead logs.

As Xavalis walked ever close with full certainty of victory, but just as he reached out to grab the boy. A horrifyingly loud Howl came from the forest just behind Cynthia!

Sulfates_Cidif Sulfates_Cidif

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