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Chapter 2: Some small tricks


Some beggars from the beggar sect found their way over to john after a few days. They came in a large group with several different people that were all very skilled in magic.

John was about to ignore them until one of them said loudly " I don't want anything like some gold or gems, I only want to become rich so that I can be able to buy my family out of slavery!"

He looked at the rest of the group and nodded while laughing, he could tell that these were good people, they were all trying to better themselves. After hearing what he wanted, john gave him three pieces of gold each for everyone in his group. He also told him to use two of them and save the other piece of gold for future uses, which made the beggars even happier.

John decided to go to a new place after this and he ended up in an empty field where many animals were resting under the shade. There were sheep, cows, goats and horses just laying on their backs.

'Ahahah are they humans ?' John asked himself before waving his hand. The first thing that appeared was a huge cow which immediately jumped up when it heard its master's voice.

" Come here, little cow ." It said as it began walking towards John, who then turned around and pointed at the rest of them, he made some illusions appear among all of the animals in the place and made a lot of sounds in an attempt to scare them, which made the animals begin running around wildly while the sound echoed over the place.

A horse screamed while a sheep shouted in terror while they ran away from the illusionary sounds.

Another horse started jumping up and down on it's own with fear. All of this caused many other animals to start running around the fields and hills, causing some of them to end up getting hurt or breaking bones, the sight was both hilarious and dangerous for these poor animals. He stopped and asked the cow for some milk he was thirsty after all.

" Milk please litlle cow " showing at a basket near that he had created earlier. The cow then walked over to him while smiling. " okay master ! " The cow put her big things over the basket and pull out some milk.

Watching the scene John laughed at the animal and took the basket pouring himself a cup of milk 'hm hm that's a good drink!" he thought as he looked back down at the ground.

John smiled as the cow put his hands on her hips and began to dance around him. He stopped her and started strolling again, thanking the cow for the drink. He flied to find another town that was much bigger than the first 'what's up with these small towns?' he wondered while looking at them from above; there were no signs of people around either. After five minutes he found himself on top of a hill. He looked around and noticed several groups of people talking about something, and some were walking towards a place where they seemed to have a ceremony going on.

There were people of different races there as well and john felt excited. It felt like ages since he last saw some different people! So John decided to wait here until the ceremonies is done so he could go inside and make more of a commotion.

" Hey i don't believe what happened here..." A young girl said, but then she looked around for a moment as her eyes grew wide when she finally realized why she was in shock. " Oh my god, I'm actually standing infront of the legendary wizard that made an entire mountain disappear by waving his hand over it." She continued while smiling excitedly. John just looked down at her while smiling silently, and didn't say anything back until she walked up closer to him.

She then pointed behind him saying " That is not an ordinary person standing right here! He can probably change the shape of his body too!" Her friends agreed as she went on and asked ' What about changing the shape of our bodies?' She continued before pointing to herself.

'Oh this will be fun.' He thought after a few minutes while watching the girls running away in fear after seeing how he changed his body into something else. John watched them as they kept running in panic while shouting to each other in shock and fear.

He transformed himself as an orc; then began waving his arms to make himself look bigger, which made people begin screaming in horror as he approached them. When he was close enough everyone stopped walking or running and instead started fleeing in every direction; they didn't seem to know what to do anymore. He then made a huge shadow appear over one of the women in a panic who tried to run away from it. This time John stopped her right in front of him and grabbed her arm tightly while looking at her with an evil expression.

" You dare to talk shit about me? " John said angrily while making his voice sound deep from far away; the girl looked scared and started stammering out her words. " No no! Please sir please let go of me! I...I was just joking!" The girl continued as she started panicking even more, which made John laugh to himself 'I see you are scared of me! " He thought.

The woman tried to walk away while saying that she wasn't scared, but John held tight on her arm forcing her to stay. He looked down at her again and asked " Do you think you are the only one around here?" He said while looking at some other people running away.

" Of course not I mean we all should fear him." She continued, before noticing something and stopping herself for a moment " Wait! I can sense magic coming from his hands, he's using his magic powers!" She whispered quietly as she looked back up to face him. John noticed this as well and smiled.

" So you don't really have the guts to say anything against me huh?"

She shook her head 'no' and continued 'i just wanted to warn everyone to be careful around you!'

John nodded while watching people starting to come out from the crowd after hearing the commotion they made. People were still running away from him but more and more began standing around to watch. He waved his hand and made a large black ball appear, he then placed it into the ground while making a big hole in it and pulled out a sword from inside the earth.

The sound of metal clacking against the ground made everyone in the crowd scream in terror; they also heard the loud echo as the sound bounced through the whole place.

One of them shouted " It's like he has a giant sword hidden within the earth!" which caused people to begin talking amongst each other. He put his foot on the sword and began dragging it around, this time he dragged it towards one of the girls who was standing at the back watching him from far away, everyone in the area were terrified by his appearance and the noises he had been making until now.

John made sure that this girl stood in front of him as he started laughing loudly 'you think I would go easy on you after what you've done? I don't let ugly girls touch this master' he thought to himself. He grabbed her hair and pulled her up before placing his left hand on her chin while pushing with his right, causing the woman to fall back and slam against a tree.

" That was for your looks, little one! " He said as he started laughing while pulling her up again with her hands behind her back. He continued laughing while doing so until another person ran up to him and tried to stop him from doing anything further. This made John angry as he pushed the person away. " You think you can get in my way!?" he yelled angrily while continuing laughing.

Another person then came up to try and help her out, this time it was a man who was trying to stop the woman's struggles while she was trying to escape. The man looked confused when john turned towards him and growled while pulling out his own sword. " Who are you supposed to be? " he asked while looking at the man with pure hatred.

" You don't need to know that!" He replied while looking back at the man with a cold glare. A group of women approached the man to tell him to get out of the way but they stopped once they saw john's intimidating face and body. " Please leave them alone, they will do nothing to you!"

He could hear someone crying in the distance which made John turn around and see a young girl who was lying on the ground while some men were dragging her along by her arm. He stopped faking being a bad guy and summoned chain onto their bodies 'chain the noobs!' he thought before turning back towards them; it seemed like they weren't going to leave anytime soon, and John decided to show them what happens if you get on his bad side. He looked at the people who were holding her as he said loudly " Stop it now or i'll have you all arrested by the authorities! " He screamed while pulling out his sword and showing it to the crowd, many people began panicking.

One of them shouted " What authority are you talking about? Are you the ruler of this region?"

He slit the talking guy in one slash and threw it into the crowd while walking towards another man " Answer me or ill have you all thrown in jail!" He continued.

The crowd became silent after seeing him slice a person up, causing the girl who was lying down to stand up again as she began sobbing silently, while also grabbing onto her arm that had been injured.

John looked at the girl who stood up again before healing her wound with a wave of his hand making it disappear completely. He then turned back towards the rest of them while pointing to all them while the girl ran away. He stop and turned invisible while regaining his normal body, he decided to do something else.


In the night people were dancing around under the moonlight while having fun together in celebration; there was a big festival going on here. Everyone was dancing while singing and drinking in celebration of whatever event is currently taking place.

A man was watching everyone while drinking alcohol in celebration of himself for doing well for himself, which made him sastified. This world is really good, but i need inspiration. He turned invisible, so no one can see him. He took out his sword and started swinging it in front of himself until he finally stopped and put the blade back to the ground, making it disappear. 'What now?' he thought to himself.

He went up from the ground and walked toward one of the tents that were standing on top of the hills nearby; it was very quiet around here and didn't have much noise, only the wind whistled through the trees while carrying the sounds of people celebrating to each other. John opened the tent and found many things inside such as swords, spears, and armor that could be worn by people. The idea came to him and changed them into plastic toys! Then walked away silently 'now let's wait'.

A few moments later after someone entered the tent he cried and shouted " where are my weopons! Why are they toys for children!ah!"

The music noise stopped and everyone looked in the direction " why is this guy crying, quick someone go there " a young woman shouted to her friend before running to where he was crying at.

'He looks familiar, i've seen him somewhere before.' She thought while rushing towards him. " Ah there you are! My weapons are gone, where are they!?' Said the man while playing with the toys.

The girl looked at him and answered " They're not real, they aren't yours so they cannot belong to anyone except those who bought them." She said while shaking her head.

" But they used to be mine!"

She laughed a bit and everyone came looking at them including the man who was still crying. " What did you do!? Did you steal these from him?! " One of them asked while pointing at him.

"Fuking dumbass this are the same sword but toys for babies you can't even cut your little thing with that" The man responded while laughing.

Everyone began arguing among themselves until one of the men started punching the man in anger, while others joined in. John simply stayed aside and observed everything as they got into a fight between each other. He laughed inwardly and made the ground slippery, which made everyone slip and fall down.

They all fell flat on their backs with tears rolling out of their eyes while screaming in pain. He walked away from there while laughing loudly.

They tried to get up but falled again because of how slippery the ground was. Some of them managed to crawl away while the ones who couldn't move were trampled on by the others.

After a few hours of waiting John felt bored stop the illusion and decided to go somewhere else.

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